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Multi-Car Parking System Using Verilog


—Parking slots in closed spaces like shopping malls and multi-storeyed building etc. usually
find it difficult to keep track of free space and required manual labor to do the same. This
work aims at creating a parking system with multiple slots to mitigate the problem of tight
parking spaces and high manual efforts to keep track of free space within a constrained area.
The overall idea focuses mainly on the design of a car parking system by simulating Verilog
code using the ModelSim software. Synthesis is targeted using Xilinx-20.1 Integrated
Synthesis Environment (ISE). Asynchronized system of parking slots for vehicles using the
concept of Finite State Machine are utilized. The proposed system shows less area utilization.

Index Terms—Verilog, parking system, Xilinx, Modalism, Finite State Machines

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