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Castor Z.

Concepcion Memorial National High school

“A Happy School Sustaining Excellence “

Antonino, Balaon, La Union

The end justify the means : Navigating the Experience of Learners Engaged in Cheating

A Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of the

Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National High School

Antonino, Balaoan, La Union

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements in the Subject

Practical Research I

ACOSTA,Mac Jonell




DOMINGO,Earlyn Jane

NUÑEZ,Chaezerine Kate
OLBINADO,Angel Gabriel


RAMOS,Wilmar kent

VALDEZ,Krisha Mae

Mr.Nomer Pacilan Jr.


Research Adviser

Approved by the evaluation Committee as PASSEDduring the Oral

Defense on June 2023.

Edryn Roy C. SY Princess O. De Villa Roselily R.


Member Chairman Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Practical Research I.

Nomer A. Pacilan Jr.

Practical Research I Adviser


Conducting a qualitative research study is not an easy task. This

study would not have been possible without the help and support of

many people. Thus, the researchers take this opportunity to express

their warmest gratitude to the following people who made a great help

and contribution in the completion of this study.

First and for most, the researchers would like to thank the

Almighty God for giving them strength, patience, enough knowledge,

courage, blessings and good health. All things are made possible

because of Him.

Second, great thanks to the principal, Mr. Joel B. Nava, for

allowing the researchers to conduct their study at school.

Also, sincere thanks to their Practical Research I teacher,Mr.

Nomer Pacilan Jr., for her continuous and tireless guidance and

unending support and for exposing the researchers to the world of


The researchers would also like to give their sincerest thanks

to Mrs. Yolanda A. Zabala and to all their other subject teachers for

the knowledge they have shared in their study and to the members of

the panel for sharing their time and knowledge.

They also would like to thank their family and friends who always

stayed there to support them in their works and for giving ideas which

were helpful to their study.


They are the one who provide the resources that needed in the

making of this study. It also dedicated the teachers who are behind in

making this research possible through guiding the researcher to

complete this study. The researchers would also like to dedicate this

study to the students that may need in help in AM/PM class

shift. Also, this study is also dedicated to the school who gives

opportunity the researchers to nurture, test their skills, and

cooperation to build this study. This humble work is sincerely

dedicated to all the researchers’ families, friends, classmates,

schoolmates, loved ones, future researchers, Senior High School

faculty, Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National High School and

above all, to Almighty God.


A.Background of the Study

Cheating is a behavior that involves breaking the rules or principles that govern a
particular activity. It can be seen in various contexts such as academia, sports, and
relationships. Cheating has become prevalent due to the pressure to succeed,
competition, and the allure of rewards. This study aims to explore the motivation and
justification for cheating by analyzing previous research on the topic.

A study by McCabe, Trevino, and Butterfield (2001) found that students' motivation to
cheat was influenced by their desire to achieve high grades. The study found that
students who believed in the importance of grades were more likely to cheat, as they
saw cheating as a means of achieving academic success. Additionally, students who had
a fear of failure were more likely to cheat as a way to avoid negative consequences and
maintain their self-esteem.

Another study by Starnes and Tapp (2018) discovered that students perceived cheating
as a means of leveling the playing field, especially when they believed that the teachers
were not fair in their evaluations. Thus, students who felt that they were not receiving
the same opportunities as their peers were more likely to cheat.

The justification for cheating can be seen as a form of cognitive dissonance, where
individuals attempt to align their behavior with their beliefs and values. A study by Chari
and Chang (2016) found that students who had a high level of moral reasoning and a
strong belief in academic integrity were less likely to cheat. In contrast, students who
had a low level of moral reasoning and a weak belief in academic integrity were more
likely to cheat.

Another study by Schurr and Ritov (2019) found that people justify their cheating
behavior by focusing on external factors that influenced their behavior. For example,
individuals might blame the pressure to succeed or the lack of time to study as reasons
for cheating.
In conclusion, motivations and justifications for cheating are influenced by various
factors such as the desire for success, perceived unfairness, fear of failure, beliefs, and
values. Understanding these factors can help educators and policymakers develop
strategies to prevent and deter cheating behavior.

B.Statement of the Problem:

This study aimed to explore the experiences of learners engaged in cheating.

This study was specifically designed to address tye following questions:

1.What Motivates Senior High School Students to cheat in academic settings?

