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Engineering Structures 44 (2012) 304–311

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Effect of local buckling core plate restraint in buckling restrained braces

T. Takeuchi a,⇑, J.F. Hajjar b,2, R. Matsui a,1, K. Nishimoto c,3, I.D. Aiken d,4
Department of Architecture and Building Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, M1-29, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, 400 Snell Engineering Center, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA
Building Construction & Steel Structure Division, Nippon Steel Engineering Co. Ltd., Osaki Center Building, 1-5-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-8604, Japan
Seismic Isolation Engineering, Inc., 1144 65th St., Unit D Emeryville 94608-1053, CA, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Buckling-Restrained Braces (BRBs) are commonly used as ductile bracing elements in seismic zones. Key
Received 9 August 2011 limit states governing BRB design include preventing both flexural buckling and local buckling failures. In
Revised 15 May 2012 this study, the authors propose a strategy for the prevention of in-plane local buckling failure of a BRB
Accepted 17 May 2012
whose restrainer is composed of a mortar in-filled circular or rectangular steel tube with various mortar
Available online 13 July 2012
thicknesses. Cyclic loading tests on BRBs possessing various mortar restrainers and circular tube thick-
nesses were carried out to investigate the effect of the mortar and the sectional shape of the restraint
tube on the local buckling failure of buckling-restrained braces.
Steel structures
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Buckling restrained brace
Local buckling failure

1. Introduction conditions to prevent out-of-plane local buckling. However, ordin-

ary BRBs with a mortar in-filled steel tube restrainer have risks of
Buckling-Restrained Braces (BRB) and their frames (BRBF) have local buckling failure in the in-plane direction as seen in Fig. 1, and
been extensively used for seismic applications over the last twenty research on this criterion is very limited. Recently, while investi-
years in seismic zones as Japan, US, Taiwan, and China, etc.; how- gating optimal economic configurations for BRBs, restrainers with
ever, their design criteria is not necessarily established yet. In the smaller thickness tubes were employed along with thick core
AIJ recommendation for Stability Design [1], the design criteria plates, thus increasing the risks of in-plane local buckling failure.
for BRBs are indicated as follows; (1) Restrainer design to prevent The authors have proposed an evaluation strategy for the pre-
overall buckling, (2) Effective clearance between core and restrai- vention of in-plane local buckling failure of rectangular BRBs [5]
ner to achieve stable hysteresis, (3) Core plate local buckling failure based on experimental tests and numerical simulations; however,
prevention, (4) Connection design to guarantee core yield, (5) this work focused on rectangular tubes where the effect of the
Overall stability design including connections, and (6) Cumulative mortar thickness at the edge of the core plate was small. For
deformation capacity until core fracture. However, much of the designing economical BRBs, not only rectangular but circular re-
past work on BRBs focused on the response characteristics and straint tubes with various mortar thicknesses may be employed,
seismic performances of BRBFs, while little work on the design cri- and the proposed criteria in the prior study [5] are incomplete
teria for the BRB itself has been reported [2–7]. for these configurations.
For criterion (3) above related to the restrainer conditions to In this study, cyclic loading tests on BRB specimens are carried
prevent local buckling failure of the core plates, Koetaka et al. [2] out to confirm the effect of the mortar thickness and the restraint
have indicated that the out-of-plane local buckling wave length tube sections for in-plane local buckling failure of BRBs. Based on
are governed by the thickness and plastic modulus of the core these results, the criteria necessary to prevent such local buckling
plates, and Chou et al. [6] discussed the criteria of the restrainer failure is reconstituted including the effects outlined above.

