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I. Fill in the blanks.

1. Myanmar became independent on January 4, 1948.

2. Gaining independence through armed struggle in 1946, the Red Flag Communists went


3. Prime Minister U Nu appointed the Kayin national, ____Ganeral Aung San___ as the

Commander of the Army.

4. In February 1948, PVO split into two factions, White Band PVO and Yellow Band PVO

and the White Band PVO went underground in ___July 19 1948_____.

5. Mahn Ba Khine and Mahn Win Maung formed the Kayin Youth Organization (KYO) and

joined with ____AFPFL __.

6. The AFPFL government split into two ____faction_____, the Nu-Tin group (Clean AFPFL)

led by U Nu and Thakin Tin, and the Swe-Nyein group (Stable AFPFL) led by U Ba Swe

and U Kyaw Nyein.

7. On September 26, 1958, Prime Minister U Nu announced that he would resign from his

position and hand over the administrative power to ____General Nay Win_____.

8. The AFPFL government formed the ____Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League (AFPFL

_____ on April 19, 1948, to reform Myanmar's administration.

9. In 1952, the Pyidawtha Program was implemented and there are various economic and

social development initiatives___ ___ in that program.

10. Under the leadership of General Aung San to restore Myanmar's economy, an emergency

meeting was held at _____ the Sorento Villa building_____ on June 6, 1947.

11. According to the two-year economic plan, the foreign-owned Irrawaddy Flotilla Company

(Irrawaddy Flotilla Company), which operates _____ domestic marine

transportation_____, was nationalized.

12. In the post-World War II period, the social situation worsened due to the ____

economic___ decline of Myanmar.

13. The AFPFL government was focusing on disease prevention and working to

upgrade the ____treatment ____in the health sector.

14. With the help of the World Health Organization, the malaria incidence rate ___


15. Under the New Life Creation Education Plan, industrial and vocational schools are

being expanded to produce enough ___ industrialists_____.

16. The AFPFL government allowed ____freedom _____ of religion.

17. The Pali University and Dhamarsayiya Acts were enacted, and the ____ Buddhist

Council ______ was formed.

18. After Myanmar's independence, theater artists tried to preserve and modernize

_____ Myanmar traditional theater______.

19. The ______Sarpay Beikman Association ______ was established in 1948 and

translated and published various subjects into Myanmar.

20. Prime Minister U Nu gave special encouragement to ___Buddhism______.

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