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Welcome back to everyone to our very exciting journey of the true cause of disease.
We've gone through the cycle of life, the carbon cycle, a very much acknowledged
of science is the cycle of life. And I like to use the BHSC method in determining
truth. The BHSC method, which God gave me, early one morning on my morning walk,
been playing around with these things and He just gave and He coined it for me, the
method. B is for Bible, H is for history, S is for science, and who's the author of
history and science? God is. So that you will find that they will come together.
And any
guesses on the C? The one that's died, remember him? Common sense. And what you
will find
when you look at what the Bible says and the history, basically, it's happened. And
the science, your common sense will look at that and go, well, that makes sense.
that's also what I love about the Bible. It makes sense. And my husband, who was an
altar boy, and when he went to the weekends with the Catholic priest, because he
to become a priest, and they laughed at his questions, they could not answer his
so he threw everything in the age of 14, became an atheist. And after being a wild
biker and having many drugs, he was working in the railways as an electrician,
doing an
electrician apprentice. A young man came to work there who was a seven-day venous,
isn't God good? What does the Bible says? You are the light of the world. A light
on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel,
they set it on a candlestick. And it gives light to all that are in the house.
Isn't that
what Joseph's life did in that prison? Isn't that what Daniel's life did? And this
young man was able to answer all of Michael's questions. No matter what he asked,
would say, how can you say God is a God of love when he makes people burn forever?
the young man say, no, he doesn't. How can you say, and the young man say, no, he
And the young man would say, show me. And the more Michael searched, he'd go to the
try and search out to prove this young man wrong. The more he searched, the more he
into history and science, the more he discovered. What did he discover? That the
Bible is the truth.
That the Bible is the truth. So at the age of 21 he surrendered his life to God.
Praise be to God,
because it made sense. My husband's a very analytical man. He said, salvation is a
perfect legal
argument. It's got to make sense. This makes sense. This makes a lot of sense. And
the very famous
nurse named Florence Nightingale and the story is very interesting. And when I read
her story,
wow, it's just history that totally supports the Bible and the spirit of prophecy.
She was brought
up in a very wealthy family. Her father had had several inheritances and he did
what was unusual
at the time. He educated his daughters. So usually rich young girls just did went
to parties with
beautiful dresses and sewed fine seams and painted watercolors. And if you were not
a wealthy young
woman, then at a very early age you had to work. They were all taught needlework.
They'd often do
sewing or ironing. And if they were even poorer, they'd be sent to the mines. This
was the early
1800s. Florence Nightingale said the only time she was happy was when she was
taking food parcels to
the poor people. She was not happy with the parties, with the sewing the fine seams
and the water
colors. And at the age of 18, God spoke to her and God asked her to work for him.
Over the next few
years, they were incredibly frustrating because she didn't know what she should do.
And when she
mentioned to her mother and father at the age of 20, she'd like to become a nurse,
oh, they were
horrified because nurses at the time were often women of ill repute who took sick
people in,
took their money and then a doctor visited. And this doctor visited when she was in
her late 20s.
She was a friend of the, he was a friend of the fathers who had an institution in
where young girls whose corsets were too tight and they fainted would cote to his
and he would help them. And so the parents gave her permission to go there and she
loved it.
And she particularly loved the organisation. She was a smart lady. She really liked
all of that.
So by the age of early 30, she had a bit of a reputation and she'd even worked in
some facilities in
London. And it was 1856 that a war correspondent went to Scutari. Where's Scutari?
So here is
Crimea and at the time the British and the French were fighting the Russians. The
wounded were
being put in boats in the Black Sea. That's the Black Sea and that's a boat. And
they were taken down
to the, yes I have to explain because I'm not a great drawer. Scutari is the
hospital where the
wounded from the Crimean War were being taken. And a war correspondent went into
Scutari, ex-Army
Turkish barracks was the hospital. So it's in Turkey. A war correspondent went to
report on the war
effort and he was shocked at what he found. 50% of the young men and aren't they
young shoulders
that got into that hospital, died in that hospital. So he went back to London and
it made head
lines in the newspaper. Did we raise our young men for this to rot in this
hospital? Can you imagine
that English people rose up? That's their nephews, that's their sons, that's their
So very quickly the English government sent Florence Nyingar and 35 nurses to
Scutari to see
what they could do. Florence was horrified. There was raw sewage in the corridors.
