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Test 1

1. The men are putting on headphones

The men are getting up from their chairs
The men are looking at a computer screen
The men are moving some furniture : nguoi dan ong dang di chuyen 1 vai
do noi that
2. They’re entering separate offices: ho dang di vao van phong rieng
They’re examining papers on a table : ho dang kiem tra giay to o tren ban
The woman’s hung her jacket on a chair: nguoi phu nu treo ao khoat cua
co ay tren ghe
The men’s watching a presentation on a screen: nguoi dan ong dang xem
bai thuyet trinh tren man hinh
3. He’s looking into a microscope: anh ay dang nhin vao trong kinh hien vi
He’s putting on his glasses: anh ay dang deo cai kinh
He’s closing a cabinet : anh ay dang dong tu
He’s washing some bottles: anh ay dang chui rua 1 vai cai chai
4. The men is taking some papers out of a printer : nguoi dan ong dang lay
giay ra khoi may in
The men is putting a file in a drawer: nguoi dan ong dang dat tai lieu
trong ngan keo
The woman’s signing her name: nguoi dan ba dang ki ten cua co ay
The people are reviewing a document : moi nguoi dang xem xet tai lieu
5. Some men are looking at menus: vai nguoi dan ong dang xem thuc don
Some men are preparing a meal: mot vai nguoi dan ong dang chuan bi bua
A waiter is writing down an order : nguoi phuc vu dang viet xuong don
dat hang
A waiter is carrying some glasses: nguoi phuc vu dang bung 1 vai cai ly
6. A vendor is rearranging a collection of glasses: nguoi ban hang dang sap
xep lai bo suu tap kinh mat
A merchant is setting up a row of table : nguoi ban hang dang sap xep 1
day ban
Customers are examining some merchandise on display: khach hang dang
xem xet 1 vai mon hang tren cho tung bay
Some people are purchasing umbrellas in a market : 1 vai nguoi dang mua
nhung cai o o cho
7. The man’s looking at a notebook
The man’s moving a table
The man’s picking up a newspaper : nguoi dan ong dang cam to bao
The man’s buying a pen
8. He’s looking at the engine : anh ay dang nhin vao dong co
He is reading a manual : anh ay dang doc sach huong dan
He’s turning on the water: anh ay dang mo nuoc
He’s driving a car
9. Some people are climbing the stairs : 1 vai nguoi dang leo cau thang
Some people are leaning against a railing : 1 vai nguoi dang dua vao lan
A woman is reading on a bench: nguoi phu nu dang ngoi doc tren chiec
ghe dai
A man is working in a garden : nguoi dan ong dang lam viec trong khu
10. He’s inspecting some tires : anh ay dang kiem tra 1 vai cai lop
He’s opening a car door
He’s parking in a garage : anh ay dau xe trong xuong sua xe
He’s working on a vehicle : anh ay dang lam viec tren chiec xe
11. She’s tidying her room: co ay dang don dep phong
She’s brushing her teeth: co ay dang danh rang
She’s sweeping the deck. Co ay dang quet san
She’s scrubbing the pots : co ay dang lau cai chau
12. The women are in a parking lot : nguoi phu nu dang o bai dau xe
The women are shopping for clothes : nguoi phu nu dang mua sam quan
The women are in a supermarket
The women are paying for food
13. They’re resting in a waiting area : ho dang nghi ngoi trong khu vuc cho
They’re boarding an airplane: ho dang di len may bay
They’re waiting in line: ho dang xep hang doi
They’re packing a suitcase: ho dang dong goi hanh li
14.The woman is taking a picture
The woman is reading as she walks
The boy’s holding the woman’s hand
The boy is playing in the buses
15.They’re sitting on a bench
They’re lying on a grass: ho dang nam tren bai co
They’re riding their bicycle
They’re swimming in the water.
Test 2
1. She’s closing the door
She’s lying on a sofa
She’s holding a piece of paper
She’s writing a letter
2. He’s reading a magazine: anh ay dang doc tap chi
He’s putting up a display case: anh ay dang dat lent u trung bay
He’s getting into a vehicle : anh ay dang di vao xe
He’s looking at a sign: anh ay dang nhin bien bao
3. They’re looking at a screen
They’re sitting next to each other
They’re organizing the desk : ho dang sap xep cai ban
They’re decorating the walls: ho dang trang tri buc tuong
4. the women are assembling a desk: nguoi phu nu dang lap rap cai ban
lam viec
a women is writing a notebooks
Some book are spread out on the floor: nhung cuon sach bi trai rat ren
A customer is paying for some merchandise : khach hang dang thanh
toan 1 vai hang hoa
5. He’s opening a briefcase: anh ay dang mo cai cap/ vali
He’s wearing a hat
He’s piloting a plane
He’s sweeping a ground : anh ay dang quet nen dat
6. He’s packing his luggage: anh ay dang dong goi hanh li
He’s picking up his briefcase: anh ay dang cam cai cap cua anh ay
He’s working on a laptop computer
He’s comparing two computer: anh ay dang so sanh 2 cai may tinh
7. She’s washing her hand
