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A wide shot from the side profile of ARCHIE HAYES looking

on his laptop with headphones on. BROOKE comes up behinds him
and takes his headphones off and closes his laptop. BROOK
walks away and ARCHIE rolls his eyes before standing up and
getting his coat and bag, kissing his mum on the cheek and
left the front door. Cutting to walking down the stairs of the
apartment and out the main door. Cutting to him opening the
main door and tracking shot of him walking down the road and
through and alleyway. Cutting to another shot of him walking
by the strange older guy, making brief eye contact before he
walks inside. End of credits scene.


A shot over the shoulder of ARCHIE HAYES from the back. The
computer plays a blur video from YouTube, watching the glare
of ARCHIES face. Cutting to a close up shot of his face,
background out of focus until a slightly older man, with a
black hood covering his face, shadowing his features coming
into view. ARCHIE keeps looking at the computer screen,
oblivious to the guy behind him. As the stranger walks closer
behind him, dropping a mysterious object into ARCHIES black
puffy coat pocket in a (another close-up), which is hanging
inside out, over the back of the chair.
He notices how the older man is standing too close behind him,
and turns to look at him with a confused look on his face.
Switching to a POV shot watching the older man stalk away to
the way out.
ARCHIE watches the retreating man, shaking it off and looking
back at the computer screen.
The light dims in the next shot, to make the sky looks like an
early night. He stands up, gathering his things to leave. The
shot tracks the characters movement until he leaves the shot,
focusing on the older man hiding slightly behind a wall, with
a smirk on his face.


It was a dry yet cold early evening, when ARCHIE walks back
home in the small three-bed apartment from the local library.
The shot shows he loudly unlocks the front door the side,
stepping in and kicks the door shut behind him. Cutting to the
front profile tracking shot of the coat being thrown in the
room. Hearing a slight thump of something falling out. Cuts to
a close-up of ARCHIES face when he hears the noise, and turns
slowly to his bedroom door. Switching shot again to the
bedroom door as he walks over to it and lifts his coat up, and
looking at the floor, where there is a small USB. Showed with
a shot reverse shot between ARCHIE and THE USB, before a close
up shot of him picking it up, and looking at the little note
of lined paper with a little note on it, but cutting to a
closer look, it’s just a symbol. He shakes his head and places
it in his jeans pocket and walking out of the bedroom, and
into the kitchen.
Cutting to the inside of the kitchen, focusing on ARCHIE
walking into the kitchen and turning the fridge. Cutting to an
and over the shoulder shot to a close up shot a little note on
the fridge “Be back late- mum x”.
Shot reverse shot of ARCHIE reading the note before putting
the note on the table. Then opening up the fridge, close up
with the camera facing ARCHIE as he grabs ingredients and
closes the door on the lens.
Cutting to him sitting on the sofa, getting comfortable and
turning the tv on.


At around 6pm at the night, the sky is dark and the tv is

still playing, creating a light glow on ARCHIES face as he
lays across the sofa. The light mumbling on the tv can only be
heard. Cutting to a slow close up of ARCHIES face, until a
high-pitched beeping noise goes off, jumping him awake. He
looks around frantically, still half asleep looking for the
noise, before freezing and looking down at his thigh. The
camera follows his gaze to his leg, where it cuts to a close-
up of his pocket. The background noise fades as the sound and
camera focuses on the beeping noise.
He slowly puts his hand in his pocket, leaning back a little
to try and grab it. He grabs the USB and holds it to his face;
the beeping significantly louder not being covered by denim.
Then the beeping stops and he puts it on the table. Cutting to
wide shot taken behind in a camera held shot- to make it look
like someone is watching him before switching back to ARCHIES
Then he looks at the USB again, licking his lips and
contemplating looking what’s on it, before sighing and walking
away, coming back with his LAPTOP.

