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1. Do not use image after feature image directly use some paragraph and then insert picture.
2. Add focus keyword in Alt text
3. Do not put link on Focus keyword
4. Add alt text in all images(focus keyword)
5. Skip AI wording in intro e.g.: Are you waiting for this…
6. In Intro skip text like are you waiting…
7. Convert paragraph in 2 to 3 lines
8. Use keywords only 2 to 3 times
9. Make separate paragraph for External or internal links
10. Apply Internal linking on Anchor text
11. For Anchor text DA of site should be (60+)
12. add 2,3 FAQS
13. Do not apply links on heading
14. Do not use 2 heading at a same time without writing a paragraph of 2,3 lines
15. Do not apply manual link e.g. read more
16. Use focus keyword in perma link
17. Picture must be same sized(720×440 px)
18. Not your keywords should be anchor text
19. Articles (Content to the Point, Human Touch, Skip AI Words, Give some additional info with
authentic sites link)
20. Focus keyword should be Highlighted ( bold)
21. Make sure you use good quality pictures
22. Keyword in Title
23. Keyword in 4 boxes of Feature Images
24. Keyword in intro paragraph
25. Keyword in Alt text (Alternative Text) in 8 out of 10 Images
26. Keyword in H2
27. Keyword in Conclusion
28. Keyword in Meta description
29. Select your category
30. Internal link relavent categury se hona chahiay
31. Old posts pr New posts ka internal link b laga sakty hein (Edit post krke)
32. External links agar 2 use ho rhy hon to 1 ko DoFollow kar lo
33. Grammerly agar keyword me mistake de ga to usa set nahi krna
34. Informationl article mein apka title ar url different ho skty hein ham title b change kr skty hein
35. Pictures ar videos ko centre align krna ha

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