2.What Justification do Senior High School Students use to Realize Cheating Behavior?
3.What are the Experiences of Senior High School Students have engaged in cheating
behavior ?
4.How do Senior High School Students view the effectiveness of existing measures to
prevent cheating in academic settings?

C.Scope and Delimitation

The scope of the study is to explore the motivation and rationale for cheating among
high school students. And was conducted at Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National
High School during the second term of the 2022-2023 school year. This study focused on
the factors that motivate the senior high school student to cheat. The study was
targeted solely at upper high school students at Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National
High School.
This study may only focus on a specific geographic location, such as a school or
municipality, and the findings may not be applicable to other regions and countries with
different educational systems. And this research study will focus solely on motivating
and justifying students to cheat. The researchers may only use specific methodologies to
make this study, such as a qualitative interview or a survey, which may capture the
factors that motivate and justify the students' cheating. In addition, the study was only
focused on a specific period of time or academic year and may not be applicable when
the K–12 curriculum is repealed in future years.

D.Significance of the Study

This study is beneficial in the following ways:

The students - they will have additional knowledge concerning the reason why some of
their fellow students practice cheating. They can be more aware that cheating is not the
accepted and normal ways of facing the challenges of text and examinations and must
not be done to justify a wrongful method of studying.

The teachers - They will be able to understand better why students engage in. This
study to develop educational programs and interventions that foster a culture of
academic honesty and integrity among students.

The school - it will enjoy a higher prestige as an educational institution with students
who struggle to learn and acquire knowledge and skills in honest ways and serious

The Researcher - The researcher also can benefit in this study to get more crucial
knowledge and improve their self-learning.

E.Definition of terms:

Academic Dishonesty:refers to committing or contributing to dishonest acts by those

engaged in teaching, learning, research, and related academic activities, and it applies
not just to students, but to everyone in the academic environment.
Cheating:: Cheating involves unauthorized use of
information,materials,devices,resources or practices in competing academic activities.
Conclusion: Academic dishonesty relates to the violation of integrity rules, usually to
achieve better academic results. It exists in numerous forms, such as plagiarism,
cheating, data fabrication and falsification, collusion, and others.
Regardless of its type, academic cheating has a damaging impact on the entire
educational sphere and students themselves. It destroys the academic environment and
prevents students from gaining the necessary knowledge and skills for their future life. If
you understand the concept of academic misconduct and educate your students about
its dangers, you will be able to reduce its impact and establish integrity in your
educational institution.
Contract Cheating:Contract cheating means that students engage a third party to help
them complete a particular assignment. It can involve buying course papers or exam
answers from other students or special organizations, asking parents or friends to help
with certain academic exercises, downloading an essay from the internet and presenting
it as one’s own, etc.
Data Fabrication:Fabrication or falsification relates to misrepresenting or inventing
academic information, research results, sources, etc. Some examples include but are not
limited to:
Justification: It is the act or an instance of justifying something. It is also an acceptable
reason for doing something,something that justifies an act or way of behaving.
Motivation: It is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals. In
the work goal context the psychological factors stimulating the people’s behavior can be
desire for the money .
Rules: An accepted principle or instruction that states the way things are or should be
done, and tells you what you are allowed or are not allowed to do
Sabotage: Sabotage relates to unethical acts that disrupt the work of others. It can
involve, for example, refusal to collaborate with other students to complete group
projects, destroying learning materials and books that can be necessary for the studying
process of others, revealing confidential information crucial for other students to
complete their assignments, etc.
Students: Are the person involve in cheating or dishonesty.
Chapter II
This chapter explains various methodologies that were in gathering data and analysis
which are relevant to the researchers.

A.Research Design
The researchers make use of case study research design which is appropriate to
provide clarity,and validity. According to creswell (2022) A case study is an in-depth
study of one person, group, or event. In a case study, nearly every aspect of the
subject's life and history is analyzed to seek patterns and causes of behavior. Case
studies can be used in various fields, including psychology, medicine, education,
anthropology, political science, and social work.
The purpose of a case study is to learn as much as possible about an individual or
group so that the information can be generalized to many others. Unfortunately, case
studies tend to be highly subjective, and it is sometimes difficult to generalize results
to a larger population. While case studies focus on a single individual or group, they
follow a format similar to other types of psychology writing. A case study is a detailed
study of a specific subject, such as a person, group, place, event, organization, or
phenomenon. Case studies are commonly used in social, educational, clinical, and
business research.
The qualitative research utilized an interpretative case study.Case studies are good for
describing, comparing, evaluating and understanding different aspects of a research
problem. A case study is an appropriate research design when you want to gain
concrete, contextual, in-depth knowledge about a specific real-world subject. It allows
you to explore the key characteristics, meanings, and implications of the case.
Case studies are often a good choice in a thesis or dissertation. They keep your project
focused and manageable when you don’t have the time or resources to do large-scale
research. You might use just one complex case study where you explore a single
subject in depth, or conduct multiple case studies to compare and illuminate different
aspects of your research problem. (Denzin and Lincoln ,2019)

