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(To follow on the completion of the study)


(To follow on the completion of the study)



Teaching by definition is both an art and science of imparting

knowledge to an individual designed for their growth and development. More

than a mere daily task that teachers perform in school, the task is to transform

and nurture diverse learners holistically. Laid and equipped with teaching is

the challenge of facing the students and fulfilling its primary goal which is to

prepare and make them learn theories, principles and life values for the future.

Making this possible primarily lies on the different teaching instructions applied

and how these instructions differ according to the subjects and how affective

these are among students.

In a global setting where Fourth Industrial Revolution widely known as

FIRE 4.0, a representation of the fundamental change in people’s way of living

and working, is taking place, technological advancements are currently being

experienced, adapted and embraced by both teachers and learners.

Supported by the research “The Future of Work and Learning in the Age of the

Fourth Industrial Revolution” made by the Desire 2 Learn Corporation in 2018,

it is said that 65% of the children nowadays will be employed in the future with

jobs that do not exist today which only means that individuals are bound to dig

and explore more as technology starts to boom.

Due to this existence, education sector is setting higher standards that

make teaching-learning process more exciting, challenging and fun but still

reflecting the significance of common goals and value-laiden programs.

In lieu with this, there are subjects in the Philippine education that

specifically address the need of the students to learn on how to use modern

gadgets and devices which are helpful even after so many years. One of the

eight subjects that is greatly affected by the FIRE 4.0 is the Technology and

Livelihood Education (TLE), which is non-academic, and is mandated to be

included in the curriculum as it focuses on teaching the fundamentals of being

skilled in various fields. Compared to academic subjects that mostly require

cognitive intelligence, TLE is a combination of cognitive and psychomotor

skills which are the essentials in applying all the learnings that they acquired

in real-life situations. Thus, through this process, teachers can assess their

students’ learnings and performance during classroom interactions.

Likewise, TLE is the subject that caters a wide range of specializations

which starts from exploratory courses for grades seven and eight up to the

specific courses for grades nine and ten being offered by the school with

available resources in the community. Specializations are based also on the

interest of the students and qualifications of the teachers specifically those

who have a National Certificate – a certificate issued when a candidate has

demonstrated competencies in all units of competency that comprised a

qualification – from Technical Education and Skills Development Authority


Part of the courses are the actual performances which consume the 60%

of the grading system, hence, teachers should think beyond on how to make

learning meaningful and beneficial in their everyday living. Therefore, the use

of teaching instruction varies from time to time and students find their own

ways of adjusting their learning pace as the course changes every quarter.

Performance made is the reflection of how they progress in their chosen


As mentioned earlier about the division of courses, some of the exploratory

courses offered in grade 7 are commercial cooking (cookery), bread and

pastry production (baking), beauty care (nail care) and food processing (fish)

which are offered with careful planning and with regards to the capability of

the school to render it because in teaching these courses, necessary tools

and kitchen equipment are needed. For instance, cookery should not be

offered by the school without basic cooking equipment and tools such as gas

range, stove, pots, and other. Students cannot bake without ovens and pans;

food processing cannot be done without proper food processing equipment

like pressure cooker.

Learning will surely take place if these aspects would be part of the

planning; teachers can teach accordingly as required in the curriculum guide

and students will learn at its best through demonstrations and practicum which

are concrete measurements of how they effectively learn from the concepts

shared by the teacher.

To ensure the quality of learning that every learner should have requires

the utilization of different and unique teaching instructions. Teaching

instructions or teaching methods as defined are the pedagogy and

management strategies used for classroom instructions where each varies

from one another and create impact to academic achievement of the learners.

Effective teaching instructions lead the students to successful end point while

inappropriate ones lead to a struggling scenario for both the teachers and

students since students have their own learning style of processing the shared

information. Hence, there should be careful planning and assessment on the

teaching instructions to be used in exploratory courses and specializations not

to cause gap and pitfall in the delivery of the lesson.

In relation to the current situation, this study will be conducted to identify

what teaching instruction fits the exploratory courses being offered in the

school with respect to the students’ point of view as they are the learners who

are the main recipient of learning; to determine if there will be a significant

difference between teaching instructions and students’ profile and lastly, to

craft an enhancement plan on using various teaching instructions in the

exploratory courses. With this, teachers will be benefited much on how they

will make modifications upon the implementation of the said plan and increase

the performance level of every learner.


However, there are still times that teachers should use the combination

of traditional and technology-aided instruction depending on the

appropriateness, effectiveness and availability of the teaching tools for the

delivery of the lesson and conduct of group tasks and hands-on activities. In

addition, it does not even matter whether the traditional instruction is better

than the modern instructions, what matters most is providing quality education

for all learners to develop a better educational system.

