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Fire Safety Report and Application
1. Introduction: .................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Occurrence of fire: ........................................................................................................................................ 3
 2.1 Fire Incidents: ................................................................................................................................... 4
 2.2 Causes of Fires: ................................................................................................................................. 4
 2.3 Impact of Fire Incidents: ................................................................................................................... 4
3. Fire phases: ................................................................................................................................................... 4
 3.1 Ignition Phase: .................................................................................................................................. 5
 3.2 Growth Phase: .................................................................................................................................. 5
 3.3 Fully Developed Phase: ..................................................................................................................... 5
 3.4 Decay Phase:..................................................................................................................................... 5
4. Fire Containment Measures: ......................................................................................................................... 6
 4.1 Discuss different measures and strategies used to contain fires, including:.................................... 6
 4.2 Fire Doors and Firestops: .................................................................................................................. 6
 4.3 Firefighting Techniques: ................................................................................................................... 7
5. Combustibility: ............................................................................................................................................. 7
 5.1 Combustibility and Fire Behavior:..................................................................................................... 7
Define combustibility and its significance in fire safety: ..........................................................................................7
Combustibility Definition: Explain that combustibility refers to the ability of a material to ignite and sustain
combustion when exposed to heat and a sufficient oxygen supply...........................................................................7
Fire Behavior: Discuss how the combustibility of materials affects fire behavior, including flame spread, heat
release rate, and the production of smoke and toxic gases........................................................................................7
 5.2 Factors Influencing Combustibility: .................................................................................................. 7
 5.3 Assessing Combustibility: ................................................................................................................. 8
 5.4 Mitigating Combustibility Risks: ....................................................................................................... 8
6. Fire protection measures: .............................................................................................................................. 8
 6.1 Fire Prevention:................................................................................................................................. 9
 6.2 Active Fire Protection Systems: ........................................................................................................ 9
 6.3 Passive Fire Protection Measures: .................................................................................................... 9
 6.4 Fire Safety Equipment and Tools: ................................................................................................... 10
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7. Timber as building material when acted upon by fire: ............................................................................... 10
 7.1 Fire Behavior of Timber: ................................................................................................................. 10
 7.2 Fire Protection of Timber: ............................................................................................................... 11
 7.3 Fire Testing and Standards: ............................................................................................................ 11
 7.4 Design Considerations: ................................................................................................................... 11
8. Fire computation using the reduced cross section method ......................................................................... 12
 1.1 Compute the effective charring depth according to EUROCODE 1995-1-2.................................... 12
 1.2 Check the new reduced cross section working in bending ............................................................. 14

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1. Introduction
Fire safety is a crucial aspect of building design and construction. Understanding the behavior of
materials when exposed to fire and implementing appropriate fire protection measures is vital for ensuring the
safety of occupants and minimizing property damage. In this chapter, we will focus on timber as a building
material and its performance under fire conditions.

Timber, with its natural beauty, sustainability, and versatility, has long been a favored choice in
construction. However, when subjected to fire, timber exhibits specific behaviors and reactions that can impact
its structural integrity and fire safety. It is essential to comprehend these characteristics and implement
measures to enhance its fire resistance.

We will begin by examining the fire behavior of timber. This includes its ignition and charring process,
flame spread tendencies, heat release rates, and the production of smoke and toxic gases. Understanding these
behaviors provides insights into the potential risks and challenges associated with timber in fire situations.

To mitigate these risks, various fire protection measures can be implemented. Surface treatments, such
as fire-retardant coatings and treatments, can be applied to timber to improve its fire performance. Fire-
resistant assemblies, which combine timber with fire-resistant materials, offer enhanced fire protection.
Additionally, the installation of fire sprinkler systems can suppress or control fires, reducing their impact on
timber structures.

Evaluating the fire performance of timber involves fire resistance testing methods and adherence to
relevant standards. Fire resistance ratings provide valuable information about a timber assembly's ability to
withstand fire and maintain its structural integrity. By understanding these ratings and testing methodologies,
informed decisions can be made regarding the selection and use of timber in construction projects.

Design considerations specific to timber structures in fire-prone environments will also be explored.
This includes maintaining appropriate fire-separation distances, implementing compartmentation and fire
barriers, and developing comprehensive fire safety plans that encompass evacuation procedures and effective
fire detection and alarm systems.