The plumbing
wasn't working well. The doctors were not washing their hands from operation to
The food was big pots of water with bits of rotten meat in it. So Florence knew her
as a woman. See when they arrived the doctor said this is men's business you're not
coming in here
so she went to the kitchen. They started cleaning there and she sent a telegram to
the British
government said you need to make up a sanitary commission immediately and send them
over to assess
what's going on here and they did. And this is what they found. The hospital was
built in a swamp.
There was a dead horse in the swamp and a dead dog in the swamp and the men were
drinking the
water out of that swamp. It's not incredible that the death rate wasn't 80%.
So very quickly the sanitary commission contracted man. They fixed the plumbing.
They got rid of
the dead dog in the dead horse. They started boiling the water. Meanwhile Florence
Narnagall said
a telegram to her wealthy father. I want a ship load of clean land and clean
banning just mattresses
scrubbing brushes and a cook. You cannot hear without nourishment.
Within I think it was three months of Florence Narnagall implementing these
principles the death
rate went from 50% to 2%. And when she eventually came back to London she saw on
wharf a huge welcoming party hailing her as a heroine. She changed her name to Mary
went down the back gang plank and went home. And they said to her later why did you
do that? She
said I'm not a heroine. She said all I did and this is important to grab this. All
I did was
increase sanitation. What's sanitation? Let's keep the house clean. Get rid of the
When the plumbing didn't work well they got chamber pots 30 men to one chamber pot.
Sanitation. Hygiene. What's your hygiene? This is washing the body. This is washing
hands between
operations. How did Florence Narnagall know that and the doctors didn't? She read
her Bible.
And this book here the Ministry of Healing has got a chapter in there in Hygiene
amongst the
Israelites in the desert. Do you know there was no sickness in those camps? There
was no sickness
because of the sanitation and hygiene. If you wanted to go to the toilet you had to
go outside the
camp dig a hole, bury it. No one could know you'd been there. If someone died the
people that
carried the dead person outside the camp and buried it. They couldn't come back
into the camp
for three days. Had to wash their body, they washed their clothes because when
there is something
dies what if you got starting? You got the cycle of life and as these are active
they're giving off
toxic fumes. What's the third one? Nutrition. Your body cannot heal if it doesn't
have nourishment.
That's not right. I'm still mastering the art of saying one thing and writing
another. Have you
tried it? Not easy. Practice makes perfect. Practice makes permanent and practice
is the mother of
retention. She said, I am not. I am not a heroine. All I did was that. She
basically said what's
the big deal? Is that common sense? It is. It's absolutely common sense. In fact
it's a miracle
that they've survived the boat trip because if there was a storm brewing that was
tough. She met a man
in the hospital who was still in his battle close two weeks after being admitted.
It's a wonder more didn't die because even their washing was done with a
contaminated water
because when the dead dog and the dead horse are in the water, what's happening?
They're toxic fumes that are being given off.
They say water. Let me give you a graph. I think this graph is one of the reasons
why I was banned.
So you've got all your childhood illnesses, mumps, measles, rebella, chicken pox,
hooping cough, polio. They were all and the medical journals show this.
Unfortunately they've taken
the graphs out because I don't want you to know this. Sometimes 90% wiped out, then
the vaccines
were introduced. So why? Why this drop? Because of Florence Nightingale. Because
her reforms in
sanitation, hygiene and nutrition. Because where do these live? Well, it's waste.
I've seen
photos of children playing in the streets in the mid-1800s with raw sewage next to
raw sewage in
the streets. Have you noticed that no black plagues happen now? It's all because of
hygiene and nutrition. And did you know that in the 1850s, the sewage from London
went into the
Thames and the people living in London drank the water from the Thames? No wonder
the black plague
happened. No wonder there was so much disease. But we've got another graph now.
It's attention,
deficit syndrome. It's hyperactivity. It's autism. It's epilepsy. It's cot death.
What do they
cause from? The neurotoxins in the vaccine. Did you know that in the vaccine
there's formaldehyde?
There's aluminium. And there's mercury under the name of the micelle. Do you want
that injected
into your children? Every parent vaccinate their child because they want the best
for their child.
