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Distribution of Marks

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1. What are hydrocarbons? Mention its classification.

Hydrocarbons are the organic compounds containing only hydrogen
and carbon.

2. What are Alkanes? Why are they called Paraffins? Write the structure
of methane.
Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons containing carbon-carbon single
bond. They are represented by general formula CnH2n+2.
Alkanes are inert under normal conditions, they do not react
with acids, bases and other reagents. Hence they are called paraffins.

Nomenclature of Alkanes

Sl Structure Common IUPAC name

no name
1 CH4 Methane Methane
2 CH3-CH3 Ethane Ethane
3 CH3-CH2-CH3 Propane Propane
4 CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3 Butane Butane
5 Isobutane 2-Methyl butane

6 CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 n-pentane pentane

7 Isopentane 2-Methyl pentane

8 Neo-pentane 2,2-

9 CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 Hexane Hexane

10 Iso-hexane 2-Methyl pentane

Questions carrying 1 ,2 and 3 marks

3. What type of structural isomerism is shown by Alkanes?
Alkanes exhibit chain isomerism, butane exists in 2 isomeric forms

n-Butane Isobutane

4. How Alkanes are prepared from
a) Alkene
By hydrogenation of alkene: Alkene are prepared by the catalytic
hydrogenation of alkene in the presence of catalyst like Nickel or
palladium or platinum.

CH2=CH2 + H2 2OOC CH3-CH3

b) Alkyne:
By hydrogenation of alkynes: Alkanes are prepared by catalytic
hydrogenation of alkynes in the presence of finely divided catalyst like
Pt, Pd or Ni.

c) Alkyl halide
Alkanes are prepared by the reduction of alkyl halides with zinc and
dilute hydrochloric acid.
R-X + 2[H] Zn / dilHCl
R-H + HX
CH3-Cl + 2[H] Zn / dilHCl
CH4 + HCl
Methyl chloride Methane
C2H5-Br + 2[H] Zn / dilHCl
C2H6 + HBr
Bromoethane Ethane

5. Write the equations involved in the following reactions

a) Wurtz reaction
Alkyl halides on treatment with sodium metal in dry ether solution
give higher alkanes. This reaction is known as Wurtz reaction.

R-X + 2Na + X-R Dry ether R-R + 2NaX

Dry ether
CH3-Cl + 2Na + Cl-CH3 CH3-CH3 + 2NaCl
Dry ether
C2H5-Br + 2Na + Br-C2H5 C2H5-C2H5 + 2NaBr

b) Decarboxylation
Sodium salts of carboxylic acids on heating with soda lime give
alkanes containing one carbon atom less than the carboxylic acid.
This process of elimination of carbon dioxide from a carboxylic acid is
known as decarboxylation.

c) Kolbe’s electrolytic method

Alkanes are prepared by the electrolysis of concentrated aqueous
solution of sodium or potassium salt of saturated monocarboxylic acid.

6. Write a note on physical properties of Alkanes.

a) The first four members are colourless and odourless gases at room
temperature, members from 5 to 17 carbon atoms are colourless
liquids while higher members of the family are colourless waxy
b) Alkanes are non-polar molecules and the only attractive forces in
their molecules are weak vanderwaal’s force. Therefore members
of the family are low boiling in nature.

7. Arrange the following alkanes with decreasing order of their boiling

Isopentane Butane Neopentane Pentane

Pentane > Isopentane > Neopentane > Butane

309 > 300.9 > 282.5 > 272.5

8. Write a note on halogenations of Alkane.

Replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms of alkanes by halogen
atoms is known as halogenation. Ex: Chlorination of methane
When methane is treated with chlorine in the presence of diffused
sunlight ,the hydrogen atoms of methane are successively replaced by
chlorine atoms.

9. Explain the mechanism of chlorination of methane.

Mechanism of chlorination of methane involves 3 steps
(i)Initiation: Chlorine molecule undergoes homolytic fission in the
presence of diffused sunlight to form chlorine free radicals.

(ii)Propagation: Chlorine free radical attacks the methane molecule by

breaking the C-H bond to generate methyl free radical.