B. Locate and Population

The qualification det is as follows: the participants should be Grade 11 students from
Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National High School and they should have experience in
engaging of cheating. The number of participants who will be participants in the study
will depend of the answers of the participants until it satisfied its saturating. In selecting
the participants the researchers choose 5 students in Gas Strand of who experience in
engaging of cheating. This study is based on purposive sampling.
C. Data Gathering Procedure
The data gathering instruments that we used were to gather the Grade 11 students
profile. The names and strands: a request letter for the approval of conducting the study
was prepared by the researchers. The names were be listed with their corresponding

D. Data Gathering Tool

This study utilized variety of instruments such as interview guide questions, pen and
papers, camera, voice, recorder and other tools that were utilized for documentation
and data accumulation. During the interview, some questions were made with
appropriate follow-up questioned and asked to the participants. All data and
information were recorded using voice records, and notes were also taken on the
responses given by the participants. Participants' quotes are used as a reference in this

E. Ethical Consideration
Research were opted to further provide truthful information and guaranteed that
the information they were contributed were remained confidential and private as well
as the participants' identity. The names of participants were optionally specified and
they were not forced to answer any of the questions prepared. Moreover, veracity was
also considered in the sense that all data is truthful and reliable. The researchers chose
to conduct the interview where the participants can feel and answer comfortably. Some
technological devices were used as a tool for data gathering and serves as a proof;
however it was mot used to disrepute one's decency. As a tool to gather data and serve
as proof, certain technical instruments have been used; however they were not used for
discharging one's decency.

F. Data Analysis
In data analysis, processes involved were the reaffirmation, evaluation and
interpretation of the experienced by the Grade 11 students on their navigating. The data
analysis procedure in this study will include a qualitative analysis of the participants'
responses to the interview questions. The thematic analysis will be used to analyze the
transcribed interview data. Thematic analysis is a qualitative research method for
analyzing data derived from interviews, focus groups, or other types of qualitative data.
The primary objective of thematic analysis is to find patterns, themes, and categories in
data and then interpret and comprehend their meaning. The researcher will start by
reviewing the data and getting acquainted with the content. The data analysis
procedure will include drawing conclusions based on the answers of the respondents.
The researcher will use these findings to answer the research questions to investigate
the implications for social media advertising.

Chapter III
Results and Discussion

This chapter presented the analyses and interpretation of the topic The End does not
Justify the Means. Navigating the Experience of Learners Engaged in Cheating.

Themes of the topic The End does not Justify the Means. Navigating the Experience
of Learners Engaged in Cheating

1. Emotional Rollercoaster
2. Hunting Dilemmas
3. Driving Force
4. Emotional Response
5. Action Taken
6. Coping Mechanism
7. Philosophical Connections
8. Academic Integrity
9. Moral Learning
10. Improved Actions

Emotional Rollercoaster

Emotional Rollercoaster can arise from various circumstances and events in life,
such as relationship dynamics, significant life changes, personal achievements or
failures, unexpected news, or intense experiences. For example, falling in love, going
through a breakup, dealing with a major loss, or facing a challenging situation can all
contribute to experiencing an emotional rollercoater.

Apple stated that,

First, I can feel overwhelmed at class and feel pressured to perform well, which
leads me to cheat a shortcut to getting good grades.

Strawberry stated that,

I got influenced by my friends to cheat in class.

Pomelo stated that,

The common reason why I sometimes cheat in our class is because I didn’t get a
time to review the lesson that my teachers discuss.

Mango stated that,

Sometimes when what they are doing is really difficult.

Pineapple stated that,

One of the reason why I sometimes do this is that I can’t prepare for summative
and quizzes.

