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Assessing vocabulary Learning Strategies:the Case of third year English

Language and Literature in Bonga University.



BY: Iyuel yishak

Advisor: Fitamo Fikire (MA in TEFL)

June, 2023

Bonga, Ethiopia





Approved by Board of examiners


Advisor Name:----------------- Sign-------------------------date---------------------------



I declare that this senior essay, conducted that under department of English language and
literature in Bonga university, is my own piece of work, and has not been presented in any
similar way in other program and area. All the materials used for this study are my own effort
and been dully acknowledged.

First and most, I greatfully thank to my almighty God for all his support to achieve this work at
this stage. Next, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for my advisor Mr. Fitamo
Fikire for his constructive advice and an immediate feedback from the beginning up to the
accomplishment of this study. I would also like to express my thanks to third year English
language and literature students in bonga university English major students and teachers for
cooperation in filling the questionnaire and interview during the data collection. In addition I
extent my heartfelt thanks to my friends who helped and encouraged me while I was
conducting this study.

Last but not least, I would like to express my thanks to my families for their endless help from
the beginning up to accomplishment of my study in an unlimited financial and moral support.


The purpose of this syudy wasto assese vocabulary learing strategies ;the case of third year
English language and literature students in bongauniversity . The participants of the stuy were 43
students of third year class and twoEnglish teachers .Adescritive research design was employed .
Asimple random sampling techenque for all student and purposive sampling technique for
teachers for were used .The researcher used questionaires [close –ended and open-ended ], semi-
structured interview and observation as data gathering instrument for the study Qualitative and
quanititative method of data analysis were used for this study .the result of this study shows that
dictionary use ,social strategies ,gussings strategies. And note-taking strategies are most common
VLS employed by this students .wereas metacognitive strategies and sources are the least
common VLS used by the students .Activation ,note-taking strategies and sources were
encouraged by the teachers .Based on the finding the researcher recommended that student
should use amore vocabulary learing strategies and an English teachers should motivate and give
a different tasks and material in order to improve the students vocabulary knowledge .

Contents page
CHAPTER ONE : INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background of the Study.................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the Problem................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives of the Study...................................................................................3
1.3.1 General Objective.....................................................................................3
1.3.2 Specific Objectives of the Study..............................................................3
1.4 Research questions..........................................................................................3
1.5 Significance of the study.................................................................................4
1.6 Scope of the study...........................................................................................4
CAPTER Two:Review of Related Literature………………....................................5
2.1, Definition of Vocabulary................................................................................5
2.2 Vocabulary Learning.......................................................................................5
2.3 The importance of vocabulary learning...........................................................6
2.4 Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS)...........................................................6

CHAPTER THREE:Research Methdology……………................................……10
3.1 Research Design............................................................................................10
3.2 Population......................................................................................................10
3.3 Participants of the Study................................................................................10
3.4 Sampling size and S ampling Techniques.....................................................11
3.5 Data Gathering Instruments...........................................................................12
3.5.1 Questionnaire..........................................................................................12
3.5.2 Interview.................................................................................................12
3.5.3 Observation.............................................................................................13
3.7 Method of Data Analysis Procedure..............................................................13
3.8 Data Analysis and Interpretation...................................................................13
CAPTER FOUR : Data Analysis and Interpritation…………………………………………….15
4.1 Analysis of the Students’ Response on Close-ended Questionnaires..........15
4.2 Analysis of Students’ Open-ended Questions...............................................21
4.3. Analysis of Teachers’ Response on Interview Questions............................22
4.4 Analysis of Classroom Observation..............................................................23
CHAPTERFIVE:Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation……………….....26
5.1 Summary........................................................................................................26
5.2 Conclusions...................................................................................................27
5.3 Recommendations.........................................................................................27
Appendix 1…………………..................................................................................31
Appendix 2…………………..................................................................................36
Appendix 3…………………..................................................................................37

List of tables

Table 2.1 Vocabulary learning strategy classification by GU and Johnson (1996)……….….8

Table 3.1 Number of samples in each class…………………………………………………...10

Table 4.1 Students response about using metacognitive strategies…………………………..12

Table 4.2 Students response about using guessing strategies…………………………………13

Table 4.3 Students response about using dictionary use strategies……………………………15

Table 4.4 Students response about note-taking strategies…………………………………….16

Table 4.5 Students response about memory strategies………………………………………..17

Table 4.6 Students response about using Activation strategies………………………………18

Table 4.7 Students response about learning new words from different sources …………….19


E.C Ethiopian Calendar

EFL: English as a Foreign Language

SNNPR: Southern Nation, Nationalities and People’s Region

VLS: Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study

Language educators have used the concept of four basic language skills: listening, speaking,
reading and writing. These four language skills are sometimes called the "macro skills". In
addition to macro skills, there are micro skills such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and
spelling all play a role in effective English communication.

In language teaching and learning, learning vocabulary is one of the fundamental components
since words play an important role in expressing our feelings, emotions and ideas to others. This
means, without the mediation of vocabulary, no amount of grammatical or other types of
linguistic knowledge can be employed in second language communication or discourse. This
idea implies that, the strategies of learning vocabulary make learners to have sufficient words
(lexical items) to express what one wants to transmit and understand concepts as adequately as
they carry the meaning. According to Nation (1990) in order to master vocabulary, students must
learn multiple words meaning and connotation, derived forms, spelling, pronunciation and proper
grammatical uses. Vocabulary serves as useful and fundamental tool for communication and
acquiring knowledge for learners.Thorbury, S. (2001:1) stated that “language emerge first as
vocabulary, both in historical and the way each of us learned our subsequent language”.