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +81 3 5734 3165. 2. Uniaxial cyclic loading tests on BRBs for various mortar and
E-mail addresses: (T. Takeuchi), (J.F. circular restraint tube thickness
Hajjar), (R. Matsui), (K.
Nishimoto), (I.D. Aiken).
1 The experimental test setup and associated specimens are
Tel./fax: +81 3 5734 3165.
Tel.: +1 617 373 3242; fax: +1 617 373 4419.
shown in Table 1 and Fig. 2. Hereafter, specimen labels are defined
Tel.: +81 3 3275 5114; fax: +81 3 3275 5978. as RY65M25; the first character represents the shape of the restrai-
Tel.: +1 510 774 5818; fax: +1 510 595 7499. ner; R is a rectangular shape; C is a circular shape. The second

0141-0296/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Takeuchi et al. / Engineering Structures 44 (2012) 304–311 305


Ac cross-section area of core plate plastic zone s clearance between core plate and restrainer
Ae cross-section area of core plate elastic zone tc thickness of core plate
Bc width of core plate tm thickness of mortar
Br width of restrainer wall tr thickness of restraint tube
cm contribution factor of mortar a hardening ratio of strength after yielding
E elastic modulus of core plate dc displacement of core plate
Etc. tangent modulus of core plate dg extensometer displacement
Le elastic zone length in the range of initial gage length ec strain of plastic zone of core plate
Lg initial gage length et maximum tensile strain of core plate
Lp length of plastic zone of core plate er strain of restrainer wall
lp length of local buckling wave of core plate c local buckling failure index
Mp plastic hinge moment of restrainer wall mp plastic Poisson’s ratio
Pc core plate axial force h angle between application point of perpendicular force
Pcy yield axial force of core plate component and strong centroid axis of core plate
Plb local buckling failure force of core plate rcy yield stress of core plate
Pr perpendicular force of core plate rry yield stress of restrainer wall
Prlb ultimate perpendicular force of core plate
Pry plane yielding force of restraint tube

Restraint tube Local buckling failure


Core plate

(a) Local buckling failure of BRB

Restraint tube
Core plate


Mortar at the
Mortar Br
edge of the
core plate
(b) Section at failure position
Fig. 1. Local buckling failure of core plate in BRB.

Table 1
Specimen parameters.

Experimental results shown here are reported in prior work.
306 T. Takeuchi et al. / Engineering Structures 44 (2012) 304–311

2000 2000
250 70 150 120 7@100=700 120 150 70 250 250 70 1300 70 250
30 30 30 30 30 30
Cushion c

Core Strain gauge Core c Restraint tube

Restraint tube
B plate (Transverse) B A plate A

A-A View B-B View

(a) Specimen
Core plate

Restraint tube Restraint tube Cushion

Core plate tc tc
tr tm tr


Br Br
Mortar material
Rectangular restrainer Circular restrainer

(b) c-c section details.

Fig. 2. Specimens for uniaxial cyclic loading tests.

Table 2
Rectangular restraint tube BRB cyclic loading test results and revised failure index.

Table 3
Circular restraint tube BRB cyclic loading test results and revised failure index.
T. Takeuchi et al. / Engineering Structures 44 (2012) 304–311 307

