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Domestic violence is the willful intimidation,

physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or
other abusive behavior as part of a systematic
pattern of power and control perpetrated by
one intimate partner against another.
It includes physical violence, sexual violence,
psychological violence, and emotional abuse.
The frequency and severity of domestic
violence can vary dramatically; however, the
one constant component of domestic violence
is one partner’s consistent efforts to maintain
power and control over the other.
Domestic violence is an epidemic affecting
individuals in every community, regardless of
age, economic status, sexual orientation,
gender, race, religion, or nationality. It is often
accompanied by emotionally abusive and
controlling behavior that is only a fraction of a
systematic pattern of dominance and control.
Domestic violence can result in physical
injury, psychological trauma, and in severe
cases, even death. The devastating physical,
emotional, and psychological consequences of
domestic violence can cross generations and
last a lifetime.


Below are some of the forms that domestic

violence may take.

1. Physical - If someone is hurting you, or

threatening to hurt you, a loved one or a pet,
then you will need to take some action.
Physical abuse basically involves a person
using physical force which causes, or could
cause, harm.

Some types of physical abuse include:

 Scratching or biting
 Pushing or shoving
 Slapping
 Kicking
 Choking or strangling
 Throwing things
 Forced feeding or denial of food
 Use of weapons
 Physical restraint (such as pinning against
a wall, floor, bed, etc.)
These forms of violence are the most noticeable
because they can leave visible traces. They
correspond to any action that en danger the
physical integrity or the physical health of the

2. Emotional or Psychological - This form of

violence is often unrecognized and can be very
hurtful. Emotional abuse is just one form of
abuse that people can experience in a
relationship. Though emotional abuse doesn’t
leave physical scars, it can have a huge impact
on your confidence and self-esteem. There are
a couple of different types of emotional abuse
and it might not be noticeable at first. It is an
emotional damage.

Some types of emotional abuse can include:

 Verbal - yelling, insulting or swearing at
 Rejection - pretending not to notice
someone’s presence, conversation or value
 Put downs - name calling, public
embarrassment, calling someone stupid,
blaming them for everything
 Being afraid - causing someone to feel
afraid, intimidated or threatened
 Isolation - limiting freedom of movement,
stopping someone from contacting other
people (like friends or family)
 Money - controlling someone’s money,
withholding money, preventing someone
from working, stealing or taking money
3. Economic violence - Having money and
being able to make decisions about it, is one
means of being independent. If someone is
controlling another’s money, keeping him/her
financially dependent, or making ask for
money unreasonably, then this is a form of

4. Spiritual violence- This type of violence

involves a situation where you are not allowed
to have your own opinions about religion,
cultural beliefs, and values, or your spirituality
is manipulated to keep you feeling powerless.

Domestic violence is the kind of violence in

relationship, which is exerted on a member of
the family: Children, partner, wife; husband…


 Stress
 Provocation by the intimate partner
 Economic hardship, such as prolonged
 Depression
 Desperation
 Jealousy
 Anger
 Unfaithfulness
 Disobedience ……


The results of domestic violence or abuse can

be very long-lasting. People who are abused
by a spouse or intimate partner may develop:

 sleeping problems
 depression
 anxiety attacks
 low self-esteem
 lack of trust in others
 feelings of abandonment
 anger
 sensitivity to rejection
 diminished mental and physical health
 inability to work
 poor relationships with their children and
other loved ones
 substance abuse as a way of coping
 Physical abuse may result in death, if the
victim does not leave the relationship.

What are the effects of domestic violence on


Children who witness domestic violence may

develop serious emotional, behavioral,
developmental, or academic problems.
As children, they may become violent
themselves, or withdraw. Some act out at
home or school; others try to be the perfect
child. Children from violent homes may
become depressed and have low self-esteem.
As they develop, children and teens who grow
up with domestic violence in the household
• more likely to use violence at school or in the
community in response to perceived
• more likely to attempt suicide
• more likely to use drugs
• more likely to commit crimes, especially
sexual assault
• more likely to use violence to enhance their
reputation and self-esteem
• more likely to become abusers in their own
relationships later in life

To sum up we can say that domestic violence

is a reality in our society. In our society certain
violence are not considered as domestic
violence such as parents who have right to
correct their children when they made some
mistakes or bad things.

In the light of all that proceeds and in addition

of the consequences of domestic violence, we
can say that we are against violence in all its
So to avoid domestic violence, we recommend
 Call the police if you see or hear evidence
of domestic violence.
 Speak out publicly against domestic
 Maintain a healthy, respectful romantic

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