According to Pinker (1993:3) “ typical high school students know about 60,000 words, so as to
facilitate his or her communication and other issues”. He also stated that “ children just entering
to school commanded 13,000 words, a life rate about 12,000 words”. Only listening new words
is not an efficient way to improve your vocabulary, but vocabulary its nature needs gradual
practice or training. Therefore students should improve their communication ability through
practice and training to know the meaning of unfamiliar words. According to Rubin (2007), with
regard to intervention studies relating to language learning strategies: teaching students learning
strategies, if effectively done, increase not only their knowledge of strategies but also their
motivation and performance.

In large number of studies, directing students to employ learning strategies have yielded positive
outcomes, and training has been found to be successful (Oxford,1990). So as to utilize this idea,

devising and using instructional strategies needs to be in teaching and learning vocabulary
(Woodard,1998). Indeed, neither literature nor language exits withou

t vocabulary (Harmer,1991). On top of this, vocabulary is a primary concern for language

teachers, applied linguistics.

Therefore, the interest of focusing on this vocabulary learning strategy comes from various
reasons. In the first place, to the best of researcher’s knowledge, it is one of the significant areas
language learners and teachers face problem in relation to the vocabulary learning strategies.
And secondly, as a language learner, vocabulary learning through different strategies is very vital
in language learning. In light of this, the purpose of this study is to explore vocabulary learning
strategies in the case of third year English language and literature students in bonga university.

1.2 Statement of the problem

When we learn vocabulary we master listening, reading skill and grammatical functions of the
words. Also learning vocabulary shows progressing or improving your day to day activities and
its concept is not merely gathering the words. But, understanding its meaning and knowing why
we use as well as when we use it (Schmitt,2000).According to Read (2002), linguistic
researchers recognized the role of vocabulary learning and exploring difficult strategies on
language effectively, that is vocabulary can be seen as a priority area in language teaching to
control the students vocabulary learning and assess how vocabulary knowledge is too meet their
communication needs. In an attempt to explore the student’s effort in using vocabulary learning
strategies, different a researchers conducted a study in different settings. Among them, Getnet
Gidey, (2008) conducted study on vocabulary learning strategy use in the case of: high and low
achiever students at Gondar college of teachers education. The finding indicates that, more
successful language learners (i.e high achievers) use more vocabulary learning strategies than
less learners (i.e low achievers).

Also, Getachew Bekele, (2013) conducted study on vocabulary learning strategies used by EFL
students at Jorgo Nole preparatory school. The study shows that, many of high achievers
“usually and always “use almost all of the strategies, where as many of the low achievers “never
and rarely” use many of the strategies to discover the meaning of new English words.

So, what makes this study differs from the above studies, first, both studies was conducted at a
college and preparatory level, while this study was carried at a high school level. Second, both
researchers do not mentioned or described the vocabulary learning strategies used or employed
by high and low achiever students, where as a present researcher identified and mentioned the
strategies employed by third year English language and literature students in bonga university
English major students. Also, no study has been conducted at bonga university English major
students on assessing vocabulary learning strategies. These are some of the reasons that
motivated the researcher to conduct study on assessing vocabulary learning strategies to fill the
above gaps.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of this study is to assess the students’ vocabulary learning strategies in
case of third year English language and literature students in bonga university.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives of the study

The specific Objective of the study are :

1.To find out the most common vocabulary learning strategies used by third year
English language and literature students in bonga university.
2.To identify the least common vocabulary learning strategies used by third year
English language and literature students in bonga university.
3.To know the vocabulary learning strategies most of time the encouraged by
teachers for third year English language and literature students in bonga
university English major students.

1.4 Research questions

Based on the specific objectives, the following research questions are drown.
1. What are the most common vocabulary learning strategies used by third year English
language and literature students in bonga university?
2. What are the least common vocabulary learning strategies used by third year English
language and literature students in bonga university?

3. What are the vocabulary learning strategies most of the time encouraged by teachers to
teach third year English language and literature students in bonga university?

1.5 Significance of the study

The researcher hopes that, this study has the following significance for students and teachers. For
students; it presents various types vocabulary learning strategies in English language. It would
ensure the students’ performance on vocabulary learning. It would show the way how to use
vocabulary learning strategies for students. It helps students to develop their knowledge about
vocabulary strategies by reading the material. Also for teachers it serves as a reference material
and a way for further researchers who want to conduct a study on this area.

1.6 Scope of the study

This study delimited to assess Vocabulary learning strategies ;the case of third year English language and
literature students in bonga university .The reason for having a research on this title is that the
researcher thought that many students seemed to have shortage of vocabularies .Thus it is belived to
study on the students vocabulary learining strategies;in bonga university students are selected as a
sample of the study since the researcher studies in the same university .This can help the to do the
researcher in an accessible ways ,regarding collecting data ,transportation and time management .

1.7 Limitation of the study

This study will provide useful findings for different parties in the education sector (students,
teachers, curriculum designers, and researchers). But, the study was confined to only one school
because of shortage of time and resources. Besides representative population (43) students which
are 20% of the total students were selected to respond to the questionnaire. The researcher feels
that it would have been much better if more students from other grades and other schools had
been involved in the study.

1.8 Definitions of key terms
Vocabulary: A list or collection of words or phrases belonging to a branch of knowledge or
known by an individual or group in a field of knowledge.

Vocabulary learning strategies: knowledge about the mechanisms, steps or actions used in
order to learn vocabulary taken by students to find out the meaning of unknown words.

Language learning strategies: any sets of operations, steps, plans, and routines used by the
learner to facilitate the obtaining storage, retrieval and use of information.

