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Omkar Pawar - Digital Marketing Consultant & Trainer

Strategies of On-page SEO

1. Write the Title of the page in <H1> Tag.

2. Insert the keyword in the page title.
3. Write the Subheading of the page in <H2> Tag.
4. Insert the keyword in the subheading.
5. Insert the keyword in your page introduction.
6. Insert at least one internal link (inbound link).
7. Insert at least one external link (outbound link).
Omkar Pawar - Digital Marketing Consultant & Trainer

Strategies of On-page SEO

8. Insert the keyword in your images i.e Alt Text.

9. Your page main keyword must be only 1-3% in your page Content. - Keyword Density
10. Insert LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keyword i.e similar keyword in your page
11. Use Social Media Icons which are link with your Business account/page.
12. Use Social Media Sharing buttons on your blogs.
13. Your each and every page of website must be mobile responsive.
14. Each page of your website, must have minimum 300 words.

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