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Madison Fernandes

Mr. Evans

National Honor Society

19 January 2024

Leadership Through My Lens

Leadership is a complex concept that can be explored through various lenses, from the

qualities of a leader to the impact they make. Leadership has many sides and can mean being a

learner and a teacher, a collaborator and a facilitator, a visionary, and a strategist. Leadership

defies a singular definition and encompasses a myriad of qualities, styles, and approaches. Each

leader possesses a unique set of attributes and experiences, making their journey toward

becoming an effective leader, a personal and a continuous one. This nature alone makes

leadership a position of pressure. Throughout my life, I have been driven by the aspiration to be

a leader, yet I still acknowledge that there is still much to learn and various roles to assume to

truly embody that multifaceted nature of leadership. However, I will push myself to join the

National Honor Society and other groups that help me achieve a true means of leadership.

Since I was young, my passion for leadership has always been ignited within me. My

aspiration to become a leader was not driven by a desire for control but by an innate yearning to

assist and support others. In our youth, we are forced to memorize the presidents, country, and

war leaders impressing on us that authority is an aspect of leadership. However, the most

important aspect of leadership is not control or authority but lies in the ability to inspire others.

Throughout my life, I have longed to fulfill this role, driven by the belief that I could make a

positive impact on those around me. For years, I grappled with a sense of being out of control, as

if my life were in disarray. But when I assumed leadership roles, I discovered a newfound sense
of empowerment. Utilizing my knowledge and personal experiences, I found the means to

encourage and motivate others. Through this, I learned that it was never about me, but about

others. Being a leader should never be measured by how much you command those around you

but by the impact you make and the legacy you leave behind.

In the realm of leadership, authenticity plays a pivotal role. A genuine leader possesses a

deep understanding of their own identity in the context in which they operate. They are

well-versed in their strengths and weaknesses and others and possess the ability to leverage these

qualities for the greater good. I have assumed numerous roles of leadership, such as a member of

DECA and class executive board, but it does not compare to working with the youth basketball

group, which is where I found my true love and passion for being a leader. In DECA I have

studied hard to win, even making it to states. The advisors saw my hard work and decided to put

me on the public relations team, where we dealt with contacting certain businesses and

establishing events. However, through this position, I have also given advice on how to present

to judges, shared my experience, and tried to recruit others to join the program. For my first year

as a member of the class board, I have communicated ideas to my team members to advocate for

improvement around the school. Although I was considered a leader because of my title; I did

not feel like I was making a large enough difference. During basketball season every year, the

team works with children from Pre-K to 8th grade. It is an obligation, and before I even attended

one session, my teammates discussed how they did not like waking up so early on a Saturday

morning. Naturally, I dreaded the first session because I was new and nervous. When I got there,

I talked to those kids and even decided to stay for the next session. That year I had the players

come and watch me at games and hold up signs, wear my number, write me notes, and tell me

that they wanted to play basketball like I did. I started to feel like I was not only there to teach
them about drills but to build their confidence and passion for basketball. Now that I know them

all personally, I show up every day, staying for both sessions, not just the one I am required to

do, with the sole intent of putting a smile on their faces. Through this program, I learned what

leadership means. Leadership to me is an act of love, a selfless service where we try to see

people for who they are and help them see the same. Leadership means extending yourself

beyond your comfort zone to establish meaningful relationships with others who differ from you.

When we lead, we embrace vulnerability and imperfections, which opens up valuable

opportunities for learning and growth.

Being a leader has provided me with invaluable lessons and a deeper understanding of

my true identity, making me incredibly grateful for all the opportunities that have been presented

to me. Leading those around me is a lifelong aspiration and my desire to make a positive

difference in my community drives my dedication and fuels my dreams.

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