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Chapter 1



As stewards of schools, teachers play a crucial role in ensuring an

enabling and supportive environment for effective teaching and learning. Teacher

quality is vital in raising learner achievement; however, teachers alone cannot

bring substantive changes without effective leadership. The Organization for

Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2018, p.20) states that the

"quality of education system depends on the quality of its teachers; but the

quality of teachers cannot exceed the quality of the policies that shape the work

environment in school and that guide their selection, recruitment, and

development." Therefore, it is intended for future Technology and Livelihood

Education (TLE) teachers especially in Agricultural Crop Production to transform

the school into institution of academic excellence, considering and reflecting on

the experiences lived in classrooms. It will positively contribute to student

learning and social relationships and interactions in teaching and learning


Undoubtedly, one of the key features of the K to 12 TLE curriculum is the

delivery of lessons through contextualization and localization. Moreover, its focus

is on the skills where students have the potential to succeed and be adequately

prepare for the world of work, entrepreneurship, or even higher education.

( TLE subject provides students with the necessary experiences,


valuable knowledge, skills, and values. The curriculum also intends to give

students a better output and enhance the quality of education in the Philippines.

(Press Reader, 2015)

The concept of contextualization and localization are not new to DepEd

teachers because this is embedded in the DepEd’s mission that states “To

protect the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based and

complete basic education…” (DepEd, 2022) Also, contextualization and

localization is specified in the provisions of the 1987 Philippine Constitution

particularly on Article XIV, Section 14 which states that “The state shall foster the

preservation, enrichment and dynamic evolution of a Filipino national culture

based on the principle of unity in diversity in a climate of free artistic and

intellectual expression.” Article XIV, Section 5 (1) also states that “The state shall

take into account regional and sectoral needs and conditions and shall

encourage local planning in the development of educational policies and

programs.” (Official Gazette, 2022)

At the onset, contextualization and localization are based on the notion

that learning occurs most effectively when experiences in the classroom have

significance and application to the students' everyday lives. Pecson (2014)

mentioned that the things which students do and associated with them are the

learning that lasts forever. This implies that deep learning would be guaranteed

and achieved if students were placed in real-world learning situations and

allowed to manipulate, relate to, and adapt to different learning opportunities and

resources in the community.


One of the trends in implementing change is contextualization. As stated

in Republic Act 10533, Section 5 (h) that the curriculum shall be flexible enough

to enable and allow schools to localize, indigenize and enhance the same based

on their respective educational and social contexts. Thus, the development of

locally produced teaching materials with contextualized learning activities are


The Department of Education issued DepEd Memorandum No. 117, s.

2005 reiterating the need for training-workshop on strategic interventions for

successful learning which states that, “The training workshop aims to enhance

teacher’s skill in test analysis and interpretation; and capacitate them in

developing various intervention materials for remediation and enrichment of


Bagtang Elementary School embraces change and accepts the

challengesin lined with teaching using different innovation. The school is

upskilling the learners to cope with the demands in education. Edukasyong

Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan is a subject area that geared towards the

development of learning proficiency, values centered and anchored on

knowledge and information, concepts, process and delivery, work values and


At its course, one strategy used by the Department of Education to

improve academic performance of students performing poorly in the field is the

creation of remedial instructional materials. One of which is the strategic


intervention material. Villonez (2018), defined Strategic Intervention Material

(SIM) as a strategy or instructional material that is used to increase the academic

achievement of students. It aims to develop mastery on the least mastered

concepts in the learning competency.

Thus, the researcher intends to develop and utilize a contextualized and

localized strategic intervention material (CL-SIM) to Grade 4 Edukasyong

Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) learners at Bagtang Elementarty School.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to develop and utilize a Contextualized and Localized-

Strategic Intervention Material (CL-SIM) to Grade 4 Edukasyong Pantahanan at

Pangkabuhayan(EPP) learners of Bagtang Elementary School.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What Contextualized and Localized Strategic Intervention Material to

be develop for Grade 4 Edukasyong Pantahanan at

Pangkabuhayan(EPP) learners?

2. What is the mean difference of the result in controlled and

experimental grouped?

3. Is there a significant difference between the performance of learners

before and after using the CL-SIM?

4. What is the level of acceptability of the CL-SIM in terms of content,

structure, and usability?