The index c in Table 1 is the safety factor proposed by the

authors [5], where the effect of the mortar was neglected. For in-
stance, the index c for RY65M25 was 0.4, which indicates the
strength of RY65M25 was weaker than that of RY65M7, whose c
was 0.6. The width-to-thickness ratios of the rectangular restrainer
varied between 65 and 76, and the diameter-to-thickness ratio of
Cross Head the circular restrainer ranged from 110 to 138. Strain gauges were
attached on the surface of the restrainer along its length, oriented
LVDTs transversely to measure bulging due to local buckling, as shown in
Fig. 2a (A–A view); s is the clearance between the core plate and
1/2Le (Elastic zone) the restrainer. To investigate the effect of mortar thickness, the size
of the core plates were 16 mm  130 mm and 22 mm  94 mm
Lg Lp (Plastic zone) (these have the same cross-sectional areas), comparable to the
monotonic compression tests in [5], and cyclic loading was applied
1/2Le (Elastic zone) as in Fig. 3. The axial force was measured by a load cell in the test-
ing machine, and the axial displacement of the BRB is measured by
extensometers between both end plates over length Lg as shown in
Fixture Table 1 and Fig. 3. The displacement of the plastic zone of the core
plate is defined as dc and is estimated by Eq. (1):
dc ¼ dg  Le ð1Þ
Loading direction Ae E
where dg is the extensometer displacement; Pc is the core plate axial
Fig. 3. Specimen and setup for uniaxial cyclic loading tests.
force; Ae is the initial cross-section area of the core plate elastic
zone; E (=205,000 N/mm2) is the elastic modulus of the core plate;
and Le is the elastic zone length in the range of initial gage length.
character denotes the loading pattern; Y represents cyclic loading.
From this equation, the strain of the plastic zone of the core plate
The third number indicates the width-to-thickness or diameter-
ec may be calculated by Eq. (2):
to-thickness ratio of the restrainer steel tube. M25 represents the
mortar thickness tm between the edge of the core plate and the re- dc
ec ¼ ð2Þ
strainer as seen in Fig. 2b, which is a newly introduced parameter Lp
in this paper. Unbonding material is used to create a gap between
where Lp is the length of the plastic zone of the core plate. The core
the core and the mortar; however, the stiffness and strength of this
plate stress rc is calculated by Eq. (3):
material are very small and are considered to be negligible for
restraining the core plates (see Tables 2 and 3).

Core plate fracture

Core plate stress σc (N/mm2)
Core plate stress σc (N/mm2)

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Core plate strain εc (%)
Core plate strain εc (%)
(b) RY76M37
(a) RY65M25
Core plate fracture
Core plate fracture
Core plate stress σc (N/mm2)
Core plate stress σc (N/mm2)

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Core plate strain εc (%)
Core plate strain εc (%)
(d) CY138
(c) CY110
Fig. 4. Stress–strain curves for uniaxial cyclic loading tests.
308 T. Takeuchi et al. / Engineering Structures 44 (2012) 304–311

Restraint tube strain εr (%)

Restraint tube strain εr (%)

3 1
Core plate strain εc =3.0% 12th Cycle Core plate strain ε c=3.0%
2.25 0.75

1.5 εc =3.0% 3rd Cycle 0.5

εc=2.0% εc=1.0%
0.75 0.25

0 0
εc =1.0% εc =2.0%
Restraint tube deformation Restraint tube deformation
Peak 34.2mm Peak 10.5mm

Peak 32.1mm Peak 10.0mm

εc =2.0% εc=1.0%
Restraint tube strain εr (%)

Restraint tube strain εr (%)

0 0
0.75 0.25 εc=1.0% εc =2.0%
1.5 0.5
εc=3.0% 3rd Cycle
2.25 0.75
Core plate strain εc =3.0% 12th Cycle Core plate strain εc =3.0%
3 1

(a) RY65M25 (b) RY76M37

Restraint tube strain ε r (%)

Restraint tube strain ε r (%)

1 2
Core plate strain εc =3.0%
0.75 Core plate strain ε c =3.0% 1.5
ε c =2.0% εc=2.0%
0.5 1
εc =1.0% εc=1.0%
0.25 0.5

0 0

No local buckling failure deformation No local buckling failure deformation

Restraint tube strain ε r (%)
Restraint tube strain εr (%)

0 0

0.25 0.5 εc =1.0%

ε c=1.0% εc =2.0%
0.5 ε c =2.0% 1

0.75 1.5
Core plate strain ε c=3.0% Core plate strain εc =3.0%
1 2
(c) CY110 (d) CY138
Fig. 5. Restraint tube strain and deformation.