That's why the only hope of better things is educating people in the right
So if someone says to me, should I vaccinate my child? Do you know what I say to
them? I'm not
going to tell you what to do. But it's important that you investigate. And there is
some very
good literature out there. Just find out what's in the vaccine. Just go to the
chemist and say,
can I have a printout of what's in the vaccine? And if you're not sure what those
words mean,
you've got just go to Safari and put the words in and that'll tell you.
And if you say to the doctor, I will vaccinate my baby. If you can guarantee to me
that there will
be no side effects. And if you will be liable, if my child has any side effects, no
parent would
vaccinate their child because there is no doctor that will commit to that. Even the
COVID vaccine,
this is a great thing to say, I'll take the vaccine. If you can show me the safety
studies and
by the way, did you know there aren't any? And if you will agree to be liable if I
have any adverse
effects, no one would take it. So that's a good thing to say because if you start
with no
way I'm taking the vaccine, even though that's what I think, you have to work with
After work with the people that are requiring you to do that. And isn't that how
Jesus worked?
He was always kind, he was always loving and Colossians 4 vs 6 says, let your
speech be always with grace.
Always with grace.
Seventy years ago there was something like 10,000 cases of autism. Today it's
estimated to be
in the millions. One in 45 children have either attention, deficits, syndrome,
hyperactivity, autism.
And there's a book we sell it. We get it from America by Dr Bruce Fife and it's
called Stop Autism Now.
So each of my children that married someone who didn't grow up the way they did,
who were
grew up with medicine, I gave them the book Stop Autism Now. Because the first four
investigate the cause of autism, investigate the role of vaccines in autism. They
look at exactly
what's in the vaccines. And so none of my grandchildren are vaccinated. Because
once you find out these
things, the only hope of better things is what? The education of people in the
right principles.
We have a great little book we sell. I know you can only buy it in Australia. It's
called The Myths
and the Facts of Vaccines. So I say to our guests, just a little book. I said, give
it to your son
or son-in-law or daughter-in-law and say, I'd really like to know what you think of
Don't say read that because they won't. If you say you should read that, guess
They won't even pick it up. You'll probably go in the bin. But just say, I found
this interesting.
I'd really like to know what you think of it. Can you see? That's how you will draw
them in.
But it's just getting information. And that's what my husband's political party is
The informed medical options party. So every decision we make should be an informed
Remember what God said in 2 Timothy 1 verse 7, I have not given you the spirit of
but of power, love and a sound mind. You know what a sound mind does? It assesses
these things.
And it weighs up the pros and cons. The amount of people that have come to our
treat and have said
to me, if only I'd had time to think I wouldn't have done what I did.
So often the medical profession will say, quick, we can get you in tomorrow.
Do you know what you say? You say, thank you so much for your advice because
they're doing
the best they know. Thank you so much for your advice. I'm going to seriously
consider this.
Remember smart. Don't call me, I'll call you.
And that gets them off your back a bit. And remember, they're just doing the best
they know
because they believe that you've got to do it or it's like what they said to Mark
or when he wouldn't go to the eye specialist, do you want to go blind?
And because that's what they believe will happen and they're wanting to help you.
So have mercy because the God of this world has blinded the minds of them that
believe not.
And I think you'll also agree with me. He also seems to have blinded the minds of
them that
do choose to believe in God. Isn't that true? The deception is great. What was the,
you know, when Bibles say even their very elect can be deceived if they're not
grounded on truth.
The grounding on truth is important. So Florence Nightingale, she said,
disease is a process of repair. What did Ellen White said? disease is an effort of
to free the system from conditions that arise because of a violation of the law of
So that's very similar wording to what Florence Nightingale said. And Florence
Nightingale and Ellen White
didn't know each other. One's in England and one's in America and we didn't have
the technology we
have today. Florence Nightingale said disease is a process of repair. She said not
accompanied with suffering. If there's suffering, it's the nurse's fault for not
applying the laws
of nursing. And do you know what she considered the laws of nursing to be? Pure
air, sunshine,
abstinence, rest, exercise, proper diet, use of water, trusting God. Who gave her
God did. And her common sense said, this makes sense. It's got to make sense
because anyone can
say anything, isn't that right? So when people say things to you, you say, oh,
that's interesting.
I'll think about that. And if it's extreme or it doesn't make sense to you, what
you do is you
just put it on the shelf. You just put it on the shelf. I'll see how we are. It's
like, was it
20 years ago, I was told you shouldn't eat soy, soy is bad for you. I'll put that
one on the
shelf. But as we go through these lectures, I'm going to show you why they said
that and what the
truth is on soy. And we'll definitely be looking at as we look at hormones.