5. What developmental plan may be proposed for enhancement of CL-


Significance of the Study

The utilization of contextualized and localized strategic intervention

material is seen as one of the effective tools in understanding abstract concepts

in agricultural crop production, also to awaken the interest of learners in the field

of agriculture and instilling appreciation to local resources and practices. The

findings of the study may benefit various users. Among them are the following:

Learners. The contextualized and localized strategic intervention material

or CL-SIM is an alternate source of knowledge and supplementary instructional

tool that makes learning easier, particularly when dealing with the least learned

concepts in the subject.

Teachers. Using the study's findings, teachers will be convinced that the

contextualized and localized strategic intervention material (CL-SIM) is a useful

teaching aid for reteaching challenging concepts or the least-mastered

competencies, thus, encouraging teachers to prepare contextualized and/or

localized instructional material as a remediation tool.

School. This information can help them to make decisions and allot

additional funds particularly for the creation and application of the contextualized

and localized strategic intervention material and other instructional materials that

has been approved by the experts in the subject. This may also serve as the

basis for developing an intervention plan that they would need to create.

Future Researchers. This study will help motivate future researchers to

carry out comparable research to confirm the usefulness of the contextualized

and localized strategic intervention material (CL-SIM), particularly when used to

help learners understand the concepts they haven't yet understood.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will focus on contextualized and localized-strategic intervention

material that will provide sufficient aid in the dilivery of teaching instruction.

Others, such as gamification, teachingapproaches, instructional innovation,

learning impediments , and developmental learning are excluded from this study.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the compilation of several publications and

concepts that have been determined to be relevant and essential to the study's

purpose. Similar research has been gathered to emphasize the gap that has to

be filled in the teaching-learning process, particularly in the creation and delivery

of instructions and the selection and utilization of educational resources.

Related Literature

Foreign and domestic literature related to the current study is presented in

this section. It provides valuable insights that assisted the researcher in

developing contextualized and localized strategic intervention material.

The Department of Education encourages teachers to develop learning

resources to be utilized in the teaching-learning process. Learner’s engagement

to a learning material brings a better result to student’s academic performance.

The development of learning resources also helps in augmenting the shortage of

textbook as provided by the DepEd central office. (DepEd Philippines, 2019)

Republic Act No. 10533, otherwise known as “Enhanced Basic Education

Act of 2013”, section 5 (h), states that the curriculum shall be flexible enough to

enable and allow schools to localize, indigenize and enhance the same based on

their respective educational and social contexts. The production and

development of locally produced teaching materials shall be encouraged, and


approval of these materials shall devolve to the regional and division education

units. (Official Gazette, 2022)

An article in Sun Star (2017), explains contextualization and localization

as the new approach to teaching and highlighted in the K to 12 curriculum.

Furthermore, DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2015 defined contextualization as an

educational process of relating the curriculum to a particular setting, situation, or

area of application to make the competencies relevant, meaningful, and useful to

all learners. (DepEd, 2022) Similar definition is also mentioned by Pecson (2014)

that contextualization is the process of presenting a lesson in meaningful and

relevant context based on previous experiences and real-life situations. He

added that contextualization and localization both adhere to making the lesson

flexible, fit, creative, relevant, meaningful, and adaptive to students’ level of

understanding and instructional needs.

Macarubbo (2018) cited that the promotion of localized material is a way

of encouraging relevance in a very different local, cultural, and socio-economic

context. He added that localization of material can allow learning to become

more meaningful and relevant. This involves the use of local materials both as

subject and object of instruction. Using localized materials as instructional

material (IM) will enhance the creativity of the IM developer and will lessen the

cost of the IM.

On the other hand, using contextualized and indigenized IMs, students will

easily understand the concepts being taught especially if the students are not

familiar with some words, (Laylo, 2018).


Instructional materials as defined in Florida Statutes are materials with

intellectual content that are made to supplement the instructions received by the

learners. “Instructional materials” refers to tools used in educational lessons

which involve active learning and assessment.

Basically, it is any resources used by the teacher in teaching the

students. Anything that could help in delivering instructions may be considered

as instructional materials, it may come in different forms such as textbooks,

workbooks, standard and localized newspapers, PowerPoint presentations,

recording, video clips, journals, magazines, and CDs. (Dahar, 2020)

In the present educational system, instructional materials must become

one of the priorities of the teacher to help increase students’ learning and master

the least-learned concepts in different learning areas.