By gaining a comprehensive understanding of timber as a building material when acted upon by fire,
we can make informed decisions and implement effective fire protection strategies. Through the use of surface
treatments, fire-resistant assemblies, and fire sprinkler systems, we can minimize the risks associated with
timber's combustible nature and ensure the safety of occupants.

In addition to aims to provide a comprehensive overview of timber as a building material under fire
conditions. By examining its fire behavior, exploring fire protection measures, and considering design
considerations, we can enhance fire safety in timber construction projects. Understanding the behavior of
timber in fire situations and implementing appropriate fire protection measures is crucial for creating safer
buildings and protecting lives and property.

2. Occurrence of fire
The occurrence of fires is a significant concern worldwide, posing threats to life, property, and the
environment. This chapter provides an overview of the frequency, causes, and impact of fire incidents,
highlighting the importance of fire safety measures.

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 2.1 Fire Incidents:
Start by presenting statistical data on the occurrence of fire incidents. Include information such as the
number of reported fires annually, both globally and within your specific region or country of interest.
Highlight any notable trends or patterns in fire incidents, such as seasonal variations or changes over

 2.2 Causes of Fires:

Discuss the various causes of fires, emphasizing both human factors and natural factors:

a. Human Factors:

Accidental Causes: Explore common accidental causes of fires, such as careless smoking,
unattended candles, cooking mishaps, electrical faults, and improper use of fire sources. Provide
specific examples and highlight their potential impact.

Negligence and Human Error: Discuss instances where human negligence, carelessness, or errors
contribute to fire incidents, such as mishandling flammable materials or disregarding safety

b. Natural Factors:

Wildfires: If relevant to your report, address natural causes of fires, such as wildfires caused by
lightning strikes or volcanic activity. Provide an overview of their occurrence and impact but
focus primarily on fire safety within built environments unless your report specifically covers

 2.3 Impact of Fire Incidents:

Describe the consequences and impact of fire incidents, both in terms of human lives and property

a. Loss of Life and Injuries:

Discuss the human toll of fires, including fatalities and injuries suffered by individuals directly
involved in fire incidents.
Highlight the importance of fire safety measures in preventing loss of life and reducing injuries.

b. Property Damage:
Examine the extent of property damage caused by fires, including residential, commercial, and
industrial losses.
Mention the financial costs associated with fire incidents, such as property repairs, insurance
claims, and economic impact.

3. Fire phases
Fire goes through distinct phases as it progresses, each with its own characteristics and implications
for fire safety. This chapter explores the different stages of a fire, providing insights into the behavior and
progression of fires.

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 3.1 Ignition Phase:
The ignition phase marks the beginning of a fire and involves the initial activation of the fire triangle
elements: heat, fuel, and oxygen.

Key points to cover include:

Ignition Sources: Discuss common ignition sources, such as open flames, electrical sparks, hot
surfaces, or chemical reactions.

Ignition Factors: Explain how the availability of fuel, the presence of oxygen, and the application of
sufficient heat contribute to ignition.

Ignition Response: Describe the immediate response of the fuel to ignition, which may include
smoldering, glowing, or rapid flame development.

 3.2 Growth Phase:

During the growth phase, the fire intensifies and spreads, becoming more challenging to control.
Focus on the following aspects:

Fire Spread: Explain the mechanisms of fire spread, such as conduction, convection, radiation, and
direct flame contact.

Heat Release Rate: Discuss how the heat release rate increases as the fire gains momentum, leading
to more intense flames and higher temperatures.

Fire Behavior: Describe the characteristics of fire behavior during the growth phase, including the
generation of smoke, the production of toxic gases, and the formation of fire plumes.

 3.3 Fully Developed Phase:

The fully developed phase represents the peak of the fire's intensity and size. Cover the following

Maximum Heat Release: Highlight the high heat release rate during this phase, resulting in intense
flames and extensive thermal energy.

Structural Impact: Discuss the potential impact on structural integrity, as the fire's intense heat can
compromise the stability of buildings or objects.

Limited Fire Spread: Explain how, despite the intense fire, the spread of the fire may be limited due
to reduced fuel availability or ventilation constraints.

 3.4 Decay Phase:

In the decay phase, the fire begins to diminish and eventually extinguishes. Include the following

Reduction in Heat Release: Explain how the fire's heat release rate decreases as the available fuel
diminishes, leading to a decline in flame size and intensity.

