Goleman's Emotional Quotient (Daniel Goleman)

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EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions and feelings, as
well those of others.

The 5 Components of Emotional Intelligence: (SESES)

SELF-AWARENESS : the cornerstone of emotional intelligence–a capacity to recognize your feelings as

they occur

EMOTIONAL CONTROL: an ability to manage your emotional reactions, control impulse, and to recover
from life’s upsets

SELF-MOTIVATION: skill at using your emotions in the service of a goal, staying hopeful despite setbacks

EMPATHY : emotional sensitivity to others; a talent for tuning into others’ feelings, and reading their
unspoken messages

Social Skills: grace in dealing with others

–strong social skills are the key to popularity, leadership, and interpersonal effectiveness


-loss of the ability to produce or comprehend language, due to injury to brain injuries. DYSLEXIA

-learning disability in reading and spelling


-deficiency in the ability to write, in terms of coherence (thought) DYSCALCULIA

- math disability

- difficulty even in basic math


-difficulty even in basic math

-through injury DYSNOMIA

- “anomic aphasia”

- difficulty in retrieving the correct words, names, numbers from memory

- “What’s that word?” GIFTEDNESS

- abilities are above average/ norm of their age. MENTAL RETARDATION

- slow learning of basic motor and language skills

- 70 and below IQ AUTISM

- challenges with social skills, repetitive behavior, speech and nonverbal communication. ASPERGER’S

- same challenges/ problems with autism but having no general delay in language or cognitive
development. DOWN SYNDROME (TRISOMY 21)

- impairment of cognitive ability

-extra 21st chromosome

- same faces/ physical appearances TOURETTE SYNDROME

- repetitive, stereotypes, involuntary movements and vocalizations called “tics”

a. Simple tics – limited number of muscle groups

b. Complex tics – several/ many muscle groups ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER (ADHD )

- neurological in nature

- impulsivity, distractibility, hyperactivity, etc. CEREBRAL PALSY

- affects muscle tone, movement and motor skills


- is a way of communicating that reflects knowledge and respect for people with disabilities by choosing
words that recognize the person first and foremost as the primary reference and not his or her

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