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Consul t ancy t erms of ref erence

Baseline Study for project, Environment and Climate change in Aswan, Egypt
FAD# EGY100400

Main Facts Table

Request for Proposal (RFP) Reference 07-2023-UPPER EGYPT

RFP launch date
Deadline for submission of offers

Submission of offers By Email to:
Or in closed Envelops to Plan’s address: –106
Gomhuria St., 5th floor, Assiut, Egypt.
PRF No. 10801759

1. Background Information on Plan International

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organization that advances children’s rights and
equality for girls.

We believe in the power and potential of every child. But this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and
discrimination. And its girls who are most affected. Working together with children, young people, our supporters and
partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children.

We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood. And we enable children to prepare for – and
respond to – crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our
reach, experience and knowledge.

We have been building powerful partnerships for children for over 75 years, and are now active in more than 70

Read more about Plan International's Global Strategy: 100 Million Reasons at

About the commissioning office

Plan started working in Egypt in 1981 and has presence in ten out of the 29 governorates of the country. Plan works
under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Solidarity. Plan Egypt has reached over 1,500,000 children and their
families in eight Programme Units: Alexandria, Damietta, Beheira, Assiut, Sohag, Qena, Aswan, Cairo, Giza, and
Qalyoubiya. Plan Egypt’s work focuses on the protection of excluded children and vulnerable women, healthy start in
life and quality education, economic empowerment of young women and men and inclusive and participatory

Plan Egypt adheres to its Programme and Influence Quality Policy (P&IQ) which refers to our commitment to attain
the highest standards of quality for our work across all technical areas and at all levels. This is achieved through rights-
based, gender transformative and accountable programme and influence work, which builds upon evidence,
partnerships, meaningful participation and efficient use of resources. Quality work must contribute to lasting change
and positive impact for children.

2. Background/Context

In Egypt, the situation of the climate change is well pronounced and the children, youth, girls and other vulnerable groups
continue to face the challenges, stresses and shocks caused by climate change and environmental crisis. Egypt is highly vulnerable
to climate change, with projected increase in heat waves, dust storms, storms along the Mediterranean coast and extreme
weather events. Stronger warming has been documented over the past 30 years, with average annual temperatures increasing by
0.53 degree Celsius per decade1. The country’s climate risks are and will impact the younger generations of today.
Crucially, the awareness of the importance of climate change action both domestically and at the global level is fast increasing in
Egypt. The country is at a turning point in its commitment and action to tackle the consequences of climate change.
In Egypt, natural risks are growing and the institutional capacity to manage these risks and prepare communities for potential
future disasters and climate change impact is limited. The current organizational set-up of the emergency response systems
remains highly centralized with limited coordination between agencies horizontally and vertically down to the level of
communities. Although there has been recent positive change yet, the most vulnerable targeted communities are unaware of
the risks that climate change entails due to a lack of education and poor understanding. By these, Egypt is keen to enable
adolescents and youth and to play an effective role within the framework of international efforts to combat climate change.

there are still a big effort needed to enhance the situation. In a market scan carried out by Plan international Egypt in Upper
Egypt, participants were asked about their knowledge and participation in the green economy (green initiatives, work, projects)
or the CoP27 event, only 10 participants out of 44 reported they know one or two topics of the climate change or green
economy2. Moreover, there were no clear responses about if they participated in any initiatives or examples of what the “green
economy/ climate change could be” or if they want to lead or participate in this momentum.
Plan is keen on shifting from children and youth being passive victims, to children as agents of change for their own well-being
and the development of their communities. This is in order to work towards making their lives safer and their communities more
resilient to disasters. It empowers children and youth, respectfully of their views and rights as well as their vulnerabilities. It also
gives them the opportunity to participate in initiatives on the community, national and international level to get their voices
heard. Hence this project proposal as an intervention to address the environmental and climate change and the need to train,
prepare and empower the youth (in particular) as well as those community actors, so that they could lead, take management
actions and initiatives that could include mitigation, adaptation and resilience-building.
The proposed interventions aim to:
(1) Addressing and identifying environmental and climate risks and vulnerability of communities in Aswan.

(2) Raising awareness, educating, building capacity, and training: the young people (youth) and the community leaders. (Youth
leadership training and participation to climate action; and Community leaders and CBOs training on resilience pathways 1&2
(risk knowledge and planning and services)- risk knowledge analysis, climate, environment and DRR education, life skills, health
and safety practices; early warning and weather information; service continuity plan, contingency plan, emergency services,
action plan)

(3) Mitigation, adaptation and resilience building.

