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Divine international public school

Periodic test. Session 2021-22

Class -5th Science

Section-A. (Attempt all). 6×1=6

1) We go for blood test to detect

A) fracture B) malaria C) joint pain
2) Boiling milk kills the
A) germs B) fat C) carbohydrates
3) A disease spread by mosquitoes is
A) fever B) malaria C) cholera
4) -------- invented the vaccine to prevent smallpox
5) Cholera is caused by contaminated ------ and --------- .
6) Mosquitoes have two feelers on their head called -------- .
Section-B. (Do any three) 3×2=6
7) Name the mosquito that spread the malaria?
8) What are the symptoms of malaria?
9) What are communicable disease?
10) Name the germs responsible for spread?
A flu b) typhoid C) dysentery.
Section-D. (Do any two). 2×4=8
11) How can we prevent a communicable disease from spreading further?
12) How can we protect ourselves from mosquito bites?
13) List four method to control the breeding of germs?

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