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RNA Polymerase II Structure

in Eukaryotes
Patrick Cramer
University of Munich, Munich, Germany

RNA polymerase II (pol II) carries out transcription of protein- subunits Rpb9 and Rpb5, respectively. The end of the
coding genes by catalyzing DNA-directed synthesis of messen- cleft is blocked by a protein wall. The active center is at
ger RNA. Detailed three-dimensional structures are now the floor of the cleft, between the protrusion, the wall,
available for yeast pol II in free form, in form of a minimal and the clamp. Before the active center and opposite of
elongation complex with bound nucleic acids, in an inhibited the wall, a long bridge helix spans the cleft. The bridge
form with the bound toxin a-amanitin, and in complex with partially lines a pore in the active center, which widens
two additional subunits, Rpb4 and Rpb7. Together with toward the other side of the enzyme, creating an inverted
functional data, these structures provide many insights into the funnel. The rim of the pore includes the highly conserved
mechanism of mRNA transcription. aspartate loop of Rpb1 that binds a catalytic Mg2þ ion,
termed metal A. A second metal ion, metal B, is weakly
bound next to metal A further in the pore. Both metal
Architecture ions are accessible from one side.
The clamp is trapped in two different open states in the
A ten-polypeptide pol II core enzyme is sufficient to
free core structures, but is rotated and closed in the
elongate the RNA transcript. For transcription initiation,
structure of the pol II transcription –elongation complex
an additional two-subunit Rpb4/7 complex, and several
that comprises template DNA and the RNA transcript.
general transcription factors are required. In the crystal
In this structure, the clamp binds the DNA template
structures of the pol II core, the two large subunits, Rpb1
strand with three out of five switch regions. The switch
and Rpb2 (Table I), form the central mass of the enzyme,
regions form the base of the clamp, connecting to the
and opposite sides of a positively charged “cleft” that
remainder of pol II. Upon clamp closure, the switches
contains the active center (Figure 1). The two large
change conformation or undergo folding transitions.
subunits are bridged on one side by a module of subunits
The closed conformation of the clamp is also observed
Rpb3, Rpb10, Rpb11, and Rpb12. Around the periphery
in the complete pol II that contains the Rpb4/7 complex.
of the enzyme, Rpb5, Rpb6, and Rpb8 bind to Rpb1, and
The Rpb4/7 complex appears to form a wedge
Rpb9 binds to both Rpb1 and Rpb2. The structures lack
between the clamp and subunit Rpb6, thus preventing
subunits Rpb4 and Rpb7, which form a stable hetero-
clamp opening.
dimer that can dissociate from the yeast pol II core. The
The Rpb1 polypeptide chain protrudes below the
structure of an archaeal Rpb4/7 counterpart revealed
Rpb4/7 complex on the outside of pol II, and gets
that Rpb7 spans the elongated heterodimer and is organi-
disordered after a few residues. These residues of Rpb1
zed in two domains. The Rpb4 homologue forms a con-
constitute the beginning of a flexible linker that connects
served hydrophobic interface with the Rpb7 homologue
to the mobile C-terminal repeat domain (CTD). The
at the connection between the two Rpb7 domains. Recent
CTD, a unique feature of pol II, consists of repeats of a
structures revealed that the Rpb4/7 complex binds to the
heptapeptide with the consensus sequence Tyr-Ser-Pro-
pol II core via subunit Rpb7 and that it protrudes from
Thr-Ser-Pro-Ser. A total of 26 and 52 CTD repeats are
the pol II core surface near subunit Rpb6.
found in yeast and human Rpb1, respectively.

Structural Elements
The Rpb1 side of the pol II cleft is formed by a mobile
clamp, whereas the Rpb2 side consists of the lobe and TRANSCRIPTION CYCLE
protrusion domains. The entrance to the cleft is formed The transcription cycle is divided into three phases:
between the upper and the lower jaw, which include initiation, elongation, and termination. Steps during

Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry, Volume 3. q 2004, Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved. 770

Polypeptide Composition of Cellular RNA Polymerases
Pol I Pol II Pol III Archaea Bacteria Class

A190 Rpb1 C160 A0 þ A00 b0 Core

0 00
A135 Rpb2 C128 B (B þ B ) b Core
AC40 Rpb3 AC40 D a Core
AC19 Rpb11 AC19 L a Core
Rpb6 Rpb6 Rpb6 K v Core, common
Rpb5 Rpb5 Rpb5 H Common
Rpb8 Rpb8 Rpb8 Common
Rpb10 Rpb10 Rpb10 N Common
Rpb12 Rpb12 Rpb12 P Common
A14 Rpb4 C17 F Rpb4/7
A43 Rpb7 C25 E Rpb4/7
A12.2 Rpb9 C11 X Specific
A34.5 Specific
A49 Specific
C82 Specific
C34 Specific
C31 Specific