Related Studies

The following studies are found to be related to the present study in terms

of students' performance levels on various subjects using various approaches,

tools, instruments, and data collection methods.

In the study conducted by Aquino (2019), she determined the

effectiveness of digitized instructional materials. Results showed that the learners

in the control group have obtained a very low mastery in both pretest and post-

test while the experimental group obtained a high increase in their post-test than

on the pretest. Thus, using digitized instructional materials is far more effective

than using traditional instructional materials in teaching Edukasyong Pantahan at


Pangkabuhayan (EPP). It further recommends that school administrators should

encourage teachers to utilize new strategies of teaching that fit the interest in

Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP).

Also, the study of Cubillas (2020) also revealed that the use of developed

and validated contextualized learning material helped improve the performance

of Grade 4 Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP). The main objective

is to design a contextualized learning material in developing the conceptual

understanding of Grade 4 Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) as a t

support material in mastering concept and skills. Furthermore, it considered

developmental and quasi-experimental or one group pre-test and post-test since

it underwent three phases namely: planning, development, validation, and


In the planning stage, the least learned skill (LLS) was identified based on

the item analysis of the first grading quarterly test. From the LLS obtained, she

made one Contextualized Learning Material (CLM). The result on the comparison

using paired t-test between the students’ pre-test and posttest scores shows that

there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test score of Grade

4 EPP learners. Thus, CLM is effective in developing the conceptual

understanding of the learning competencie.” It recommends that teachers should

also develop more contextualized learning materials for other topics in

Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) and for other subject areas to

address the learners’ least learned skills.


According to the study of Dumanjog (2020) regarding the effectiveness of

contextualized learning activities in teaching force, the pre-test and post-test

performance of students exposed to contextual and localized teaching activities

is much higher than the group of students exposed to traditional and not

contextualized learning activities.

It added that tested and effective contextualized learning activities can be

a way of solving the low performance of the learners based on the Mean

Percentage Score (MPS). The participants of his study were Grade 8 Special

Education and Special Program for the Arts sections of Dapa National High

School S.Y. 2017 - 2018. These sections were categorized as homogeneous for

implementing the contextualized learning activity.

Thirty-four (34) students from Grade 8 SPEd are the experimental group

and were subjected with contextualized learning activity and thirty-four (34)

students from the SPA were given traditional way of teaching. The significant

difference between the pre-test and post-test performances of the experimental

and controlled group were analyzed through the analysis of covariance


Moreover, mean percentage score was used to determine the

performance of students. Based on the findings, he then suggests that teachers

should use localized examples, exercises, and illustrations in teaching to improve

student performance. The exercises, illustrations, and examples of the

instructional material that should be used by a teacher must be authentic and

indigenous to be effective.

The study of Garin, (2020) on the contextualized and localized

teaching as a technique in teaching basic statistics showed that the performance

of the experimental group was significantly different to the performance of the

control group on the empirical probability, but they were not significantly different

on the theoretical probability. Their study determined the effect of teaching

statistics using contextualized and localized information on the performance of

students which utilized the pre-test and post-test control group single blind

experimental research design. Two intact classes were used, and this was done

by random assignment.

There are thirty-four (34) learners exposed to contextualized and localized

teaching (experimental) and thirty students exposed to contextualize but not

localized teaching (control). T-test for independent samples and ANCOVA was

utilized in comparing the pre-test and post-test performances of the two groups.

The finding indicates that the use of indigenous data in teaching statistics along

empirical probability is an effective teaching and learning strategy. Additionally,

the study recommends developing an authentic, contextualized, and localized

instructional material in subject areas to improve the performance of the

students. They have also recommended that teachers should use localized

examples, exercises, and illustrations in teaching to improve the students’


Several studies also discussed the use of Strategic Intervention Material

to be an effective strategy in increasing the academic performance of students.

The study of Villionez (2019) which aimed to find out whether the use of SIM

(Strategic Intervention Material) would improve the academic achievement of

grade seven students on selected topic in earth science impacts a better

performance on students. The study made use of quasi experimental design

which is non- equivalent control group pretest and posttest design. About 120

participants were used as subjects of the study. Mean and t- tests were used as

tools in the analysis of data.