Chapter Two: Review of Related Literature
2.1, Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary can be defined as “words we must know to communicate effectively ; words in

speaking ( expressive vocabulary) and words in listening ( receptive vocabulary)”(Neuman and
Dwyer,2009:385).It usually develops with age and serves as a useful and fundamental for
communication and acquiring knowledge. Also, Kamil and Hiebert (2005) stated that,
vocabulary is generally defined as the knowledge of words and word meaning. More
specifically, we use vocabulary to refer the kind of words that students must know to read
increasingly demanding text with comprehension. According to J.Richards (2002:225),
“vocabulary is a core component in a language and provides much of the basis for how well
students speak, listen, read and write”. Also, Stahl (2005), stated vocabulary knowledge is not
only the knowledge that a word implies a definition, but also implies how that word fits in to the
real word in its context.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is the total number of words that
are needed to communicate ideas and express the speakers meaning. That is the reason why it is
important to learn vocabulary.

2.2 Vocabulary Learning

Vocabulary learning is a process of learning language which help students to find out the
meaning of new words and it entail active engagement in learning task. Effective vocabulary
learning can provide multiple exposures to a words meaning. According to Nation (1990)
learning to know a word involves knowing: a great about its general frequency of uses, syntactic
and situational limitation on its use; its underlying form and the forms that can be derived from
it; the various meaning associated with the item, and the network of its semantic feature.

For English as Foreign Language (EFL) learning vocabulary items play a vital role in all
language skills that means listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills (Nation,2011).

2.3 The importance of vocabulary learning

Vocabulary conveys a meaning which ensures an effective communication. This is to say that,
words are the basic unit of language without which cannot communicate effectively or express
idea (Krashen,1998). Krashen(1998 :56) also states:

Vocabulary is basic to communication. If acquirers do not recognize the meaning

of the key words used by those who address them, they will be unable to
participate in the conversation. And if they wish to express some ideas or ask for
information, they must be able to produce lexical items to convey their meaning.
Also, Taylor (1990) said that, ranging from sentence level: we can find different vocabulary
which plays an indispensable role for making language meaningful. In other word, even without
good grammar, people may be able to speak and understand a language if they know a lot of
vocabulary. So, the more words we know, the easier for us to master the language. This shows
how vocabulary determines people to learn a language.

Harmer (1991:153) further stated that, “if language structures make up the skeleton of language,
then it is vocabulary that provides the vital organs and the flesh”. This is to say, vocabulary is
basic to communication .It acquires do not recognize the meaning of the key words used by
those who address them, they will be unable to participate in the conversation. And if they to
express some ideas or ask information, they must be able to produce lexical items to convey their

2.4 Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS)

Vocabulary learning strategies are one of the language learning strategies which includes any set
of action, plan, and behavior that learners employ to facilitate the comprehension, storage and
use of action ( O.Malley and Chamat, 1990). Williams and Burden (1997) also said that,
vocabulary learning strategies are techniques used by learners to help make their language
learning to be more effective and increase their independence and autonomy as learners.
Language learning strategies are intentional behavior and thoughts that learners make use of
them during learning in order to help them understand, learn or remember new information.

When vocabularies are being learned, learners need to consider how to learn them. There are
varieties of vocabulary learning strategies that learners can use to improve their vocabulary
learning. It is important to recognize that students at all levels do not simply see or hear a new
word, look it up in the dictionary and then know it. For this reason much has been written about
the strategies learners can use to develop their knowledge of vocabulary and guide them how the
words work together with other words to perform meaningful communication (Gaims and
Redman, 1986).Thus the most common vocabulary learning strategies that learners should
follow to improve their knowledge of vocabulary as EFL learners listed below, proposed by GU
and Johnson (1996).

1 .Meta-cognitive regulation/strategies
According to Oxford(1990) meta-cognitive strategies help learners to regulate their own
cognitive and to focus, plan and evaluate their progress. To use meta-cognitive strategies
demands learners to be more conscious and ambitious. Schmitt(2000) also writes these strategies
involve a conscious overview of the learning process and making decisions about
planning ,monitoring or evaluating the best ways to study.
2. Guessing strategies
According to Hunt(2005) writes that the ability of guessing meaning from context is an essential
strategies enhancing vocabulary acquisition and commonly used by successful language learner.
Schmitt (2000) argues not only intermediate and advanced learners but also beginners with
limited vocabulary knowledge can benefit from reading, because compared to the spoken
language ,written language provides a better opportunities to acquire a wide range of vocabulary
items based on calculated estimation of meaning.
3. Dictionary strategies
The use of dictionary is another major self-learning strategy learners go for discovering the
meaning of new words. A part from meaning, a good dictionary obviously provides a lot of
information about a word including spelling, pronunciation, synonymy, antonym, collocation,
4. Note -taking strategies
Note taking is an act of processing or manipulation of vocabulary items to facilitate
conceptualization and organization in to a mental lexicon. When learners meet a new words, they
take notes about it in their vocabulary notebook.

5. Memory strategies

As the name explains, memory strategies are used to support recalling and retrieving words once
they are learned. One of the major problem foreign language learners encounter, GU (2003), is
how to make words accessible to memory after they are learned. Memory strategies, therefore,
assist learners to ease this problem.
6. Activation strategies
Activation strategies are those strategies through which learners actually use new words in
different contexts. For instance learners may set sentences using the words they have just
7. Sources
Learning new words from reading materials such as newspaper, novels, fictions, etc.
Table 2.1 Classification of GU and Johnson’s (1996) vocabulary learning strategies are
summarized in the following table.