In the end, the balance between the use of technology and traditional

instruction must be observed not to deprive the students of what they deserve

to have despite the emerging educational changes and challenges.

This study will be beneficial to all TLE teachers handling exploratory

courses for grades 7 and 8. The results will help the TLE teachers know the

factors that make the students engaged in learning exploratory courses and

will reveal the effectiveness of instructions being used in teaching-learning

process and the parts to be improved. Moreover, it will aid the TLE teachers to

identify what teaching instruction should be utilized in teaching exploratory

courses considering the age and gender of the students.

Moreover, this study will benefit the students since the results will tell the

teacher what instruction is suited for them in teaching exploratory courses and

an enhancement plan will be devised.



This chapter presents the conceptual and research literature of the study.

Conceptual Literature

Public schools in the Philippines offer free education for all as

supported by the Republic Act 6655: An Act Establishing and Providing for a

Free Public Secondary Education and for Other Purposes which is also

known as Free Public Secondary Education Act of 1988. Section 2 of this act

states that free public secondary education, a policy of the state, is to be

provided for all qualified citizens in order to quality of education among levels.

As education is free for all, there are eight (8) learning areas that every

student will have to undertake in secondary schools. It includes English,

Mathematics, Science and Technology, Filipino, Araling Panlipunan, MAPEH,

Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao, and Technology and Livelihood Education.

These subjects are categorized as academics and no-academics. The first

four on the list are the academics and the rest is under non-academics.

Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) belongs to the K to 12

Basic Education Curriculum. It encompasses the field of Home Economics

(HE), Industrial Arts (IA), Agri-Fishery Arts (AFA), and Information and

Communication Technology (ICT). These fields encompass 24 courses which


can be training regulation based or entrepreneur based (Lee, n.d.).

Relative to free education is the teaching instruction, the core of

classroom teaching where standards are set so that learning happens and

makes the teaching-learning process meaningful and engaging.

Teachers providing explicit instructional guidance fully explain the

concepts and skills that students are required to learn. Guidance can

be provided through a variety of media, such as lectures, modeling,

videos computer-based presentations, and realistic demonstrations. It

can also include class discussions and activities- if the teacher ensures

that through discussion or activity, the relevant information is explicitly

provided and practiced (Clark, et al., 2012).

Knowing that a variety of media can be utilized inside the

classroom, differentiated instruction comes in where teachers,

nowadays, classify their students according to their abilities and group

them accordingly to provide maximum participation of learners during

class discussion.

As defined by Hall, Strangman and Meyer (2003), differentiated

instruction allows all students to access the same classroom curriculum

by providing entry points, learning tasks, and outcomes tailored to

students’ learning needs. Furthermore, differentiating instruction can


focus on four aspects such as the process for learning, the product or

demonstration for learning, the environment for learning and the

content of learning (Tomlinson, 2000).

Discussing about the variety of media used in teaching, teachers

use traditional instruction, group instruction and hands-on activities

where lectures are always part of each and can be presented in several

ways such as the use of traditional chalk and board, power point

presentation, short videos or even a combination of these.

Traditional instruction, as defined by Castillo (n.d.), focuses on how the

instructor teaches and this is how teacher-centered approach happens. This explores

various methods of imparting knowledge from the teacher to the student. Also, as

taught in college under Educational Technology subject, traditional

instruction is teacher-centered and used by traditional teachers.

Blackboard and chalks plus textbooks are the keys of the students to

learn while discussion takes place. This method is good because

students are attentively paying attention to the teacher who is feeding

them all the learnings.

On the other hand, stated in an essay Jones (2003) entitled ‘The use

and abuse of PowerPoint in Teaching and Learning in the Life Sciences: A

Personal Overview, in terms of its use within the curriculum, there are many

potential options available, limited only by the nature of the subject and the

creativity of the user (Mills, 2003). Clearly it is most commonly used in

lecture/seminar situations, often largely in information transmission mode.

Here, the potential improvements in structure and clarity, especially when

appropriate graphics are used, are very significant positives although there

are dangers too – such presentations can become gimmicky; overloaded with

material and effects; encourage students to be passive during lectures; be

delivered too quickly, and the likes. The linear structuring typical of many

lectures can be made more flexible by using hyperlinking options, both within

and out with the PowerPoint presentation, and by using the methods for

jumping to particular slides that are not part of the linear sequence. Non-

linear use of PowerPoint, however, is mainly a pedagogical issue that

PowerPoint can be adapted to provide.