Comparatively, the result of the study revealed that there was a significant

difference in the pretest and posttest mean scores of the experimental and

control group in the topic eclipse. The experimental group achieved a better

mean gain score than the control group. This points out that the use of strategic

intervention material (SIM) in the experimental group significantly improved the

performance of the students. It can be concluded that the performance of

students in the experimental group was greatly enhanced after SIM was

employed in teaching the lesson. Therefore, the employment of SIM was better

and effective than the use of traditional method in teaching some topic in

science. Furthermore, it was recommended that SIM be adopted as instructional

material or strategy in teaching science lessons as well as in other subjects.

On the other hand, the study of Lazo and de Guzman (2020) which

focused on strategic intervention material as a learning approach in teaching

Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP)during the distance education,

revealed that academic performance of the students before the utilization of

Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) in Edukasyong Pantahan at

Pangkabuhayan (EPP) resulted in a descriptive equivalent of Did Not Meet


Expectation or Fair while it then became Satisfactory after the utilization of SIM in

Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP).

They utilized a descriptive – experimental research design to a total of 259

students and 39 educators as the respondents. Furthermore, the T-test results

found a highly significant difference in the pre-test and post-test versions of the

students utilizing the SIM in Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP).

When the SIM was subjected to evaluation by experts, it was found out that the

content, structure, and usability requirements of acceptability and usefulness

were very evident.

Their study suggested the consideration of preparation of SIM in

enhancing the development of desirable values and traits and free from bias

contents; more active learning activities which aims to increase motivation,

understanding and for the development of critical and higher-order thinking and

better efficiency of its assessment tools and techniques.

Moreover, the study of Cordova, (2019) on the effectiveness of

competency-based strategic intervention materials in Grade 4 Edukasyong

Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP)also revealed that the pretest scores are very

poor, prompting them to develop a strategic intervention material. The authors

used two hundred Grade 4 learners. They used strategic intervention material in

remedial classes to improve the least mastered skills of learners as identified in

the pretest mean scores. Moreover, purposive sampling and z-test were utilized

in their study. Based on the results, they have concluded that there is an

increase in the performance of the learners in the post-test after utilizing the

competency based strategic intervention materials.

Similar study was conducted in Bicol University by Adonis (2020) on the

contextualized strategic intervention materials in Grade 4 Edukasyong Pantahan at

Pangkabuhayan (EPP). It utilized pre-experimental study wherein she developed

ten (10) Contextualized Strategic Intervention Materials (CSIMs) for the third

quarter least mastered Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan

(EPP)competencies. The developed CSIMs were based on the generalized least

mastered skills for SY 2015 - 2018.

Another study which aimed to find out the effectiveness of using Strategic

Intervention Materials (SIMs) as an innovative teaching practice was conducted

by Alburuto (2020). Similarly, she utilized the SIM as an innovative material that

raised the performance of students in process skills development and mastery of

science concepts. It utilized the experimental research design with two groups of

participants, which were purposefully chosen. It was obtained that there is a

significant difference in the performance of the experimental and control groups

based on actual class observation and written tests on science process skills with

a p-value of 0.0360 in favor of the experimental class.

Further, results of written pre-test and post-test on Edukasyong Pantahan

at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) concepts showed that the experimental group with the

mean of 24.325 (SD =3.82) performed better than the control group with the

mean of 20.58 (SD =4.94). Thus, the use of SIMs significantly contributed to the

mastery of science concepts and the development of science process skills.

Based on the findings, she recommended that teachers should use or adopt the

SIMs used in this study to help improve learners’ performance.

Also, the study of Aniete et. al., (2019) on the effects of strategic

intervention material in computer hardware servicing exploratory course to

students’ academic performance in Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan

(EPP) revealed that the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) during the pre-test is

below the 75 percent level of proficiency.

The pre-test was administered to the students. The least mastered

competencies were identified. The SIM was given to the students for use. A post-

test was conducted after the administration of SIM. The achievement of the

students in the post-test after their exposure to the Strategic Intervention

Materials (SIM) is higher and better compared to the pre-test. Thus, it suggests

that the Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) be adopted as instructional

materials for teaching Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) to

facilitate and improve performance.

Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art

Based on the presented information from various sources such as articles,

published theses, and the internet, using an instructional material is one way to

improve student performance, particularly in the least mastered skills of the

subject area. According to studies, the use of instructional materials plays a

significant role in improving students' memory levels and making the teaching-

learning process more interesting. One of the treatments to improve learners'


achievement and reduce least mastered skills in many subjects is the use of

Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) as prescribed by the Department of

Education. Several studies have found that using SIM successfully reduced the

least mastered concepts, thereby improving poor achievement.

Gap Bridged by the Study

The previous studies undertaken focuses on enhancing learners’ ability to

understand general concepts in Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP).

Moreover, the studies focus on strategies in the delivery of teaching instructions

and various methods to enhance the performance of the students. However, no

study that focuses on the innovative material that is utilized to support learners’

knowledge and skills parallel to the development of optimum learning among

grade 4 learners.

This research is about the use of contextualized and localized strategic

intervention material to grade 4 Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP)

learners in Bagtang Elementary School. Particularly, in the Philippines,

researchers have not thoroughly explored the links on the concept of using

strategic intervention materials in agri-crop production, thus hindering practical

method for the learners to support their learning development. Thus, the use of

contextualized and localized strategic intervention material may play in the

achievement of quality educational need further investigation. This is the gap

bridged by the study.


Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the theories and principles of Constructivist

Theory of Jerome Bruner. A major theme in the framework of Bruner is that

learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts

based on their current or past knowledge.

The learner selects and transforms information, construct hypotheses, and

makes decisions, relying on the cognitive structure. Cognitive structure (i.e.,

schema, mental models) provides meaning and organization to experiences and

allows the individual to “go beyond the information given”. Bruner emphasized

three major principles: readiness, spiral organization, and extrapolation.

The first stage is enactive representation, which occurs between the ages

of 0 and 1 year. It is action-based which means that the child encodes and stores

information in their memory through their movements and actions or by

manipulating objects. A child, for example, squeezes a toy and hears music. The

child manipulated the toy directly, and the result was a pleasing sound. In the

future, the child may squeeze any toy in the hopes of hearing music. Because

the child lacks internal representation, he expects anything he squeezes will

make a sound or music.

The second stage is iconic representation, which occurs between the ages

of 1-6 years. It is image-based, which means that information is visually stored in

the form of mental images or icons. The child now has an internal representation

of external objects; they can draw and think of images of dogs, trees, and other


The third stage is symbolic representation, which begins around the age of

seven. It is language-based, which means that information is stored as a code or

symbol, such as words and languages, mathematical symbols, or other symbol


Bruner believed that all learning occurs in three stages and suggests that

when developing new educational materials, it is beneficial to follow a

progression from enactive to iconic to symbolic. This is true because it relates to

the second principle.

The second principle is spiral organization; in this principle, activities will

be of increasing complexity, logically arranged from easy to tolerably difficult

appropriate to the level of thinking of the students.

The final principle is extrapolation; instruction must allow students to infer

and expand their own knowledge through inquiry, research, and other methods

that allow them to go beyond the information provided.

The second theory adapted by this study is the General Systems Theory

which is analogous to education production function. According to John (2018),

education has a high-priority function in the production of human

resources, and that the production function is a relationship between the

amount of input and intervening factors to produce a certain good, with

consideration to its quality.


An education production function, therefore, represents a functional

relationship between school and students inputs to an associated measure of

school outputs. To ensure the production function adequately addresses the

demands of society, education policy makers and managers must determine

clear and precise objectives; and select the inputs and strategies that will be

transformed through the productive process into a qualified product; possessing

certain competences in form of skills, abilities, and knowledge that can be

transferred to the productive sector of the economy with efficiency and

effectiveness. Cory and Betts (2018) on their study on the role of teacher quality

in education in the education production function established that, variation in

teacher quality is an important contributor to student achievement.

The third theory adapted by this study is the Flow Theory authored by

Bassi and Delle Fave, (2018), a growing body of evidence suggests not only e-

learning environments can be intensely engaging, but also that such engagement

is linked to a variety of positive learning outcomes.