Hunting Dilemmas

Dealing with hunting dilemmas related to cheating often involves adhering to

hunting laws and regulations, promoting ethical behavior within hunting communities,
and reporting any instances of cheating or illegal activities to the appropriate
authorities. Additionally, educating hunters about responsible and ethical hunting
practices can help minimize cheating and its negative impacts on wildlife and hunting as
a whole.

Apple stated that,

I thought about the consequences of cheating, some being caught by the teacher
which could end up in suspension from our school. And if my parents find out that I’m
cheating in class they might scold me.

Strawberry stated that,

Yes, I always thought about the consequences of cheating. Cheating is very popular to
most students but it has consequences like you will be reported to the principal that you
were caught cheating and that is major offense.

Pomelo stated that,

Yes I know that cheating has a different consequences including the following ;
1. Your teacher might give you a zero score if ever they caught you cheating.
2. Your teacher might send you to the principal’s office so that you can receive your
3. You might be dropped out in the entire school.

Mango stated that,

Yes, I think about the consequences if I cheat, maybe my teacher will tear up my

Pineapple stated that,

Yes I think about the consequences if I cheat. Cheating has various consequences,
such us losing trust,damaging relationships, negatively affecting academic or career
opportunities, or resulting in legal consequences in certain contexts.

Driving Force

It’s important to know that driving forces can vary depending on the context and the
individuals or systems involved. Different people may have different driving forces base
on their unique perspectives, experiences, and goals. Understanding the driving forces
behind behaviors and actions can provide insights into human motivation and the
factors that shape individual and collective behavior.

Apple stated that,

External factor that contributed to my decision to cheat in class include parental

pressure to achieve high grades, the fear of failing them, and the desire to meet the
expectations set by pears. Additionally, a competitive academic environment and the
fear of failure can also play a role in pushing me towards cheating away to get good

Strawberry stated that,

There is no external factors that contribute my decision to cheat in class.

Pomelo stated that,

I always wanted to get a high score to satisfy myself so I think my own self is the one
who’s forcing me to cheat.

Mango stated that,

There was a time when I only got a small score because I cheated, of course I’m

Pineapple stated that,

The external factors that contributed to my decision to cheat in class include fear of
failure or full performance, poor time management and study skills.

Emotional response

It plays a crucial role in human functioning as they provide valuable information about
one’s needs, preferences, and overall well-being. They can influence decision-making,
behavior, interpersonal relationships, and overall emotional well-being. Understanding
and managing emotional responses is an important aspect of emotional intelligence and
can contribute to psychological resilience and overall emotional health.

Apple stated that,

Yes, I feel negative consequences after I cheat sometimes, I feel guilty because my
classmates spend time revising, and I just cheat on our exams. I feel ashamed of my self

Strawberry stated that,

I experienced what I have done after cheating in class, sometimes my conscience is

always kills me.
Pomelo stated that
Luckily I didn’t experience any consequences on cheating in our class.

Mango stated that,

There was a time when I only got a small score because I cheated, of course I’m guilty.

Pineapple stated that,

The negative consequences that I encountered when I tried to cheat once our the other
answer is not correct, and I feel guilty because I just copied it and didn’t read it. I wish I
could taken to higher.

Action taken
An action given in a particular situation, problem or goal. It represents the actual
physical or strategic activities carried out to address a specific issue or achieve a desired
outcome. Action taken can carry across different contexts. In a personal or individual
scenarios, it may refer to the steps an individual takes to resolve a personal issue, such
as seeking advice, making a decision, or implementing a plan or action.

Apple stated that,

I avoid cheating by my first making sure that I am well prepared and have studied the
material thoroughly. I actively participate in class.
Strawberry stated that,

I started to always review my notes and I will not let my self be infuenced with my

Pomelo stated that,

I always think that cheating is not good and of course every time I take a test or quizzes
I’m always making sure that I reviewed all the lesson that we tackled.

Mango stated that,

In a way that I already listen carefully to my teacher.

Pineapple stated that,

The steps that I take to avoid cheating was be responsible, be honestly, and don’t do it
again, repeatedly immediately.

Coping Mechanism
Refers to the psychological strategies and behaviors that individuals employ to manage
or adapt to challenging or stressful situations. Coping mechanisms can be conscious or
unconscious responses to external or internal stressors, and they are aimed at reducing
or alleviating the emotional, psychological, or physical distress associated with those

Apple stated that,

Some effective strategies to avoid cheating in class include developing good study
habits, asking teachers or classmates for help when needed, and reviewing my notes
before a quiz or test.

