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Origin of Role-Playing
It was designed by Dr. J. L. Moreno as a technique in 1910.

What is Role-Playing?

 Role-playing is taking on the role of others, or assuming the part of another person in
 “Act of pretending”
 Role-playing takes place in various Contexts.
 Role plays engage students in real-life situations in the context of learning.
 When it comes to theatre, role playing is a fundamental skill that allows actors to be
successful in their roles.

Structuring a Role Play

 Choice of Scenarios
 Choice of Roles
Defining roles range from specific to general
 Involve in the role play

Main Types of Role-play according to Lesly Kahn (2022)

• Live-action Role-playing

takes place face-to-face.

“Theater-style“ -a story-based live-action

• Text-Based Role-playing

Role-playing takes place online and focuses on writing.

• Tabletop Role-playing

-typically sit around a table with a group of people, and take turns describing
what your character does.

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