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Week 9 Discussion

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Week 9 Discussion

Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery is a process in disaster management that is used to recover the services

of an organization after a disaster has occurred. Disaster recovery primarily aims to restore

access besides functionality to the Information Technology infrastructure or any other critical

infrastructure after a disaster. A disaster may be natural or a result of human actions

(Kirschenbaum, 2019). The key benefit of disaster recovery is that it enables the organization to

restore communication and critical services, which aids in other recovery processes.

Business Continuity

Business continuity is part of the disaster management process that aims at ensuring the

business continues normally after a disaster. It is all about planning to help deal with difficult

situations, such as disasters, to ensure the quickest business recovery and continuity. In a disaster

incident, business continuity will focus on minimizing the event's impact to ensure that business

goes on with little to no disruptions (Kirschenbaum, 2019). This may involve taking steps such

as using cloud computing to prevent data loss in case of fire in the building.

Threats Posed by Disgruntled Employees and Mitigation

Disgruntled employees threaten the organization since they can create a vulnerability for

attacks. Threats posed by the employees can include data theft, where sensitive data is stolen

from the organization, and sabotage, where intentional damage is done, causing operational

stoppage and workplace violence. The organization should implement monitoring technologies

to mitigate these threats to monitor all employee activities. Also, provides a platform where

employees can easily share their grievances with the leadership without fear or reprieve.


An example is when an employee of the City of Calgary shared the Workers

Compensation Board claim details, leading to a data breach that resulted in the city being sued

for a $92.9 million compensation (Grant, 2017). Disgruntled employees caused the data breach,

thus bringing the responsibility to the city.



Grant, M. (2017). $93 m class-action lawsuit filed against city of calgary for privacy breach.

Tech. Rep., October 2017.[Online]. Available: http://www. cbc.


Kirschenbaum, A. (2019). Chaos organization and disaster management. Routledge.

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