Florence Nightingale
said something else too. When she read of Louis Pasteur's theory, she said, this is
the theory
of a man of a very unstable mind. And she said, anyone who believes it is equally
And isn't that what medicine is based on today, the germ theory?
And I mentioned last night Antoine Bourchon. He was, he's a French professor. And
by the way,
six times professor, most of us will never get to one. Six times professor.
But no one liked his theory. Whereas Pasteur was a chemist,
a socialite. They loved his theory. A germ has made you seek you poor thing. Take
this drug to kill
a germ and you will be well. And let me tell you what Bourchon said, which is why
they didn't like
him. Diseases born innocent of us. No one liked that theory. He said, how much
water are you
drinking? Are you eating nourishing food? Well, we don't want to go there. And
isn't that exactly
the same today? Have you noticed that the people at Diffin COVID have pre-existing
health conditions?
So if it was before COVID, it would be called lung cancer. It would be called
I have a friend. He's a pastor. And he sees the truth, but his son doesn't. Someone
how can I protect myself against COVID? I say, stop watching the nightly news.
Isn't that the
best protection? But this this son was watching all of that and being taken in. So
he insisted his
16-year-old son get vaccinated. Two days later, he was found dead in bed. And do
you know what the
paramedics put on the death certificate? Diet of natural causes. The 16-year-olds
died from natural
causes. So it's almost as if they put on the death certificate what they like.
Whereas in 2020, in 2021,
it didn't matter what it was. It was called COVID. And my daughter's neighbor, 12-
year-old son died.
He was caught in a flooded creek. His clothes got caught. He's amish. And he
drowned. The paramedics
came. It was too late. And on the death certificate, they wrote, died from COVID.
And the parents were angry. They said, our son drowned. You know what the
paramedics said?
Are we tested him? And he tested positive. Do you know what that means? They're
testing dead bodies.
Why would they test a dead body? Every dead body will test positive for COVID
because the cycle
of life has begun. Can you see that? These microorganisms will always be there.
What did Solomon say?
There's nothing new under the sun. Forests have always been around. Oh yes, and
some of them are named COVID.
When your sound mind assesses the history of the last two years,
well, there was a real knee-jerk reaction, wasn't it? In fact, it was March 2020.
And I was getting all these messages. Get home quick. They're shutting the borders.
I was in the US. I got the last plane out of Dallas to Australia. And three hours
they brought in quarantine. Praise be to God, I got out by the skin of my teeth.
But it was all a reaction to, and we're not going to go right into what's behind
that. We know
there is one behind it, and that is the devil. Whose aim is to destroy us.
First, Peter 5 verse 8, knowing that your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion
walk at the
bow, seeing whom he can devour, whom resist steadfast in the faith. So here we get
the faith
opposite to the fear again. Did you know that faith grows strong by going to
earnest conflict
with fear and doubt? So when fear arises, resist it, because God says, I've not
given in spirit a
fear. Power, love and a sound mind. No wonder the only hope of better things is the
education of
people in the right principles. I've got Florence Nightingale's book at home on
nursing. She says,
nursing what it is and what it is not. And she says, very clearly, that germs don't
cause disease.
They're the result of unhelpful conditions. And that's all she did. She did it in
India too.
She cleaned up the hospitals. And guess what? It's what? The death rate drastically
The disease rate drastically dropped. Just clean it up. So when my grandson was
riding down the
hill very fast and slid and hit his head and his head scraped and he got a big cut
They brought him straight over to me. It was ninch by an inch. I think it was
eight, seven or eight at
the time. I said, we've got to clean that out. Get all the little bits of gravel
and bind it up. Put comfy on it. And every 24 hours don't dress it under that
because you've
got to give time for those little cells to heal. So my son would take the dressing
off and you
would see a little bit of pus. Do you know why there's a little bit of pus? He
hasn't got an
infection. He's got a little bit of pus because a little bit of bacteria is
created. Of course
there was a little bit of dirt or gravel still in there. And William would wipe off
pus. And in the pus was that little bit of gravel. Isn't the body amazing? And that
happened a
few times and then it healed just beautifully. In fact, we had a registered nurse
then. She's
taken photos. She'd never seen anything like her. When you know that, it takes away
Why do smokers constantly cough up yellow lumps? You know what yellow is? It's dead
white blood cells.