The project is strongly aligned with local public policies as well as with the Egypt's strategy to move towards sustainable
development captured in the "Egypt Vision 2030” where Egypt has also made commitments to integrate climate change in national
development policies and to progressively green its budget across sectors. The objectives and results of this project will directly
contribute to the achievement of several of the goals, primarily Sustainable Development Goal 13 which is about climate action.
The official mission statement of this goal is to "Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts".
To support the move to a greener, climate-resilient economy, the Egyptian government recently launched the National Climate
Change Strategy. The private sector is scaling up adaptation efforts and will play a key role in this transition. To develop the green
finance market, Egypt has also issued the region’s first sovereign green bond to finance projects in clean transportation and
sustainable water management. As host of COP27, Egypt is also coordinating global action on climate adaptation, mitigation, and

Project time period:

12 months: From July 2023 till June 2024

Project goal
Young people, especially girls and young women, are active drivers of change and leading gender transformative collective
action for climate empowerment (ACE) in an enabling environment.

Project objectives:
1) Young people, especially girls and young women, increase their awareness and foundational capabilities needed to act as
effective drivers of change and collaborate effectively with other stakeholders in gender-responsive climate and environmental

2) CDAs and Community leaders, including youth leaders and different stakeholders are, better equipped for environment and
climate-related disasters’ preparedness and management; able to respond to natural and manmade disasters; adaptive to
climate change; reducing risk, protecting and restoring the environment.

3) Youth inclusive community, national, and global level advocacy to adopt a gender transformative approach to climate change
adaptation that promotes gender-equitable, rights-based and participatory action and improves the cross-sectoral collaboration
and invest in effective coordination mechanisms

• Project Location: The implementation of the project will take place in one location: Aswan in Upper Egypt.
Aswan is located in Upper Egypt. Rural Upper Egypt (where 44% of Egypt’s rural population is located) and
rural Lower Egypt (56% of the rural population) differ significantly in terms of socio-cultural norms and the

2 Market scan study, Insight consultancy, commissioned by Plan International Egypt, July 2022.
associated economic and political context. Disparities exist with regards to the roles, responsibilities and social
status of women. Rural Upper Egypt shows higher gender gaps than rural Lower Egypt in significant areas such
as health, literacy and poverty as well as high rates of child early and forced marriage CEFM and female genital
mutilation/cutting FGM/C. Aswan is the fourth poorest governorates in Egypt, with poverty exacerbating
gender inequality.
• Moreover, Aswan is a vulnerable location and one of the most prone areas to natural disasters in the country.
The Aswan Governorate was ravaged by a violent flood in November 2021. It caused flooding in the streets
and power cuts to households, water towers and public services, and destroyed many houses. A great deal of
poor areas of the governorate suffered critical infrastructure damage . This impacts the local communities
adversely in many ways.

Project Target groups are:

- Adolescents aged 14+
- Youth 18+
- Parents
- Community members
- Community Development Associations (CDAs)
- Community leaders
- Local authorities

3. Description & Objectives

Purpose of the mission

As a part of the monitoring and evaluation framework for the project, the consultant(s) will conduct a baseline study
with possible and/or current beneficiaries identified within Plan International Egypt programme. The objective of
the baseline is to measure the status of project indicators at the very beginning of the project. The baseline
study focuses on the current situation of the indicators at both output and outcome level developed in the logical
framework of the project.
The main objectives of the baseline study include:

• the baseline study helps to understand where we are now in relation to the programmatic focus and the
indicators in the logical framework. It helps to analyze and refine targets for each of the indicators identified in
the logical framework and give recommendations for refining the monitoring plan of the project.
• To apply Plan Environment Impact Assessment tool, which is a project-level screening and proofing frame that
can serve all phases of project cycles. The tool focuses on the project, i.e. what the project can do (better or
differently) to mitigate and manage environmental risks or harness any opportunities for improved project
impacts or co-benefits.
• To develop routine tools for regular monitoring of the progress of the indicators as per the M&E plan of the
• To develop specific recommendations to guide project implementation and management.