Another form of instruction used nowadays is the group instruction, Whole

group instruction is direct instruction using traditional textbooks or

supplemental materials with minimal differentiation in either content or

assessment. It is sometimes referred to as whole class instruction. It is

typically provided through teacher-led direct instruction. The teacher provides

the entire class with the same lesson regardless of where any particular

student is. The lessons are typically designed to reach the average student in

the classroom (Meador, 2019).


Through group instruction, students collaboratively work together to

attain the objectives of the lesson with their teachers who explain and

demonstrate the topic and ask students to answer questions providing the

same practice for the entire class.

Associated with group instruction are hands-on activities in this

type of teaching instruction, students work on their own pace either

individually or grouped. Hands-on activities let the students' minds grow and

learn based on the experiences and the environment they are exposed to

(Lizardi, 2005).

This claim is supported by the article written by Martin (2018)

stating that this is also known as a learning by doing instruction.

Students do not just listen to the teacher they get engaged with the

subject matter to solve a problem or create something. Through hands-

on, learning is more engaging, retention rate increases, practices

problem solving and critical thinking, and creates physical result.

An additional type of instruction that makes the learners excited is

problem-based learning (PBL) which is a student-centered approach where

students learn about a subject by working in groups to solve an open-ended

problem. This problem is what drives the motivation and the learning

(Problem-Based Learning, n.d.).

As explained by Wood (2003), in problem based learning (PBL),


students use “triggers” from the problem case or scenario to define their own

learning objectives. Subsequently, they do independent, self-directed study

before returning to the group to discuss and refine their acquired knowledge.

Thus, PBL is not about problem solving per se, but rather it uses appropriate

problems to increase knowledge and understanding. The process is clearly

defined, and the several variations that exist all follow a similar series of


However, whatever teaching instruction is employed inside the

classroom, there is always something to note from the lectures being

discussed by the teacher and the learner.

Lecture can be presented in many ways like using blackboards, a

traditional tool and power point presentation, a modernized way of

presenting lectures and using short videos relevant to the topic while

others use realia or props to depict the reality of the subject matter. In

connection, when lectures are presented, students take down notes

that serve as their reference for self-study.

Taking notes while lecturing or using the pre-made notes or

handouts is a common practice. On this method, there are students

who take down notes after class, borrowing the notes from others and

worse is they do it on any available paper they see not on a specific


notebook or journal for the subject while others use their gadgets when

allowed, by typing the most important details on their phone.

Basically, this is where multiple intelligences of Howard Gardner

play an important role because there are students who can be

considered as visual learners that learn best using pictures or any

graphics, active learners who like to move their bodies and perform,

auditory learners who remember whatever information they hear and

lastly, lecture-based learners who greatly depend on their notes to


Related Studies

The researcher reviewed foreign and local studies relevant to the study.

There are a few studies that deal with the same variables of the current and

only those related were taken.

In the study of (Reece, 1983) entitled Learning Styles and Teaching

Styles of Home Economics Teachers, Their Students' Learning Styles and

Students' Course Performance addressed the following hypotheses: first,

there is significantly higher ratings for course performance when students’ and

teachers’ learning styles were congruent than those who were not congruent

with home economics teaching styles. Next, students with dominant learning

style same as their HE teachers least dominant teaching styles has significant

lower ratings than those who were congruent. Third, students with congruent

learning styles as their HE teachers’ has higher ratings for course

performance compared to those who were not congruent.

However, relative to the type of instructions used in teaching especially

using power point presentation which primarily needs computers, Becker

(2001) said that educators usually speak about computers in classrooms as if we and

our audience have a common view of what they are and what function they serve.

Teachers’ lack of expertise with using computers can be considered an inhibiting

condition of frequent use. Most teachers report at least modest competency in using

computers in different ways. But it was not necessarily the case that the most

computer-expert teachers were the ones who used computers more with their students.

That was the case for vocational education teachers and English teachers. In those

subjects, teachers with more computer work knew more about computers themselves;

those with less work, knew less.

Another study was conducted by Ahmad and Mahmood (2010) about

the effects of Cooperative Learning vs. Traditional Instruction on Prospective

Teachers’ Learning Experience and Achievement discussed the Three

experimental conditions about consist traditional instruction (TI), Cooperative

Learning Loosely Structured (CLLS), and Cooperative Learning Students

Team Achievement Division (CL STAD) which were used to investigate the

effects about the said topic. The change in scores of respondents on learning

experience and gaps in achievement under these conditions were

emphasized, concluding that cooperative learning enhances perspective


teachers’ academic achievement as compared to traditional instruction and

promotes, enriched, enjoyable and interactive learning experience.

