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Name of student: Akanksha Kulkarni

Division: A Batch:A1
SAP ID:45611230621
Industry: Healthcare paramedical/diagnostics FFMSR.
Question 1 : It is not practical to have female employees in certain roles. A role requires the
professional to perform specific activities. Every activity is made up of attitudes, skills, and
actions, behaviours.
Will you please talk in detail about 1 such activity in this role?
Answer: In the diagnostic industry there is a lot of sensitive work which requires attention to
detail. Such as work related to drawing of blood, testing it using complex machines, etc. Also
work such as setting up testing machines, operating them is a task for many. This industry
also deals with crucially sick people which may be considered as unsuitable for women to be
around. Lot of times paramedical and diagnostic healthcare workers get calls late to attend a
case, or if an emergency occurs and their presence is required. This kind of work many
consider as unsuitable for women, especially if they have a family to look out for. Also
working so closely with ill people is not a job many would prefer.
Question 2: let us say an activity X is being performed by a male Y and a female Z.
In what way is the females performance be different than the male performance?
Answer: This is my personal opinion that apart from the inconvenient timings, the diagnostic
industry has better female professionals than their male counterparts. This is because I
believe females are more suited to working with patients especially with children and older
people. Their approach although professional is many a times more human and the patients
feel more comfortable with them. This mainly applies to paramedical and diagnostics for
pregnant women. Men are better equipped in maybe testing the blood samples, operating
complex medical machines such as the mri machines, radiology equipment, women are better
with interactions with their patients.
Question 3: Let us say that a male and female professional are equal in absolutely every way,
and the organization needs to choose 1 of them for a position.
What considerations are typically made for the position?
Answer: Well in my experience the better professional gets the position. Whoever of the 2 has
better experience with patients and diagnostic operations has a better chance. Many a times,
the male counterpart may be given preference as the timing is more convenient for the. If
both are approached at midnight the possibility of the man making it to get the job done is
higher than the female. Emergency approachability is an important factor. Bot also
experience is key. Generally whoever have more years of expertise under their belt get the
Question 4: you have worked with a male superior, who performed the activity we talked
Please talk in detail about the communication approach he adopted, and what was
problematic about this approach?
Answer: My male superiors are generally great at communication. In the healthcare sector
communication must be clear and concise. There is generally no room for confusion. The best
way to get through to someone is to directly talk to them. This industry requires fast
communication as it is about health and we canna take that lightly. If communication channel
is slow then that’s a problem. Quick communication and fast execution of work is vital.
Question 5: what would the communication approach of a female professional be, for the
same activity and same role?
Answer: There is not much difference is communication when it comes to gender in this
industry. Maybe some may find womens communication tad bit slower but generally that’s
not the case. Both are efficient communicators. But I have noticed women do have more
misunderstandings rate than men. This might be mainly because they tend to involve their
feelings in their work more than men. They also get offended more than men. Otherwise
communication is swift with both genders.
Question 6: what changes would you have make in your communication approach with a
male superior?
Answer: Men are not very sensitive. They speak more lingo than women. They are very fast
communicators. They don’t like to wait around and slowly get their message around. Maybe
a message by a women might tale 10 words and the same may tale 5 for a man. They like to
speak for short while and finish giving instructions quickly. They expect their employees to
understand quickly and get to work. I have also noticed men hesitate to communicate with
women one on one because they might not be very used to or because they have a way of
speaking straight to the point which some women find harsh. Ive had to adopt to this fast and
furious style of communication.
Question 7: in what wat does working with male superior come in way of your routine or
Answer: as I said before in diagnostic industry emergencies occur more frequently which
require fast response. Some times im not able to tend to these emergencies due to my family,
children my other roles as a women. Male superiors have a hard time accepting this as they
more generally not expected to tend extensively at home and are not very involves with their
family and children as I hve to be. Other than this there are no roadblocks in my routine due
to male superiors.

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