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HO Healthy and unhealthy living

1) According to you, what does being “fit and well” include? Write down your thoughts (INDIVIDUAL)
In my opinion being fit and well means being able to know how to treat your body right. Eating the right food
and the right portions also plays a big part in being healthy. Including sports in your daily life is also very
2) Sort the phrases below into one of the two columns “healthy lifestyle” or “unhealthy lifestyle”. You may use
a dictionary to look up unfamiliar vocabulary. Think about two more elements of each category and add them
to the table. (PAIRS)
to eat the right diet regular exercise to drink two litres of water a day
to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables each day = five a day
no physical activity to eat junk food every
to snack on chocolate and sweets to drink fizzy drinks or sugary beverages
excessive alcohol consumption or smoking to live on a balanced diet


to eat the right diet no physical activity

regular exercise to eat junk food every day
to drink two litres of water a day to snack on chocolate and sweets
to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables each day = to drink fizzy drinks or sugary beverages
five a day excessive alcohol consumption or smoking
to live on a balanced diet

3) Why is a healthy lifestyle important? Write down at least three arguments. (PAIRS)
1. to feel good in your own body
2. to have energy at an old age
3. to have better life quality

4) How healthy are you? Answer the questions to find out! (INDIVIDUAL) Compare your answers with your

Fruit juice, water

About 5 sometimes even more

weightlifting + pilates

6) Add the following words to your vocabulary book and translate them
complaint – symptoms – treatment Beschwerde, Symptom, Behandlung
to be allergic to Allergisch sein gegen
to suffer from An etwas leiden
to eat the right diet/to live on a balanced diet Sich ausgewogen ernähren
nutrition Ernährung
a handful a day/five a day Fünf am Tag
high carb diet Kohlenhydratreiche Ernährung
low amount of protein and fats Wenig Eiweiß und Fett
to snack on nuts Nüsse zu knabbern
to be high in sugar Viel Zucker enthalten
weight-loss programme Programm zum Abnehmen

1) Write about your favourite type of sport. Say why you like it, where it is done, who likes doing it, and
describe the level of difficulty. Write about 70 words in a WELL-STRUCTURED paragraph.
My favourite type of sport is handball. I really like handball because it’s a sport I could imagine myself doing until I
grow up. In handball you are divided into two teams with a maximum of 14 players in each team. 7 of them are on the
match field while the other 7 are substitute players. The rules are simple: You can run around the field as much as you
want but if you have the ball in your hands you’re allowed to take 3 steps but if your take more than three steps you
lose the ball. But if you dribble after taking 3 steps you are allowed to take 3 more steps. Handball is honestly a very
easy sport, but you can get hurt if you don’t follow the rules.
2) What are the (most important) advantages and disadvantages of doing sports? Write down at least three
reasons for each side.

+ -
You feel fit and healthy. You can get hurt while doing sports.
Your stamina will improve. Doing sports too often can damage your body.
You can reduce stress by doing sports. Doing sports can be time consuming.

3) Watch the videos and do the exercises. Write down useful vocabulary in your
vocabulary book.

4) Which three pieces of advice would you give someone who is a couch potato and wants to get more active?
Write down full sentences. (INDIVIDUAL)
• You should try walking 10000 steps a day or do exercises that can be fun for example dancing.
• Why don’t you try eating more fruit and drink more water?
• Have you thought about trying a new sport?
• I suggest / recommend that you start with a diet and later start going to gym.

There are plans in the UK to promote healthier eating. But who is responsible for telling people what to eat? Is it the
government or food companies or is it the choice of the individual?

1) Read the article.

Healthy or unhealthy?
Do we eat too much junk food? The answer, it seems, is: yes, we do! The UK now has one of the highest
levels of obesity in Europe – and people are continuing to get fatter. In 1980, 2.5 million people were
overweight; this figure is now 24 million.
The government plans to introduce a voluntary system where supermarkets use coloured labels to show
consumers which products are healthy. For example, a traffic light system of labels would show red, orange
and green symbols to tell consumers if a product has high, medium or low levels of salt or fat, or has added
sugar and calories.
Another plan is to ban adverts for junk food on television before 9 o’clock in the evening. This is because
many children watch TV until then. If this ban comes into effect, it will cover products high in fat, salt or
sugar. That includes burgers, crisps and soft drinks.
The UK health system spends over £6 billion a year as a result of alcohol use – or misuse. Under the new
measures, labels on alcohol like beer and wine will also be clearer. But will such measures change the way
we eat and drink? Many people believe that the government should not tell people what to do. After all,
whose fault is it if we choose to eat too much chocolate?

