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Impact of Health Population Towards
Economic Growth

Being in good health is important regardless of its relationship to money. There is evidence
suggesting that countries with high GDP also have good population health. We examine the
research to determine the extent of this health impact. Both individuals and the overall
economy are affected financially by population health. The impact of health on education
is also significant. When focusing on development and healthcare, improving health can be
just as important as economic growth. However, in countries experiencing economic growth,
prioritizing wealth development over health may be necessary.

To understand the relationship between health and economic growth, it is important to
have a broad understanding of health. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defined
health in 1948 as complete physical, mental, and social well-being, rather than just the
absence of disease. In 1986, the WHO further clarified that health is a resource for
everyday life, helping individuals fulfill their responsibilities in society. It is not just a
goal in itself. Factors such as personal characteristics, surroundings, financial status,
and life experiences all influence an individual's health.

In our study, we acknowledge that there are limitations to the approach
we are using. It is easier to measure the results of public engagement,
but more challenging to assess the impact of research fellows in
multidisciplinary team discussions about research design.

A healthy population is necessary for maintaining economic growth and
progress. Healthier populations reduce pressure on healthcare systems,
allowing up resources for additional economic growth projects. Making
investments in health care and other public health initiatives not only
improve people's health but also improve labour productivity, which drives
economic expansion.

References : My reference is through the original report

of my group led by Nuradilah Binti Wahidin

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