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West Prime Horizon Institute, Inc.

V. Sagun St, Pagadian City, Philippines


(4A’s Approach)
Grade 12

At the end of the lesson, 80% of students are expected to:
a. Discuss and understand the use of Media and Information Languages.
b. Appreciate the importance of those various three types of Media Codes.
c. Appertain those three media codes used for Media and Information Languages.


KEYNOTE: Quarter 1 – Module 6: Media and Information Languages (Media

Languages and Codes)

REFFERENCE: Books Liquigan, Boots C. Media and Information Literacy. Philippine:

DIWA Learning System Inc., 2016 Zarate, Jovita E. Media and
Information Literacy. 1st ed. Philippine: Rex Book Store, Inc. 2016

Web Sites “Internet Basics”. (accessed 21 June 2020)
Dwyer, “David Top 12 Best Search Engines in the World”,
engines-inthe-world238 (Accessed 21 June 2020) “Media
Convergence: Opportunities and Challenges.”
convergenceopportunities-ans-challenges/ (accessed 21 June 2020)
itok=y_8Lr7dR (Accessed 11 August 2020) (Accessed 21
June 2020)
library-to-go-digital/ (Accessed 21 June 2020)
MATERIALS: Manila Paper & Colored Paper, Printed Materials

VALUES INTEGRATION: How do we apply the significance of Media and

Information Languages, particularly Media Languages and Codes?
(Collaboration and Communication)
STRATEGIES: 4 A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)

Teacher's Suggestion Teacher's Classification Students' Interaction

A. Preliminaries Good morning, young students! How are Yes, Sir, we are eager to
Activities you doing today? Are you looking forward hear about our upcoming
to our new lesson? lesson.
Okay, that's great to hear! As a result, I
anticipate that you will pay attention to our
new topic today, Quarter 1 – Module 6: Sir, you are correct.
Media and Information Languages.

Prayer Let us pray before we begin our topic for (Select students who want
today, asking God for reverence and to pray) (Anyone in the
wisdom for the rest of our discussion. class can lead us in prayer
in awe of our almighty

Classroom Please arrange your seats and pick up some (Students neatly arrange
Management papers and trash from the front or side of their chairs and pick up
your sets before we start our lessons so that some wrappers to throw
we may begin our sessions today with a away.)
clean classroom environment and train
ourselves to be more responsible and
correct etiquette.

Checking of Please say present if your last name has (Teacher, students declare
Attendance and been called and raise your right hand so their last name and
Assignment that I can see you as a class present. present!).

Do we have an assignment, students?

None, Sir!

Motivation Before we proceed to our discussion for (I'd choose just several
today, let us first have a short activity. The students from the class to
activity will be called "Identify each identify the symbol of each
Symbol." Are you familiar with that pictures given in the
activity, students? Okay, Class, I will post board.)
the activities on the board and then, I will
name several students to guess the symbol
in front of the board.

B. Identification: Identify each symbol.

I will select students who
# Symbol Meaning/What want to answer the
it represents. activities by calling their
1. last names to identify the


Yes, Sir let’s see if we got

the correct answered.






Let's check your answers to see if you got

the correct answer for the identifying
symbols according to the pictures.

Thank you, students, for participating in

our activities today about the symbol sign
of media; from now on, we will have group
activities before starting our new lesson

A. Activity The class will be divided into three groups. (The class will count off 1-
(Groupings) (Please count off 1-3). 3)

1. Group yourselves according to your

number. And each group will be given
a task. For Group 1, this activity is
about Round-robin
brainstorming: What is the essence of
Media Languages?
Students are divided into small
groups, and each group is assigned
a topic or question to brainstorm
ideas on. One student starts
brainstorming and then passes the
concept on to the next student until
everyone can contribute.

(The teacher will give them an index card

to exchange ideas with their teammates
and exert the collaboration and creativity
of their group participation.)

Benefits of this Learning Activity:

           (is that your group uses other
people's ideas to generate even more
without being influenced by assertive or
vocal team members. If your team has shy
or low-confidence members, this method
can help them feel more comfortable.)

2. Then Group 2 will do a Role-Play

Scenario about Media and
Information Languages in exercises,
allowing students to assume a person's
role or act out a given situation. These
roles can be performed by individual
students, in pairs, or in groups which
can play out a more complex scenario. 
Benefits of this Learning Activity:
            (Motivate and engage
 Enhance current teaching strategies
 Provide real-world scenarios to
help students learn
 Learn skills used in real-world
situations (negotiation, debate,
teamwork, cooperation, persuasion)
 Provide opportunities for critical
observation of peers.)

