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By Jedrick Garado Q Von Santillan
Having good food preparation on food products in Antipolo
Senior High School is essential for achieving flavorful, nutritious,
and safe culinary creations. By proper cutting techniques, using
appropriate cooking temperatures, and enhancing flavor
profiles, individuals can elevate the quality of their dishes.
Investing in high-quality cookware and essential kitchen tools
further contributes to efficient food preparation in laboratory
rooms in Antipolo Senior High School. Lastly, practicing food
safety measures and maintaining organization and time
management are crucial for a smooth cooking process. By
incorporating these practices and techniques, individuals can
enhance their food preparation skills and create exceptional
Review of Related Literature: Proper Cutting Techniques is one fundamental aspect of food preparation is mastering
proper cutting techniques. According to Johnson et al. (2017), using the correct knife and employing appropriate cutting
methods, such as julienne, dice, and chiffonade, can significantly impact the texture According to Garcia and Martinez
(2019), planning and prioritizing tasks, keeping a tidy workspace, and utilizing time-saving techniques, such as prepping
ingredients in advance, can significantly improve efficiency in the kitchen. Adhering to proper food safety measures is
crucial in ensuring the safety and quality of prepared food. A study by Smith and Johnson (2021) emphasized the
importance of practicing good hygiene, such as washing hands regularly, sanitizing surfaces, and storing food at
appropriate temperatures. Following these best practices reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses and maintains the
integrity of food products. In addition to cookware, having essential kitchen tools can greatly enhance food preparation.
According to Li et al. (2018), tools like a sharp chef's knife, a reliable cutting board, and measuring utensils are
indispensable for efficient and accurate cooking. Having a well-equipped kitchen can streamline the preparation
process and contribute to the overall quality of the final product. optimal cooking temperature is Cooking at the correct
temperatures is essential for achieving desirable results in food preparation. A study by Thompson and Smith (2019)
emphasized the significance of using appropriate cooking temperatures to ensure food safety and prevent bacterial
contamination. Properly cooked food not only guarantees safety but also enhances the taste and texture of dishes.
Data Collection Methods: Questioners are another in-person research
technique in which researchers ask people to answers question by survey
form. Survey form, can be useful when a researcher is interested in
discussing something personal with a particular demographic. Some
questions may require extensive discussion or questioning, so having one-
on-one interviews may be the best option for gathering as much
information as possible.
1. How would you rate your perceived 3. What specific factors contribute to your
level of preparation before attending
01 03
sense of preparation? (Select all that apply)?
your Cookery classes?A. Very A. Pre-class materials provided B. Access to
necessary ingredients and equipment C. Clear
Inadequate B. Inadequate C. Neutral D.
instructions from teachers D. Previous cooking
Adequate E. Very Adequate
experience E. Other (please specify): _______

2. Do you feel adequately prepared for your 4. How confident do you feel in your culinary skills

02 Cookery classes?A. Strongly Disagree B.

Disagree C. Neutral D. Agree E. Strongly Agree 04 after attending your Cookery classes?A. Not
Confident at All B. Slightly Confident C. Moderately
Confident D. Very Confident E. Extremely Confident

5,Which specific culinary skills do you believe have

improved the most through your Cookery classes?

05 (Select up to three)?A. Knife skills B. Cooking

techniques C. Menu planning D. Food presentation E.
Flavor balancing F. Other (please specify): _______
1.How does the quality and freshness of cooking oil 3.How does the smoke point of different cooking oils
affect the overall quality and taste of a dish, and what influence their suitability for various cooking methods,
are the best practices for storing and using oils to and what are the consequences of using oils with low

01 ensure optimal results in cooking?A. Absolutely, good oil

improves the dish's quality and taste. B. Not really, fresh
03 smoke points at high temperatures? A. Smoke point
impacts suitability for: Frying / High-temperature
cooking. B. No significant impact on cooking methods
oil might not always taste better and can have a
and consequences. C. Other consequences (please
negative impact. C. Other (please specify): ___.
specify): _______________.

2.What are the nutritional differences between various 4.n what ways does the selection of cooking oil impact the
cooking oils, and how can the choice of oil contribute to healthiness of a dish, and what are the key factors to

02 a balanced and nutrient-rich diet?A. Oils vary in

nutrients, contributing to dietary balance. B. Nutritional
04 consider when choosing oils that promote heart health
and overall well- being?A. Oil choice influences dish
content among oils is relatively consistent. C. Other healthiness. B. All oils contribute differently to health. C.
(please specify): _______________. Other factors to consider (please specify):
5.How does the choice of cooking oil affect the taste profile of
a dish, and which oils are best suited for enhancing specific

05 flavors in different cuisines?A. Oil choice influences taste;

certain oils complement specific cuisines. B. Oil choice has a
minimal impact on taste. C. Other influencing factors (please
specify): _______________.
What are the tools or equipment that 3. How to achieve a perfect balance and
we need to cook meat?A. Meat
01 03
tenderize the meat while cooking? A. Marinade
thermometer B. Grill or oven C. Cutting with acidic ingredients B. Slow cooking
methods C. Basting with flavorful liquids
board and knife

2. What do we need to avoid overcooked meat 4. Why do we need our meat to be fresh? A. Prevent

02 and prevent a bad taste? A. Instant-read

thermometer B. Marinating meat C. High-
quality spices and herbs
04 bacterial growth B. Enhance flavor C. Improve

5. What's the impact if your meat becomes tender

and juicy? A. Enhanced eating experience B. Reduced

05 cooking time C. Increased nutritional value

1. C-Neutral
2. B-Disagree
3. A-Pre-class materials provided
4. D-Very Confident
5. B-Cooking techniques
1. A-bsolutely, good oil improves the dish's quality and taste
2.B-Oils vary in nutrients, contributing to dietary balance
3.D-No significant impact on cooking methods and consequences.
4.C-Other factors to consider (please specify):
5.B-Oil choice has a minimal impact on taste.
1. B-Grill or oven
2. C-High quality spicy and nerbs
3.D-Enhance flavor
4. B-Improve texture
5.A-Enchanted eating experience
Thank you!

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