Lingering Smoke: Discuss the continued production of smoke during this phase, highlighting the
importance of proper ventilation and smoke control measures.

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Complete Extinction: Mention the point at which the fire is considered fully extinguished, with no
significant risk of re-ignition.

4. Fire Containment Measures

 4.1 Discuss different measures and strategies used to contain fires, including:
a. Fire-Resistant Construction:

Explain the importance of constructing buildings with fire-resistant materials, such as fire-rated
walls, doors, and floors.
Discuss the role of fire-resistant building codes and regulations in ensuring proper construction

b. Compartmentalization:

Describe the concept of compartmentalization, which involves dividing buildings into fire-
resistant compartments to prevent fire spread.
Highlight the use of fire-rated walls, doors, and fire stops to create effective fire compartments.

c. Fire Suppression Systems:

Discuss the role of automatic fire suppression systems, such as sprinkler systems, in containing
fires by suppressing or controlling their growth.
Explain the operation and benefits of different fire suppression systems, including water-based
sprinklers, gaseous suppression systems, and foam systems.

d. Fire Barriers:

Explain the use of fire barriers, such as firewalls and fire curtains, to restrict fire spread within a
building or between adjacent structures.
Discuss the materials and design considerations for effective fire barriers.

 4.2 Fire Doors and Firestops:

Focus on the importance of fire doors and firestops in containing fires and limiting their spread:

a. Fire Doors:

Explain the purpose of fire doors in compartmentalization and their ability to resist fire for a
specified duration.
Describe the features and components of fire doors, including fire-rated materials, intumescent
seals, and self-closing mechanisms.

b. Firestops:

Discuss the role of firestops in preventing the spread of fire through openings, such as wall
penetrations, cable or pipe penetrations, and gaps in construction joints.
Highlight the use of fire-resistant materials, sealants, and proper installation techniques for
effective firestops.
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 4.3 Firefighting Techniques:
Address firefighting techniques and strategies that aid in the containment of fires:

a. Attack and Control:

Describe the approach of firefighters to attack and control fires, including techniques such as
direct attack, indirect attack, and defensive firefighting.
Discuss the use of firefighting equipment, such as fire hoses, fire extinguishers, and firefighting

b. Ventilation:

Explain the importance of ventilation in firefighting and fire containment.

Discuss strategies for effective smoke control and removal, including natural ventilation,
mechanical ventilation, and positive pressure ventilation.

5. Combustibility:
Understanding the combustibility of materials is essential for assessing fire hazards, implementing fire
safety measures, and selecting appropriate building materials. This chapter explores the concept of
combustibility, factors influencing it, and methods to mitigate fire risks.

 5.1 Combustibility and Fire Behavior:

Define combustibility and its significance in fire safety:
Combustibility Definition: Explain that combustibility refers to the ability of a material to ignite and
sustain combustion when exposed to heat and a sufficient oxygen supply.
Fire Behavior: Discuss how the combustibility of materials affects fire behavior, including flame
spread, heat release rate, and the production of smoke and toxic gases.

 5.2 Factors Influencing Combustibility:

Explain the various factors that influence the combustibility of materials:

a. Fuel Characteristics:

Fuel Types: Discuss different types of fuels, such as solid, liquid, and gas, and their varying
degrees of combustibility.
Fuel Composition: Explain how the chemical composition of a material influences its
combustibility, considering elements like carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen content.
Fuel Moisture: Highlight the role of moisture content in materials, as it can affect their

b. Ignition Sources:

Heat Sources: Discuss different ignition sources, such as open flames, sparks, electrical
malfunctions, or frictional heat, and their potential to ignite different materials.

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Ignition Temperature: Explain how the ignition temperature, the minimum temperature required
for a material to ignite, varies among different substances.

c. Oxygen Availability:

Oxygen Concentration: Discuss the importance of oxygen availability for combustion and how it
can be influenced by ventilation or sealed environments.
Oxygen Limiting Strategies: Highlight the use of fire suppression systems or oxygen-depleting
agents to reduce oxygen levels and mitigate fire risks.

