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How to Communicate What is a Conclusion?

Analyzing Data Tips for Recording Data

Scientist communicate their A conclusion is a statement Scientists study data to look for Record data in an organized, accurate manner. This makes it easier
results through journals, based on experimental meaning. They look for differences to identify patterns/ trends, make predictions, and draw
magazines, websites, television, measurements and in the dependent variable between conclusions. Use a scientific journal, tables, charts, and graphs.
radio, lectures, and posters. observations. It includes a control and test groups. If
What is Data?
summary of the results, differences exist, the independent
Why Communicate? Data are the results of the Variables
whether or not the variable may have had an effect. If
Communicating discoveries experiment. They can Variables are what change in an
hypothesis was supported, not, the independent variable may
advances the knowledge of the include number experiment. The variable being
the significance of the not have had any effect.
scientific community, and it measurements like time, tested or changed by the scientist
study, and future research. temperature, and mass, or
improves future studies. is the independent or
they can be observations. manipulated variable. Normally,
there is only one of these at a
Why Ask Questions?
It is important to clearly define
6. Conclusion time so that experimental results
can be attributed to that variable.
the question being answered or
Dependent or responding
the problem being solved by
the scientific investigation.
7. Communicate 5. Analyze Data variables are what the scientist is
measuring or observing. If there
Tips for Questioning
Scientific questions should be
The is a direct link between
independent and dependent
variables, there may be a cause
narrow and specific. Avoid
broad or vague questions. Scientific and effect relationship.
Controlled variables are factors
1. Question
Why Do Research? Method 4. Experiment that the scientist keeps constant,
which allows him to attribute the
Research is needed to find out results to the independent
what others have discovered variable alone.
relating to your question.

Tips for Research 2. Research 3. Hypothesis What is an Experiment?

It is a detailed procedure designed to test a
Use a variety of reliable sources.
hypothesis. It describes how to perform the
Document all your sources.
test and the type and amount of materials
needed. It should be clear enough for other
Definition scientists to duplicate the experiment exactly.
What is a Hypothesis?
The scientific method is a
It is a possible answer and
logical problem-solving
explanation to your question
process used by scientists. The Hypotheses Can Be Written 3 Ways Can a Hypothesis Be Wrong?
based on knowledge,
exact steps may vary 1) Cause & Effect/ If… Then No! Instead, it is either supported
observations, and research.
depending on the scientific a) Predicts the outcome if a certain action is applied or rejected by the data. Never
question. Steps can be Tips for Hypothesizing 2) Correlation change a hypothesis if the results
repeated, modified, and A hypothesis should by a a) Predicts a relationship between two variables don’t support it. A rejected
reordered. Generally, scientists clear and simple statement 3) Comparison hypothesis can reveal information
follow the same basic process. that can be tested. a) Predicts the difference in performance between two groups about the scientist’s question.

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