Strawberry stated that,

The strategies and techniques I have coped to avoid cheating is my conscience. My

conscience is at risk if I have to cheat or not. And also I will not be influenced by my
demon friends in cheating.

Pomelo stated that,

I akways think that cheating is not good and of course every time I take a test or quizzes
I’m always making sure that I reviewed all the lessons that we tackled.

Mango stated that,

Review everyday.

Pineapple stated that,

The technique that I use to avoid cheating is that I prepare early and or I repeat
everything we studied, and I have to review it immediately so I don’t miss it.

Philosophical connections
Refers to the relationship or association between different philosophical ideas,
concepts, theories, or thinkers. It involves identifying and exploring the links,
similarities, or shared themes that exist within the broad scope of philosophy.
Apple stated that,

Yes, cheating undermines the principle of honestly, integrity and fairness that are
essential to personal growth and development. It also affects my confidence of
classmates or teachers in my ability as a student.

Strawberry stated that,

Yes, it affects my moral well-being. It affects the popular quotation “Honesty is the best
policy”. It also tests my guiltiness in cheating.

Pomelo stated that,

Cheating can have significant implications on my individual well-being since it is

considered a violation of ethical standards, honesty and integrity. Cheating can lead my
feelings of guilt, shame, and deteriorated self respect, which can negatively impact, my
mental and emotional well-being.

Mango stated that,

Yes I believe because you seem guilty.

Pineapple stated that,

Yes, cheating is generally considered morally wrong as it involved betraying the trust of
others and violate principles of honesty and fairness. Cheating is also negatively impact
a persons character and self-esteem as it create feelings of guilt, shame and low self-

Academic Integrity
Refers to ethical principles and values that govern scholarly and educational activities. It
encompasses the honesty, trustworthiness, and responsible conduct expected of
students, researchers, and academic professionals in their pursuit of knowledge,
research, and learning.

Apple stated that,

Cheating severely damages the academic integrity of my school and negatively affects
my fellow students. When individuals engage in cheating, it creates an unfair advantage
and negates the effort of people who have worked really hard.
Strawberry stated that,

Of course, it affects everything including the academic integrity and also my fellow
students. Because cheating was an evidence that every students have no discipline.

Pomelo stated that,

It get really unfair for those who are hardly reviewed there test and its unfair because
cheater didn’t make an efforts to get a high grades.

Mango stated that,

This has a big impact because many students will not learn if they always cheat.

Pineapple stated that,

When students cheats, they undermine the principle of honesty and fairness that
academic institutions are built on. This can lead to a culture of dishonesty and
deception, which can ultimately erode the reputation of the school and the value of the
degrees it confers.

Moral learning
Refers to the process through which individuals acquire moral values, ethical principles,
and develop their understanding of right and wrong. It involves the acquisition,
internalization, and application of moral knowledge, belief and behavior.

Apple stated that,

I have learned that cheating ultimately undermines my own learning and growth.
Cheating erodes settings, tarnishing my reputations and potentially leading to serve

Strawberry stated that,

I learned that cheating can affect your conscience and as well as it test your guiltiness.
That is why we need to avoid cheating to all classes we take. And also do not forget that
cheating has heavy consequences.

Pomelo stated that,

I learned that cheating does not giving as a good benefit instead it is giving as a bad
influence because we are not able to learn something if you just cheat and cheat.

Mango stated that,

Sometimes elses actions do not have define your self worth.

Pineapple stated that,

The lessons that I have learned about cheating is to not trust any word that it takes but
instead read it critically before copying it so you can define what is wrong and what is
correct. It can’t really avoided in all activities, but it’s still wrong because there
consequences that you must experience if you get caught, but in my experience, I have
never experienced severe punishment, we all just retook because my other classmates
cheated and feel guilty.

Improved Action
Refers to the act of enhancing or optimizing ones actions or behaviors in order to
achieve better outcomes and results. It involves making adjustments, modifications, or
refinements to ones actions based on feedback, experience, or new information in order
to improve efficiency, effectiveness, or overall performance.

apple stated that,

If I were given a second chance, I would participate on our discussion, and review our
lesson each time.

Strawberry stated that,

If I were given a second chance before I do cheating. I will think practically, in that way I
can avoid cheating. And also I will think about the consequences firstly before doing
cheating, because as we all know every bad actions have punishment.

