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Rules and Procedures for Ms.


1. Be a learner
2. Be exemplary
3. Make the world a better place
1. Knock before entering the classroom. Wait
quietly in the hallway in a mature manner.
2. Lift chairs from ground; do not scrape them.
3. Hang up your backpack on the back of
I have read and
your chair.
understood the rules and
4. Sit straight in your chair, do not slouch procedures of Ms.
or lean. Infante’s class.
5. If you are tardy, sign the Tardy Log.
6. Bring all materials to class daily. Student Signature:
7. Start dispatch or notes immediately __
upon entering classroom.
8. Raise your hand when you have a
comment or question. _____________
9. Do not sharpen pencil while teachers
or students are talking.
10. Never use the cell phone in class, for any reason.
11. Do not crumple paper.
12. Do not chew gum, eat candy, or drink anything but
water in class.
13. Clean your area before you leave.
14. Wait to be dismissed by teacher.

It’s not about the grades; it’s about the LEARNING. Be a


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