 5.3 Assessing Combustibility:

Describe methods for assessing the combustibility of materials:

a. Fire Testing:

Standard Fire Tests: Discuss internationally recognized fire testing standards, such as ASTM E84
or UL 94, which evaluate the flammability and combustibility of materials.
Test Parameters: Explain the parameters assessed during fire testing, such as flame spread, smoke
generation, heat release rate, and the time to ignition.

b. Fire Ratings and Codes:

Fire Ratings: Explain the concept of fire ratings, such as fire-resistance ratings or flame spread
ratings, assigned to materials based on their performance in fire tests.
Fire Codes and Regulations: Discuss the role of fire codes and regulations in establishing
minimum requirements for the use of materials in construction and ensuring fire safety standards.

 5.4 Mitigating Combustibility Risks:

Discuss strategies and measures to mitigate combustibility risks:

a. Material Selection:

Fire-Resistant Materials: Emphasize the importance of using fire-resistant materials with low
combustibility for critical building components.
Fire Performance Criteria: Explain the consideration of fire performance criteria when selecting
materials, such as flame spread, smoke development, and toxicity.

b. Fire Protection Systems:

Fire Suppression Systems: Discuss the role of automatic fire suppression systems, such as
sprinklers, in controlling or extinguishing fires promptly. Fire Detection and Alarm Systems:
Highlight the importance of early fire detection to allow for timely evacuation and intervention.

6. Fire protection measures:

Fire protection measures play a critical role in preventing fires, reducing the risk of fire-related injuries
and fatalities, and mitigating property damage. This chapter explores various strategies and systems employed
to protect against fires and enhance overall fire safety.

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 6.1 Fire Prevention:
Highlight the importance of fire prevention in minimizing fire hazards and risks:

a. Fire Safety Education:

Discuss the significance of educating individuals about fire safety practices, including fire
prevention measures, safe handling of flammable materials, and proper use of electrical
Emphasize the role of fire safety campaigns, training programs, and informational resources in
promoting fire prevention awareness.

b. Housekeeping and Maintenance:

Explain the importance of maintaining a clean and clutter-free environment to reduce fire hazards.
Discuss regular inspection and maintenance of electrical systems, heating and cooling equipment,
and other potential sources of fire ignition.

c. Fire Safety Policies and Procedures:

Highlight the significance of developing and implementing fire safety policies and procedures in
various settings, including workplaces, educational institutions, and residential areas.
Discuss the role of fire drills, evacuation plans, and emergency response protocols in ensuring
preparedness and swift action during fire incidents.

 6.2 Active Fire Protection Systems:

Discuss the implementation and benefits of active fire protection systems:

a. Fire Detection and Alarm Systems:

Explain the importance of early fire detection for prompt evacuation and intervention.
Discuss the components of fire detection systems, including smoke detectors, heat detectors,
flame detectors, and fire alarm systems.

b. Automatic Fire Suppression Systems:

Discuss the various types of automatic fire suppression systems, such as sprinkler systems,
gaseous suppression systems, and foam systems.
Explain their operation, advantages, and effectiveness in quickly suppressing or controlling fires.

 6.3 Passive Fire Protection Measures:

Explain the role of passive fire protection measures in containing and preventing the spread of fires:

a. Fire-Rated Construction:

Discuss the use of fire-resistant materials and construction techniques, such as fire-rated walls,
floors, and doors, to create compartments and delay the spread of fire.
Explain the concept of fire resistance ratings and the importance of complying with relevant
building codes and standards.

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b. Fire Barriers and Firestops:

Discuss the installation of fire barriers, such as firewalls and fire curtains, to restrict fire spread
within a building or between adjacent structures.

Explain the use of firestops to seal openings and penetrations in walls, floors, and ceilings,
preventing the spread of fire and smoke.

 6.4 Fire Safety Equipment and Tools:

Discuss essential fire safety equipment and tools that aid in fire protection:

a. Portable Fire Extinguishers:

Explain the types of fire extinguishers and their appropriate use for different classes of fires.
Discuss proper placement, inspection, and maintenance of fire extinguishers.

b. Emergency Lighting and Exit Signs:

Highlight the importance of adequate emergency lighting and clearly visible exit signs for safe
evacuation during a fire.
Discuss the requirements and standards for emergency lighting and exit signs in various settings.

c. Fireproof Cabinets and Storage:

Discuss the use of fireproof cabinets and storage units for storing flammable materials safely.
Explain the fire resistance properties of these cabinets and their role in minimizing fire risks.