3. The Group 3 activity is about

Identifying Symbol pictures for re-
assembling and arranging Picture
Puzzles. Players complete this simple
game by assembling many small pieces
that connect. Each piece contains a
small part of the whole picture.
Benefits of this Learning Activity: (Each group will do their
           (Developed collaboration, own assign task)
communication, and problem-solving in
finding solutions to the problem.)

(You have 10 minutes to work on your

activity; each group will present in front of
the class afterward. Do you understand the
tasked students?)

B. Analysis
The teacher will gather the students' work, (Group 1 representative
and I will check if they participated in the will present their work and
group. Let's begin with group 1. Their task share about what are the
is to do Round-robin brainstorming. ideas each group created
in terms of the word of
What is the essence of
media languages.)

What is the essence of

Great Job, Group 1! well done. You've Media Languages? 
explained well your understanding of the
essence of media languages. (The teacher
gives some rewards to the groups.)

The teacher will gather the students' work, (All Group 2 will present
and I will check if they participated in the their role-play scenario in
group. Let's jump up for group 2. Their connection with the Media
task is to do Role- Playing.  and Information
Languages for portraying
collaboration and
creativity in delivering
their realistic acting in the

Role-Play the scenario

Great Job, Group 2! well done. You've about Media and
delivered the context of Media and Information Languages.
Information Languages and performed
your best in executing your assigned roles.
(The teacher gives some rewards to the

The teacher will gather the students' work,

and I will check if they participated in the
group. Let's jump up for group 3. Their (All Group 3 will execute
task is to do Picture Puzzles. the reassembled Identifying
Symbol pictures by
arranging them

They are identifying

Great Job, Group 3! well done. You've Symbol pictures in
fixed the problem in solving the assembling the puzzles.
reassembled puzzles. (The teacher gives
some rewards to the groups.)

C. Abstraction
The teacher will about the Media Students are paying
Languages and Codes, Including the types attention to my discussion
of Media Codes in Media and Information and inquiring about what
Languages. they have learned from it.

What is the difference between media (Asking students from the

languages and codes?  class and explain their own
Media languages and codes are related ideas and thoughts about
concepts, but they refer to different media the difference between
communication aspects. media languages and
Media Languages. These are codes,
conventions, formats, symbols and
narrative structures that indicate the
meaning of media messages to an
(Students are listening to
Codes. In media studies, codes are known the discussion and
as a system or collection of signs that understand, Carefully.)
create meaning when put together.
Three Types of Media Codes
1. The Symbolic Codes
These codes show what is beneath the (Students are listening to
surface of what we see (objects, setting, the discussion and
body language, clothing, color, etc.) or understand, Carefully.)
iconic symbols that are easily understood.
Symbolic codes in media include setting,
mise en scene, acting and color.
Example: What does a clenched fist (Yes, Sir Agreeing to my
symbolizes? explanation and some of
them are confuse in my

A clenched fist may convey anger.

a. Setting is the time and place of the

narrative. A setting can be a s big as the
galaxy or space, or as small as a specific

b. Mise en Scene means the stage setting,

everything within the frame.

c. Acting. The actors portray characters in

media products and contribute to character
development, creating tension or
d. Color has highly cultural and strong
connotations. When studying the use of
color in a media product the different
aspects to be looked at are: Dominant
Contrasting foils, and Color Symbolism.

2. Technical Codes
The technical codes include sound, camera
angles, types of shots and lightning. They
may include, for example, ominous music (Students are listening to
to communicate danger in a feature film, or the discussion and
high-angle camera shots to create a feeling understand, Carefully.)
of power in a photograph.

Film makers control what the audience

focus on and therefore every shot is
chosen for a reason. Changing how an (Yes, Sir Agreeing to my
object or person is framed can drastically explanation and some of
alter how audience react to that character/ them are confuse in my
object. There is no such thing as neutral. discussion.)

Camerawork refers to how the camera is

operated, positioned and moved for
specific effects.

Editing is the process of choosing,

manipulating and arranging images and

Audio is the expressive or naturalistic use

of sound. The three aspects of audio are:
Dialogue, Sound effects, and Music.

Lighting is the manipulation of natural or

artificial light to selectively highlight
specific elements of the scene.