Methyl radical attacks another chlorine molecule to form
chloromethane and a chlorine free radical.

(iii)Termination: The reaction stops when two free radicals combine to

form stable molecules.

10.Explain combustion, controlled oxidation and isomerisation of Alkane.

Combustion: Alkanes on heating in the presence of air or dioxygen are
completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water with the evolution of
large amount of heat.

The general combustion equation for any alkane is

Controlled oxidation: Alkanes on heating with a regulated supply of

dioxygen or air at high pressure and in the presence of suitable
catalysts give a variety of oxidation products.

Isomerisation: n-Alkanes on heating in the presence of anhydrous
aluminium chloride and hydrogen chloride gas isomerise to branched
chain alkanes.

11.Which gas is released when methane is heated with steam in the

presence of nickel?
Methane reacts with steam at 1273 K in the presence of nickel catalyst
to form carbon monoxide and dihydrogen. This method is used for
industrial preparation of dihydrogen gas.
CH4+ H2O ∆ CO + 3H2

12.What is Aromatisation? Give example.

The process of conversion of aliphatic compound into aromatic
compound is known as Aromatisation.
Example: When n-hexane is heated in the presence of oxides of
vanadium or molybdenum or chromium supported over alumina,
Benzene is formed.

13.What is pyrolysis? Give example.

Higher alkanes on heating to higher temperature decompose into lower
alkanes, alkenes etc .Such a decomposition reaction into smaller
fragments by the application of heat is called pyrolysis of cracking.


14.Write a short note on conformation of ethane.
Conformations: Infinite number of conformations are possible in
ethane molecule due to free rotation around the carbon- carbon single
bond about its axis.
Eclipsed conformation: The conformation in which hydrogen atoms
attached to two carbons are as closed together as possible is called
eclipsed conformation.
Staggered Conformation: The conformation in which hydrogen atom
attached to two carbons are as far apart as possible is called staggered

Eclipsed and staggered conformations can be represented by

Sawhorse and Newmann projection

1.Sawhorse projection of ethane: In this projection molecule is viewed

along the molecular axis

Eclipsed Staggered

2.Newmann projection of ethane :

In this projection, the molecule is viewed at the C-C bond head on.
Note: The intermediate conformation between eclipsed and staggered
Conformation is called skew conformation.

15.Discuss relative stability of conformation of Ethane.

The different conformation of ethane are not of equal stability. In
staggered form of ethane, the electron clouds of carbon-hydrogen
bonds are as far apart as possible. Thus there are minimum repulsive
forces, minimum energy and maximum stability of the molecule,
where as in eclipsed form, the electron clouds of carbon-hydrogen
bond come closer to each other resulting in increase in electron cloud

repulsions. Thus the molecule have to possess more energy and lesser
Order of stability decreases from: Staggered > Skew >Eclipsed

16.What is Torsional strain and torsional angle or dihedral angle?

Torsional strain: The repulsive interaction between the electron clouds
which affects stability of a conformation is called torsional strain.
Dihedral angle: The magnitude of torsional strain depends upon the
angle of rotation about C–C bond. This angle is also called dihedral
Questions carrying 1 ,2 and 3 marks
17.What are Alkenes? Write the structure of Ethene.
Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons containing at least one carbon –
carbon double bond.

Structure of Ethene:

Nomenclature of Alkenes
For nomenclature of alkenes in IUPAC system, the longest chain of
carbon atoms containing double bond is selected. Numbering of the
chain is done from the end which is nearer to double bond. The suffix
-ene replaces -ane of alkane. The first member of alkene is ethene(C2H4).

Structure IUPAC name

CH2=CH2 Ethene
CH3-CH=CH2 Propene
CH2=CH-CH=CH2 Buta-1,3-diene
CH3-CH=CH-CH3 But-2-ene
CH3-CH2-CH=CH2 But-1-ene

18. What type of structural isomerism is shown by Alkenes?
Alkenes higher than propene possess chain isomerism and also
position isomerism. Alkenes higher than propene have different
Example: C4H8(i)CH3-CH2-CH=CH2 But-1-ene
(ii)CH3-CH=CH-CH3 But-2-ene

(iii) 2-Methylprop-1-ene
Structure (i) and (iii) are examples of chain isomerism.
Structure (i) and (ii) are examples of position isomerism.

