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Name: Tyana Wright

Course: Food Preparation

Teacher: Ms Nation

1. The man that is driving is unable to see because he packs the boxes to high.
2. The tools are not properly place in the tool bag.
3. The four lager pipes are not properly fix.
4. There is a puddle of water on the floor.
5. She is walking towards an open manhole.
6. The man throws the hammer to his coworker.
7. The ladder that the man is climbing is damage.
8. The man that is standing on two boxes, which are not properly balanced.
9. The nails that are on the table are not properly store.
10. There are broken glasses on the floor.
11. There are nails sticking of out the wood on the floor.
12. The man with the blowtorch has no safety equipment.
13. The ladder is not properly place on the ground.
14. There is an open flame that is not supervised.
15. The man is smoking while climbing the ladder.
16. The man that is carrying the 2x4 could hit the other man in his head.
17. The man that is lifting a box from an uneven stack that could fall on him.

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