And they're there doing a job. And when we have a look at blood this afternoon,
we're going to have
a look at the white blood cells. That's her immune system. We have an amazing
immune system that
has an inbuilt ability to heal itself. And it will if you give it the right
So of course you've got to clean the house. Hygiene proxides are a great thing to
clean with.
Sea waters are a great thing to clean and wound with. And iodine.
But I have a friend who's a surgeon. She said before we cut, we always wash it with
That's anti-fungal. These are some very simple things that every first aid kit
should have.
And we'll be going over what a first aid kit should have as we go through,
especially when we
touch on the herbs. And you'll find that it can be in quite a little box. Your
polter's box at
home might be a little bit bigger. But you just got a clean house. And if you don't
have any of that,
just clean it with water. Just with water. Yes, canine's very good with a cut. You
can sprinkle it
in and it'll seal it. That's certainly can work. That's an important part of the
first aid kit is cane.
So Antoine Bouchon. He was under the microscope a lot. And if he changed the
environment of the
blood, he saw immediately the bacteria in his and fungus is starting to grow in
So if any of that's active in the body, it's important to find out why it's there.
So I'm going to give you a story of two brothers. One's six Steve and one's healthy
their brothers. Six Steve likes meat and coffee and sugar and likes to have alcohol
every night.
Doesn't exercise. Healthy Harry, his brother, who lives in the other end of the
he's a surfer, he's a landscaper, exercises every day. And six Steve says to
healthy Harry,
you've taken all the fun in life. And I want to have a look at fun because life
should be good.
One day, cousin Colin visits and cousin Colin has got a bad cold. Let's make it
appropriate for
today. Let's call it COVID because that's all I think it is. It's a different
strain of the flu
or cold. And remember what it is. COVID is an effort of nature to free the system
in the distance that arise because of a violation of the laws of health. So cousin
Colin comes in
and sneezes just as he's shaking six Steve's hand. Have you seen what happens when
a sneeze happens?
Little droplets come out with little bits of bacteria and yeast and fungus as all
in the house cleaning cousin Colin. And they land on six Steve, breathes them in.
They come into six Steve's body and they go, you pee, there's a feast in here. What
do they eat?
Cell damage. You see Steve's a smoker. And those lungs got a lot of damage in them.
That's why every smoker coughs up yellow lumps. That's the white blood cells trying
to clean up the
damage. Then healthy Harry comes into the room. Shakes hand. High mate. That's what
we say
in Australia. How are you going mate? Thanks mate. Sorry sneezes are all over.
They jump into six Steve. There's nothing to eat.
Healthy Harry. Sorry healthy Harry. It's nothing to eat in healthy Harry's body
because our body is a
self cleansing organism. And when we exercise every day when we drink adequate
water, nutrition,
have early nights that self cleansing organism and we're looking at another lecture
where it throws
off the waste. It's an amazing creation that we live in. But let's say healthy
has just been to Hawaii on a surfing holiday. Couldn't eat as well as he usually
You know it's on the plane for a long time and it was rocking in the air so he
couldn't get out of
his seat to get water. The fumes from the plane are great. So maybe when cousin
Colin sneezes,
on healthy Harry, those microbes have got a little bit of something here and there
to do.
By the end of the day, six Steve is sick, sore throat, runny nose. He says that
rotten cousin of mine
is given me his bug. Isn't that what we say? Of court the bug. So he has a couple
Jack Daniels to help him sleep. Clothes as the window doesn't want to draft.
Six Steve on the other hand. He's got a little bit of a sore throat.
He's got a bit of a sore throat. He calls in the SWAT team. What's the SWAT team?
He goes to the gym, does an intense workout, goes in the steam sauna, sweats out.
That's a
great way to get rid of waste. Dives in the cool pool, back in the hot steam, goes
home, decides
not to have anything to eat that night because when you stop digestion, the body's
energy is going
to healing as we'll also look at. And he has a flu bomb. You'll get the recipe for
the flu bomb.
It's greater ginger and greater garlic, and lemon, and honey, and eucalyptus oil,
and came
pepper, and a bit of hot water. It's potent. That's God's antibiotic drink. Throws
it down,
goes to sleep, piles the blankets up on him, wakes up in the morning, his sheets
are wet,
his pajamas are wet. Whoa, he's out of great sweat that night.