19.What is Geometrical Isomerism? What are the conditions for

geometrical isomerism? Explain with an example.
Two compounds having the same molecular formula and same
structural formula but differ in the spacial arrangement of atoms or
groups across the carbon- carbon double bond are called geometrical
isomers and the phenomenon is called Geometrical isomerism.
There are two forms of geometrical isomers

a. Cis isomer: Geometrical isomer having similar groups on the same

side of the double bond. Example: cis-But-2-ene.

b. Trans isomer: Geometrical isomer having similar groups on the

opposite side of the double bond. Example: trans-But-2-ene.

20.Cis-form of alkene is more polar than the trans-form. Explain why?

Cis form of alkene is more polar than the trans form. In the trans-but-
2-ene, the two methyl groups are in opposite directions, Therefore,
dipole moments of C-CH3 bonds cancel, thus making the trans form

21. How alkenes are prepared by ,

a) Reduction of alkynes:
Alkynes on partial reduction with calculated amount of dihydrogen in
the presence of palladised charcoal partially deactivated with poisons
like sulphur compounds or quinoline give alkenes. Partially
deactivated palladised charcoal is known as Lindlar’s catalyst.
Alkenes thus obtained are having cis geometry. However, alkynes on
reduction with sodium in liquid ammonia form trans.

b) Dehydrohalogenation of alkylhalide or β-elimination reaction:

Alkyl halides (R-X) on heating with alcoholic potash, eliminate one
molecule of halogen acid to form alkenes. This reaction is known as
dehydrohalogenation. It is also called as β-elimination reaction, since
hydrogen atom is eliminated from the β carbon atom.

c) Dehalogenation of vicinal dihalides: Dihalides in which two halogen
atoms are attached to two adjacent carbon atoms are known as vicinal
dihalides. Vicinal dihalides on treatment with zinc metal lose a molecule
of ZnX2 to form an alkene. This reaction is known as dehalogenation.

CH3CHBr-CH2Br + Zn CH3CH=CH2 + ZnBr2

d) Acidic dehydration of alcohols: Alkenes are obtained by heating

alcohols with concentrated sulphuric acid.

22. Write a short note on physical properties of Alkenes.

1. First 3 members of alkenes are colourless gases, from 5 to 15
carbon atoms are liquids while the higher alkenes are solids at
ordinary temperature.
2. Alkenes have low melting and boiling points. Among isomeric
alkenes, the cis isomer has higher boiling point than trans isomer due
to more polarity.
3. Alkenes are insoluble in water and polar solvents but soluble in
organic solvents like ether,benzene,CCl4.

23.Write the products for the following reactions.

a)CH2=CH2 +H2→ CH3-CH3

b) CH3-CH=CH2 + Cl2→

c)CH2=CH2 +Br2 CCl4

d)CH2=CH2 +HBr

24. State markovnikov’s rule.
The rule states that negative part of the adding molecule gets attached
to the unsaturated carbon atom of the alkene or alkyne containing less
number of hydrogen atoms.

25. Explain the mechanism of addition of HBr to propene.

Mechanism: The mechanism of this reaction involves 3 steps

1) Formation of electrophile:

2) Formation of carbocation:

Secondary carbocation is more stable than primary carbocation.

3) Br- attacks secondary carbocation to form product.

26.What is peroxide effect or Kharash effect orAntimarkovnikov’s
In the presence of peroxide, addition of HBr to propene takes place
against to the Markovnikov’s rule. This is called peroxide effect.

Peroxide effect is also called as Kharash effect or Antimarkovnikov’s

27.Explain the free radical mechanism involved in the addition of HBr to
propene in the presence of benzoyl peroxide.

Secondary free radical obtained in the above mechanism is more stable

than the primary.