Core, sequence partially homologous in all RNA polymerases;
common, shared by all eukaryotic RNA polymerases; Rpb4/7, Rpb4/7
heterodimer and its structural counterparts.

initiation include promoter binding, DNA melting, and

synthesis of short RNA transcripts. The transition from
initiation to elongation is referred to as promoter escape,
and results in a stable elongation complex that is
characterized by an open DNA region, the transcription
bubble. The bubble contains the DNA –RNA hybrid, a
heteroduplex of eight or nine base pairs. The growing
RNA 30 -end is located at the end of the hybrid that is
engaged with the pol II active site. Pol II alone can
maintain an open transcription bubble, translocate
FIGURE 1 RNA polymerase II structures. (A) Ribbon model of yeast
along the DNA template, synthesize RNA, and detect RNA polymerase II. The 12 subunits are shown in different colors. The
errors in the nascent RNA. For all other steps, however, active site metal ion A is depicted as a pink sphere. Zinc ions are shown
pol II requires the help of additional proteins. as cyan spheres. (B) Schematic cut-away view of the pol II core
Several steps of the transcription cycle are elongation complex. The view is related to the one in (A) by a 908
accompanied by phosphorylation or dephosphorylation rotation around a vertical axis. The DNA template and nontemplate
strands are in blue and green, respectively, and the RNA is in red. Four
of the pol II CTD. During initiation, the CTD gets
of the bases in the DNA template strand are indicated as sticks
phosphorylated, and the CTD phosphorylation pattern protruding from the backbone. The yellow oval depicts the presumed
changes during elongation. CTD phosphorylation pat- binding site for the incoming nucleoside triphosphate substrate.
terns govern specific interaction with RNA processing
factors, thereby coupling transcription to RNA proces-
sing. The CTD is flexibly linked to a region beyond the -D, -E, -F, and -H. The general factors are involved in
saddle, from which RNA exits, consistent with its role in sequence-specific promoter recognition (TFIIB, TFIID),
coupling transcription to mRNA processing. Several prevention of nonspecific DNA binding (TFIIF), and
kinases and at least one phosphatase control the DNA melting and CTD phosphorylation (TFIIE,
phosphorylation state of the pol II CTD. TFIIH). RNA synthesis initiates within the bubble.
The early transcribing complex is functionally
unstable. Short RNAs are frequently released and pol
INITIATION II has to restart transcription (abortive cycling). There
To bind and melt promoter DNA, pol II assembles is a decline in abortive transcription when the RNA
on DNA with the general transcription factors TFIIB, reaches a length of about four nucleotides, a transition