Gets up has a nice big draft of water, a bit of Celtic salt, a bit more water.
He believes in the great God of Heaven. Praise has another drink of water,
and then goes and does his high intensity up and down the hills.
Six Steve thinks he's mad because six Steve just stays in bed.
Has a nice hot cup of coffee, the hot drinks nice on his throat, throws down a
couple of painkillers.
Six Steve comes back from his walk, has a hot and cold shower.
Sorry, get it right. Healthy Harry comes back from his walk, feeling great.
Just keeping your on your toes.
He has his antibiotic sandwich for breakfast. He has some fresh fruit,
and then he has some seeds and nuts, and then he has a slice of sourdough spelt
Olive oil, crushed clove of garlic over the whole slice.
Avocado and tomato on top comes it down.
Oh, came pepper in there too.
He has two of his antibiotic sandwiches, and he's feeling good.
And he goes to work. No one comes near him in that day.
It's perfectly fine because his breath is almost, it's almost been purified
from the garlic. They're going, oh, what have you done, healthy Harry?
He says, all right, I'm protecting you with my...
My strong garlic. He said, if it wasn't for this, I wouldn't be here.
They say, okay, you just work in that corner of the garden today.
Let's go back to Six Steve. Oh, he's measurable.
So he calls his favourite doctor. It took him a while to find this doctor.
He loves this doctor. He never asks uncomfortable questions like,
are you still smoking?
He just goes in and he almost puts his pen up with the script.
Hi, Steve. What's your problem? He said, oh, my rotten cousin gave me his wig.
Gave me his bug. He listens to his chest with...
I almost said binoculars while you were something with the stethoscope.
And the doctor says, wow, there's a party going on in there.
And there is. They've just multiplied out of control because there's a feast in
Remember what the feast is? The dummy.
He says, oh, mate, you got it bad. Take this course of antibiotics.
Thanks, Doc. I knew I could depend on you.
He goes home while he's smoking his cigarettes.
Remember, he keeps the window shut, gets into bed, has his drugs there and he's hot
coffees and
takes his antibiotics. Still eats. Still has lots to read.
This happens regularly.
Over the next few years, 10 years later,
six Steve is now 40 and he starts coughing up blood.
Goes to the doctor, wow, he's got lung cancer.
Goes home. Healthy Harry says, what's the matter, mate?
So I've just found out I've got lung cancer.
And the doctor wants to do the slash poison and burn. I mean, surgery,
chemo and radiotherapy.
In 20 years, well, they look back and say we're in the dark ages.
Did you know more people die from chemo than actually cancer?
And healthy Harry says to six Steve, Steve, let me shout you two weeks at this
health retreat.
Two weeks for you to consider your options. That's the best thing to say.
You'll have time to think, you'll have a little break to consider your options.
Okay, so six Steve, he goes, he hears this lecture, he runs into his room, he gets
the cigarettes
and he throws them in the fire. He says, anything you tell me to do, I will do.
Sometimes it's too late, sometimes it's not, but you do the best you can.
So if someone comes to me with cancer, I say we see three outcomes. Sometimes we
see turnarounds.
We had a go to our program, he said, I'm here because I met a man in the street who
told me that he had
cancer, he came to Misty Mountain and it's gone. Now, we didn't hear that story.
Sometimes we see turnarounds. Sometimes we see six months go to three years.
And sometimes we see the last days made more comfortable.
Now that's a very good thing to say to people. Can you see you're not promising
them anything?
And you're being realistic, but kind. And we've had some people die and they came
very advanced.
But their wife or their husband rings us a month later to tell us that they've
passed and you know
they always say thank you. Thank you. Because we had such an enjoyable week and
what we learnt to do
there made his late last days made more comfortable so he died with dignity.
One lady came to us and she said, I haven't got long to live. I've only got a month
to live.
She said, I am on chemotherapy for palliative care. I said, do you know what
palliative care means?
It means making the late days more comfortable. Just keep that do that. The hair
falls out,
vomiting, diarrhea and one lady told me all her fingernails went black.
I don't consider that palliative care. But even in this case, when I said to her,
do you know what palliative care means? And I said in this chemo, I was doing. I
said, but it's your choice.
She chose to stop. She chose to stop. You see sometimes the doctor says it'll give
you six
more months while when they were advanced cancer, I don't know whether you want six
more months.