28.Explain a) Addition of Sulphuric acid to ethene and propene
Cold concentrated sulphuric acid adds to alkenes in accordance with
Markovnikov rule to form alkyl hydrogen sulphate by the electrophilic
addition reaction.

b) Addition of water to 2-Methylpropene

In the presence of a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid alkenes
react with water to form alcohols, in accordance with the Markovnikov

29.Explain oxidation of Alkene with aqueous and acidic KMnO4 with

Alkenes on reaction with cold, dilute, aqueous solution of potassium
permanganate produce vicinal glycols.

Acidic potassium permanganate or acidic potassium dichromate

oxidises alkenes to ketones and/or acids depending upon the nature of
the alkene and the experimental conditions.

30.How to test unsaturation of alkene ?
1) By bromination reaction, reddish orange colour of bromine
solution in carbon tetrachloride is discharged when it add up to

2) Baeyer’s test: The discharge of pink colour of baeyer’s reagent on

reacting with alkene is a test for unsaturation. Its a oxidation

31.Explain ozonolysis of propene and 2-Methylpropene.

The addition of ozone to alkenes to form ozonide, and then cleavage
of the ozonide by Zn-H2O to give carbonyl compounds is termed as
Ex: Propene reacts with ozone to ethanal and methanal

2-Methyl propene reacts with ozone to form propan-2-one and methanal.

32. Explain polymerisation of Alkene.
A process in which large number of monomer combine to form
polymer is called polymerisation.
Alkene undergo addition polymerisation at high temperature, under
high pressure and in the presence of catalyst. Ex:

Propene is polymerised to polypropene.

Questions carrying 1 ,2 and 3 marks
33.What are alkynes? Give its general formula.
Alkynes are unsaturated hydrocarbon having carbon – carbon triple
bond. They are represented by general formula CnH2n-2.

34. Write the structure of Ethyne.

Nomenclature of Alkynes
In common system, alkynes are named as derivatives of acetylene. In
IUPAC system, they are named as derivatives of the corresponding
alkanes replacing ‘ane’ by the suffix ‘yne’.
Structure Common name IUPAC
H-C ≡ C-H Acetylene Ethyne
H3C-C ≡ C-H Methyl acetylene Propyne
H3C-CH2-C ≡ CH Ethyl acetylene Butyne
H3C-CH2-CH2-C ≡ CH Propyl acetylene Pentyne

35.What type of structural Isomerism is shown by Alkynes?
Alkyne shows two types of structural isomerism
1) Position isomerism: Two compounds differ in their structures due
to the position of the triple bond, they are known as position
isomers and the phenomenon known as position isomerism.
Ex: H3C-C ≡ C-CH3 H3C-CH2-C ≡ CH
But-2-yne But-1-yne
2) Chain isomerism: Compounds having same molecular formula but
separate skeletons of carbon refer to as chain isomers and the
phenomenon known as chain isomerism.

H3C-CH2-CH2-C ≡ CH
Pent-1-yne 3-Methyl but-1-yne
36. How alkynes are prepared from a) Calcium carbide
Ethyne is prepared by treating calcium carbide with water.

b) Vicinal dihalides.
Vicinal dihalides on treatment with alcoholic potassium hydroxide
undergo dehydrohalogenation. One molecule of hydrogen halide is
eliminated to form alkenyl halide which on treatment with sodamide
gives alkyne.

37.Write a short note on physical properties of Alkynes.

1.First 3 members are gases, next 8 members are liquids and the
higher ones are solids.
2. Alkynes are colourless and odourless.( except ethyne)
3. Alkynes are non-polar in nature.
4. Boiling point increases with increase in molecular mass.

38.Why ethyne is acidic in nature in comparison to ethene and ethane?
In ethyne, H atoms are attached to the sp hybridised carbon atoms
whereas they are attached to sp2 hybridised carbon atoms in ethene
and sp3 hybridised carbons in ethane. In sp hybridisation, s character
is 50%,in sp2 33.3% and in sp3 25% s character. Due to large s
character in sp carbon atoms in ethyne molecule have highest
electronegativity. Hence carbon attract the shared electron pair of C-H
bond of ethyne and easily liberates proton.


