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Stress is not always harmful. In fact it is recognized that low levels of stress can even help for better
performance. For example, a student can prepare well for examination only if he/she has some stress.
However, excessive levels of stress are undoubtedly harmful.

The body reacts to stressors by initiating a complex sequence of responses. If the perceived threat is
resolved quickly, these emergency responses subside. But if the stressful situation continues, a different
set of internal responses occurs as we attempt to adapt. Attempts to adapt to the continued presence of
a stressor may deplete the body's resources and make it vulnerable to illness. It results in wear and tear
from chronic overactivity of the physiological response to stress

. +Chronic stress can lead to physiological disorders such as ulcers, high BP and heart diseases. It may
also impair the immune system thus decreasing the body's ability to fight invading bacteria. and viruses.

+ Stress may affect health directly by creat- ing chronic over arousal of the sympathetic division of the
autonomic nervous system or the adrenal-cortical system or by im- pairing the immune system.

+ People under stress may not engage in positive health-related behaviors and this may lead to illness.
When we are stressed we may be less likely to engage in healthy behaviors. For example, students taking
exams stay up for most part of the night for several days, skip meals and snack on junk food.

 During stress some men consume excessive amount of alcohol and smoke excessively. People
under stress cease normal exercise routines and becom sedentary. Smoking is one of the leading
causes of cardiovascular disease and emphysema. A high-fat diet contribute to many forms of
cancer as well & cardiovascular diseases.

+ People who do not regularly engage in a moderate amount of exercise are at an increased risk for heart
disease and earlier death. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver and cardiovascula diseases
and may also contribute cancers.

✦ Stress may indirectly affect health by reducing rates of positive health related behaviors and
increasing rates af negative behaviors. People who engage in a healthy lifestyle-eating a low-fr diet,
getting enough sleep and exercising regularly often report that stressful events seem more manageable
and that they feel more in control of their lives.
✦ Thus, engaging in healthy behaviors call help reduce the stressfulness of life well as reducing the risk
or progression of a number of serious diseases (F

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