Types of Camera Shot Sizes

1. Extreme Wide Shot (ELS)
2. Long Shot (LS) / Wide Shot (WS)
3. Full Shot (FS)
4. Medium Long Shot (MLS) /
Medium Wide Shot (MWS)
5. Cowboy Shot
6. Medium Shot (MS)
7. Medium Close Up (MCU)
8. Close Up (CU)
9. Extreme Close UP (ECU)
(Students are listening to
Photo caption - also known as cut lines,
the discussion and
are a few lines of text used to explain or
understand, Carefully.)
elaborate on published photographs.
Comic Strips – is a sequence of drawings
arranged in interrelated panels to display
brief humor or form a narrative, often
serialized, with text in balloons and (Yes, Sir Agreeing to my
captions. explanation and some of
Camera Shot Framing – is the art and them are confuse in my
science of placing subjects in your shots. discussion.)

Types of Camera Shot Framing

1. Single Shot –What you shot captures
one subject it’s known as a single shot.
2. Two Shot – is camera shot with two
characters featured in the frame.
3. Three Shot – A three-shot features
three characters in the frame.
4. Over-the Shoulder Shot (OTS)-
Another element of camera shot to
consider is the perspective of the shot. An
over-the-shoulder shot shows your subject
from behind the shoulder of another
5. Point-of-View Shot (POV) - A POV
shot is camera shot that shows the viewer
exactly what the character sees. This
transports the audience into the character.

Camera Focus
What is depth of Field?
Depth of Field (DOF) is the term used to
describe the size of the area in your image
where objects appear acceptably sharp. The
area in questions is known as the field, and
the size (in z-space) of the area is the depth
of that field.

1. Rack
Types Focus /Shot
of Camera Focus
2. Shallow Focus
3. Deep Focus
4. Tilt-Shift (Students are listening to
the discussion and
understand, Carefully.)
3. Written Codes – it is use of language
style and textual layout (headlines,
captions, speech bubbles, language
style, etc.) The study of written codes
includes: (Yes, Sir Agreeing to my
- Headlines / Titles – It is the text explanation and some of
indicating the nature of the article them are confuse in my
below it. discussion.)
- Typeface/Font
- Slogans / Taglines
- Captions (print) or inter-titles
(moving image)
- Style
- Choice of words - Emphasis of
The use of language style and textual
layout also express meaning. In
newspapers for instance, the layout speaks
about the degree of importance of a news
story with respect to other news stories.
Conventions are accepted ways of using
media codes. Conventions are closely
connected to the audience expectations of a
media product.
Form conventions are the certain ways we
expect types of media codes to be
Story conventions are common narrative
structures and understandings that are
common in story telling media products.
Genre conventions point to the common
use of images, characters, settings or
themes in a particular type of medium.


Types of Signs
A. Regulatory Signs – signs that
inform road users of traffic laws
and regulations which, if
disregarded, will constitute an
1. Priority Signs, like Stop sign,
give way sign, left turner
must give way
2. Direction Signs
3. Prohibitive / Restriction Signs
4. Speed Signs
5. Parking Signs
6. Miscellaneous Signs
B. Warning signs – Signs used to
warn motorists of potentially (Yes, Sir, we understand it,
hazardous conditions on or Sir.)
adjacent to the road.
1. Horizontal signs (None, Sir / Some students
2. Intersection signs are asking questions.)
3. Advance Warning/ Traffic
Control Device Signs
4. Road Width Signs
5. Road Obstacle Signs
6. Pedestrian School Signs

Did you understand the three types of

media codes?

Any Questions or clarifications regarding

the topic? That's good to hear, class.

D. Application Just get a piece of paper in your ¼ sheet of
paper. Brief and Concise. (Essay type
Equivalent of 10pts)
(The students are writing
Differentiate the importance of three an easy for the
types of Media Codes. application.)

Values Integration
How do we apply the significance of Media and Information Languages, particularly
Media Languages and Codes?

“It is just by applying those three types of Media Codes, which are The Symbolic Codes,
that teach us how we understand what we see, including objects, settings, body
language, clothing, color, etc.) The Technical Codes where we need to understand the
concept include the sound, camera angles, types of shots, and lightning. To develop your
skills in using new ideas for creating filmmaking videos or photographs using
smartphones or cameras, whither what is available for us in using different types pieces
of equipment. The last one is Written Codes, which could be language style and textual
layouts; the best example is newspapers or Regulatory and Written Signs.”
(Collaboration and Communication)

Activity 1: Symbols. An answer could be a form of phrase or a sentence.

1. What does a red Rose symbolize?


2. What does the colors in a traffic light symbolize?

Community Signs and Symbols
a. Identify the signs and symbols in your community that are used for a variety of
purposes to convey information (e.g. for directions, locations of attractions, etc.).
b. Describe the verbal and visual ‘languages’ used in these signs and symbols so
they are commonly understood by people in your community. Consider the use of
font, stylized images, design, etc.

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