Methodology/ Questions
The questions to be answered by the study does mainly measure the project indicators illustrated in the log frame.
This is in addition to supportive qualitative figures related to climate change in the communities that could help in the
implementation of the project as:

• What are the power dymanics/relations on a national and community levels regarding climate change
approaches and practices? How girls, young women, boys and young men are affected by them?
• What are the community’s trends regarding climate change approaches and practices? Did the communities
witness any collective/individual initiatives to challenge the climate change? If so, to what extent these

initiatives engage or are led by young women and young men? To what extent families and community
members support these initiatives and youth?
• What is the perception of the community of climate change?
• To what extent does the community support leading gender transformative collective action for climate
empowerment (ACE) in an enabling environment?

The intended users of the assignment will be those directly involved in and/or managing the project. The baseline
study will help Plan Egypt and the project partners to determine the assignment value of the indicators set forth in the
logical framework of the project as well as set realistic programmatic targets for the project period to help track the
progress/achievement of results. The baseline study will feed into the monitoring of the progress of Plan Egypt’s
programming towards the strategic outcomes for the thematic area laid out in its Country Strategic Plan and further
detailed in Plan Egypt’s CSP Monitoring and assignment Framework

The baseline study will involve representatives of all key stakeholder groups of the project, including children and
youth, women, men, partners, local and national government and Plan staff. Special attention will be paid to making
sure that the views of girls and of other relevant vulnerable groups are captured.

Before leaving all communities, partners and Plan offices visited, the consultant must ensure that participants are
informed about the reasons of the visit and the next steps in the research process including how the findings will be
shared with them

Methods for analysis

At the beginning of the process, the consultant and relevant Plan staff will conduct meeting(s) to further discuss and
agree on the methodology and approach proposed by the consultant in his/her proposal:
• The overall strategy, approach, samples, locations, logistics, coordination and implementation plan of the
• Identify the key internal and external stakeholders to be involved at different stages including the process
of child and community participation; and opportunities to discuss and respond to emerging findings as
• A time plan including milestones and management reporting from consultant.
• Use and dissemination plan for the study including reporting formats or events, audiences and main
• How data will be handed over to relevant Plan offices at the end of the process.
• Safeguarding Children and Young People policy and ethical considerations during the implementation of
the study

Secondary data review (desk review)

The consultant in collaboration with Plan International Egypt will identify secondary data for review (research,
evaluations, and government policies and so on relevant to the project). These will include but are not limited to:
• Project proposal document and logical framework
• Existing relevant policies/laws/strategies/initiatives/schemes/programme - including National
Strategy for the Empowerment of Egyptian Women 2030 adapted by the National Council for
Women Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS): Egypt Vision 2030 Egypt - National
Climate Change Strategy (NCCS) 2050
• Egypt's Global Perspective: Women, Environment, and Climate Change
• Climate change and its implications on Egypt populations inside Egypt - by NPC and PIE

• Child Rights Situation Analysis – Plan International and Save the Children – November 2014
• Plan Egypt Country Strategic Plan and Monitoring & Evaluation Framework.
• Plan International Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy and Code of Conduct
• Initial M&E Plan

Primary data capturing and entry

Following the desk review, the consultant in close collaboration with Plan International Egypt and local partners will
design the baseline study tools to capture the primary data for the project. The study will include different approaches
with a variety of primary and secondary data sources. The consultant will develop an electronic database to store
relevant information from the baseline study linked to the indicators.

Plan always aims to integrate the elements of its Programme and Influence Quality principles in carrying out project
baseline studies. The research process should help people living in poverty or facing exclusion, especially girls to
articulate their views, analyse their experiences and build up their confidence to take action. Plan is also interested in
seeing the baseline process as encouraging reflection and dialogue among all the main stakeholders involved in the
social issues we work on, from their perspective as well as ours.

The following are some recommended tools. However, the consultant should not feel limited to them if other tools
are deemed relevant to this baseline study as long as the participatory tools mentioned below are taken into
consideration. The tools provided by the consultant should be gender-sensitive and where children are involved, child-
friendly, and should be tested and will be reviewed and approved by Plan before commencing data collection activities.
• Participatory tools such as focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, innovative tools with children and
youth, semi-structured stakeholder interviews, and key informant interviews.
• We encourage tools where youth can take a lead on implementing them.
• KAP survey.

Analysis, Validation and reporting

It is critical that findings are validated by a representation of all stakeholder groups who participated in the research.
For this reason, after data analysis and first drafting of the baseline study report (also incorporating the desk review),
the consultant will conduct a validation for the research. This phase will also include identification of the targets for
the project. The consultant will consider the validation activity in his/her proposal and financial offer. Plan Egypt and
the consultant will agree on the exact scope, level and time of this validation process while refining the detailed
implementation plan. The consultant will use the findings of the baseline study to refine the developed logical
framework and M&E plan. The feedback from the validation will be reflected in the draft report submitted to Plan for
further feedback and comments to be considered in the final baseline study report.

