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According to S.B. Joseph et al.

(2020), traditional energy monitoring systems have limitations in providing

feedback to customers on their energy usage on a more immediate basis. However, the use of IoT
technology can overcome these limitations by providing real-time monitoring of energy usage on an
individual appliance basis. This can help customers to better manage their energy usage and reduce
costs. Additionally, IoT-based energy consumption monitoring systems can automatically generate billing,
send bills to consumers via the internet, and save consumption history for further analysis. Overall, the
use of IoT technology in energy consumption monitoring is a practical and sustainable solution for
managing energy usage and promoting efficient energy management.

“DPNCT: Differential Private Noise Cancellation Scheme for Load Monitoring and Billing for Smart
Meters” by Ali et al. (2020) is that their proposed technique maximizes utility in aggregated load
monitoring and fair billing while preserving users’ privacy. “Web-based management systems have
become increasingly popular in the utility industry due to their ability to provide real-time data on
energy consumption, improve billing accuracy, and enhance customer engagement” (Gao et al., 2019).

“Efficient Privacy-Preserving Electricity Theft Detection with Dynamic Billing and Load Monitoring for
AMI Networks” by Ibrahem et al. (2019) is that their proposed scheme enables the system operator to
detect electricity theft, compute bills, and monitor load while preserving the consumers’ privacy. This
claim is related to the study "Web-Based Hydroelectric Cooperative Management System for Billing,
Consumption Monitoring, and Data Record Retrieval” by S. K. Singh and S. K. Singh (2018), as both
studies aim to improve the management of electricity consumption and billing while ensuring data
privacy for consumers. While Ibrahem et al. focus on advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) networks,
Singh and Singh propose a web-based system for hydroelectric cooperatives. Both studies highlight the
importance of efficient and secure electricity management systems in today’s energy landscape.

“PPETD: Privacy-Preserving Electricity Theft Detection Scheme With Load Monitoring and Billing for AMI
Networks” by Mahmoud Nabil et al. (2019) is to propose a privacy-preserving scheme for accurately
identifying consumers that steal electricity in advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) networks. The
scheme aims to ensure accurate billing, real-time load monitoring, and energy management by detecting
false electricity consumption reports from malicious consumers. The proposed scheme utilizes secure
communication protocols, neural network models, and dynamic pricing to achieve these objectives.

“Web-Based Two-Way Electricity Monitoring System for Remote Solar Mini-Grids” by Shaban Omary and
Anael Sam, published in the International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing (IJEM) in 2019,
presents a web-based system for monitoring electricity usage in remote solar mini-grids. The system
aims to raise consumer awareness on energy utilization and promote cost-effective usage of electricity. It
utilizes a Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) and the existing GPRS network to monitor electricity
consumption data between smart meter units and the cloud server. The system also integrates a virtual
bill payment module and usage status feedback functionality to enhance customer awareness and
achieve the sustainability of solar mini-grids. This article provides valuable insights into the development
of web-based systems for efficient energy monitoring and management.

“Real-Time Water and Electricity Consumption Monitoring Using Machine Learning Techniques” by
Shariq Bashir (2023) is to explore the automatic classification of water consumption patterns and
electrical devices using supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms. This study aims to
provide a comprehensive smart meter data collection infrastructure that enables utilities to monitor
consumption patterns, detect abnormal usage, and predict future consumption. By using machine
learning techniques, it is possible to classify daily consumption in real-time throughout the day and alert
as soon as possible in the event of abnormal consumption.

“Real-Time Water and Electricity Consumption Monitoring Using Machine Learning Techniques” by
Shariq Bashir (2023) explores the use of machine learning algorithms to classify water consumption
patterns and electrical devices. This study aims to provide a comprehensive smart meter data collection
infrastructure that enables utilities to monitor consumption patterns, detect abnormal usage, and
predict future consumption. By leveraging machine learning techniques, it is possible to develop a
system that can automatically classify and analyze consumption data, providing valuable insights into
usage patterns and enabling more efficient billing and management of hydroelectric resources.

The development of innovative energy services (IES) is crucial for the successful implementation of smart
grids and the transition towards sustainable energy management. A web-based hydroelectric
cooperative management system for billing, consumption monitoring, and data record retrieval,
developed by Kim et al. in 2019, is an example of an IES that can help improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of renewable energy management. By providing real-time monitoring of energy
consumption and billing information, as well as historical data records, such systems can help consumers
make informed decisions about their energy usage and contribute to the overall goal of achieving
sustainable energy management.

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