termed “escape commitment.” RNA that has grown to The nucleotide addition cycle during RNA chain
a length of at least four nucleotides is generally not elongation begins with entry of the nucleoside tripho-
contacted by pol II anymore and is held in the sphate (NTP) substrate, maybe together with metal B,
elongation complex by base pairing with the DNA and its binding between the bridge helix and the end
template strand. A second barrier in the transition of the hybrid, to form a base pair with the coding
from initiation to elongation has to be overcome when DNA base. Correct orientation of the substrates and
the RNA reaches a length of about ten nucleotides. metal ions would lead to synthesis of a new
At this length, the 50 -end of the RNA is detached from phosphodiester bond and to the release of pyrophos-
the DNA template strand, and is redirected to the pol phate, maybe together with metal B. The resulting
II “saddle” and an exit tunnel. A third transition of the complex adopts the pre-translocation state, which
early elongation complex is reflected in the continued was apparently trapped in the pol II elongation
requirement for ATP and TFIIH until the RNA is about complex structure, with the RNA 30 -terminal nucleo-
15 nucleotides long. This transition may reflect tide occupying the NTP-binding site. Subsequent
successful positioning of all bubble-maintaining struc- translocation of nucleic acids would align the new
tural elements of pol II with respect to the bubble, RNA 30 end with metal A, and would free the NTP-
and detachment of RNA from the pol II surface. Two binding site, preparing pol II for another cycle of
possible RNA exit grooves have been suggested nucleotide addition.
beyond the saddle, and binding of RNA to the saddle Specificity for synthesizing RNA rather than DNA is
and to one of the exit grooves could account for an achieved by at least three mechanisms. First, the
additional gain in stability of the elongation complex. discriminating 20 -OH group of the incoming NTP may
Successful passage of early pol II elongation complexes be hydrogen-bonded by a conserved pol II residue.
through all three transitions has been referred to as Second, 20 -OH groups of the last few nucleotides that
“promoter clearance.” were incorporated into the growing RNA are directly
hydrogen-bonded by pol II residues. Finally, the active
center of pol II is complementary to the resulting DNA –
ELONGATION RNA hybrid duplex that adopts a conformation inter-
During elongation, downstream DNA enters pol II at mediary between canonical A- and B-forms.
two mobile “jaws,” and extends through the cleft It is a mystery of the transcription mechanism how
toward the active site. Beyond the active site, a nine rapid translocation of nucleic acids can be achieved
base pair DNA – RNA hybrid extends upward, toward while nucleic acids are bound tightly by pol II. Hints for
the wall. The axes of the downstream DNA duplex and understanding translocation are, however, provided by
the DNA – RNA hybrid heteroduplex enclose an angle of the pol II structures. First, nucleic acids are only
, 908. The growing RNA 30 -end is located above the contacted via their backbones; base interactions that
pore, which allows entry of nucleoside triphosphate would impede translocation are not observed. Second,
substrates from below. In the crystal structure of the pol long-range electrostatic attraction of the nucleic acid
II elongation complex, the incoming DNA duplex is backbones by positively charged protein groups in a
mobile and badly ordered. However, three nucleotides “second shell” may enable tight binding of nucleic acids
before the active site, the DNA template strand becomes without restricting their movement. Finally, transloca-
well-ordered by binding to the bridge helix and to two tion may be accompanied by conformational changes in
“switch” regions at the base of the clamp. A 908 twist pol II that could maintain some of the protein – nucleic
between subsequent nucleotides orients a DNA base acid contacts during translocation. Structural compari-
toward the active site for base pairing with an sons suggest that one such conformational change may
incoming nucleotide. be bending of the bridge helix.
The property of the polymerase to stay attached to Pol II elongation is inhibited by the cyclic octapeptide
the template, even during transcription of long genes, is a-amanitin, the toxin of the “death cap” mushroom.
often referred to as processivity. The major cause of a-Amanitin does not greatly influence NTP binding, and
processivity is the high stability of the pol II elongation a phosphodiester bond can still be formed when the
complex, caused by tight binding of the DNA – RNA toxin is added to an elongation complex. However,
hybrid. This stability can be accounted for by the highly the rate of transcription is dramatically reduced. Only
complementary hybrid-binding site on pol II, which is several nucleotides are incorporated per minute. In the
partially created upon clamp closure and folding of the structure of a pol II core – a-amanitin complex,
switches. Several pol II structural elements are predicted a-amanitin binds to the bridge helix, and could restrain
to maintain the hybrid and the transcription bubble a possible movement of this helix, thereby blocking
during elongation, including the fork loops, the top of conformational changes that are important for translo-
the wall, and three loops protruding from the edge of the cation. However, the exact mechanism of pol II
clamp, called rudder, lid, and zipper. inhibition by a-amanitin is not understood.