Dissemination of findings
finalization of the consultancy, the consultant will share the main findings with the project’s stakeholders and research
participants in an audience-appropriate way.

Participant selection
The consultant will provide the suggested sampling methodology and size. Plan will review and decide whether to
approve it or if any further modifications or changes are needed.
Disaggregation of data: All the data should be disaggregated by age, sex, location, disability, nationality and
sponsorship status or/and any other segregation if need as per the indicators.
It is important to note that the study will be conducted within normal monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning
(MERL) activities within the project. All data should be done with targeted beneficiaries who are possible candidates
for interventions’ enrolment and will benefit from the programme’s services. Any information will be collected from
Plan International projects’ beneficiaries will be anonymous and confidential according to PIE general policies on data
privacy and will not be shared with any third parties unless through general recommendations for improving
community’s status.

4. Deliverables and Timeline

Key Deliverables

Deliverable Format Length Due Detail

Inception The inception Does not one The report should include:
report report as well exceed 10 week • An updated timeline;
as all the pages after • detailed methodology, including draft sampling
suggested tools the methodology and size;
should be initial • draft data collection tools; (e.g. Proposed guiding questions
delivered in meetin for semi-structured interviews, focus group discussion or
English and g and other approaches, and proposing the draft data collection
Arabic in a desk questionnaires)
Word review • ethical considerations;
document. have • consent forms for any primary data collection;
taken • (draft) methods for data analysis;
place. • brief justification of the methods and techniques used
(including relevant underlying values and assumptions/
theories) with a justification of the selections made (e.g. of
persons interviewed).
• Clear matrix of roles and responsibilities indicating the
persons involved in the baseline study and their roles
• The key internal and external stakeholders to be involved
• Summary of the preliminary findings and any preliminary
hypotheses resulting from the desk review and explain the
process for obtaining the participants’ consent.
tools and Word and NA One The final FGD questions, interview questions, questionnaires,
related excel, Arabic week other tools that will be used with target groups will be shared by
materials and English after the consultant in English and Arabic prior to the field work after
the the tools have been tested and possible modifications to them
incepti based on the tests have been made.
Draft The draft A full One The report should as a minimum include the following elements:
assignment report should report with month • Front page with the title of the baseline study, date and
report: be delivered in main text after authors of the report
a soft copy in of 30 - 35 the • A table of basic document information on page 2
English. pages incepti • Executive summary (3-4 pages) that presents the key
References excluding on points of the different sections
should be fully cover page, report • Objectives and the intended use of the baseline study
cited after all basic • Methodology and limitations
important facts document • Description of the project
and figures. informatio • Findings, including a table presenting the baseline data
n page, and suggested targets for each of the indicators in the
table of project’s logical framework
contents, • Conclusions and recommendations
abbreviatio • Relevant annexes, which as a minimum must include:
▪ List of people interviewed or
▪ Bibliography of the documents

▪ Terms of Reference for the baseline

Final In a soft copy 30 – 40 Two The baseline study report will be considered final only after
assignment in English and pages weeks incorporating the feedback from stakeholders, Plan Egypt
report Arabic. after and partners (including the same components of the draft
the report)
Power point Power point in draft Power point presentation with the main findings of the
presentatio both Arabic report study, and presenting the results to project’s staff and
n and English partners.


Activity Time Responsible Individuals Involved

Tendering/Request for 2 weeks Procurement M&E focal point, project FO
Quotation/selection team, PC,
Background Checks and 2 weeks Procurement M&E focal point, operation,
Contracting team, PC, HR Project FO, HR
Submission of Inception 2 Days Consultant M&E focal point, PUM,
Report and tool s etc. advisors, project FO

translation of tools, 2 Days Consultant M&E focal point, project FO

mobilization of respondents,
training of enumerators
where applicable, ethical or
government approval for data
collection (where applicable));
Field work 2 weeks Consultant M&E focal point, project FO

Data Entry and Cleaning; 1 week Consultant M&E focal point, Project FO
Data Analysis;

Submission of Draft; English 1 Day Consultant M&E focal point, project FO

Validation of findings with key 1 Day Consultant M&E focal point,project FO

stakeholders and
Submission of Final Report; 1 Day Consultant M&E focal point,Project FO
Submission of M&E Plan,
regular data collection tools
and final report presentation

5. Budget

This section should also include a detailed payment schedule which splits the total cost of the consultancy into
instalments around key milestones as opposed to one lump sum.