7. Timber as building material when acted upon by fire:

Timber is a widely used building material known for its versatility, aesthetics, and sustainability.
However, when exposed to fire, timber exhibits specific behaviors and reactions that affect its structural
integrity and fire safety. This chapter examines the performance of timber as a building material under fire
conditions and explores fire protection measures to enhance its fire resistance.

 7.1 Fire Behavior of Timber:

Explain the behavior of timber when exposed to fire:

a. Ignition and Charring:

Discuss the ignition temperature of timber and how it varies depending on factors such as wood
species, moisture content, and surface treatment.
Explain the charring process, where the outer layers of timber burn, forming a protective char
layer that slows down the spread of fire to the interior.

b. Flame Spread and Heat Release:

Describe how timber can contribute to flame spread due to its combustible nature.
Discuss the heat release rate of timber during combustion and how it affects the intensity of the

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c. Smoke and Toxic Gas Emissions:

Highlight the production of smoke and toxic gases when timber burns.
Explain the importance of managing smoke and controlling toxic gas emissions during a fire for
occupant safety.

 7.2 Fire Protection of Timber:

Discuss fire protection measures to enhance the fire resistance of timber:

a. Surface Treatments:

Explain the use of fire-retardant coatings and treatments applied to the surface of timber to
improve its fire performance.
Discuss the effectiveness, durability, and maintenance requirements of these treatments.

b. Fire-Resistant Assemblies:

Describe the concept of fire-resistant assemblies, which involve combining timber with fire-
resistant materials to improve overall fire performance.
Discuss the use of fire-rated gypsum boards, mineral wool insulation, or fire-resistant coatings in
timber assemblies.

c. Fire Sprinkler Systems:

Discuss the installation of automatic fire sprinkler systems to protect timber structures.
Explain how sprinklers can suppress or control fire, reducing the impact on timber and preventing
structural collapse.

 7.3 Fire Testing and Standards:

Explain fire testing and standards related to timber:

a. Fire Resistance Testing

Describe fire resistance testing methods used to evaluate the fire performance of timber
assemblies, such as the ASTM E119 or ISO 834 standards.
Discuss the parameters assessed during fire tests, including flame spread, temperature rise, and
structural stability.

b. Fire Resistance Ratings:

Explain fire resistance ratings assigned to timber assemblies based on their performance in fire
Discuss the meaning of fire resistance ratings in terms of fire containment and duration of
structural integrity.

 7.4 Design Considerations:

Highlight design considerations for using timber in fire-prone environments:

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a. Fire-Separation Distances:

Discuss the importance of maintaining adequate distances between timber structures to prevent the
spread of fire.

b. Compartmentation and Fire Barriers:

Explain the use of compartmentation and fire barriers to restrict fire spread within timber
Discuss the requirements for fire-rated walls, doors, and other fire barriers.

c. Fire Safety Planning:

Emphasize the importance of developing fire safety plans specific to timber structures, including
evacuation procedures, fire detection, and alarm systems.

8. Fire computation using the reduced cross section method

Analyze the behavior of a floor beam under the action of fire. The beam was considered unprotected
against fire and subjected to several combinations of loadings at different burning times. The beam is
working in bending.

The analyzed wooden beam is part of a floor over the ground floor, it is considered simple supported
and it has the below characteristics:

Beam characteristics
- Beam opening 6 m
- Beam cross-section 300x300 mm
- Material: solid softwood C24
- Density 440 kg/m3
- Distance between the beams 0.625 m

Loads acting upon the beam

Permanent loads 4 kN/m2
Live loads 2 kN/m2

Computation steps:

 1.1 Compute the effective charring depth according to EUROCODE 1995-1-2

Checking the flexural strength by the EUROCODE 5:
This bending causes a compressive stress in the upper part of the beam and a tensile stress in the
lower part:

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𝝈𝒎,𝒅 ≤ 𝒌𝒔𝒚𝒔𝒕 × 𝒌𝒉 × 𝒌𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒕 × 𝒇𝒎,𝒅

𝝈m, d: Real bending stress in N / mm² (MPa)

σ , =

Mef: bending moment of the beam (daNm)

M =

q = 1.35P + 1.5N (daN / m)

