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What is a conceptual framework?

The simplest way to explain a “conceptual framework” is that: it is a diagram

representing the relationship of variables. However, the complete
explanation of a “conceptual framework” is longer and requires more
We have to understand that researchers work to examine particular aspects of
the world. In doing so, they create literature where they study and propose how
these certain aspects of the world relate to one another. But in explaining
complex relationships, the easiest, simplest, and most effective way of
delivering them is through a particular diagram called a “conceptual

Though, conceptual frameworks do not always have to be in the scientific

literature. Even the average person can create their own. However, truly
scientific and authoritative ones are typically found inside scientific literature.
Moreover, researchers do not just create conceptual frameworks out of
nowhere. In fact, they conduct comprehensive reviews of literature that support
their conceptual framework which makes their conceptual frameworks even
more credible.

How to Make a Conceptual Framework?

Before you prepare your conceptual framework, you need to do the following

1. Choose your topic

As a researcher, there are many aspects of the world you can choose to
investigate. However, the important thing to consider is that not all the
resources of the world are available to us. Moreover, the research may also be
time-bound. As such, one should choose a topic that they consider to be
comprehensively achieved within the resources that they have and within the
time they are allotted.

2. Make your research question

Unlike the topic which can be a broad area of study the research question has to
be specific. The exact aspects of who, what, where, how, and why have to be
clearly laid out. This is where one of the most important aspects of your
conceptual framework will come in. The research question is a clear and
arguable question which is where your research will revolve. In order to have a
concise conceptual framework, your research question should be one that you
are truly curious about.

A reason why the research question is an essential part of your conceptual

framework and your overall research, is what puts the focus and path of your
study. It avoids the chances of getting lost as you write the paper.

3. Conduct a review of the literature

Doing a review of literature is an action where a researcher studies published
works by reliable sources related to the topic. The purpose of having a literature
review is to let you and your readers know about the existing ideas and
information there are on your chosen topic; and as well as the weak and strong
points of it. Some of the key things you should remember when doing the
review of literature is that it should be: connected to the topic; synthesize the
results of the publications you’ve read; and recognize the areas where there is a
lack of information or insufficient evidence to prove the claim. Having a review
of the literature narrows down what you will be putting in your conceptual

4. Choose your variables

Since you’ve done your research, by this time, you will already be able to
identify and pinpoint the variable that has been discussed in the publications
you’ve studied and try to make a connection or decipher how they are linked.
As you must have already read a lot of literature, you will find that there are
many possible variables to choose from when conducting your study. However
when creating research in general, it’s important that you only choose the most
important variables as not all of them will be significant; as you must have read
much scientific literature, you should be able to discern the important ones by
this point. And when creating a conceptual framework in particular, even though
you can choose all the variables in the world, it would be best not to since too
many variables in a conceptual framework will be confusing. Though it is also
not a good idea to choose too few variables or else your study might be too
simple. As also mentioned in the previous step, you have to find the right level
of intricacy in your study that will fit within your resources and time allocation.

5. Choose your relationships

Now that you have chosen your variables, you have to choose how these
variables are related to one another. Given that you have already read much
literature on your topic, you should already be able to define how each of your
variables is connected to one another. This is especially important to note as
this will largely impact how your conceptual framework will look once you start
making the diagram.

6. Create the conceptual framework

Now that you have achieved all the previous steps, the final step is to illustrate
the diagram. How you illustrate the diagram will differ on a case-to-case basis,
but generally, variable names have to be laid out clearly and put into
rectangles, variables have to be connected with lines and arrows, and the
arrowheads will differ depending on the nature of the relationships. Single head
arrows are for relationships that are one-directional (i.e. A affects B and B does
not affect A) and double-headed arrows are for relationships that are 2
directional (i.e. A affects B and B also affects A). Also, lines do not have to be
limited to connecting only 2 variables (i.e. A and B); some relationships can be
between more variables (i.e. A affects B and also C).

Conceptual Framework Sample

Just to have a clearer idea of the process of making a conceptual framework,
let’s try to make a concrete example of it.

Background: I am a co-owner of a branch of Burger King.

1. Choose your topic
I am interested to know what affects the satisfaction of our customers. My goal
is to be able to know what specific parts of our business can influence our
customers’ experience.
2. Make your research question
The research question I can formulate is “What affects customer’s satisfaction of
Burger King?

3. Conduct a review of the literature

I read up on different publications related to food establishments, specifically
burger joints, and customer satisfaction. From here, I can already have an idea
of the variables I can pinpoint from those publications that have been proven to
affect customer satisfaction.

4. Choose your variables

With all the books, scholarly articles, and researches I have gone through, it
can be determined that there are 3 main variables, namely: food taste, speed of
service, and staff performance. Customers are very much concerned with the
taste of the product. The amount of time it takes to serve them also affects how
pleased or displeased they are. Lastly, the performance of the staff that serves
also affects their experience.

5. Choose your relationships

I was able to determine that the 3 variables: food taste, speed of service, and
staff performance, are determining factors of customer satisfaction.

6. Create the conceptual framework

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