Relevant to this, Wanner (2015) in his study, “Enhancing Student

Engagement and Active Learning through Just-in-Time Teaching and the use

of PowerPoint” revealed on the survey with 54 responses from 94 students

that there was an overall high satisfaction rate using JiTT activity and

formative assessment using pre-lecture PowerPoint preparation. Majority of

the respondents said that Power Point presentation was helpful for

understanding the content of the lecture, and thought it was overall a valuable

and effective learning activity. This is not as high as reported by Gavrin in his

JiTT classes to the question whether JiTT exercises help to be well prepared

for the lecture (Novak, 2011, p. 71) but was a good result for integrating JiTT

approach with PowerPoint. The quizzes were the most popular aspect of the

blended learning approach and JiTT strategy in the course. The survey also

showed that most students used the lecture modules on a regular basis.

On the other hand, Alzabut (2017) on his study on various Mathematics

instructions versus traditional instruction provided an overview of potentially

selected interactive mathematical instructions that help learners-educators

identify the most effective practices for teaching a course on differential

equations. He conducted a survey in form of questionnaire asking the learners

about their opinions in this experience from which conclusion and


recommendation are drawn and proposed to use in the process of teaching

and learning next semesters. Traditional instruction, flipped instruction, group

instruction and power point instruction which would possibly suit best to the

students were given emphasis.

The use of various teaching instruction reflects self-actualization to learners

and realizes that how they perceive the lesson sometimes depends on how the teacher

teach, what strategy was employed and how engaging the interaction was. With this,

the use of traditional instruction, power point presentation, group instruction, hands-

on, and problem-based learning fall to differentiated instruction.

Aljaser (2019) revealed in his study that adopting differentiated

teaching and learning strategies has proved effective in addressing students’

diverse capabilities and potentials as well as developing their skills. The

implications of differentiated instruction for self-actualization among high

school students was scrutinized as well. Also, it was found out that

differentiated instruction gave students with a suitable environment making

them feel self-confident, establishing positive relations with their classmates

giving was for positive interaction and cooperation with them.

In another research conducted by Calanog (2019) entitled, Challenges

in Teaching Exploratory Courses of Technology and Livelihood Education

using Pedagogical Approaches. Findings revealed that TLE teachers were

challenged to a very great extent in using the pedagogical approach in

teaching exploratory courses for the reason that the preparation of daily

lesson log should be guided with the pedagogical approaches. Additionally,

inadequate supplies of learning materials, mostly the tools and equipment to

be used in facilitating the learners’ performance task also matter. Preparation

of instructional materials guided by the pedagogical approaches to integrate

innovative teaching and learning experiences is also posing a challenge for


On the other hand, a study on teaching Technical Vocational

Education (TVE) in the context of globalization particularly its pedagogy

and strategies used by the teacher revealed that the teacher-participants

found teaching of TLE subject challenging because the activities were focused

on exploration. Moreover, satisfaction was felt through sharing of their

knowledge and skills to their students thus implying that despite the difficulties

encountered, the TLE teachers were committed and dedicated to their jobs.

However, the teacher-participants revealed that generally, they lack

experience in attending training-seminar for skills enhancement, an indication

that the school heads lack concern for their teachers’ professional

development. In addressing the challenges of the teachers, their collaboration

is the key for resources. Despite this, they were still optimistic to be globally

competitive proving that the TLE teachers do not give up easily. They even

suggested that the school administration needed to develop the participants’


personal character so that their teaching goals were met (Almerez et al.,


In addition, Espiritu (2019) focused on learning style preferences and

performance in TLE (Crop Production) among Grade VII Indigenous Learners

in Baytan, Botolan, Zambales. The study concluded that there was no

significant difference in the learners’ performance (cognitive and affective) in

TLE (Crop Production) when grouped according to profile variables but a

significant difference was found in the psychomotor skills of learners when

grouped according to age, sex, father’s educational attainment and household

size. Furthermore, in terms of psychomotor, there is a significant difference

performance found among students preferring the reflector learning style while

the preference for learning style was found to have a significant relationship

with certain profile variables. Specifically, the choice of activist learning style

was influenced by sex, reflector learning style by age, theorist by source of

income and pragmatist by family income.

Moreover, student-centered teaching methods for Technology and

Livelihood Education (TLE) was studied by Ramel (2020) teaching is not just a

matter of explaining the concepts and terminologies academically but also

allowing the students to experience to themselves concretely the things being

taught. These educational ideals parallel to the prime objective of Technology

and Livelihood Education (TLE). Analytical thinking, self-reliance,


independence, culture understanding and entrepreneurship in the students

are the target skills to develop in this subject (DepEd, 2019). It is done by

enriching their skills, talents, and abilities on the different uses of technology

and application of life skills. With this purpose, it is a challenge for TLE

teachers to apply teaching methods that can effectively and efficiently attain

its aim. There are prescribed methods of teaching that promote student-

centeredness and these are differentiated instruction, expeditionary learning,

personalized learning, and game-based learning.