An examination of the e-learning experience from the perspective of flow

theory will assist in the understanding and design of these increasingly used

educational tools. Likewise, it should continue to examine the role of flow as it

relates to learning in other extracurricular environments. It has involved children

and adolescents. While the experience of flow appears to be consistent across

age groups, it is possible that certain conditions for flow, like challenge or

autonomy, might be differentially salient to learners of different ages. Thus,


examining a broader age range of learners, including adults, would be


The various components of the Contextualized and Localized Strategic

Intervention Material (CL-SIM) are perfectly compatible with this theory. The

SIMs' Guide Card previews what students will learn, what tasks must be

completed, and what concepts must be learned. It also includes images, tables,

and specific information that students will need to complete. The Activity Card

lists all the activities, from the easiest to the most difficult. Finally, the third

principle applies to the Enrichment Card, which allows students to apply what

they have learned to other subject areas or new contexts.





(Enactive, Iconic, PERFORMANCE
Symbolic)  Title Card OF GRADE 4
 Spiral  Guide Card LEARNERS IN
Organization  Activity Card ACRICULTURAL
 Extrapolation  Assessment CROP


Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm


Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored on the concept of determining the acceptability,

usefulness, and effectiveness of the Contextualized and Localized Strategic

Intervention Material (CL-SIM) in improving the performance of Grade 9 learners

along horticultural concepts.

This study will used the IPO model Input-process-output. It is a structured

methodology for capturing and visualizing all the inputs, outputs, and process

steps that are required to transform inputs into outputs. The input will show the

contextualized and Localized Strategic Intervention Material to be develop which

is the first consideration of this study. The afore said material will address to

support the learning progress of the students. Developing the material will

provide reinforcement in bridging the gap between the learning competencies

that are least mastered skill and the learning skills of the students. On the other,

the process will show the system and procedure during the administration of Pre-

Test and Post-Test, distribution of questionnaires, and data collections. Further, it

will also determine the acceptability of the CL-SIM in terms of content, structure

and usability. Then, the output will show the developmental plan that may be

proposed for the enhancement of CL-SIM. This will provide support and concrete

methods on how to develop a CL-SIM that is in accord with the existing

standards relative to promote the high level of performance of students in a

specified learning competency. This is best illustrated in the diagram below.


-Level of Proposed a
Contextualized and acceptability of the
Localized Strategic CL-SIM in terms of
content, structure, plan for the
Intervention Material
and usability enhancement of
to be develop
-Data Collections CL-SIM
Pre-Test, and Post-

Figure 2. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study


Definition of Terms

For greater comprehension and clarity, the researcher operationally and

conceptually discussed the following terms in this study.

Agricultural Production. A short course which consists of competencies

that a person must achieve in the production of crops such as rice, vegetables,

fruits, and nuts as well as many others, (TESDA, 2022).

In this study, it refers to the practical method on how agricultural crop

production is being process and the factors that can contribute to manage crop


Contextualized. A verb used to place a word and event into a particular or

appropriate context for the purpose of interpretation or analysis, (Your Dictionary,


In this study, it refers to the innovative material which is utilized by the

teachers in support to the students who are meting challenges to have a wide and

comprehensive grasp of understanding along the concepts of the subject taught. It

is used to emphasize the intervention material prepared within the context of the


Localized. A term used to describe information or content that has been

made suitable for a particular country or area, (Dictionary Cambridge, 2022).

In this study, it refers to the material to be used to uphold and achieved

the high level of performance of the students with regards to the concept and skill

being taught. The foregoing is used to describe the activities in the intervention

material designed for Grade 4 learners.


Pre-test. A test to evaluate the preparedness of students for further

studies, (Meriam Webster, 2022).

In this study, it refers to the assessment of learning use to gauge the level

of knowledge and skills of the students base on the learning competencies. It is

conducted prior to the conduct of preceding evaluation to measure the learning

outcomes and prior knowledge of the learners. It is the teacher-made test that

will be administered to the respondents prior to the utilization of CL-SIM.

Post-test. A test given to students after completion of an instructional

program or segment, (Meriam Webster, 2022).

In this study, it refers to the assessment of learning use as the basis to

conclude whether students should be given remedy to scaffold the learning

difficulties. It is the assessment to be administered after the utilization of the CL-


Strategic Intervention Material. A learning material that helps the

students to master competency-based skills which were not able to develop

during a regular class, (Lazo,, 2021).

