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The most honest reason from me is because I want to try my luck in a new field of job so that I'm able to

work remotely from anywhere. I'm planning on to spend more time with my mother by work from
home. But because of my educational background, which is pharmacy, it's nearly impossible for me to
actualize my plan by following a traditional route of career as pharmacist assistance that requires some
sort of fixed registration in one district only and the job obviously cannot be done from home. A little
TMI from me, my mother isn't sick (I really thank God for that) but she's a single mother who live alone
and often go to another district to look after my grandmother. As a daughter, I want to lessen my
mother's burden by give her both emotional and financial supports. Adding into that, I want to improve
myself by upgrading my skills and I believe that every chance to get a new knowledge is a path of life
from God that I should try my best and follow.

The graph is about sales growth of retail and retail ecommerce on holiday season from 2013-2020 in
USA. The sales from each category shown in % change. The graph also presents the sales growth from
non-ecommerce in same period of time and place. This graph is useful for determining business
strategies that can be implemented for the sustainability of businesses in USA. Quoted from, ecommerce is the buying and selling of goods and services online, while retail is the buying
and selling of goods and services in physical stores. Non-ecommerce represent activity of buying and
selling directly from sellers to buyers in physical world without using a retail outlet. From the graph we
can observe a stagnant sales growth of retail ecommerce from 2013 (12.7%)-2019 (15.4%) as well as
sales growth of retail and non-ecommerce from same period of time. There is quite a gap between retail
ecommerce sales and retail sales every year, but retail and non-ecommerce did not have that many
difference %change gaps in term of sales. Based on data, there is a significant change behavior of buying
and selling activity in USA year 2020. On holiday season in 2020, ecommerce sales growth risen up to
35.8% or 20.4% higher than 2019, while sales growth of retail and non-ecommerce are dived down to
0.9% and -4.7% respectively. Further investigations are needed to determine the reasons of such
dramatic turn of trend of sales.

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