Table of Payment Schedule

Milestone Detail Amount Expected Timeframe
to be
Paid (%)
First upon submitting inception report and 25% upon delivery of the
instalment tools. inception report
The second upon the submission of draft baseline 25% Upon delivery of draft report
instalment study report.
The third upon the submission and satisfaction 50% Upon delivery of final draft
instalment of: report and all other
▪ Final baseline study report in deliverables
English and Arabic.
▪ Power point presentation with the
main findings of the study in
English and Arabic.
▪ M&E Plan and regular and related
▪ All raw data and databases from
primary data collection.
Note: the budget should include: Travel costs and per diems

6. Expected qualifications of Consultant

- Demonstrate competence in the execution of a similar assignment

- Have at least five years’ experience in qualitative and quantitative research/evaluation as well as
demonstrate specific understanding and familiarity with the design and methodology, skills and
experience needed to implement these methods.
- Outline safeguards security measures in place to ensure data confidentiality, data quality assurance
and quality control mechanisms available and their efficacy to this study
- Have excellent knowledge in data analysis using Microsoft Excel, Minitab, SPSS, STATA and other
statistical software.
- Ability to produce well-written reports, in plain and approachable text, demonstrating excellent
analytical and communication skills.
- Ability to form constructive relationships with the relevant stakeholders
- Have at least 3-5 years of experience in research and evaluations with a background in child
protection and gender
- Ability to meet strict deadlines
- Excellent writing and speaking skills in both English and Arabic.
- Significant experience in conducting research and baseline studies, use of participatory techniques,
monitoring and evaluation,
- Knowledge of the rights-based approach, SRHR, gender equality, child rights and experience in
research on programmes with children and vulnerable groups.

7. Contact

Plan International Egypt has appointed an overall focal point for the study that will keep primary contact with the
consultant. In addition, Plan will appoint one focal point per each governorate where the primary data collection will
take place for coordination purposes. Throughout the research process the consultant will work jointly with relevant
Plan Egypt programme staff (Programme Quality and Delivery Manager, Programme Unit Manager, Project
Coordinator/Manager, the M&E team at country office and programme area level).

8. List of documents to be submitted with the Request for Proposal (RFP)

- Detailed response to the RFP/TOR

- Proposed methodology
- If applicable include any specific IT equipment, tools or materials that the Consultant will need to use/have
to carry out the work
- Ethics and child safeguarding approaches, including any identified risks and associated mitigation strategies
- Proposed timelines
- CVs
- Example of previous work
- Reference
- Detailed budget, including daily fee rates, expenses, etc.

All consultants/applicant are required to agree and adhere to Plan International’s Non-Staff Code of Conduct (Annex)

9. Submission of offers

Please send your application to Plan International by Email to:

.please insert No. of RFQ: 09-2023 -UPPEREGYPT
referencing “Consultation of baseline study for: Project FAD # 400“Environment and Climate change in Aswan”
in the subject line and including support documents as outlined.

Also the technical proposal and financial offer can be submitted as hard and soft copies (CD or USB flash drive) in
separate sealed envelopes and delivered to Plan’s address: –106 Gomhuria St., 5th floor, Assiut, Egypt.
Interested consultants or agencies should submit their proposal in English on the basis of the TOR. The proposal
should include:
• Technical offer including proposed methodology to be adopted in the baseline study and proposed timeline
of research activities, including the expected level of effort and number of working days in a tabular form.
• A statement on how the consultant will ensure ethics and child protection in the research process. This
should also include consideration of any risks related to the research and how these will be mitigated.
• A separate financial offer that includes all fees or expenditures in a table such as the one below. Extra rows
can be added if needed.

