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1. First, we checked into the hotel, and then we took a taxi over to the convention center. 2.

I am just going to make a quick call to check on the kids and make sure that everything is OK. 3. Your luggage will be checked through to Los Angeles, so you don't need to worry about it when you transfer planes in Houston. 4. We are going to check out the new dance club downtown. Do you want to come along? 5. Danny has been sick for over a week. We are going to check by later to see how he is doing. 6. Dinner at Fillipi's sounds like a great idea, but let me check with my wife first to see if she has already made plans for Friday. If we are free, we would love to join you. 7. Health professionals suggest women regularly perform self examinations to check for early indications of breast cancer. If cancer is detected early, treatment is highly effective. 8. After Burt dropped his camera, he carefully checked it over to make sure it wasn't damaged. 9. Patricia always keeps a detailed list of her daily tasks. As she completes each task, she checks it off her list and moves on to the next one. Talk about good organization! 10. Doctor Evanson gave Lucy some medicine for her stomach condition and told her to get plenty of rest. He said he would check back in a couple of days to see if she's feeling better.

1. He came into a lot of money at a very early age, so he has never had to work. 2. We are going to the beach later. Would you like to come along ? 3. At first, he comes across as rather shy. But when you get to know him, you'll notice he has a hilarious sense of humor. 4. They were having problems with the ship's radio, so none of the messages came through clearly. 5. The pictures I took on vacation came out great. I can't wait to show them to you. 6. Although the negotiations lasted more than two weeks, the representatives

came away feeling like they had accomplished nothing. 7. Sam and Evan came up with a great marketing strategy for their new product. 8. The toy doesn't come with batteries. You have to buy them separately. 9. Camille is coming over for dinner tonight. 10. When I tried to open the door, the knob came off in my hand and I was stuck in the room for more than two hours. (desprinde)

My dog, Rover, is so difficult to control. He is always getting on the couch when I am not in the room. I always tell him to get off of the furniture, but he just lies there looking at me. Last week, I was sitting on the couch with my girlfriend. He jumped up on the couch and tried to get between us. I immediately yelled, "Get down!" But, he just sat there, desperate for attention. When I eat dinner, he always gets under the table and begs for food. Another problem is that I live next to a main road. He somehow gets out of the house and gets over the fence. I'm afraid he is going to get hurt. And last week, he got into my closet and chewed up my shoes. I don't know how he got in - I usually keep the door closed. I think I need to take him to an obedience school.

Dear Mom and Dad, I finally got into that philosophy class I was telling you about. It wasn't easy. It's a required course and there is no way to get around it. The professor, Dr. Schmitt, seems very good, but I think his class is going to be quite a challenge. Yesterday was the first day of the course. He gave everyone in the class a syllabus describing the homework and the exams. I couldn't believe how much he expects us to do. Several of the students immediately got up and left the room. After they were gone, Professor Schmitt started asking the remaining students philosophical questions. They all had great answers, but then he got to me. "What is art?" he asked me. I tried to answer him, but I couldn't get what I wanted to say across to him. He smiled at me and got three or four art books out. He passed the art books around and asked us to discuss the question in groups. The people in my discussion group were really great; we all really enjoyed debating the question. Since we got along so well, we have decided to form a study group, so we can help each other get through this class.

I know my grades haven't been the best, but with the help of this study group I should be able to get it together and do better this semester. Well, I need to get back to work and finish my assignments for tomorrow. Everybody take care, and I'll see you at Thanksgiving. Love, Steve

Welcome to "Introduction to Computers and the Internet." This course is designed to help inexperienced computer users get over their fear of technology and get with it "technically." We are going to teach you how to get by with computers and get on the Internet. I am your instructor, Mr. Pfeffer, and these are my two assistants, Mrs. Frank and Miss DePaul. Together, we are going to help you get through these lessons. By the time you get out of this class, you will have mastered the concepts you need to successfully navigate the Web. First, I would like everyone to get into groups and choose a computer. Once you have gotten together and chosen a place to sit, we will get down to work. We will be learning about different browsers and how they function. We will teach you how to interpret the layout of a web page and how to know where to click to move to other parts of the web site. At that point, we are going to take a short fifteen minute break. After you all get back to class, we are going to discuss web-based content. We are going to teach you how to find the content you want using sources such as Yahoo or Alta Vista. So, let's get started.

1. They were party animals in college. They went out almost every night and rarely came home before four o'clock in the morning. 2. I am sorry I interrupted you. Please, go on. I really want to hear the end of your story. 3. Our neighbor's car alarm went off several times last night, so I didn't sleep well at all. 4. The project is classified by the military, so I am not allowed to go into the details. Let's just say it's going to cost the government a lot of money. 5. The test is fairly complicated. I would suggest going over your notes from class a couple of times before you try to take it. 6. I'll mail that letter for you. I go by the post office on my way to work. 7. Did you see that news report about the hikers who were lost in the mountains for more than a week? I couldn't believe everything they went through. Their story was absolutely incredible. 8. Jerry really struggled to keep his business going. But after months without any customers, it finally went under. 9. I had the hiccups for over half an hour. Luckily, my friend Jane showed me a trick to make them go away. 10. The doctor made Joe lie in a cold bath to help his fever go down.

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