2) Do you know what the following words mean? Write them down in your vocabulary book.
junk food obesity overweight voluntary
to ban measures government to promote

3) Complete the following table.

Noun verb
ban to ban
advert advert
lable to lable
introduction introduce
consumption to consume
product production

4) Decide if you agree or disagree with the statements below.

Agree Disagre Not sure

a) Junk food adverts should be banned on TV
b) Supermarkets should label products as healthy or unhealthy.
c) The government should not tell people what to eat.
d) I should eat more healthily!

1) Find 10 examples for each category. You may use a dictionary (Bilingual); (synonyms)
1.1. dairy products: name 10 examples
milk, yogurt, icecream, cream, butter, whipped cream, cheese, milkshake, cottage cheese, sour cream

1.2. meats: name 10 examples

chicken, beef, ham, lamb, pork, turkey, duck, frog, lobster, fish

1.3. fruits: name 10 examples

apple, pear, pineapple, cantelope, watermelon, grapes, strawberries, orange, kiwi, mango

1.4. vegetables: name 10 examples

cucumber, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, peppers, cabbage, spinach, peas, beans, pumpkin

1.5. fish: name 10 examples

salmon, tuna, sardines, lobster, crab, oysters, shrimp, squid, yellowtail, mackerl

1.6. beverages: translate, name 10 examples

water, coconutwater, mangojuice, orangejuice, coke, iced tee, coffee, sprite, fanta, tea

1.7. unhealthy but yummy food: name 10 examples

chocolate, candy, rice, bread, pancakes, juices, sodas, ice cream, pizza, pasta

2) Complete the following table with your eating habits. Find at least four items for each category.

Food that I eat every Food that I eat regularly Food that I never eat Food that I should
day eat more often
bread rice alcohol meat

fruit chocolate coke eggs

vegetables orange juice strawberry flavoured food broccoli

water potatoes seafood fish

3) Research Food Pyramid. Put your findings in


a) What is the food pyramid?

The Food Pyramid represent how different foods and drinks

contribute towards a healthy balanced diet.

b) What does it consist of?

The Food Pyramid consists of foods and drinks from each

level depending on nutrional preferences.
c) What and where are the differences between the food pyramids online? (compare two and talk about their

d) Looking at the food pyramid, do you think that you have a healthy lifestyle? Why / Why not?

Yes and no. I drink a lot of water and eat enough fruits and vegetables but I also tend to overeat on unhealthy foods
for example fast food and sugary food.


4) Complete the text with words from the box

balanced diet * bread * dairy products * fat * fruit * pasta * sugar * vegans * vegetable * vegetarians

The food pyramid shows what you need to eat to have a balanced diet.
Group 1: these have a lot of fat and sugar, so they aren’t good for you. Don’t eat much from this group.
Group 2: dairy products like milk and cheese have a lot of calcium so you need them for a strong body.
Group 3: food like meat, fish, and nuts contain vitamins, minerals and protein. Vegetarians can eat fish and dairy
products from Groups 2 and 3. Vegans can eat nuts and beans.
Group 4: Vegetables for example, cabbage and onions, are high in vitamins and low in fat and sugar. You need 3-5
pieces a day.
Group 5: Fruit, for example, bananas and grapes, is high in vitamins and low in fat. You need 2-4 pieces a day.
Group 6: You need to eat most from this group. Food like rice, cereal, bread and pasta gives you energy.
The first difference I noticed was that the second food pyramid is much more detailed. The first pyramid
only consists of food where the second one also contains of things you could do to maintain a healthy
body. The first pyramid is more specific about the portions but the second one isn’t.