Pomelo stated that,

I would encourage everyone not only myself to stop cheating and just do their best to
study well.

Mango stated that,

I will listen carefully so I don’t cheat anymore.

Pineapple stated that,

We al deserve a second chance even some of us made some wrong choices. And remind
that don’t do it again and make your mistakes right as soon a possible.
Chapter IV

A. Summary

The study The End does not Justify the Means. Navigating the Experience of Learners
Engaged in Cheating in Senior High School Students was conducted and resulted from
the exploration of the experiences of senior high school students on their cheating

The participants were the Grade 11 Senior High School Students of Castor Z. Concepcion
Memorial National High School who have experience cheating in their classroom. The
study was conducted at Brgy. Antonino, Balaoan, La Union, particularly in Castor Z.
Concepcion Memorial National High School.

The researchers used qualitative methods, specifically the phenomenological approach,

as their research design and gave the importance of a good qualitative study. The
researchers conducted a face-to-face interview and utilized structured interview guide
in gathering data. The actual conduction of the study was in 2 Semester of June 2022 of

School Year 2022-2023. The participants were the grade 11 Senior High School students
who have experienced on cheating during the examination and were chosen through
purposive sampling in which set of criteria was utilized.

B. Findings and Eidetic Insights

From the analysis and interpretation of data, the following themes were identified:

1. Thetheme entitled “Emotional Rollercoaster” describes a situation or experience that

involves intense and fluctuating emotions, typically ranging from extreme highs to
extreme lows.

2. Thetheme entitled “Hunting Dilemmas” refers to the challenges and dilemmas that
entitled individuals encounter in the context of hunting.
3. The
theme entitled “Driving Force” serves as the primary motivation or impetus
behind an individual’s actions or decisions.

4. Thetheme entitled “Emotional Response” suggests that an individual’s sense of

entitlement influences and shapes their emotional reaction to events or circumstances.

5. Thetheme entitled “Action Taken” refers to the steps, decisions, or behaviors that an
individual engages in response to a situation or circumstance.

6. Thetheme entitled “Coping Mechanism” are strategies or behaviors that individuals

use to manage or deal with stress, challenges, or difficult emotions.

7. The theme entitled “Philosophical Connections” refer to the associations or

relationships between philosophical concepts, ideas, or theories. It involves the
exploration of the interplay and interconnected of different philosophical perspectives.

8. Thetheme entitled “Academic Integrity” refers to the ethical principles and values that
guide honest and responsible behavior in academic settings.

9. Thetheme entitled “Moral Learning” refers to the process through which individuals
acquire and develop their moral values, principles, and ethical understanding.

10. The
theme entitled “Improved Actions” refers to behaviors or actions that have been
enhanced or developed in a positive way.

C. Conclusions

Based on the findings, the following conclusions are formulated:

1. Cheatingrefers to the act of gaining an unfair advantage or manipulating the rules in

an academic setting. It can take various forms, such as copying someone else’s work,
using unauthorized resources during exams, or fabricating data. While cheating may
appear to yield positive outcomes in the short term, such as better grades or academic
recognition, the long-term consequences can be detrimental to both the individuals
involved and the educational system as a whole.

2. When navigating the experience of learners engaged in cheating, it is crucial to

address the issue holistically, focusing on both the short-term implications. Immediate
disciplinary actions, such as wearings, academic penalties, or even expulsion, may be
necessary to uphold the standards of academic integrity.
3. Rather than solely punishing the individuals involved, it is essential to foster an
environment that encourages ethical behavior, integrity, and a genuine commitment to
learning. This can be achieved through initiatives such as promoting a culture of
academic honesty, providing support and resources for academic skills development,
and emphasizing the intrinsic value of education beyond mere grades or external
4. Additionally, it is crucial to create open channels of communication where learners can
voice their concerns, challenges, and pressures that may lead to cheating.
Understanding the underlying causes of cheating, such as high-stakes assessments,
intense competition, or inadequate support systems, can help institutions implement
preventive measures and create a supportive learning environment that reduces the
temptation to cheat.

5. While
cheating may seem to offer short-term benefits, it undermines the core values
of education and has long-term consequences for individuals and the educational
system.By addressing cheating through a combination of disciplinary measures,
educational initiatives, and a supportive environment, we can promote a culture of
academic integrity and foster genuine learning experiences for all learners.