She’s wearing gloves : co ay dang mang gang tay
She’s fixing her hair
She’s putting on her coat: co ay dang mac ao khoat cua co ay
8. The woman is working on a painting: nguoi dang ba dang ve tranh
The woman is viewing art in a museum : nguoi phu nu dang xem cac
tac pham nghe thuat trong bao tang
The woman is buying a picture
The woman and man are discussing some artwork : nguoi phu nu va
nguoi dan ong dang thao luan ve 1 vai tac pham nghe thuat
9. He’s choosing a tie
He’s arranging the chairs
He’s setting the table
He’s examining a document
10. People are watching fish
People are fishing
People are driving
People are watching car
11. A man í folding a paper: nguoi dan ong dang gap giay lai
A woman is taking notes
Some people are being shown to their seats: 1 vai nguoi duoc chi dan
den cho ngoi cua ho
Some people are looking out the window
12. They’re reading in a waiting room
They’s taking newspaper from a table
The woman is watering a plant
The man is hanging a picture on the wall: nguoi dang ong dang treo
buc tranh len tuong
13. He’s operating some factory machinery : anh ay dang van hanh 1 vai
nha may may moc
He’s turning on a light switch : anh ay dang bat cong tac den
He’s adjusting his face mask: anh ay dang chinh cai khau trang
He’s unplugging a power cord: anh ay dang rut day dien ra
14.A man is setting up a podium: nguoi dan ong dang bo tri buc dung
Presentation is sitting in front of a microphone : nguoi thuyet trinh
dang ngoi truoc cai micro
Trophies are being distributed at an award ceremony : nhung cai cup
da duoc phan phat nhu la giai thuong cua buoi le
A performer is bowing before an audience: nguoi bieu dien dang cuoi
nguoi truoc khan gia
15. The women are talking to each other
The women are checking a map
The women are shopping in a supermarket
One of a women is mopping a floor: 1 trong nhung nguoi phu nu dang
lau san
Test 3
1. He’s throwing some fish into the water: anh ay dang tha vai con ca
xuong nuoc
He’s swimming in the ocean
He’s looking over the side of a boat: anh ay dang nhin vao canh ben
cua thuyen
He’s standing in the water
2. They’re meeting in a restaurant
They’re looking at the computer
They’re examining the document
They’re filling some forms : ho dang dien vao don
3. They’re looking into a store
They’re walking out of a shop : ho di ra khoi cua hang
They’re trying on some shoes : ho dang thu 1 vai doi giay
They’s washing a window
4. He’s fishing from a boat
He’s looking at a pile of fish: anh ay dang nhin 1 dong ca
He’s eating from a disks : anh ay an tu dia
He’s standing on a scale: anh ay dang dung tren cai can
5. A man is installing a video camera
A cabinet door has been left open
The people are watching some monitor
Electronics are being sold in a store
6. They’re installing some light fixtures: ho dang lap dat 1 vai thiet bi
chieu sang
They’re writing report in a classroom
They’re adjusting a microphone on a stage
They’re examining some laboratory equipment: ho dang kiem tra 1
vai thiet bi thi Nghiem
7. He’s putting away some tools : anh ay dang cat 1 vai dung cu
He’s trying on a pair of shoes : anh ay dang thu 1 doi giay
He’s adjusting his eyeglasses
He’s repairing a shoe
8. The man is holding a wallet: nguoi dan ong dang cam cai vi
The man’s painting a picture
The man’s brushing his hair
The man’s sweeping with a broom
9. He’s writing a letter
He’s reading a book
He’s serving some food
He’s holding a piece of paper
10. He’s looking at his watch
He’s talking on the phone
He’s walking out side : anh ay di ra ngoai
He’s opening a box
11. He’s calling from a public phone
He’s looking at a telephone directory
He’s standing in the hallway : anh ay dang dung o hanh lang
The telephone is being repaired
12. They’re watching a sport event
They’re turning on the computer
They’re checking information from reference book : ho kiem tra
thong tin tu sach tham khao
They’re looking at a computer monitor
13.The man is holding a pencil
The man sipping a cup of coffee : nguoi dan ong dang nham nhap
tach ca phe
The man is wearing a short- sleeved shirt: nguoi dan ong dang mac
ao so mi ngan tay
The man is reading a newspaper
14. The man is folding up the chairs :nguoi dan ong dang gap nghung
cai ghe lai
Most of a seats are unoccupied : da so chon goi con trong
The man is setting up the stage for event: nguoi dan ong sang sap
xep san khau cho buoi su kien
The chairs have been putting out in the grass : nhung cai ghe duoc
dat ra tren bai co
15. They’re putting a file in a cabinet
They’re sitting at a meeting table: ho dang ngoi o ban hop
They’re looking at the document : ho dang nhin tap tai lieu
They’re taking out some papers from their bags : ho dang lay giay
ra khoi tui cua ho

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