Item Description Unit # of Unit Total
Units Cost in EGP
including VAT
A. Level of Effort
A.1. Core Literature Review
Consultant and Stakeholder Analysis
Team Leader Tools Design
Tools Modification
Analysis Sheets Design
Training for local teams
Field Supervision and
Data Analysis, Drafting and
Finalization of Report
A.2. Research Tools Design
Specialist(s) Training for local teams
Field Supervision and
Tabulations and Data Categorization
and Analysis
A.3. Other field team
Efforts Database development
field team Fees
Subtotal of (Level of effort)
B. Other Costs
B.1. Travel
B.2. Accommodation
B.3. Periderm
B.4. Transportation of Trainees during training
B.5. Breaks and Meals for Training Participants and
other audience
B.6. Training Stationary
B.7. Miscellaneous
Subtotal of (Other Costs)
Overall Total Including Taxes
“All the tax determined by law will be deducted by Plan.”

• Profile of the organization (in the case of an institution) including experience with similar research in the
• Full list of the team that will implement the study, with respective roles and CVs of the lead members of
the research team. CVs of the rest of the team are also welcome.
• A hard copy of one similar report written by the consultant to validate the quality of analysis and
presentation of findings.
• Deadline of submission is: 06.11.2023

10. Evaluation of offers

Shortlisted suppliers may be invited to discuss their proposals in more detail at Plan’s discretion.

Plan International, at its sole discretion, will select the successful supplier.

Plan international shall be free to:

• Accept the whole, or part only, of any submission
• Accept none of the proposals
• Republish this Request for Quotations

Plan International reserves the right to keep confidential the circumstances that have been considered for the
selection of the offers.

Part of the evaluation process may include a presentation from the supplier.

Value for money is very important to Plan International, as every additional £ saved is money that we can use on our
humanitarian and development work throughout the world.

Plan International may award multiple contracts and all contracts will be non-exclusive.

11. Contract & Payment terms

Please note that, if successful, Plan International’s standard terms of payment are 30 days after the end of the month
of receipt of invoice, or after acceptance of the Goods/Services/Works, if later.

(Include Consultants Contract Terms and Conditions) – Annex

12. Plan International’s Ethical & Environmental Statement

The supplier should establish environmental standards and good practices that follow the principles of ISO 14001
Environmental Management Systems, and in particular to ensure compliance with environmental legislation
Plan International is committed to ensuring that the rights of those participating in data collection
or analysis are respected and protected, in accordance with Ethical MERL Framework and our Child
and Youth Safeguarding Policy. All applicants should include details in their proposal on how they
will ensure ethics and child protection in the data collection process. Specifically, the consultant(s)
shall explain how appropriate, safe, non-discriminatory participation of all stakeholders will be
ensured and how special attention will be paid to the needs of children and other vulnerable groups.
The consultant(s) shall also explain how confidentiality and anonymity of participants will be
guaranteed. And ensure getting the ethical approvals by using PIE consent forms template for adult
and children. It should be noted that consultants who fail to detail ethics and the safeguarding
process will not be considered.
13. Clarifications

The onus is on the invited individual/companies to ensure that its offer is complete and meets Plan International’s
requirements. Failure to comply may lead to the offer being rejected. Please therefore ensure that you read this
document carefully and answer fully all questions asked.

If you have any queries in relation to your submission, or to any requirements of this RFP, please email: Thank you for your proposal

Selection Criteria

amended according to the assignment) but the technical should not exceed the percentage of 60%. The evaluation
of the proposals will be based on the following criteria:

Evaluation type Weight

Specific Experience of the Consultant(s) relevant to the assignment. 30%
This includes but not limited to:
Applicant’s overall qualifications compared with requirements specified in the ToR, demonstration of
experience in conducting research and evaluations, demonstration of applicant’s knowledge of the
rights-based approach, gender equality, child rights and experience in research / evaluations with
children and vulnerable groups, and skills in English writing, etc.)
Adequacy of the proposed methodology to the TOR 35%
This includes but not limited to:
Appropriateness of the overall strategy and approach, appropriateness of the proposed sampling
method and size, appropriateness of the proposed data collection methods, proposed research team
is appropriate in size and the team members' qualifications for the assignment, timeline plan / work
plan includes all the key steps of the study process and meets the deadlines specified in the TOR,
description of how ethical, child protection and gender equality considerations will be taken into
account in the study process, …etc.)
Gender Responsiveness 5%
Supplier meet any of the criteria below:
•If headed up by a woman
•If supplier is a women-owned business: A legal entity in any field that is more than 51% owned,
managed, and controlled by one or more women.
•If the % of women in management positions is over 35%
•If % of women workers is 55% or above
•If robust gender equality initiatives are in place and active. E.g. WEPs (Women Empowerment
Principles) signed, gender equality procurement policy, any additional gender-sensitive program

Financial Evaluation 30%


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