D. Recommendation

Based on the results of the study, the researchers presented the following

1. Teach the importance of integrity: It is critical to continually emphasize the value of

honesty and integrity in education. Encouraging students to value the knowledge and
skills they acquire through the learning process rather than solely focusing on grades,
can help them understand the need to maintain high standards of ethical behavior.

2. Foster
of safe learning environment: In order to reduce the temptation to cheat, it is
important to promote a safe learning environment where students feel comfortable
seeking help, sharing ideas, and expressing their concerns. This can be done by creating
supportive classrooms policies and by implementing fair grading practices that reduce
the pressure to cheat.

3. Promote collaboration and teamwork: Emphasizing the importance of collaboration

and teamwork can help students understand the value of working together to achieve
shared goals. Students who feel part of a group that shares common goals are less likely
to cheat as they feel that it impacts everyone in the group, not just themselves.
4. Providingalternative assessments: to minimize the needs for cheating, teachers should
provide alternative forms of assessment, such as project-based learning, oral
presentations, and performance assessments. These assessment methods are more
engaging and allow student to demonstrate their knowledge and creativity in a way that
free from the pressure of traditional testing.

5. Encourage self-reflection and accountability: teachers should encourage students to

reflect on their actions and identify ways in which they can take responsibility for their
learning. By promoting self-reflective practices, they can remain accountable for their
action and gain a deeper understanding of what it mean to learn with integrity.

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Appendix A
Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E


Name: Mac Jonell Acosta

Age: 17 years old
Address: Camillo Osias Balaoan La Union
Birth Day: November 21, 2005
Mother: Loreta Rosimo Acosta
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Educational Attainment:
Elementary: Balaoan Central School
Secondary: Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National High School


Name: John Rey Amadeo

Age: 17 years old
Address: Guinaburan Balaoan La Union
Birth Day: October 14, 2005
Father: Reynaldo Amadeo

Mother: JJocelyn Amadeo

Religion: Born Again
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Educational Attainment:
Elementary: Guinaburan Elementary School
Secondary: Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National High School

Name: Rowena Alido

Age: 16 years old
Address: Bulbulala Balaoan La Union
Birth Day: July 31, 2006
Father: Samuel Alido

Mother: Josephine Organista

Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Educational Attainment:
Elementary: Balaoan Central Elementary School
Secondary: Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National High School


Name: Jan Rey Depdepen

Age: 17 years old
Address: Nalasin Balaoan La Union
Birth Day: December 21, 2005
Mother: Eliza Depdepen
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Educational Attainment:
Elementary: Balaoan Central Elementary School
Secondary: Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National High School

Name: Earlyn Jane Domingo

Age: 17 years old
Address: Camiling Balaoan La Union
Birth Day: March 20, 2006
Father: Ricardo Domingo

Mother: Jenny Lyn Domingo

Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Educational Attainment:
Elementary: Apatut Elementary School
Secondary: Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National High School


Name: Chaezerine Kate Nunez

Age: 17 years old
Address: Butubut Norte Balaoan La Union
Birth Day: March 11, 2006
Father: Michael Nunez

Mother: Zenaida Nunez

Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Educational Attainment:
Elementary: Butubut Norte Elementary School
Secondary: Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National High School


Name: Angel Gabriel Olbinado

Age: 17 years old
Address: Patpata Balaoan La Union
Birth Day: January 25, 2006
Father: Domingo Olbinado

Mother: Geraldine Olbinado

Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Educational Attainment:
Elementary: Patpata Elementary School
Secondary: Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National High School


Name: Norelle Albie Orfiano

Age: 17 years old
Address: Bulbulala Balaoan La Union
Birth Day: November 5, 2005
Father: Alberto Orfiano Sr.

Mother: Lorelie Orfiano

Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Educational Attainment:
Elementary: Bulbulala Elementary School
Secondary: Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National High School


Name: Wilmar Kent Ramos

Age: 17 years old
Address: Nagsabaran Norte Balaoan La Union
Birth Day: August 21, 2005
Father: Willfredo Alminar Ramos
Religion: Born Again
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Educational Attainment:
Elementary: Balaoan Central School
Secondary: Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National High School


Name: Krisha Mae Valdez

Age: 17 years old
Address: Butubut Norte Balaoan La Union
Birth Day: November 26, 2005
Father: Rolando Valdez

Mother: Marie Valdez

Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Educational Attainment:
Elementary: Butubut Norte Elementary School
Secondary: Castor Z. Concepcion Memorial National High School

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