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12- STEM F


Resilience is a subjective word. We view the meaning of resilience in

different ways. According to the Oxford Dictionary, “resilience is the capacity to
recover quickly from difficulties or toughness.” Thus, resilience is a multifaceted
and dynamic trait that possesses an individual’s ability to adapt, withstand, and
get through any adversities, challenges, or setbacks. However, it is not about
enduring the pain but it is about bouncing back stronger and wiser.

A song entitled “This Is Me Trying” by Taylor Swift holds an impactful and

significant message for me as its themes tackle vulnerability, self-reflection, and
sincere effort to overcome personal challenges. The lyrics reveal a person who
has faced difficult times, perhaps making mistakes or going through a tough
period in life. Despite fighting every day, nobody notices them, nobody expresses
their desire to support or understand the person who is in need. For me, the song
shows resiliency, the lyrics itself reflect the human experience of striving to do
better and be the best version of oneself, even when faced with setbacks or

Furthermore, I can also compare resilience to a pair of heels. When you’re

not used to wearing them, there’s a big possibility you might stumble and fall.
However, that pair of shoes will give you the motivation to get up and continue to
walk. Using heels might be hard but if you believe in yourself you’ll slowly get
used to it. Just like in life, no matter how many times we fall into the darkness, we
need to rise and continue to fight so that we can find the light. Healing ourselves
might be hard but slowly we’ll just recover from it and bounce back stronger,
bolder, and wiser.

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