Student A:
You are rather lazy and don’t want to do any sports. You know that this is not healthy and decide to talk to your friend
who tries to live a healthy lifestyle to ask him for advice. In your discussion:
• describe your (unhealthy) lifestyle
• explain the reasons
• ask your friend for advice
Use the following phrases in your conversation:
Asking for advice:
• What should I do?
• What do you suggest?
• What could I do?
Student B:
As you have recently heard about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, you have decided to talk to your friend about
it. In your discussion
• explain the importance of a healthy lifestyle
• describe a healthy lifestyle
• describe what you do to stay fit
• suggest activities
Use the following phrases in your conversation:
Making suggestions:
• should
• Why don’t you
• Have you thought about
• I suggest that you
CONVERSATION: Work in pairs of two. Take turns and answer the questions. Speaking time per student:
about 5 mins
 What’s a healthy lifestyle? Why is it important?
 Describe unhealthy lifestyles.
 Speculate on the consequences of unhealthy lifestyles on both the individual and the society.
 Do you try to stay healthy? How?
 Discuss ‘healthy diet / unhealthy diet’.
 Which influence can stress have on you / your health?
 Which influence can lack of sleep have on your performance at school?
 What’s your attitude towards doing sports?
 Explain the relation between a lack of exercise and health problems.
 Give reasons why people do not do enough sports / have unhealthy eating habits.
 Suggest how to keep physically active even with a busy schedule.
 Analyse the lifestyle of Austrian teenagers / the habits of your classmates and friends.
 Advise on which sports teenagers can / should take up to become fitter.
 Suggest how to convince fellow students to eat healthier food
Teens are faced with

Complete the text with the words from the box. Write down the correct number next to the word. There are two extra
words you should not use.

brain _4_■ easy __■ exercises _1_ ■ exciting __ ■ least __ ■ few __ ■ rarely _2_ ■ member __■
part__■ older _6_■ plenty __■ remember __■ try _7_■ doing _12_■ best _5_■ writing _13_■

Train your brain

If you want to stay healthy, you should not only do (1) for your body but also for your brain. People who use their
minds very (2) become very dull. Here are some ideas on how to keep your brain fit.
Having a good breakfast gives you a good start for the day. A few pieces of (3) toast with butter, jam or cheese are
ideal. Eggs, nuts, milk and fresh fruit are also great ways to feed your (4) . Many people say that learning to speak a
new language is the (5) way to expand your brain, which usually shrinks the (6) you get. Of course, learning a foreign
language is never easy but it can be fun, and it’s great exercise. Give it a (7) !
Get (8) of sleep! If you don’t get enough sleep your brain cannot work well. So if you study all night long, you will
find it difficult to (9) what you have studied. Your brain needs rest. So relax and take it (10) . Reading a book
stimulates your imagination. It takes your mind off problems and helps you to relax. You should become a (11) of a
library so you don’t have to buy all the books you want to read, and you can try many different ones.
Start (12) old activities in a new way. Take a new way to school. Try (13) with your other hand. Mix things up a little.
Breaking your routines stimulates your brain because it has to think more, and it will probably come up with new (14)
ideas. Last but not (15) , think positively. Do whatever makes you feel good, and your brain will appreciate it.
Extreme sports
1) Define / Explain “extreme sports”. Give some examples.
2) Why do people do extreme sports? Write down three possible reasons.
1) __________________________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________________________
3) Give your opinion on extreme sports. Write one well-structured paragraph. Write about 60 words.
4) Watch the video and do the exercises.
5) Reading
You are going to read a text about extreme sports. Some words are missing from the text. Use the word in brackets to
form a word that fits in the gaps (1–9). Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for
Extreme sports
Nowadays there seem to be more and more people who strive to achieve the extraordinary because they need to feel
the adrenaline rushing through their body. That’s why a growing number of people are turning to extreme sports,
which is a clear (0) indicator (indicate) of what people are seeking today: adventure and change.
New extreme sports keep emerging all the time and adrenaline junkies can choose from a wide (Q1)
_______________(vary) of activities. With the increasing number of people turning to extreme sports, the accidents
happening in sports are (Q2) ____________________(tragic) rising as well. However, such accidents are not very
likely to put off adventure (Q3) __________________(seek).
People’s lives have become so busy that for many of them free time has become extremely precious. And when they
have some time off, they want a complete break from their (Q4) ____________ (day) routine, not just a few relaxing
hours at home on the couch. It’s all about totally (Q5) ________________ (get) your mind off the office.
The question is: What counts as extreme? While some people are convinced that extreme has got something to do with
a certain risk of death, the more modern view of it is that it is about sports and (Q6) ... (active) that people deeply
enjoy and that are (Q7) ________________________(thrill). Such activities test both self-reliance and confidence,
especially when competing against each other. (Q8) ______________________(compete) who turn to extreme sports
feel urged to go past their own limits and also past those (Q9) _________________ (restrict) that other people put on

BASE jumping * BMX * Cliff Jumping * Cycling * Dirt Jumping * Downhill * Extreme Motorsport * Football
Freestyle Kite surfing * Paragliding * Parkour * Rock climbing * Roller skating * Sandboarding * Skateboarding *
Skiing Snowboarding * Snowmobile * Surfing * Trials * Unicycling * Wingsuit flying

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