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- Summaize the story using your own words:

This is a story about an app called True Beauty, a new social networking platform
released globally
- What do you think is the meaning of this story?
In my opinion, the meaning of this story is that social networks always have two
faces: good and bad. Just like in the story it was mentioned: "If you want your
pictures to show the real you, it's time to be as beautiful in real life as you are on
your social media." Therefore, don’t live a virtual life, or flex about things that are
not true.
- Do you like the story? Would you download True Beauty? Why/ Why not?
I am kinda hooked on this story. And I think I wouldn't download this app 'cause
I'm not a social media addict. I don’t like wasting time just surfing the Internet,
‘cause I feel like my time passes meaninglessly. My time is used for different
useful activities such as studying, playing volleyball, listening to music, etc.

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