ARCHIE placed the laptop on the table before sighing deeply as

he opened it up. Cutting to a wide shot of the sofa and ARCHIE
sitting right in the middle of it. Unfocused in the
background, seeing a black blur walk behind him, light and
slow footsteps being heard. Archie whips his head around,
looking through the doorway where the blur came into view,
before turning back and logging into his laptop. Plugging in
the USB. At the same time, all the lights go out and ARCHIE
sits there in darkness.
ARCHIE jumps when the lights go out, but stands up to check
the switches and the lights don’t turn on after he flips the
switches a couple of times.


He walks back into the kitchen, cutting the shot to a back

wide shot, as he rummages through the drawers to find candles
and a lighter, with his phone light to guide his way. Closing
the draw the same time someone bangs on the front door. He
stands to move to the front door slowly (cutting to close-up
zooming in) as he looks through the peephole, only to see no
one there, except a couple of muddy footprints ending at the
front door. ARCHIE speeds back to the living room, lighting
the candles and surrounding the laptop. Going to look through
the USB, only to find it missing.
He panics and searches around the table and underneath the
table, looking if he dropped it.
Before leaving a hand on the table to lift himself up, looking
down at the table and seeing the USB unplugged from his
laptop. ARCHIE looks at it spooked before turning over his
shoulder when he hears footsteps, before picking up the USB
quickly and plugging it in. Typing at his laptop, eyes
scanning the screen as disturbing images pop up with a trigger
warning. Cut to over the shoulder shot of ARCHIE panicking as
he clicks through the photos.

He closes the laptop in a panic after seeing a photo of his

mum covered in blood, laying on the ground in her workspace.
He gets up to the phone, attempting to call his mum when the
older stranger comes up behind him. Cutting to a flashing
scene as the lights flicker on and off, of the two having a
struggle in the kitchen. Cutting to a black screen, then
cutting to ARCHIE laying on the floor, leaning on his palms
and breathing heavily. Shot moving over to a partially open
door, creaking slightly as it moved. Cutting back to ARCHIES
face as the shot moves with him standing up, cutting to an
over the shoulder shot of him looking at the door. Walking
closer over to it, and pushing it open and peeking through the


The scene cuts to ARCHIE walking into the hallway where the
creaky door is, the dull hallway suddenly lit by the lights
turning back on. Startling ARCHIE a little bit. He steps out
an walks slowly down the now lit hallway. Before cutting to
ARCHIES back as he looks back to where he came from after
hearing glass breaking. Before turning back and bolting to the
front door and trying to leave, before feeling a gun at the
back of his head, the shot continues following ARCHIES gaze to
the stranger and attempts to knock the gun out of his hand.
They struggle again trying to kick the gun away, before ARCHIE
panics holding the gun. Shot reverse shot between the barrel
of the gun, to the covered face of the stranger. Before
cutting to a flash of light covering the camera lenses and
glowing down on the panicked face of ARCHIE, cutting to the
now dead body on the floor, lying in a puddle of blood (or
just a partial shot of him lying on the floor).


ARCHIE then stands looking down at the fun in disbelief before

dropping the gun and running into the living room, rubbing his
hands over his face and chin, almost panic attack looking.
Before stopping and turning to see the USB stick, still
plugged into the laptop.


Cutting to a shot of ARCHIES trainers, walking past the white

sheet covered body in his hallway, red and blue lights
flashing through the frosted windows and the loud siren
blaring in his ears.
He stands outside his front door, by himself now at almost
midnight, looking down at the cursed USB in his hand, looking
at it almost angrily at it, before throwing it down and
smashing it into pieces. Standing up and looking out the sky,
before sighing and turning around. Wide shot to ARCHIE walking
back into the apartment building and closing the door behind
him. Ending the shot.


The scene ends with going black and showing the title in all
white and bold font. Before going black again and showing the
shot of the body in a white sheet again and flashing between
that and the effects of the events on ARCHIE. Adding the
casting and directors credits at the end. Going blank and the
music cutting off with a glitch ending the short film.

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