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Test 1

1. A man is texting on keyboard

2. A man is pulling a cart of boxes

3. A woman is selecting a fruit

4. Plants are hanging in row

5. A man is distributing pieces of papers

6. Some chairs have been arranged on the beach

Test 2

1. A man is wearing a hat

2. They are sitting outside

3. A woman is looking at the drawer

4. The men are standing near a building

5. Some papers are spread on the table

6. They are in a computer class

Test 3

1.He's reading a newspaper

2. The man is walking down a staircase

3. One of the woman is resting her arms on the counter

4. The women are shaking hands

5. Some cans are lined up on shelves

6. Some train rails are built along the building

Test 4

1. She is holding a painting brush

2. Some workers are wearing a hat

3. Books are put in shelves

4. The men are greeting each other

5. People are gathering under a construction

6. Some luggages are put into a car

Test 5

1. Cars are lined up on the bridge

2. He is looking at displays of shirts

3. An item is being loaded into a cart

4. A woman is filling at a cabinet

5. One of the women is riding along the path

6. A presentation is taking place

Test 6

1. He's carrying a briefcase

2. She's repairing a car

3. A woman is pointing toward a boat

4. A person is standing by the sign

5. They are facing away from each other

6. Some potted plants are placed outside a building

Test 7

1. A man is watering some plants

2. She is making a copy

3. He is lifting out a bicycle

4. A bag is sitting on counter

5. A man is putting coin into a parking meter.

6. A woman is holding a tablecloth

Test 8

1. One of the men is wearing a backpack

2. A table has been set for a meal

3. A man is washing floor

4. A screen is in front of theater

5. A woman is checking some merchandise

6. A man is sitting on the bench of a fountain

Test 9
1. Two people are playing music

2. A woman is holding some plates

3. A man is reaching for a display

4. Two men are holding some food containers

5. People are gathering near a waiting area

6. Some water jugs are arranged on a shelf

Test 10

1. A man's walking down the street

2. A file drawer has been filled with folders

3. The woman is standing behind the counter

4. Some people are shopping for plants

5. Some merchandise is being displayed on shelves

6. Balconies have been furnished with chairs

Test 11

1. She is wearing glasses

2. A man is kneeing down

3. She is putting an item on the shelves

4. He is walking to the bridge

5. A vehicle's door is being left open

6. Some curtains have been pulled close.

Test 12

1. He is looking into the cabin

2. A man is holding a computer core

3. There's a fountain in front of building

4. One of the men is sitting behind a window

5. A woman is securing a box with tape

6. A dining area is set for meal service

Test 13

1. A man is pushing a wheelbarrow

2. A woman is picking a document from a printer

3. Some people are walking on a bridge

4. A woman is talking to a customer

5. Some reading documents are arranged on the table in front of chairs

6. A crosswalk is at an intersection

Test 14

1. They are walking pass a building

2. She is talking on a phone

3. Drawers are closed

4. A customer is examining some jewelry

5. Some buckets are mounted on a bicycle

6. The men are examining some papers

p3. 32. C1. Asking for a direction 33. Musical performance 34. Using a different form of transportation

35. C2. A radio advertisement 36. It has longer hours of operation 37. Participate in a bicycle completion

38. C3. Prepare a videoconference 39. An office manager 40. Using a different room

44. C5. At bank 45. Taking course online 46. Investigate some costs

47. C6. Energy drink 48. Some sale figures were low 49. Advertise with social media

50. C7. There was an problem with an ordering system 51. Sending text messages 52. Make an

53. C8. Checking graphs 54. Book a ticket 55. Express concerns about doing a task alone

56. C9. Staff meeting 57. A website redesign 58. Reviewing user feedback

59. C10. Their colours 60. He is worried about missing a deadline 61. Contact a customer


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