The abovementioned studies were all related to the current study in

different ways. Some were purely relevant on the topic itself while others were

connected on the variables used in conducting the study.



This research aims to identify the appropriateness and effectiveness of

instructions used in teaching TLE Exploratory courses.

Specifically, it aims to attain the following objectives:

1. Identify the profile of the respondents according to

a. age

b. gender

2. Determine the type of instructions that would be suitable to grade 7


a. Traditional

b. Power point presentation

c. Group instruction

d. Hands-on activities

e. Problem-based learning

3. Recognize how grade 7 students would like lectures to be presented to


a. Written on black board

b. In form of power point presentation

c. Short videos

d. Realia or props

e. Combination of these

4. Find out how grade 7 students would describe their learning style

a. Visual learner

b. Active learner

c. Auditory learner

d. Lecture-based learner

e. Logical-mathematical learner

5. Distinguish the form of note taking grade 7 students prefer

a. Taking while lecturing

b. Having pre-made notes (handouts)

c. Take down notes after class

d. On any available paper

e. Using gadgets

6. Identify the significant relationship between the given variables to the

respondents’ profile

7. Propose an enhancement plan in teaching TLE Exploratory courses



This study covers the teaching instructions used in teaching

Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) Exploratory courses at Maria Paz

Fronda National High School, how the respondents would like lectures to be

presented to them, how they would describe their learning style and how they

take down notes during class lecture.

The respondents will be the grades 7 and 8 students taking TLE

exploratory courses who have internet access. This study only includes TLE

subject and is not related to any other subjects and grade levels.


This part presents the research design used by the researcher, participants of

the study, data gathering instruments, data gathering procedures and

statistical treatment of data.

A. Research Design

The researcher will use the descriptive-correlational design, applicable

and appropriate for the study. Descriptive method research is solely

interested in describing the situation or case under their research study. It is a

theory-based design method which is created by gathering, analyzing, and


presenting collected data. This allows a researcher to provide insights on the

why’s and how’s of research. Descriptive design helps others better

understand the need for the research. If the problem statement is not clear,

one can conduct exploratory research and correlational design is a non-

experimental research design technique that helps researchers establish a

relationship between two closely connected variables. This type of research

requires two different groups. There is no assumption while evaluating a

relationship between two different variables, and statistical analysis

techniques calculate the relationship between them (Bhat, n.d.)

B. Participants of the Study

The participants of the study will be the selected grade 7 students of

Maria Paz Fronda National High School who have internet access. They were

limited to the students taking exploratory courses on Technology and

Livelihood Education. Hence, the researcher will use the

convenience/accidental sampling method to determine the number of

respondents who have internet connection. Here, the students were selected

accordingly for the purpose of answering the web-based questionnaire.

C. Setting of the Study

The researcher will supposedly conduct the study at Maria Paz Fronda

National High School, Malibu, Tuy, Batangas but due to COVID-19 pandemic

the conduct of study will be done through online platform to avoid health risks.

D. Research Instrument

The web-based questionnaire through Google forms will be the main

instrument of the researcher in gathering data. This was prepared by the

researcher based from the related study conducted by Alzabut (2017)

focusing on Mathematics instructions that was available online. The

researcher will ask the help of an English teacher to validate the grammar


The questionnaire will be divided into two parts. The first part will be the

profile of the respondents and the second part will be the teaching instructions

in TLE, lecture presentation, learning style and ways of taking down notes.

E. Data Gathering Procedure

In order for the researcher to conduct this study, a letter of intent to the

school head of the respondents’ school will be prepared and sent for formality

of asking permission to conduct the study and distribute questionnaire through

google forms.

The link of the questionnaire will be sent to the respondents and will be

given enough time to answer.


All necessary information will be compiled, evaluated and treated with

utmost confidentiality. Responses will be tallied and tabulated for the purpose

of interpretation.

F. Data Analysis

The data gathered will be treated using the following statistical


Weighted Mean. It is an average in which each quantity to be

averaged will be assigned a weight in the given variables of the study.

Rank. This will be used to determine which among the variables will get

the highest frequency.

Frequency. It will be the number of occurrences the answer will be


Likert Scale. It is a psychometric scale which will be used in scaling

the responses in the survey using the rating scale of 1 to 4.

F-Test. This test will be performed to identify if there is a significant

relationship between the profile of the respondents and the variables of

the study.

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