Meta-cognitive Cognitive Memory Activation Sources
Selective attentive Guessing: Rehearsal: Using new Learn new
identifying Activating Wordlist words in words from
essential words for background repetition, etc different reading
comprehensionself knowledge, Encoding contexts (.i.e. materials
-initiation: using a using linguistic association speaking and (newspaper,
variety of means to items or clues (imagery, visual, writing novels, fictions
make the meaning use dictionary auditory, etc) From everyday etc...)
of words clear. Note taking Analyzing words situations
into prefixes,
root, and

Chapter Three: Research Methodology
3.1 Research Design

The purpose of this study is to assess the vocabulary learning strategies :the case of third year
English language and literature students in bonga university. So, in order to get relevant, reliable
and sufficient information, the researcher used a descriptive type of research design. According
to Gray(2004),using descriptive research design helps to measure the students attitude, value and
opinion. The study will also use a mixed research method, the combination of quantitative and
qualitative. Because the researcher fell that the use of quantitative and qualitative approaches in
combination provides a better understanding of research problem than either approach alone.
According to Creswell (2009) point out that a mixed research method seems more convenient
than quantitative or qualitative method alone.

3.2 Population

According to the data from the third year English language and literature students in bonga
university, in the 2015E.C academic year, there are 43 students in third year English language
and literature students in bonga university. The researcher selected third year English major
students and use English as a means of communication for their academic purpose. There are 13
classes and each classes consists 30 students. Also there are 9 English language teachers in the
school. These were taken as the population of the study. So, the populations of the study were
390 students and 9 English teachers.

3.3.Study Area

The study area is located in SNNP regional state kaffa zone ,Bonga university . bonga university is 750km
aways from capital city of SNNP and 449 km far from capital city of Ethiopia ,Addis ,ababa .bonga has
many colleges among these colleges this study will delimit to single setting of bonga university English
languguae and literature students ;in the case of third year .In particular ,the study will focus on
assessing the students vocabulary learning strategies in the case of third year English language and
litertuare students in bonga university .

3.4 Sampling size and sampling techniques

Since the populations are large in number, the researcher took 20 % (78 students) by using
simple random sampling technique lottery method. According to Glass(1996) stated that in
simple random sampling ,each member of the population under study has an equal chance of
being selected and probability a member of the population being selected is unaffected by the
selection of other members of the population. There are also 2 English language teachers at third
year English language and literature. Among those teachers the researcher took two by using
purposive sampling technique. The reason the researcher selected those teachers: first according
to the data from the school, they have long year experience in teaching students. Second, since
they are only teachers who have been teaching third year” students, simple to obtain relevant
information for the study.

3.5 Data Gathering Instruments

The researcher used questionnaire, interview, and observation, respectively to obtain relevant
data for the study.

3.5.1 Questionnaire
The researcher used questionnaire as the first tool of data gathering to obtain relevant
information for the study. A questionnaire is the most commonly used method of collecting
information participants. In a questionnaire respondents read the questions, interpret what is
expected and then write down the answers. It saves time and financial resources. It is also
convenient and inexpensive method of data collection. According to Wilson (1994) questionnaire
is a widely used and useful instrument for collecting information, providing structured often
numerical data ,being able to be administered without the presence of the researcher ,and often
being comparatively straight forward to analyzes. The researcher prepared 18 close ended
questions and 4 open ended questions for students regarding to vocabulary learning strategies.
The research question 1 and 2 was answered by questionnaires.

3.5.2 Interview
Next to questionnaire, the researcher gathered relevant data through interview for two English
language teachers who teach third year English language and literature students in bonga
university. . The researcher employed semi-structured interview which is used to collect

qualitative data by setting up a situation that allows a respondent the time and scope to talk about
their opinion on a particular subject. According to Nunan (1992), semi structured interview is
suitable for two reasons. First, semi structured interview can be employed for securing relevant
data. Second, the respondents with whom the semi structured interview is conducted are few in
which case interview is appropriate. The research question three was answered by this data
gathering tool.

Observation is one method of data collection and it is a systematic, purposeful, and selective way
of watching and listening to an interactive phenomenon as it occurs ( Kumer, 2005). The
researcher was non _participant observer. Nonparticipant observation is the observation

the researcher, does not get involved in the activities of the group , but remain a passive
observer, watching and listening to its activities and drawing conclusions from this. Therefore,
the researcher conducted observation in class room for students and teachers until the data
became saturated.

3.6.Validity and Reliability of the Research Instruments

It ensured, all the items of questionnaire, interview and observation were understood by the
participants, to clarify all the instruments used by researcher regarding to vocabulary learning
strategies, and finally to check the reliabilities of each item. To see the validity and reliability of
the questionnaire, the researcher gave to adviser to check the research questions in terms of
content and details and took comments. The researcher also used audio-visual materials to record
during interview and observation and then transcribed the recorded data.

3.7 Data Analysis and Interpretation

The researcher analyzed and interpreted the data in a clear and meaningful way. The data
gathered through open-ended questionnaire and interviews were be analyzed and interpreted
qualitatively through in the form of word and statement. Also the data gathered through close
ended questionnaires were be analyzed and interpreted quantitatively like using tables and
percentage. Moreover, the qualitative data gathered through observation were be analyzed and
interpreted through preparing and using observation checklist.

3.8. Ethical consideration

The researcher was free from unethical behavioral means that the aggressiveness, hostility side
so as to getting respondent constant and allowing them to leave any time they wants. And also,
the researcher politely asked the respondents and give high degree of politeness for target study
to conduct and information to be delivered to the subjects of the study only those but also the
information were obtained from respondent in the study be kept confidentially

Chapter Four: Data analysis and interpretation
This chapter is concerned with data analysis and interpretation of both students and teachers
response. The data analyzed and interpreted both qualitatively and quantitatively, which was
collected through questionnaire, interview, and observation data gathering instruments. The
quantitative data gathered through close-ended questionnaires and the qualitative data gathered
through open-ended questions, interview and observation. Thus, the researcher analyzed and
interpreted the data as follows.