Pol II does not move along the DNA template in a core subunits of pol II, Rpb1, Rpb2, Rpb3, and Rpb11,
unidirectional manner, it rather oscillates between as well as subunit Rpb9, all have close homologues in
movements forward and backward (“backtracking”). pol I and pol III. Recent studies show that the Rpb4/7
During backtracking, RNA is extruded through the pol complex of pol II also has structural and functional
II pore into the funnel. Backtracking can lead to counterparts in pol I and pol III, and in the archaeal
transcriptional pausing and arrest. Pausing is defined RNA polymerase. Since the 12 subunits of pol II are
as a temporary block to elongation, from which pol II either identical or homologous in all three eukaryotic
can escape by itself. In contrast, pol II cannot escape enzymes, the pol II structure is a good model for all
from arrest without the help of the transcript cleavage eukaryotic RNA polymerases. Comparison of pol II
factor TFIIS, which stimulates a weak intrinsic nuclease with a bacterial RNA polymerase structure revealed that
activity of pol II, which cleaves RNA. Access of TFIIS to five core subunits underlie a general RNA polymerase
the pol II active site is apparently provided via the funnel architecture with an active center cleft. Twenty-two
and pore. Backtracking and TFIIS action may also regions of sequence homology cluster around the active
underlie “proofreading” of the nascent transcript. site and generally adopt the same structure in all cellular
During proofreading, a misincorporated nucleotide RNA polymerases. The structurally conserved core
results in a mismatch base pair within the DNA – RNA includes the functional elements of the active center,
hybrid. The induced distortion of the hybrid destabilizes indicating that all cellular RNA polymerases share
the elongation complex and can lead to immediate common mechanistic features. Homologues for all pol
cleavage of a mononucleotide, or it can trigger in II subunits (except Rpb8) are found in archaeal RNA
backtracking, which results in threading of a short polymerases. Thus the overall structure of archaeal
stretch of RNA (comprising the misincorporated RNA polymerases is very similar to that of pol II except
nucleotide) into the pore and cleavage with the help several external domains.
of TFIIS. Any proofreading reaction creates a new The pol II structure is strikingly different from
RNA 30 -end at the active site, from which transcription structures of the many single subunit DNA and RNA
can resume. polymerases. However, in functional complexes of these
diverse enzymes, nucleic acids take a similar course
through the active center. The entering DNA duplex
TERMINATION encloses an angle of , 908 with the exiting template–
Transcription termination occurs in a reaction coupled product duplex. At the location of the bend, subsequent
to RNA 30 -end processing. Most eukaryotic mRNA DNA template bases are twisted. This twist aligns the
precursors are cleaved in a site-specific manner in the coding base with the binding site for the incoming
30 -untranslated region, followed by polyadenylation of nucleoside triphosphate substrate. The nucleoside tri-
the upstream cleavage product. A large number of phosphate enters through an opening that is found in all
proteins is involved in these reactions. The exact polymerases, and generally binds between an a-helix
mechanism of coupling between 30 -end processing and and two catalytic metal ions. The exiting template–
transcription termination remains unclear. Termination product duplex is bound from the minor groove side in
is accompanied by dephosphorylation of the pol II CTD, all polymerases. Conformational changes upon nucleic
but the precise timing of pol II dephosphorylation is also acid binding have been detected for several different
unclear. Dephosphorylation is required for the reinitia- polymerases, but the nature of this “induced fit” differs.
tion of transcription, since pol II can only join an
initiation complex in its unphosphorylated form. The
CTD phosphatase Fcp1 plays a key role in pol II SEE ALSO THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES
dephosphorylation and recycling. Fcp1 binds to pol II Recombination: Heteroduplex and Mismatch Repair
via Rpb4. Rpb4 apparently recruits Fcp1 to the vicinity in vitro † RNA Polymerase I and RNA Polymerase III in
of the CTD since the Rpb4/7 complex binds near the Eukaryotes † RNA Polymerase II and Basal Transcrip-
linker that connects the pol II core to the CTD. tion Factors in Eukaryotes † RNA Polymerase II
Elongation Control in Eukaryotes

Conservation GLOSSARY
Pol II belongs to the family of cellular RNA polymerases, backtracking Reverse movement of pol II along DNA and RNA.
DNA–RNA hybrid 8 –9 base pair double-stranded heteroduplex
which also includes the two other eukaryotic RNA
formed between the DNA template strand and the RNA transcript
polymerases, pol I and pol III, and the bacterial and within the transcription bubble.
archaeal RNA polymerases. All three eukaryotic RNA downstream DNA DNA that is going to be transcribed.
polymerases share five common subunits (Table I). Four Rpb1–Rpb12 RNA polymerase B (II) polypeptide subunits 1– 12.

transcription bubble Open DNA region in the active center of pol II. Cramer, P., Bushnell, D. A., and Kornberg, R. D. (2001). Structural
translocation Movement of pol II by a step of one base pair along the basis of transcription: RNA polymerase II at 2.8 angstrom
DNA template. resolution. Science 292, 1863–1876.
upstream DNA DNA that has been transcribed. Gnatt, A. L., Cramer, P., Fu, J., Bushnell, D. A., and Kornberg, R. D.
(2001). Structural basis of transcription: An RNA polymerase II
elongation complex at 3.3Å resolution. Science 292, 1876–1882.
FURTHER READING Woychik, N. A., and Hampsey, M. (2002). The RNA polymerase II
machinery: Structure illuminates function. Cell 108, 453–463.
Armache, K.-J., Kettenberger, H., and Cramer, P. (2003). Architecture
of the initiation-competent 12-subunit RNA polymerase II. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, 6964–6968.
Bushnell, D. A., and Kornberg, R. (2003). Complete 12-subunit
RNA polymerase II at 4.1Å resolution: Implications for the
initiation of transcription. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, Patrick Cramer is Assistant Professor of Biochemistry at the Institute of
6969–6973. Biochemistry and Gene Center of the University of Munich. His
Cramer, P. (2002). Multisubunit RNA polymerases. Curr. Opin. Struct. research interest is in the structural biology of the eukaryotic mRNA
Biol. 12, 89–97. transcription machinery. He obtained a Ph.D. from Heidelberg
Cramer, P., Bushnell, D. A., Fu, J., Gnatt, A. L., Maies-Davis, B., University and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, and
Thompson, N. E., Burgess, R. R., Edwards, A. M., David, P. R., and carried out postdoctoral research at Stanford University. For his work
Komberg, R. D. (2000). Architecture of RNA polymerase II and on the structure determination of RNA polymerase II, he was elected
implications for the transcription mechanism. Science 288, EMBO Young Investigator in 2000 and received the GlaxoSmithKline
640–649. Science Award in 2002.

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