Pc local buckling failure at 2% strain amplitude of the core plate in the

rc ¼ ð3Þ
Ac previous study [5], thus the occurrence of the local buckling failure
of RY65M25 and RY76M37 is later than RY65M7. Therefore, the
where Ac is the cross-section area of the core plate plastic zone. The mortar thickness between the edge of the core plate and the restrai-
cyclic loading was applied with amplitudes of ec = ±0.5%, ±1.0%, ner prevents the local buckling failure. The circular restraint tube
±2.0%, and ±3.0%, with three cycles each. The hysteresis curves of strain in Fig. 5c and d increased to approximately 0.8% when 3%
the core plate as obtained from the tests are shown in Fig. 4, and strain amplitude of the core plate was achieved. However, speci-
strain transitions at the surface of the restrainer wall as measured mens CY110M15 and CY138M15, with a thinner circular restrainer
by the strain gauges are shown in Fig. 5. Specimens RY65M25 and wall than specimen CY83M16 in the previous study [5], showed no
RY65M37, having thicker mortar between the edge of the core plate local buckling failure even with high D/t ratio and displayed stable
and the restrainer, exhibited a local buckling failure at 3% strain stress–strain curves until the low-cycle fatigue fracture of their core
amplitude of the core plate (Fig. 5a, b, and Fig. 6). RY65M7 exhibited plates, which was similar to specimen CY83M16.
T. Takeuchi et al. / Engineering Structures 44 (2012) 304–311 309

Before deformation

Pr νpε t Βc/2
Pcy Pcy
Pr νp ε t Βc/2
Tension side Compression side

(a) Core plate buckling in restrainer

Local buckling failure

Core plate

A half length of local buckling lp

Restraint tube
Fig. 6. Local buckling failure of RY65M25 (after testing).

(b) Bulging of the skin plate

3. Re-evaluation of local buckling failure criteria for
rectangular restraint tube Fig. 7. Collapse model of restrainer wall at local buckling failure.

From the previous work, the perpendicular force of the core lier work [5] is obtained by neglecting the effect of tm and tc. The
plate may be calculated as Eq. (4), as shown in Fig. 7a. ratio c is then defined by Eq. (8) as the ultimate strength of the re-
2s þ mp et Bc 2s þ mp et Bc strainer wall Prlb divided by the perpendicular force component of
Pr ¼ Pcy ¼ Bc t c arcy ð4Þ the core plate Pr:
lp lp
Prlb 2t2 lp rry Br
where s is the clearance between the core and the restrainer, mp is c¼ ¼ r ð8Þ
Pr Bc t c 2s þ mp et Bc arcy Br  t c  cm tm
the plastic Poisson’s ratio mp = 0.5, et is the maximum tensile
strain of the core plate, Pcy is the yield axial force of the core The ratio c represents the local buckling failure index; c > 1.0 means
plate, rcy is the yield stress of the core plate, tc is the thickness that the restrainer is sufficient to prevent local buckling failure. The
of the core plate, a is the ratio representing the increase in mate- axial force Plb causing the local buckling failure can be calculated by
rial strength after yielding (a = 1.1–1.8), and lp is the length of the Eqs. (9) and (10) as follows:
local buckling wave of the core plate estimated by Eq. (5), which
lp Br
generally is approximately 4 times the core plate width Bc. This Plb ¼ 2t 2r rry ð9Þ
evaluation is similar to out-of-plane local buckling indicated in 2s þ mp et Bc Br  tc  cm tm
prior studies [2,6]. P lb
c¼ ð10Þ
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi aPcy
pBc Etc
lp ¼ ð5Þ The c indices estimated from the test specimens of the rectangular
2 3rcy
restraint tube are shown in Fig. 10a together with the occurrence of
where Etc. is the tangent modulus of the core plate. The shaded area local buckling failure. From this figure, it is observed that all speci-
in Fig. 7b shows the bulging of the restrainer tube skin plate, which mens that caused local buckling failure had a c value less than 1.0,
indicates a collapse of the restrainer tube. After estimating the col- and the criterion for the restrainer wall is substantiated well by this
lapse mechanism considering the effect of mortar as shown in Fig. 8, index.
the perpendicular force component can be calculated by Eqs. (6)
and (7): 4. Discussion of local buckling failure criteria for circular
restraint tube
Br t 2r
Mp ¼ rry ð6Þ
4 When the restraint tube is circular, the restraint tube is as-
8M p Br
Prlb ¼ ¼ 2t2r rry ð7Þ sumed to resist the perpendicular force from the core plate by
Br  t c  c m t m Br  t c  c m t m in-plane stress. An estimated collapse mechanism with a circular
In these equations, rry is the yield stress of the restrainer wall, Br is restrainer is shown Fig. 9. From this estimation, the ultimate per-
the width of the restrainer tube, tm is the mortar thickness, tr is the pendicular force component Prlb is calculated as shown in
restrainer wall thickness, cm is the contribution factor of the mortar. Eq. (11):
Here, cm of the rectangular restrainer is configured as 2.5 from cur-
Prlb ¼ 2Pry cos h ¼ prry t r Br cos h ð11Þ
rent experimental results. In Eq. (7), the proposed equation in ear-
310 T. Takeuchi et al. / Engineering Structures 44 (2012) 304–311