In this study, it refers to the learning intervention use to provide more

learning engagement for the students and a material to be adapted to extend

possibilities on learning tasks that supports students’ performance. It is the

intervention material which will aid in improving the performance of Grade 4


Students. A person formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled

in a school or college, (Dictionary, 2022).

In this study, these are the grade 4 learners who are enrolled in the

current academic year 2023-2024. It is the grade 4 learners presently enrolled in

the school who will be the respondents of the present undertakings.

Utilization. A systematic approach to the process and use of resources to

aid in the learning process.

In this study, it refers to the procedure to be done and standards that are

integral part of the intervention material which is to be use by the grade 4


Chapter 3


This chapter describes the method of research, design, the respondents of

the study, the instruments used, data gathering procedures and the statistical

treatment of the data.

Research Method Used

The researcher will employ a mixed method of research which utilizes an

explanatory sequential design where quantitative data collection and analysis

occurs first, followed by the qualitative data collection and analysis. It is

quantitative in nature since data will be collected before and after the utilization of

the CL-SIM. Moreover, qualitative in nature because students’ perception on the

effectiveness of the CL-SIM will be measured as well as the level of acceptability

of the CL-SIM.

A pretest-posttest non-equivalent group design will also be employed

since two different groups will be involved the experimental and the control

group. The design is represented as follows:

O1 x O2
O3 O4


O1 – Pre-test of Experimental Group

O2 – Post-test of Experimental Group

O3 – Pre-test of Control Group


O4 – Post-test of Control Group

X – Treatment Applied in the Experimental Group


All the collected data in this study will be analyzed with the assumption

that participants responded honestly to each item/criterion. It is also assumed

that participants’ responses provide adequate information to determine the level

of acceptability of the CL-SIM in terms of content, structure, and usability as well

as the perceptions of Grade 4 students of Bagtang Elemtary School in the

Contextualized and Localized Strategic Intervention Material (CL-SIM).


This study will be conducted at Bagtang Elementary School The

respondents will be grouped heterogeneously. They will be utilized to determine

the effectiveness of the CL-SIM in the concepts of agricultural crop production.

The grade 4 learners which will be composed of 35 respondents will be exposed

to CL-SIM (experimental group) while the other half will undergo regular teaching

without the aid of any intervention material (control group).

Research Instruments

In the conduct of this study, the researcher will use four research

instruments, the perceptions’ questionnaire, CL-SIM, pretest and posttest and the

questionnaire to determine the level of acceptability of the CL-SIM.


Perception’s Questionnaire. This is an instrument which will be used to

determine students’ perception on the use of Contextualized and Localized

Strategic Intervention Material (CL-SIM). This will be utilized by the Grade 4

learners of Bagtang Elementary School.

Contextualized and Localized Strategic Intervention Material. These

are the material as an intervention and be given to learners to assist in mastering

a least-learned concept that they were unable to develop during a regular

classroom instruction. They provide learners with the opportunity to learn new

things. These instructional materials can be used in the remediation of concepts

and skills, as well as mastering the competencies outlined in the K-12 curriculum.

Pre-test and Post-test. These are the tests to be administered to Grade 4

learners of Bagtang Elementary School. It is a multiple-choice type of test which

covers agricultural concepts.

Questionnaire on the Level of Acceptability of the CL-SIM. An

instrument which will be used to determine the acceptance of the CL-SIM as to

its content, structure, and usability.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will seek permission from the school principal to conduct

the said undertaking. After approval, the researcher will provide questionnaires to

the respondents. Similarly, an observation will be initiated to gather the data

needed on the conduct of the study. Subsequently, an interview will be

conducted to the respondents to gather data and to validate and analyze the data


Statistical Treatment

In the analysis and interpretation of the data collected, the

researcher will use the following statistical tools:

a. The performance level (PL) will show the level of performance of

Grade 4 learners. The formula of getting this is given by:

PL = A x 100%
No. of items

b. Effect size will used to determine the strength between the scores of

students in Pre-Test and Post-Test. This will be computed by:

Effect size = (Pre-Test Score) mean – Post-Test Score) mean

Standard Deviation


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An Action Research Presented to the

Faculty of Daraga Community College, Daraga, Albay

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED)





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