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Target Audience Worksheet:

1. Define Your Business:

 Fitness App named "FitPro," providing personalized 15-minute workout plans and
nutrition guidance for busy professionals.

2. SMART Goal Recap:

 Increase FitPro app downloads by 30% within the next six months by focusing on
professionals aged 25-40.

3. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

 App downloads, user engagement (average time spent on the app), retention rate, and
conversion from free trial to paid subscription.

4. Demographic Information:

 Age: 25-40

 Gender: 60% male, 40% female

 Location: Urban areas

 Income Level: $50,000 - $100,000 annually

 Education: College-educated

5. Psychographic Information:

 Interests: Fitness, wellness, time management

 Values: Health-conscious living, work-life balance

 Lifestyle: Busy professionals, tech-savvy, interested in home workouts

6. Behavioral Information:

 Purchasing Habits: Prefer online transactions, value convenience

 Brand Loyalty: Open to trying new apps, influenced by user reviews

 Online Activities: Active on Instagram, LinkedIn; engage with fitness influencers

7. Channels and Platforms:

 Social Media: Instagram for visual content, LinkedIn for professional engagement

 Apps: Fitness tracking apps, nutrition apps

 Communication: Email newsletters for updates and promotions, in-app notifications for
personalized suggestions

Customer Journey Worksheet:

1. Awareness Stage:

 Social Media Campaigns: Engaging Instagram posts and stories showcasing quick,
effective 15-minute workouts for busy professionals.

 Online Articles: Collaborate with fitness influencers to write articles on LinkedIn about
the benefits of short and efficient workouts.

2. Consideration Stage:

 Free Trial Offer: Encourage users to sign up for a 7-day free trial with personalized
workout plans based on their fitness level and goals.

 Testimonials: Share success stories and testimonials from professionals who have
achieved fitness goals through the FitPro app.

3. Decision Stage:

 Limited-Time Discount: Offer a 20% discount for users who decide to subscribe after the
free trial period.

 Comparison Chart: Provide a detailed comparison chart highlighting the unique features
of FitPro compared to other fitness apps.

4. Purchase Stage:

 Seamless In-App Purchase: Ensure a user-friendly and secure in-app purchase process
with various payment options.

 Confirmation Email: Send a confirmation email with a personalized message, additional

resources, and a link to the onboarding guide.

5. Post-Purchase Stage:

 Personalized Progress Tracking: Implement features for users to track their progress, set
new goals, and receive virtual badges for achievements.

 Loyalty Program: Introduce a loyalty program offering exclusive advanced workouts,

nutritional tips, and early access to new features for long-term subscribers.

6. Mapping Touchpoints:

 Awareness: Instagram ads, LinkedIn articles

 Consideration: Free trial, testimonials on social media

 Decision: Limited-time discount, comparison chart

 Purchase: In-app purchase, confirmation email with onboarding guide

 Post-Purchase: Progress tracking, loyalty program benefits

7. Opportunities and Challenges:

 Opportunities: Collaborate with fitness influencers for sponsored posts, gather user
feedback for continuous app improvement.

 Challenges: Address potential concerns about commitment and effectiveness in 15-

minute workouts, highlight success stories to overcome skepticism.

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