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Case Title: Strategic Expansion of Nakamura Lacquer Company

Background: Nakamura Lacquer Company (NLC), a renowned Japanese producer of lacquer

tableware, faces a decision about expanding into the American market. The company, known
for its Chrysanthemum brand, has two offers: one from National China Company, which
requires NLC to give up its brand name and restricts selling to other US entities, and another
from Sammelback, Sammelback, and Whittacker (SSW), which offers promotional support
but requires exclusive representation.
Key Decision: Mr. Nakamura needs to decide which, if any, of these offers to accept,
balancing brand integrity, market expansion, and profit maximization.
Discussion Questions:
What are the potential short and long-term impacts of accepting the National China
Company's offer on NLC's brand identity and market position?
How should NLC evaluate the risks and benefits of the SSW offer, considering the potential
for market growth and the requirement for exclusive representation?
What alternative strategies could NLC pursue to enter the U.S. market while preserving its
brand identity and maximizing long-term profitability?

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