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Prepared by : Jayson B. Acoba

1. Arrive on time. Don’t be late.

2. Do not come to class late without an admission slip.
3. Raise your hand before speaking.
4. Wear the prescribed uniform and wear your I.D. at all times.
5. Be organized and prepared for class.come to class prepared to learn. (Pencils sharpened,
pen, paper, and notebooks)
6. Listen to others and participate in class discussions.
7. Respect all ideas given in class and do not criticize anybody's ideas or thoughts.
8. Stay focus on your task.
9. Do your assignments.
10. Don’t cheat. If caught cheating , a corresponding punishment will be served.
11. Listen to directions and instructions if there’s an activity.
12. Cooperate with your group if there’s an activity.
13. Leave other people's materials alone.
14. Do not interrupt other students' learning. Keep quiet.
15. No vandalism. Don't write or carve on your desk or school property..
16. When going to the comfort room , only one person at a time leaves the room .
17. When the class is done , your chair if there’s any trash . Keep it clean.
18. Respect all property. (School property, personal property, and other's property)
19. If you have questions, ask for my help.
20. Do your very best!

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