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Recommend methods for monitoring your marketing communication plan that

you designed in your second assignment.

The most important thing when implementing an Integrated Marketing Communications

(IMC) plan is to achieve the set IMC goals and objectives from the outset. In my second
assignment, my objectives are:

Business objective: Nesfold share in the instant coffee market increases by 10% by the
end of the first quater of 2024.

Marketing objective: Changing Vietnamese consumer’ perceptions about instant coffee

after 3 months, start from January 2024.

Furthermore, after achieving the objectives, integration is unforgettable. The

consistency in the strategy is likened to a triangle, where each point of the triangle
represents brand messages that are interconnected and coherent with each other. The
consistent triangle refers to what the brand says (SAY), what the brand does (DO), and
what people say about the brand (CONFIRM). More specifically, in my second
assignment: SAY represents the Key message: "Nesfold - Trọn vẹn mọi lúc, trọn vị mọi
nơi" (Unfold your moments), which has remained consistent throughout the entire
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) plan. DO is the key hook and supporting
tactics that I concluded in my last assignment, encompassing all the activities.
Confirmation (CONFIRM) is only received after the release of the "DO" – essentially, it
is the response and feedback generated as a result of the implemented tactics and
strategies. This approach, resembling a consistent triangle, ensures that what is said,
done, and confirmed are interconnected and coherent, preventing misunderstandings and
creating a unified brand message. This is an effective method for identifying gaps in an
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) strategy. The elements, say, do, confirm,
need to be interconnected and consistent with each other; otherwise, businesses may
struggle to create a connection between communication channels, leading to brand
And to assess effectiveness, researching the "Confirm" aspect involves several criteria.
Firstly, there is an increase in web traffic: conversion rate, bounce rate, average
duration. These metrics measure the attractiveness and interest of the target audience.
Next is the increase in customer engagement: social media interaction metrics. This
measures the connection, commitment, and willingness of the target audience to engage
with the brand and its content. Attracting attention does not necessarily mean the
audience wants to participate or connect. Following that, there is an increase in sales:
measured by comparing sales before and after implementing the plan. Lastly, there is an
increase in brand recognition: frequency of appearance in the media, interaction
metrics, search engine search volume. For long-term success, it's not just about
recognition but also about brand loyalty and attracting new customers. There are many
other criteria, but these are the focal points and most relevant to this marketing campaign
and IMC plan.

2. Evaluate the methods used to measure marketing success which can increase

In the dynamic landscape of integrated marketing communications (IMC), achieving and

surpassing key performance indicators (KPIs) is fundamental to realizing increased traffic,
engagement, revenue, and establishing a robust brand identity. The journey to success
begins with a meticulous definition of these KPIs and metrics, complemented by the
strategic deployment of tools to collect, organize, and visualize the resulting data. One of
the cornerstones in this pursuit is Web metrics (such as bounce rate, total visitors, CPC)
where the measurement of web traffic, user behavior, and conversions takes center stage.
Google Analytics emerges as a powerhouse in this domain, providing not only a
comprehensive overview but also granular insights into the performance of various channels
and campaigns. The strategic use of KPIs within this platform becomes instrumental in
discerning the effectiveness of different marketing efforts, empowering businesses to
optimize their strategies with precision. The contemporary landscape of marketing
communication also places immense importance on. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram,
and TikTok have become integral components social media analytics of any comprehensive
IMC plan. Regular monitoring of Facebook and Instagram Insights on a weekly basis
unveils valuable data on audience engagement and campaign performance (metrics:
engagement rate, views, likes, share, comments). However, the unique nature of TikTok
demands a more agile approach, necessitating daily analytics checks. The algorithmic
dynamics of TikTok prioritize rapid and extensive audience reach, compelling marketers to
conduct daily assessments for effective and timely adjustments to their strategies.

While the digital realm offers unparalleled insights, traditional approaches such as customer
surveys and feedback remain indispensable. Initiating in-depth interviews or soliciting
specific feedback with detailed questions becomes a qualitative treasure trove. This
qualitative data, when juxtaposed with quantitative metrics from social media and website
analytics, offers a holistic view, uncovering nuanced insights that quantitative data alone
might miss. The synergy between quantitative and qualitative methods ensures a
comprehensive evaluation of the IMC plan's effectiveness. This multifaceted approach
underscores the diversity of data sources and emphasizes the importance of a nuanced
understanding of consumer behavior. By harmonizing quantitative generalizations with
qualitative insights, businesses not only gain an accurate assessment of the success of their
IMC strategies but also acquire actionable intelligence to refine and optimize their future
marketing endeavors. In this meticulous order to collect data from customers, it is
imperative to recognize the significance of customer input in shaping a successful IMC plan.
The journey begins by defining clear objectives for data collection, ensuring that each piece
of information serves a specific purpose in evaluating and enhancing the effectiveness of the
IMC strategy. It is essential to employ a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods,
leveraging tools such as surveys, feedback forms, and interviews. Surveys, when well-
designed, provide quantitative data that can be easily analyzed and interpreted, offering
insights into customer preferences, perceptions, and behaviors. Feedback forms,
strategically placed within digital touchpoints, offer customers the opportunity to express
their opinions and experiences in a more spontaneous manner. These qualitative insights
complement quantitative data by providing context and depth to customer responses.
Additionally, in-depth interviews, conducted either one-on-one or in focus group settings,
delve deeper into customer motivations, desires, and pain points, yielding rich qualitative
data. The integration of both quantitative and qualitative approaches ensures a
comprehensive understanding of customer sentiments, allowing businesses to tailor their
IMC strategies to resonate with their target audience effectively. Regular and systematic
data collection, coupled with a commitment to adapt based on customer feedback, positions
businesses to stay agile and responsive in an ever-evolving market. This iterative process of
collecting and utilizing customer data becomes a powerful driver for refining the IMC plan,
fostering customer-centricity, and ultimately achieving and exceeding marketing objectives.
The order will be: Qualitative  Quantitative  Qualitative the second time  Collect data
and analysis them.