4.1 Analysis of the students’ response on close-ended questionnaires.

Table 4.1 The students’ response about using Meta cognitive regulation

Statement Strongly Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

I use English language media to 10 12.82 22 28.20% 15 19.23% 19 24.35% 12 15.38%

know new words %

I have a plan for studying new words 17 21.79 11 14.66% 14 17.94% 22 29.33% 14 17.94%

I have a schedule for study new 11 12.82 13 16.66% 23 29.48% 15 19.23% 17 21.79%
words %

The table 4.1 indicates that 10(12.82%) of the students responded strongly agree about using
English language media to know new words; 22(28.20%) of students responded agree about
using English language media to know new words. Whereas 15(19.23%) responded that they are
not sure about using English language media to know new words. The rest 19(24.35%) of
students responded disagree about using English language media to know new words;
12(15.38%) of students responded strongly disagree about using English media to know new
words. In addition17 (21.79%) of the students responded strongly agree about a plan for studying
new words, and 11(14.66) of students responded agree about a plan for studying new words. On

the other hand, 14(17.94%) of the students responded that they are not sure about plan for
studying new words. The rest of 22(29.33%) students responded disagree about a plan for
studying new words and 14(17.94%) of students responded strongly disagree about a plan for
studying new words. And also 11(12.82%) of students responded strongly agree about a schedule
for study new words ;13(16.66%) of students responded agree about a plan for study new words.
Whereas 23(29.48%) of the students are not sure about a schedule for study new words. The rest
25(19.23%) of students responded disagree about a schedule for study new words, and
17(21.79%) of students responded strongly disagree about a schedule for study new words.

Table 4.2 The students’ response about using guessing strategies

Statement Strongly Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

I guess the meaning 20 25.64% 21 26.92% 9 11.53% 16 20.51% 12 15.38%

of new words from
the context

I use my experience 22 28.20% 17 21.79% 20 25.64% 8 10.25% 11 14.10%

and common sense to
guess the meaning of
new words

The table 4.2 indicates that 20(25.64%) of the students responded strongly agree about guessing
the meaning of new words from their context and 21(26.92%) of students responded agree about
guessing the meaning of new words from their context Whereas 9(11.53%) 0f respondents are
not sure about guessing the meaning of new words from their context. Also the rest of
16(20.51%) of the students responded disagree about guessing the meaning of new words from
their context and 12(15.38%)of students responded strongly disagree about guessing the meaning
of new words from their context. In addition 22(28.20%) of the students responded strongly
agree about using their experience and common sense to guess the meaning of new words. On

the other hand 17(21.79%) of students responded agree about using their experience and
common sense to guess the meaning of new words. Also the rest of 20(25.64%) of students
responded are not sure about using their experience and common sense to guess the meaning of
new words and 8(10.25%) of students responded disagree about using their experience and
common sense to guess the meaning of new words. And 11(14.10%) of students responded
strongly disagree about using their experience and common sense to guess the meaning of new
words. Therefore, table 4.2 shows that most of the students use guessing strategies.

Table 4.3 Students response about using dictionary strategy

Statement Strongly Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

I use an English -English 23 29.48 28 35.89% 7 8.98% 12 15.38% 8 10.25%

dictionary to know new %

I use English-Amharic 30 30.46 33 42.30% 5 6.41% 6 7.69% 4 5.12%

dictionary to know new

I use the dictionary to find 24 30.76 27 34.61% 13 16.66% 9 11.53% 5 6.41%

out the pronunciation of %
the word

I look in the dictionary for 22 28.20 25 32% 12 15.38% 12 15.38% 7 8.97%

the grammatical patterns of %
the word

The table 4.3 indicates that 23(29.48%) of students responded strongly agree about using an
English -English dictionary to know new words and 28(35.89%) of students responded agree
about. Whereas only 7(8.97%) of the respondents are not sure about using an English -English
dictionary. Also the rest 12(15.38%) of respondents responded disagree about using an English -
English dictionary to know new words and 8(10.25) of respondents strongly disagreed about
using an English -English dictionary. The 30(30.46%) of the students responded strongly agree
about using English-Amharic dictionary to know new words and 33(42.30) of the students
responded agree about using English-Amharic dictionary to know new words. Whereas 5(6.41%)
of students are not sure about using English -Amharic dictionary to know new words. And also
6(7.69%) of students responded disagree about using English-Amharic dictionary to know new
words and 4(.12%) of students responded strongly disagree about using English -Amharic
dictionary to know new words. The 24(30.76%) of students responded strongly agree about
using dictionary to find out the pronunciation of the words and 27(34.61%) of students
responded agree about using dictionary to find out the pronunciation of the words. Whereas
13(16.66%) of students responded that they are unsure about using dictionary to find out the
pronunciation of the words. And also 9(11.53%) of students responded disagree about using
dictionary to find out the pronunciation of the words and 5(6.41%) of students responded
strongly disagree about using the dictionary to find out the pronunciation of the words. Besides
22(28.20%) of students responded strongly agree about looking in the dictionary for the
grammatical patterns of the words and 25(32%) of students responded agree about looking in the
dictionary for the grammatical patterns of words. Whereas 12(15.38%) of are unsure about
looking in the dictionary for the grammatical patterns of the words. And also 12(15.38%) of
students responded disagree about looking in the dictionary for the grammatical patterns of the
words and 7(8.97) of students responded strongly disagree about looking in the dictionary for the
grammatical patterns of the words. This claims that, most of students use dictionary strategies for
the different purposes.

