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Jyotish Building Blocks;

all 18 Videos also in audio @ \MP3 classes\Lajjitaadi Avasthas 1-26\

Classes 1-16 Fundamentals for the Course_Jyotish Building Blocks
In this course you will learn the critical basics necessary for learning how to
read a horoscope and make predictions. Understanding the Rasi Chart, Bhavas
(houses), Vargas (divisional charts), Benefics and Malefics, Aspects, Dignities,
Planetary War and the very important basic astronomy of astrology so that you
can properly understand Planetary War, the Bhavas and Combustion. Many of
these things are regularly misunderstood by most practicing astrologers. Study
this course carefully and make sure you understand everything before moving
onto any technique centered courses or else those courses will appear much
more confusing than they actually are.
Subscribed members of this site may also download an audio version of this
course at no additional charge: Jyotish Building Blocks Audio Course

Videos 1 to 5 available @ \2_Components\2_Astronomy

1. Astronomy – One of the Astrologer’s Gurus
Astronomy is the scientific foundation upon which all of the horoscope and
predictive astrology lies. We all know this, yet take little time to understand
astronomy. In this video I explain the importance and greater use of astronomy.
2. The Horoscope Chart
In this Video I talk about the different chart styles: The square South Indian
chart, the diamond style North Indian chart and the relatively new Round Wheel
chart favored by Western Astrologers. Each of these chart styles has its
advantages and each is designed for different types of astrological techniques.
3. The Rasi and its Purpose @ \1_Courses\4_ Advanced
courses\18_Vargas in Depth
The Rasi is the first and most important Varga. It is critical as the reference
plane for plotting the positions of other important points (planets, bhavas,
lagnas, padas, etc.) and for calculating the other Varga charts. The Rasi must be
used correctly, for the purposes it is meant. It works with Bhavas, but does not
replace Bhavas… learn this and more in the following Video.
4. Local Space @ \1_Courses\2_Intermediate
Courses\3_Tajika Aspects & Parashara’s Mutual Yogakarakas
Local Space is the infinetely sized sphere of space surrounding your place of
birth. Understanding local space is critical in order to calculate Bhavas
(Houses), Planetary War and Combustion correctly.
5. Planetary War
Planetary War, a critical part of planetary analysis and planetary strength,
appears simple, but its calculation is much more involved than most astrologers
know. This video explains how planetary war is actually meant to be calculated.
Prerequisites: Local Space, so that you understand the framework for
determining planetary war.
Please download the Planetary War Handout before listening to this video.
6. Combustion
Moon at 12 degrees from the Sun, Mars at 17 degrees, Mercury at 14 degrees,
Venus at 10, degrees Jupiter at 11 degrees and Saturn at 15 degrees from the
Sun are commonly said to be the degrees of Combustion, however, it is not such
a simple matter. Learn the proper way to calculate combustion and what
combustion really is in the this video.
Prerequisites: Local Space, so that you understand the framework for
determining combustion.

7. Bhava Systems @ \1_Courses\2_Intermediate

Courses\3_Tajika Aspects & Parashara’s Mutual Yogakarakas
Bhavas are the concrete occuring events in life. Astronomically they are points
measured on the zodiac, the lagna being the first Bhava that all astrologers use.
For precise predictions, all the other Bhava points must also be determined,
which can be a controversial subject as there are many methods for determining
the Bhava Sphutas, or exact Bhava Points. In this video you will learn the basic
concepts behind the different Bhava Systems so that you can pick out logical
systems from illogical systems and so choose a system that gives effective
predictive results.
Prerequisites: Local Space, so that you understand the framework of Bhavas.
8. Indications of Bhavas @ \1_Courses\2_Intermediate
Courses\3_Tajika Aspects & Parashara’s Mutual Yogakarakas
The Bhavas represent the concrete, existing things that are predicted about. All
the many elements in life are indicated by one of the twelve Bhavas.
Additionally, Bhavas represent our psychological relationship to the things
represented by the Bhavas and the psychological effect that these things and
people have upon us.
Prerequisites: Bhava Systems, so that you understand the what I mean by the
term Bhava.
In this video I will talk about the most important indications of each Bhava
using the information given in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra as a foundation for
using the Bhavas.
Please download the Indications of Bhavas before listening to this video.
9. How to Use Bhavas
Using Bhavas correctly is the key to being able to make a host of predictions
about not only the individual themselves, but also about everyone else in their
Prerequisites: Bhava Systems, so that you understand the Bhava system being
used in the video.
10. The Three Kinds of Aspects @ \2_Components\
Astrological texts from India make use of three kinds of aspects: Planetary
Aspects, Rasi Aspects and Tajika Aspects. All three of these kinds of aspects
are important and have their specific uses. This video introduces the various
aspects and explains their different purposes.
11. Planetary Aspects @\
Planetary Aspects need to be calculated out to their exact aspectual value in
order to reveal ALL of their important effects. This video explains how to use
Planetary Aspects correctly in accordance with the directions given in Brihat
Parashara Hora Shastra.
12. The Natural Relationships of the Planets @ \1_Courses\
1_Beginner Courses\8_Interpretating Avasthas\1_Prerequisite Video_The
Natural Relationships of the Planets
Planetary Relationships are on of the most important factors to consider whether
reading a horoscope or making predictions. Both Natural Relationships and
Combined Relationships have their important place in predicitve astrology and
these relationships are the key to understanding whether a planet will be a
supportive or destructive force in the horoscope. Watch these videos in the
order presented below.
13. The Temporary Relationships of the Planets

14. The Combined Relationships of the Planets
15. Rahu and Ketu’s Relationships
16. Dignities & a Planet’s Auspiscious/Inauspiscious Nature
Dignities, not the natural benefic or malefic nature of a planet, are the key to
determining a planet’s auspiscious or inauspiscious nature. Dignities, are
therefore, of greatest importance in predictive astrology.
Prerequisites:Planetary Relationships, so that you understand the proper,
astronomically centered method of determining planetary relationships.
17. Saumya & Krura Grahas
The Saumya & Kruura, gentle and cruel nature of a planet, also known as its
benefic and malefic nature, though an important quality of the planets, is not
everything in prediction…
18. Indications of Vargas @ \1_Courses\4_ Advanced courses\
18_Vargas in Depth\
Vargas are the key to making specific and accurate predictions. Vargas have a
three-fold influence: They each represent some area of life; they provide planets
with a full array of dignities; and they provide each planet with an array of
symbolic dieties. The videos in this section will instruct on the area of life that
each varga represents.

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