And that's six months. What sort of life is it when you've got diarrhea and
vomiting and your
hairs falling out? And that's why the only hope of better things is the education
of people in
right principles. Let the physicians teach the people that restorative power lies
not in drugs,
but in nature because disease is an effort of nature to free the system from
conditions that
arise because of a violation of the laws of health. And so when someone has a bad
chest like six
Steve and they're given antibiotics, what is an antibiotic? That's right. And when
you write this
up on the board and write its meaning, now that doesn't a picture tell a thousand
even though there's one, against life. So if we're living organisms, we have to get
away from
this kill mentality because anything that has the ability to kill a small organism
has the
potential to kill a large. And what are we? We're the large. What is an antibiotic?
You might like
to write these figures down because this is very important information to share.
1929 Alexander
Fleming. 1929 Alexander Fleming was growing bacteria in flasks in his laboratory.
Alexander Fleming.
He came in one morning and all the bacteria was dead and he knew Newton's third law
of motion to
every action. There's an equal and an opposite reaction. Why has his bacteria died?
So he began to
investigate nothing in the laboratory could have done it. He went outside the
laboratory looking
around and the sun was coming in the window and there was a thick dust on the sun's
So he followed that and in the next story there was a plate of fruit and in the
plate of fruit there
was a mouldy orange and the mould waste was coming down and settling on his
bacteria. So he called
the mould. Penicillin. He called the mould waste which is more toxic than the
He called the mould waste penicillic acid and that penicillic acid is the
penicillum that we know today.
They were so excited about the discovery that they tested hundreds of different
wastes. 80% of them were so deadly they killed the rats.
Penicillum is not safe. In fact the body can only cope with about two courses in a
and one percent of doctors today that's a good figure to remember. One percent of
doctors today
are claiming that antibiotics are causing more problems than they ever cured. What
are they
referring to? What happens when a person takes an antibiotic? What happens the next
week? They
get thrush. Is that right? Thrush. Because what if they just put into their body? A
mould waste.
Now I know and we'd be fools not to acknowledge this. Antibiotics have saved lives.
They have. They are and they will continue. But they should be kept as life-saving.
That's all. But ideally as medical missionaries we show people how to nip it in the
bud. You know
that saying? Nip it in the bud meaning you know if you nip a bud the flower won't
develop will it?
So it's an old saying. Forgive me if I say sayings that you're not familiar with.
Nip it in the
bud is when there's a first inkling of a problem do something. Do something right
Yeah. Do something right away. That's why as medical missionaries your teachers
you're teaching people how to give their bodies their conditions for healing.
So what I did when I had the conjunctivitis and the raging sore throat and the
high fevers I immediately took cane pepper on a sore throat or it tingles but then
the tingle goes down the throat is not a sore. Drank a lot of water. Drank nice hot
teas and ginger teas. Slapped. Slapped three hours in the morning. Three hours in
the afternoon.
Went to bed at eight o'clock and slept all night. Now normally I can't do that.
But can you see when you're sick what's the body telling you this is good. Do you
remember what we do?
It's you look at history. You look at symptoms
but your main guidance as to what you do is the body's response.
So when the saltwater that I was bathing my eyes with for conjunctivitis started to
sting I decided to change and went to chamomile tea.
My friend Ruth, she's my Scottish mother. She's in her 80s. She said you've got a
bad infection
because the sore throat started to develop into a bad ear ache. But I'm actually
going to save
that story for when we're looking at pulses. But as you can see I'm better. My eyes
are better,
my throat and my ear are better because we get better. So that's I want to show you
the four words
there. It's a one letter word. I am the one that chooses what goes into my body. It
is my God
given right to say no thank you. Isn't that right? It is my God given right to
choose what I do with
my body. The two letter word is the human body will heal itself if you give it the
right conditions.
The three letter word is why? Why am I sick? Oh I'm heavier cleanse. What's the
four letter word time?
Ellen White says on page 127 of the Ministry of Healing. Nature's process of
healing and
upbuilding is gradual and to the impatient it seems slow. I'm impatient I want to
be better now.
So you also have to teach the people that you've got to give it time. And there are
two lovely
verses in the Bible that you can give them. One is found in Galatians 6 verse 9.