Table 4.4 Students’ response about note-taking strategy

Statement Strongly Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

I have a vocabulary 15 19.23 7 8.97% 10 12.82 28 36% 18 23%

note book to list down % %
new words

I write down the 27 34.61 17 21.8% 14 17.94 12 15.38% 8 10.25%

English new words % %
and translate in to

As the table 4.4 indicates 15(19.23%) of the students responded strongly agree about a
vocabulary note book to list down new words and 7(8.97%) of the students responded agree
about a vocabulary note book to list down new words. And also 10(12.82%) responded that they
are not sure about vocabulary note book to list down new words. Whereas the rest of 28(36%) of
students responded disagree about vocabulary note book ti list down new words and 18(23%) of
students responded strongly disagree about vocabulary note book to list down new words. Also
27 (34.61%) of the students responded strongly agree about writing down the English new words
and translate in to Amharic and 17(21.8%) of students responded agree about writing down
English new words and translate in to Amharic. And 14 (17.94%) of the students responded that
they are not sure about writing down the English new words and translate in to Amharic. And
also 12(15.%) of the students responded disagree about writing down the English and translate in
to Amharic and 8(10.25%) of students responded strongly disagree about writing English new
words and translate in to Amharic. This table shows that, most of the students use note-taking

Table 4.5 Students response about using memory strategies

Statement Strongly Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

I relate new words to 16 20.51% 12 15.38% 18 23% 22 28% 10 13%

my personal


I try to create the 14 17.94% 16 20.51% 23 29.48% 10 12.8 15 19.23%

image of new words 2%
in my mind

To remember a new 19 24.35% 14 17.94% 13 16.66% 19 24.3 13 16.66%

words, I break words 5%
in to different
parts(prefix, root,

Table 4.5 indicates that 16(20.51%) of the students responded strongly agree about relating new
words to their personal experience and 12(15.38%) of students responded agree about relating
new words to their personal experience. And 18(23%) of the students responded that they are
not sure about relating new words to their personal experience. Whereas the 22(28%) of the
students responded disagree about relating new words to their personal experience and 10(13%)
of students responded strongly disagree about relating new words to their personal experience.
And 14(17.94%) of the students responded strongly agree about creating the image of new words
in their mind and 16(20.51%) of students responded agree about creating the image of new
words in their mind. On the other hand, 23(29.48%) of respondents are not sure about creating
the image of new words in their mind. And also 10(12.8%) of students responded disagree about
the creating the image of new words in their mind and 15(19.23%) of students responded
strongly disagree about creating the image of new words in their mind. In addition 19(24.35%)
of the students responded strongly agree about breaking words in to different parts to remember
and 14(17.94%) of students responded agree about breaking words in to different parts to
remember a new words. And 13(16.66%) of students responded unsure about breaking words in
to different parts to remember a new words. Whereas 19(24.3%) of the students responded
disagree about breaking words in to different parts to remember a new words and 13(16.66%) of
students responded strongly disagree about breaking words in to different parts to remember new

Table 4.6the Students’ Response about Using an Activation Strategy

Statement Strongly Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

I use words which I 16 20.51% 24 30.76% 15 19.23% 11 14.10 12 15.38%

learned in speaking %
and wrinting in the

I use of words I 13 16.66% 21 26.92% 16 20.51% 17 21.79 11 14.10%

learned in everyday %

Table 4.6 indicates that 16(20.51%) of the students responded strongly agree about using words
which they learned in the class and 24(30.76%) of students responded agree about using words
which they learned in the class. Whereas 15 (19.23%) of students are not sure about learning new
words in speaking and writing in the class. Also the rest of 11(14.10%) of students responded
disagree about using words which they learned in speaking and writing in the class and
12(15.38%) of students responded strongly disagree about using words which they learned in
speaking and writing in the class. And 13(16.66%) of students responded strongly agree about
using of words that they learned in every situations and 21(26.92%) of students responded
agree about using of words that they learned in every situation. On the other hand, 16(20.51%) of
the students responded that they are not sure about using of words that they learned in everyday
situation. In addition 17(21. 79%) of the students responded disagree about using of words that
they learned in everyday situations and 11(14.10%) of students responded strongly disagree
about using of words that they learned in everyday situations.

Table 4.7 The students’ response about learning new words from different sources.

Statement Strongly Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

I learn new words 18 23% 20 25.64 9 11.54 17 21.79% 14 17.94%

only from teachers % %
in the class

I learn new words 13 16.66 9 11.53 16 20.51 24 30.76% 16 20.51%

from reading % % %
English texts
journal, article,
fiction etc)

According to the table 4. 7, 18(23%) of the students responded strongly agree about learning
new words only from teachers in the class and 20(25.64%) of students responded agree about
learning new words only from teachers in the class. Whereas the 9(11.54%) of the students are
not sure about learning new words from their teachers in class. Also the rest of 17(21.79%) of
students responded disagree about learning new words only from their teachers in the class and
14(17.94%) of students responded strongly disagree about learning new words only from
teachers in the class. However, 13 (16.66%) of the students responded strongly agree about
learning new words from reading English texts and 9(11.53%) of students responded agree about
learning new words from reading English texts. Also, the rest of 16(20.51%) responded that they
are not sure about learning new words from reading English texts. Whereas 24(30.76%)of
students responded disagree about learning new words from English texts and 16(20.51%)
responded strongly disagree about learning new words from reading English texts.

