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Name : Davina Shafa Felisya

Class : 2A BIKBP (4)
Bun, hidup berjalan seperti bajingan Mom, life goes like a bastard
Seperti landak yang tak punya teman Like a hedgehog who has no friends
Ia menggonggong bak suara hujan He barks like the sound of rain
Dan kau pangeranku, mengambil peran And you my prince, take the role
Bun, kalau saat hancur ku disayang Mom, when I'm broken, I'll be loved
Apalagi saat ku jadi juara Especially when I become champion
Saat tak tahu arah kau di sana When you don't know where you are going
Menjadi gagah saat ku tak bisa
Be brave when I can't be
Sedikit ku jelaskan tentangku dan kamu
Let me explain a little about me and you
Agar seisi dunia tahu
So that the whole world knows
Keras kepalaku sama denganmu
I'm as stubborn as you
Caraku marah, caraku tersenyum
The way I get angry, the way I smile
Seperti detak jantung yang bertaut
Like linked heartbeats
Nyawaku nyala karena denganmu
My life lights up because of you
1. “Bun, hidup berjalan seperti bajingan” (Mom, life goes like a bastard)
= The figure of speech in the first line can also be interpreted as an expression of strong sarcasm
which is usually called sarcasm. The word “bastard” in the first line has a negative connotation.
2. “Seperti landak yang tak punya teman” (Like a hedgehog who has no friends)
= In the second line the simile figure of speech is shown with the word "like"
3. “Ia menggonggong bak suara hujan” (He barks like the sound of rain)
= In the 3rd line the simile figure of speech is shown with the word "bak", in the first phrase in
the 3rd line he is barking as if it were the same as the sound of rain. The meaning of barking in
the lyrics is an expression of a heart's voice that sounds noisy, like the sound of rain.
4. “Dan kau pangeranku, mengambil peran” (And you my prince, take the role)
= There is hyperbole, because the use of the word "prince" is very excessive. Assonance figures
of speech in lines 1-4, the repetition of the vowel 'a' occurs repeatedly in almost every word in
one lyric line.
5. “Bun, kalau saat hancur ku disayang” (Mom, when I'm broken, I'll be loved)
6. “Apalagi saat ku jadi juara” (Especially when I become champion)
= The combination of these two lines reveals a satirical language style in the form of inuendo.
This figure of speech is included because there is criticism with indirect suggestions.
7. “Saat tak tahu arah kau di sana” (When you don't know where you are going
8. “Menjadi gagah saat ku tak bisa” (Be brave when I can't be)
= The lyrics in lines 7-8 also have a continuity of meaning in which there is a presupposition or
wishful thinking as well as despair which is emphasized in line 8.
9. “Sedikit ku jelaskan tentangku dan kamu” (Let me explain a little about me and
= Starting with an adjective, then followed by a subject and a predicate. In this line there is a
reversal of word order where the verb in the lyrics is located after the word "a little."
10. “Agar seisi dunia tahu” (So that the whole world knows)
= There is hyperbole in the words "the whole world knows", which is a style of language in
which there is a statement expressed by exaggerating words.
11. “Keras kepalaku sama denganmu” (I'm as stubborn as you)
= In line 11 the consonant 'k' repeats its sound over and over again in the phrase "my
stubbornness" which is a form of alliteration.
12. “Caraku marah, caraku tersenyum” (The way I get angry, the way I smile)
= Polysidenton language style is a language style whose use is the opposite of asyndeton.
13. “Seperti detak jantung yang bertaut” (Like linked heartbeats)
= The hyphenation in the lyrics of the song Bertaut is found in line 13 "like linked heartbeats"
where the verb bertaut cannot be compared to a bond between an object and another object.
Hypalase is a style of language that focuses on the choice of special words which are intended to
clarify a word with a different idea.
14. “Nyawaku nyala karena denganmu” (My life lights up because of you)
= In the phrase my life is burning in line 14, it is a metaphor because the word life is equated
with the nature of fire or other objects that can burn, so the word could become a simile if the
phrase is changed to my life is like a burning fire. And also experienced repetition of the sound
over and over again in the phrase "my life is on" which is a form of alliteration.
“Bun, hidup berjalan seperti bajingan” The word bastard in the first line has a negative
(Mom, life goes like a bastard) connotation which means the word less open or
impolite, criminal, and pickpocket.
“Seperti landak yang tak punya teman” In the second line means that he often feels like
(Like a hedgehog who has no friends) he has no friends and is isolated in life.
“Ia menggonggong bak suara hujan” From the word "gonggong" refers to the sound
(He barks like the sound of rain) produced by dogs. So it means that we are often
as noisy as the sound of heavy rain.
“Dan kau pangeranku, mengambil peran” Then, in the fourth line the word "prince"
(And you my prince, take the role) Referring to a son in the kingdom, this line
means that his mother will always take the role
of saving him from various dangers.
“Bun, kalau saat hancur ku disayang” This line means that when he is in a down and
(Mom, when I'm broken, I'll be loved) sad state, his mother will always give him love.
“Apalagi saat ku jadi juara” This line means that no matter what, when he is
(Especially when I become champion) happy, his mother will always be by his side.
“Saat tak tahu arah kau di sana” Contains the meaning that when he is
(When you don't know where you are going directionless, confused, and down, mother will
there) always be by his side.
“Menjadi gagah saat ku tak bisa” This means that mother will always give him
(Be brave when I can't be) strength when he is in a down and sad situation
“Sedikit ku jelaskan tentangku dan kamu” Contains the meaning that he will tell the world
(Let me explain a little about me and you) that he and his mother have a close and sharp
mind and love.
“Agar seisi dunia tahu” Contains the meaning that he will tell the world
(So that the whole world knows) that he and his mother have a close and sharp
mind and love.
“Keras kepalaku sama denganmu” Means having stubbornness exactly like mother.
(I'm as stubborn as you)
Caraku marah, caraku tersenyum” Starting from the way he gets angry, and smiles
(The way I get angry, the way I smile) just like his mother.
“Seperti detak jantung yang bertaut” The word linked in this line has the meaning of
(Like linked heartbeats) a very close emotional bond between mother
and child.
“Nyawaku nyala karena denganmu” This means that the child's soul or soul will
(My life lights up because of you) shine because of the presence of the mother

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