Let us not be weary
in well doing for in due season. We will reap if we faint not. If you will
diligently harken to
the voice of the Lord thy God and do that which is right in this sight. Let us not
be weary
in well doing right in his sight which is working with the healing processes that
God has put into
this body. The other verses found in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 35. Cast not away
therefore they
confidence in the witch's great recompense of reward. Don't cast away your
confidence in this
amazing body that God has given us with an inbuilt ability to heal itself. Don't
cast your
confidence away in that. Don't cast your confidence away in God. Cast not away
therefore like
confidence in the witch's great recompense of reward because they will be reward by
putting your
confidence in God and his body that heals itself. For you have need of patience.
In that after you have done the will of God you might receive the promise.
And what's the promise? It's promise is found. I'm sure you will know it well. Sir
chapter 1 verse 2. Beloved, I wish above all things that they are my sprosper and
health even as thy soul prospers. So John chapter 1 verse 2. So time. Sometimes you
just need to give
it time. I just have to lie in bed for two days and get a good book and just wait
for the body
to heal itself because what you will find if you don't have confidence in God and
his ability to
heal fear kicks in. And my dear Scottish mum who of course has brought up in the
air if you go to
the doctor she said you've got a bad infection. Now you know what that could have
gone into my mind
and I might have thought maybe I have both eyes now my throat so sore Matt can you
see fear?
So that's why the Bible says cast not away therefore they're confidence. Confidence
in God
confidence in his ability to heal. So what you will find many times you're going to
have to
be a salesman and you're going to have to convince your people that this is the
best way.
And while meaning melodies I've seen have put fear into so many people they relieve
our retreat
excited and then the voices come in this is dangerous it's not proven it's not
scientific the doctor
knows they know what is best oh it's hard so when they ring me up I say I'm so
sorry I understand
I understand but remember that it is your body and you know what will will quite in
a lot of
those well-meaning voices is I'm really happy with what I'm doing I'm getting
results and I'm really
happy with what I'm doing the amount of mothers that contact me pop up my baby so
small my mother says
my baby's not big enough and I have to start feeding and feeding the baby has even
your teeth makes no sense at all we'll cover that I said send me a photo of the
baby gorgeous baby
not roly-poly but then they're not all roly-poly are they
hmm I said you know you that's so much easier baby to carry
there's a great big fat baby is it break your back I said your baby's perfectly
normal your baby
looks beautiful can you see what I have to do I have to give them some confidence
is your baby happy yeah says your baby got lots of wet nappies yes I said that's
all you know
you see how simple it is but fear kicks in and what does God say I have not given
you the
spirit of fear power and love and of of a sound mind a sound mind considers this
so the body can cope with about two courses in a lifetime
and there are quite a few researchers doctors today that are showing the fungal
link with disease
and my book self-heal by design I think you can get it on Kindle
oh good and I and if you contact my daughter in America I'll put her email up on
the on the on the
board she will post you a copy and if you'd like to get together and buy a box
you'll get them cost
now the book has been out of print for six months because of the COVID restrictions
there was a paper
shortage in the US and we couldn't print it but it is printed now and it is
available again because
something I said I couldn't get your book I said it's available now it's on Amazon
in Australia and
America yeah and you have it on Kindle my book called self-heal by design the
subtitle is the
role of microorganisms in disease so basically it shows the cycle of life and I
have it's well
researched there's a lot of material that you can source to see all the scientific
studies for
instance Professor Constantini his former head of the World Health Organization
Department of
Mycology what's the Department of Mycology medicine terminology for a mold waste is
a mycotoxin
myo is muscle but myco is mold and if you go to a medical dictionary you will see
page after page
of diseases that has a prefix of myco mycommonia myco skin diseases myco
in in all areas I have another book called clinical mycology written by four
doctors and every
chapter shows the fungal link with every disease in fact Dr. Holland who wrote a
book called
the germ that causes cancer with Doug Kaufman someone said to him you're saying
fungus causes all
diseases or most diseases he said you're saying fungus causes most diseases he said
no no no all
sometimes it plays a large part sometimes it plays a small part and sometimes it
can be
from being contaminated by breathing in mold mold coming in through your skin
eating moldy
things you know there and it can be sexually transmitted sometimes it can come in
many ways
or sometimes like in six steves state his lungs were so damaged that his own
evolved into the fungal form and started to eat that away so the cycle of life can
actually be
manifested in different parts of the body while a person still living

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