4.2 Analysis of students’ open-ended questions

1.Can you suggest any other effective strategies for learning vocabulary? Most of students
suggested that, "we use social strategies. That means, we look at how the other students write
the words on the black-board ; perceive the correct spellings of the words after teachers feedback
was given and say the spellings in our mental and practice it by listening to one another".

2. Do your English teachers motivate you to use different vocabulary learning strategies to
improve your knowledge of knowledge of vocabulary? If your answer is "yes" please list them
and if your answer is "no" why?. As the most of the students responded that, "our English
language teachers motivate us to use different vocabulary learning strategies to improve our
knowledge of vocabulary but students do not practice those vocabulary learning strategies. Some
of them are: acquiring new words from different sources or materials i.e. newspapers, novels,
and fictions etc….and take note of synonym and antonym words."

3. Do you think you are successfully finding the meaning of new words from English text? If
your answer is “ yes" how? If your answer is "no" what are the problem? As the majority of the
students responded that," we are not successful in finding new words meaning without looking
dictionary because English is not our mother tongue it is difficult successfully finding the
meaning of new words from English text”.

4. Do you think that knowing different vocabulary learning strategies can improve your
knowledge of vocabulary? If so explain it. As the most of students responded that, "Since
English is an international language, learning its word is important for us to be successful in
language learning. In addition to these knowing the meaning of English vocabulary items are
needed to improve our knowledge of vocabulary”.

4.3. Analysis of teachers’ response on interview questions

1. Have you identified different vocabulary teaching strategies for your students to know the
meaning of new words? if so please list them. As the teachers stated that, "we identified
different vocabulary teaching strategies to find the meaning of new words. Some of them
are: analyzing the words in to prefix, suffix and root, finding the meanings of synonyms
and antonyms, using a context of the text to get the meaning”.
2. Do you encourage your students to use different vocabulary learning strategies in order to
improve their knowledge of vocabulary? If so, list them please.
The teachers responded that, "we encourage the students to use different vocabulary
learning strategies in order to improve their knowledge of vocabulary. Some of them are:
learning new words from everyday situations, acquiring new words from different

sources, taking notes of synonym and antonym words and learning new words in writing
and speaking."
3. Which vocabulary learning strategies do you think are the most applicable for the
students? And why?
The teachers responded that," the activation strategies i.e. learning new words from
everyday situations, learning new words from different sources and understanding the
contextual meaning of the text are the most applicable for the students. Because these
strategies are the best alternative for the students to find the meaning of new words
during in the examination time”.
4. Do you give different written materials or texts for the students to practice different
vocabulary learning strategies?
The teachers responded that," sometimes we give written materials or texts like reading
paragraph and essay to find the meaning of new words. Those materials or texts are very
important to improve the students’ vocabulary learning strategies."
5. Which vocabulary learning strategies do you employ in the classroom?
The teachers responded that, "we employ different vocabulary learning strategies in the
classroom. Some of them are: using synonyms and antonyms, analyzing words into
prefix, suffix, and root and referring a dictionary to find new words .Because these
strategies are best alternative to teach vocabulary in classroom for the students and it also
saves times."

4.4 Analysis of classroom observation

1. Do the students practice different vocabulary learning strategies in the classroom? As the
researcher observed in the classroom, almost all of the students use only dictionary strategy in
order to find the meaning of unfamiliar words rather than using another strategy in the
classroom. So, this implies that, students have a high background in dictionary using strategy.

2. Do the teacher motivate the students to use different vocabulary learning strategies in the
classroom? As the researcher observed in the classroom, English teachers motivate the students

to determine the meaning of unknown words when they teach vocabulary in the classroom. But
the students do not follow those vocabulary learning strategies in the classroom.

3. Do the teachers give different written materials or texts in the classroom? As the researcher
observed in the classroom, teachers give reading passage from the text book to find the meaning
of new words from it. Those texts are very important to improve the students’ vocabulary
learning strategies and communication skill, if they read the text carefully.

4. Do the students work with their friends to practice different vocabulary learning strategies in
the classroom? As the researcher observed in the classroom, most of the students work with their
friends to learn and study the meaning of unknown words. So, this indicates that students get an
experience from their partners to learn and study new words.

5. Which vocabulary learning strategy is emphasized in the classroom?

As the researcher observed in the classroom, dictionary use strategy, note-taking strategy, and
the meanings of synonym and antonym were employed in the classroom.

Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and

5.1 Summary

The focus of this study was to assess vocabulary learning strategies: the case of third year
English language and literature students in bonga university. To conduct this study the
following specific objective were formulated :( a) to find out the most common vocabulary
learning strategies used by third year English language and literature students in bonga
universityl. (b) to assess the least common vocabulary learning strategies used by third year
English language and literature students in bonga university. and (c) to investigate the

vocabulary learning strategies encouraged by teachers for third year students. To achieve these
ends the following three basic research questions were raised to be answered:

1. What are the most common vocabulary learning strategies used by third year English language
and literature students in bonga university?

2. What are the least common vocabulary learning strategies used by third year English language
and literature students in bonga university?

3. What are the vocabulary learning strategies encouraged by teachers for third year English
language and literature students in bonga university?

In order to find answers for these basic research questions related topics in the literature were
reviewed. The study was conducted at third year English language and literature students in
bonga university. The sample of the study consisted 43 students and two English language
teachers. In order to select the subjects a simple random and a purposive sampling technique
were employed. The main data gathering instruments: questionnaire, semi structured interview
and observation were used to assess the Vocabulary learning strategies used by students. The
data collected were analyzed and interpreted by using qualitative and quantitative methods.