It is advisable to regularly measure those metrics according to their respective frequencies

and compare them with the baseline and benchmarks. The baseline serves as the initial
measurement taken at the start of the IMC campaign, providing a snapshot of the current
situation before implementing any changes. Benchmarks, on the other hand, are the
standards or targets set for the IMC campaign, derived from the goals and objectives or
industry averages and best practices. Regularly comparing metrics with the baseline and
benchmarks allows for dynamic assessments of the campaign's progress and effectiveness,
facilitating informed adjustments and optimizations to achieve the desired
outcomes.Monitoring the IMC performance and ROI can help identify what is working and
what is not, and how can improve your results.

After obtaining the necessary data from metrics, KPIs, and tools based on the established
objectives, creating a comprehensive dashboard becomes essential. This not only aids the
IMC planner and implementer in monitoring and evaluating the IMC plan more effectively
but also facilitates efficient reporting and information updates for stakeholders. Several
tools can be employed to create a dashboard, including Google Data Studio, Tableau, Power
BI, and Klipfolio. In this case, I opted for Tableau to illustrate a dashboard for the new
Nescafe product - Nesfold. The choice of Tableau is justified by its suitability for projects
with large budgets and high functionality requirements, especially when dealing with
extensive and complex data for a global company like Nescafe, which sells a variety of
products worldwide. Tableau outperforms alternatives like Google Data Studio, which is
more budget-friendly but lacks comparable features, and Power BI, which is more expensive
than Google and suitable for Microsoft-centric organizations but doesn't handle complex
data as effectively as Tableau. Klipfolio focuses more on performance metric tracking and
lacks extensive customization options in terms of design, charts, and user interface, making
it less visually appealing compared to Tableau. Therefore, I utilized Tableau to create the

Figure: The example dashboard for Nescafe

After successfully executing the steps outlined above—increasing the criteria of increased
traffic, engagement, revenue, and brand identity, measuring them with KPIs and metrics
using tools, as well as creating a dashboard for easy monitoring, evaluation, and
optimization of the campaign—especially considering that all these steps are aligned with
the objectives set at the beginning and maintain consistency across activities in the IMC
plans, achieving increased ROI is entirely feasible. This is because ROI increases when
investment costs are used efficiently and optimally, yielding positive results that lead to
higher profits, surpassing the total amount invested.

3. Justify recommendations for improving the marketing communication plan to

maximize revenue and successfully meet both communications and business objectives.
Additionally, it is crucial to compare with competitors in the same industry and consistently
update trends, especially since the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector undergoes
continuous changes, and Nescafe operates within this dynamic field. Being agile is of
utmost importance; the outlined plan may need adjustments to align with the contemporary
landscape. Therefore, being ready to adapt and continuously monitoring and learning about
new developments is essential. Furthermore, having a flexible budget allocation to respond
to changes in the IMC plan is advisable.

To enhance the marketing communication plan and achieve maximum revenue while
successfully meeting both communication and business objectives, it is imperative to
continuously optimize the IMC strategy and tactics. This involves making data-driven
adjustments based on monitoring and analysis. Messages, channels, frequency, budget, and
audience may need alterations based on the insights derived from the data. Additionally,
testing different variations of IMC elements, such as headlines, images, colors, and calls to
action, is essential to identify the most effective components. Optimization contributes to
increased efficiency, effectiveness, and maximized ROI.

Communicating IMC results and learnings is vital for justifying recommendations. Sharing
findings and recommendations with stakeholders through clear and concise presentations,
utilizing charts, graphs, tables, or dashboards, demonstrates the impact of the IMC campaign
on goals and objectives. Emphasizing key takeaways and lessons learned informs future
IMC decisions and actions.

Reviewing and updating the IMC plan is another crucial step in justifying recommendations.
Periodic evaluation of IMC performance and ROI, at least annually or more frequently in
response to changing business or market conditions, ensures relevance. Incorporating
feedback from stakeholders and staying abreast of industry trends helps in keeping the IMC
campaign fresh, effective, and aligned with the overall business objectives.

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