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In his book of philosophy in the chapter “The knowledge of disease” about the
concept of disease Richard Hughes agreed Hahnemann’s concept about the
knowledge of disease and followed the steps of realizations of Hahnemann about
disease. He also strongly supported Dr. Carroll Dunham’s writings and Dr.
Carpenter’s remarks in this subject.
1. Hahnemann said symptoms are the fundamentals to know a disease,
they form the portrait of the disease. Richard Hughes came to the
ultimatum that – We thus come back to the phenomena as our
mainstay in practice: for therapeutic purposes, the totality of
symptoms, constitutes the disease.
2. For drug therapeutics on the Homoeopathic principle,
symptomatology may justly supersede diagnosis, as being in many
cases surer and in all more thorough.
3. The totality of symptoms is intended to be a curative indication; and if
disease is to be cured it should be taken as early as possible.
4. In such early stages maladies are often recognizable by rational signs
alone, and mainly by the symptoms of a subjective neturo.
5. Physiology takes cognizance, not of life, but of the results of life. So
that with which Pathology is concerned is the result of the abnormal
and perverted life which we call disease. The products of disease
Pathology sees, hears or infers: It knows nothing of disease itself.
6. It appears that of the three elements which exist in all knowledge –
phenomena, laws and causes, it is the first which for positive
therapeutic action, chiefly concerns us in disease.
7. It is from the phenomena that in diagnosis, we infer the noumena:
quite as surely, in treatment, if drug and disease have the same
phenomena, it may be concluded that their noumena are also
8. Hahnemann anticipated all that the most advanced thinkers of now a
days about the scope and influence of Pathology in relation to
Therapeutics. He rejected Contraria Contrariis Curenter the palliative
rule and accepted for mildly, rapidly and permanently cure a disease
with Similia Similibus Curentur.
9. Regarding treatment of disease with homoeopathic potentization he
always follow Hahnemann’s idea of application of dynamic medicine
and used lower potencies in every case with success and never
accepted higher and higher dynamisations.

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