The main findings in this study summarized as: dictionary strategies, social strategies, guessing
strategies and note taking strategies are the most common VLS by students employed. Whereas
meta-cognitive strategies, memory strategies and learning vocabulary from sources are the most
common VLS used by the students. And activation strategies, note taking strategies and sources
are encouraged by teachers.

5.2 Conclusion

Based on the above findings, the following conclusions can be drawn:

A) A number of dictionary use, guessing strategies and in terms of note-taking (synonyms

and antonyms) were most common vocabulary learning strategies used by the students.

B) Meta-cognitive, memory using strategies and learning new words from different sources were
least common vocabulary learning strategies used by students.

C) Activation strategies, note-taking and acquiring new words from different sources are
vocabulary learning strategies encouraged by teachers for the students.

Finally, because of not using various vocabulary learning strategies effectively the students faced
on problem of vocabulary learning in English language in their learning process because, they
are poor in finding the meaning of unfamiliar words.

5.3 Recommendations

Based on the above conclusions, the following recommendations have been made.

1. Learners need to become aware of vocabulary learning strategies through learning

strategy instructions. Also learners should practice different vocabulary learning
strategies like meta-cognitive, memory, activations strategies and should learn new words
from different sources in order to improve their knowledge of vocabulary. In addition to
these students should have a vocabulary note-book, since having vocabulary note-book is
used for the students to record written words?
2. English language teachers should develop a favorable tendency to the primacy of
vocabulary in the process of language teaching and learning so that they will be able to
consider vocabulary teaching as the major component of their language lessons. Also
they should motivate and give a useful tasks and materials for the students in order to
practice different vocabulary learning strategies.
3. Text writers need to include a number of tasks, activities and exercises that encourage
students to employ a different vocabulary learning strategies. This could help the students
be more confident to solve problems, to ask their teachers and classmates to work
together in order to improve their knowledge of vocabulary.
4. There is a need for conducting further study to examine the relationship between the
factors that affect the students’ success and their vocabulary learning strategies in order
to minimize the problem.

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Appendix 1



Questionnaire for Students

Dear Students: I am conducting a study on “Exploring Vocabulary Learning Strategies: the Case of
Grade 9 Students at Bishaw w/yohannis Secondary and Preparatory School”. Therefore, your are kindly
asked to fill the questionnaire, honestly, genuinely and carefully. I like to stress that the information you
provide is completely confidential used by the researcher only. For that matter, you don’t have to write
your name. Also I would like to thank in advance for your willingness to fill this questionnaire .

Thank you!


 Please put tick (X) in the box for close-ended questions.

 Give your own idea for open-ended questions.
 As much as possible try to respond all the questions neatly.
 Note: 5= Strongly, Agree=, 4=Agree,3=Unsure,2=Disagree,1=Strongly Disagree
Table 1.Meta Cognitive Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Statement Strongly Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

I use English language media to know new words

I have a plan for studying new words

I have a schedule for study new words

Table 2.Guessing Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Statement Strongly Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

I guess the meaning of new words

from the context

I use my experience and common

sense to guess the meaning of new

Table 3 .Dictionary Strategies

Statement Strongly Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

I use English-English dictionary to

know new words

I use English-Amharic dictionary

to know new words

I use the dictionary to find out

the pronunciation of the word

I look the dictionary for the

grammatical patterns for the

Table 4. Note-taking Vocabulary Learning strategies

Statement Strongly Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

I have a vocabulary note book to

list down new words

I write down the English new
words and translate in to Amharic

Table 5. Memory Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Statement Strongly Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
I relate new words to my personal

I try to create the image of new

words in my mind

To remember a new words, I break

words into different parts(prefix,
root, suffix)

Table 6.Activation Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Statement Strongly Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
I use words which I learned in
speaking and writing in the class

I use words which I learned in

every day situation

Table 7. Source Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Statement Strongly Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

I learn new words only from

teachers in the class

I learn new words from reading

English texts ( Newspaper, journal,
article, fiction..etc)

Open-ended question for students

1Can you suggest any other effective strategies for learning vocabulary?

2 Do your English teachers motivate you to use different vocabulary learning strategies to
improve your knowledge of vocabulary? If your answer is yes please list them. If your
answer is “no” why?
3 Do you think that you are successfully finding the meaning of new words from English text?
If your answer “yes” how? If your answer is “no” what are the problem?

4 Do you think that knowing different vocabulary learning strategies can improve your
knowledge of vocabulary? If so explain it.

Appendix 2

Bonga University
College of Social Science and Humanities

Department of English Language and literature

Interview question for teachers

Dear teachers, first I would like to thank in advance for your willingness to give a relevant
information for my interview. I am conducting a research on “exploring vocabulary learning
strategies: the case of third year English language and litireture students in bonga university
Therefore you are kindly requested to give your response for the given questions.

1 Have you identified different vocabulary teaching strategies for your students to
know the meaning of new words? If so please list them.

2 Do you encourage your students to use different vocabulary learning strategies in

order to improve their knowledge of vocabulary? If so, list them please
3 Which vocabulary learning strategies do you think are the most applicable for the
students to know new words? And why?
4 Do you give different written materials or texts for the students to practice different
vocabulary learning strategies?

5 Which vocabulary learning strategies do you employ most of the time in the

Appendix 3
Classroom observation questions

No Observation checklist Evaluation responses

Yes No

1 Do the students practice or use different

vocabulary learning strategies in the

2 Does the teacher motivate the students to

use different vocabulary learning strategies
in the classroom?

3 Does the teacher give different written

materials or texts in the class?

4 Do the students work with their friends to

practice different vocabulary learning
strategies in the classroom?

5 Which vocabulary learning strategy is

emphasized in the classroom?


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