Fig. 8. Failure mechanism of rectangular restraint tube considering effect of mortar.

Pry Estimated
tm Crack Path
Pr/2 tc/2+tm ϕ of Mortar
Bc θ
Crack Path θ
of Mortar ta

(a) Plane yielding of circular restraint tube (b)Angle theta diagram

Fig. 9. Local buckling failure mechanism for circular restraint tube.

RY65M7 (No Local Buckling Failure)
RY65M25 (No Local Buckling Failure)
Safety factor γ

RY65M37 (No Local Buckling Failure)

1 RY65M7 (Local Buckling Failure)

RY65M25 (Local Buckling Failure)
RY65M37 (Local Buckling Failure)

0 1 2 3 4
Strain amplitude εc =εt (%)
(a) Rectangular restraint tube

CY83M16 (No Local Buckling Failure)
20 CY110M15 (No Local Buckling Failure)
Safety factor γ

CY138M15 (No Local Buckling Failure)



0 1 2 3 4
Maximum t ensile strain εc =εt (%)

(b) Circular restraint tube

Fig. 10. Safety factor evaluation.

where Pry is the in-plane yield strength of the restraint tube skin, and perpendicular force component and the strong centroid axis of the
h indicates the angle between the application point of the core plate as Fig. 9b. The cosine of the angle is calculated as Eq. (12).
T. Takeuchi et al. / Engineering Structures 44 (2012) 304–311 311

cm t m þ t c (2) The criteria for the local buckling failure of BRBs can be mod-
cos h ¼ ð12Þ
Br  2tr ified by the mortar thickness and the restraint tube shape.
Here cm of the circular restrainer is estimated as 2.5 from current The revised criteria improve the ability to predict local buck-
experimental results, and is the same as for the rectangular ling failure in BRBs.
restrainers. Similarly to Eqs.(8), (9), the failure index c for the circu- (3) With a circular restraint tube, local buckling failure did not
lar restraint tube is calculated to Eq. (13), and the local buckling occur until the core plate plastic strain amplitude was 3%,
failure force Plb of the core plate for the circular restraint tube is even for large diameter-to-thickness ratios of the tube.
estimated as Eq. (14).
Prlb pt r lp rry cm tm þ tc Acknowledgements
c¼ ¼ Br ð13Þ
Pr Bc t c 2s þ mp et Bc arcy Br  2tr
lp cm t m þ t c This research was supported by Nippon Steel Engineering Co.,
Plb ¼ pt r rry Br ð14Þ Ltd. and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The
2s þ mp et Bc Br  2tr
authors thank Joshua Steelman, Grzegorz Banas, and Timothy
where Br is the diameter of the circular restrainer tube, and all other Prunkard of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and
variables are the same as those for the rectangular restraint tube. Yu Nakamura at the Tokyo Institute of Technology for their contri-
Fig. 10b shows the indices estimated from test specimens of the cir- butions to the experiments conducted in this research. Any opin-
cular restraint tube. The index c of the circular restraint tube repre- ions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in
sents a much higher value than 1.0, which explains the reason why this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
no circular restraint tube showed a local buckling failure in spite of the views of the sponsors.
the high D/t ratios.

5. Conclusions References

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