( . ∗ . ∗ ) ²
M =
. ∗ ²
M =
M = 37.8 daNm
I m3

The Notional Design Charring Depth should be as:

d , = ꟓ ∗t

βn: values given in table 3.1 in Eurocode 1995-1-2 and it will be considered β n=0.8
t: time of fire exposure: 25 minutes
d , = 0.8 ∗ 25

d , = 20

The Effective Charring Depth

d =d , + k ∗d
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d0: the value of the layer considered having 0 resistance and stiffness, it will be considered being
equal with 7mm.
K0: factor which introduces in the computation the fact that the d0 layer is not constant from the
beginning of exposure to fire (for unprotected elements k0 =1 for t≥20 minutes).

d = 20 + 1 ∗ 7
d = 27

 1.2 Check the new reduced cross section working in bending

It results:
(B − 2d ) ∗ (H − d )²
I/v =
(300 − 2 ∗ 27) ∗ (300 − 27)²
I/v =
v = 3055689

𝝈𝒎,𝒅 = 𝑰 = 12.37 N/mm2

ksys - coefficient considering the system effect.

𝐤 𝐬𝐲𝐬 = 𝟏, 𝟏

kh - height coefficient for solid wood:

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𝑘 = 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑑𝑒 ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ℎ < 150 𝑚𝑚

𝐤 𝐡 = 𝟏, 𝟑
kcrit: lateral buckling coefficient obtained as a function of the critical bending stress m, write and the
relative slenderness in bending λ ,

A beam subjected to a bending moment can tilt (lateral buckling of the compressed part).
Values of the kcrit coefficient:
λ , ≤ 0,75 k =1
0,75 < λ , ≤ 1,4 k = 1,56 − 0,75λ ,

1,4 < λ , k =1
λ ,

λrel, m: relative slenderness in bending

Calculation of the relative slenderness in bending:

f ,
λ , = б ,

fm, k: characteristic flexural stress (N / mm²) is equal to 24 N / mm².

Calculation of critical stress m, write from which the discharge appears (in N / mm²):
0,78 b
б , = E ,
𝐥𝐞𝐟 : effective length of the beam, which depends on the support conditions and the loading
In our case:
L = 0.9 ∗ 6000
L = 5400

𝐄𝟎,𝟎𝟓 : Characteristic axial modulus of elasticity at the 5% percentile is equal to 7400.

0,78 ∗ 246
б , = ∗ 7400
273 ∗ 5400

б , = 236.94

λ , =

λ , = 0.32 < 0.75

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Spill verification by the EUROCODE 5:
𝟏. 𝟏𝟏 ≤ 𝟔 ok

Deformation verification by the EUROCODE 5:

Instant arrow 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 is caused by all the loads at the time of their application

𝑊 = × U = 1.0P + 1.0N

5 (6 ∗ 10 /0.625) × 6
𝑊 = ×
384 300 ∗ 300
13000 ×
𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒕 = 𝟏. 𝟖𝟒𝟔

Deferred arrow 𝐖𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩 corresponds to the amplification of the deflection due to long duration loads.

W =𝑊 × k
kdef: coefficient relating to the material and the service class, in our case (service class 1): Solid wood:
kdef = 0.6

W=W × 0.6
W= 1.9846 X 0.6
𝐖𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩 = 𝟏. 𝟏𝟎𝟕
Final arrow 𝐖𝐟𝐢𝐧 is the sum of instantaneous deflection and the deferred deflection 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐖𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩
W =W + W
W = 1.85 + 1.107
𝐖𝐟𝐢𝐧 = 𝟐. 𝟗𝟓𝟒

The counter-jib 𝐖𝐜 can be done in the workshop during the fabrication of the beam. It makes it
possible to increase the absolute value of the deformation of the beam while remaining within the regulatory
In our case:
𝐖𝐜 = 𝟎
The final resulting arrow 𝐖𝐧𝐞𝐭,𝐞𝐧𝐝 is the total apparent deflection measured below the support line.
W , =W −W = W + W − W

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W , = 2.954 − 0
𝐖𝐧𝐞𝐭,𝐟𝐢𝐧 = 𝟐. 𝟗𝟓𝟒

L 600
W = 1.935 ≤ =
300 300
𝟏. 𝟖𝟓 ≤ 𝟐 checked
W = 3.097 ≤ W = =
𝟐. 𝟗𝟓𝟒 ≤ 𝟒. 𝟖 checked
L 600
W , = 2.954 ≤ W = =
200 200
𝟐. 𝟗𝟓𝟒 ≤ 𝟑 checked

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