39.Write the equations involved in the addition of

a) H2 to Ethyne

b) H2 to Propyne

c) Br2 to Propyne

d) HBr to Ethyne

e) HBr to Propyne

f) H2O to Ethyne and Propyne

40. What happens when Ethyne is passed over red hot iron?
Ethyne on passing through red hot iron tube at 873K undergoes cyclic
polymerization. Three molecules polymerise to form benzene.

Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Questions carrying 1 ,2 and 3 marks
41. What are Aromatic hydrocarbons? Give examples
Organic compounds containing atleast one benzene ring are called
Aromatic hydrocarbons. They are also called Arenes.
Example: Benzene, Toluene, Naphthalene etc

Benzene Toluene Naphthalene Anthracene

Nomenclature and isomerism

1) All six hydrogen atoms in benzene are equivalent; so it forms one
and only one type of monosubstituted product.
2) When two hydrogen atoms in benzene are replaced by two similar
or different monovalent atoms or groups, three different position
isomers are possible. The 1, 2 or 1, 6 is known as the ortho (o–), the
1, 3 or 1, 5 as meta (m–) and the 1, 4 as para (p–) disubstituted

42.Write the structural elucidation of benzene or write the Kekule

structure of benzene.
1) From elemental analysis the molecular formula of benzene is C6H6.
2) Benzene reacts with 3 moles of chlorine to form benzene

Benzene reacts with 3 moles of O3 to form benzene triozonide.
C6H6 + 3O3 Benzene triozonide(C6H6O9)
These reactions suggest that benzene is having 3 double bond.
3) Benzene reacts with a molecule of bromine to form bromobenzene
in presence of ferric bromide.This indicates that all the 6 carbon and
6 hydrogen atoms of benzene are identical.

From these experimental evidences August kekule proposed the

structure of Benzene.

The Kekulé structure indicates the possibility of two isomeric 1, 2-

dibromobenzenes. In one of the isomers, the bromine atoms are
attached to the doubly bonded carbon atoms whereas in the other, they
are attached to the singly bonded carbons. However, benzene was
found to form only one ortho disubstituted product. Hence the kekule
suggested that the double bonds are in rapid oscillation.

43.Explain resonance and stability of Benzene.

In benzene six π electrons are delocalised and can move freely about
the six carbon nuclei. Therefore benzene is more stable.
In benzene all the six C-C bondlengths are same which is
intermediate between C-C single bond (154pm) and C=C double
Thus the absence of pure double bond in benzene make it different
from regular alkene.

44.State Huckel rule.
Huckel rule states that a molecule will be aromatic if it possess
following characteristics.
1) Planarity
2) Complete delocalisation of the π electrons in the ring
3) Presence of (4n + 2)π electrons in the ring where n is an integer
(n= 0, 1, 2, . . .). This is often referred to as Hückel Rule.
45. What is Aromaticity ? Explain whether benzene,
cyclopentadienylanion, cycloheptatrienylcation, naphthalene,
anthracene are aromatic or not.
Aromaticity is a property of cyclic (ring shaped) planar (flat)
structures with a ring of resonance bonds that gives increased stability
compared to other geometric or connective arrangements with the
same set of atoms.
Benzene obey’s Huckel’s rule, Benzene is aromatic

6π electrons

6π electrons obeys Huckel’s rule, so it is aromatic


n=2 Naphthalene is aromatic

Anthracene is aromatic.

46. Explain preparation of benzene from decarboxylation of aromatic acid

and by reduction of phenol.
Decarboxylation of aromatic acid: Sodium salt of benzoic acid on
heating with sodalime gives benzene.

Reduction of phenol: Phenol is reduced to benzene by passing its

vapours overheated zinc dust

47. Write a short note on physical properties of Aromatic hydrocarbons.

Aromatic hydrocarbons are
1. Non polar molecules.
2. Colourless liquids or solids with characteristic aroma.
3. Immiscible in water but soluble in organic solvents.
4. They burn with sooty flame.

48.What are electrophilic substitution reactions?

The substitution of H atom of benzene ring by an electrophile is called
electrophilic substitution reaction.
Example :sulphonation of benzene.
Benzene on heating with con H2SO4 gives benzene sulphonic acid, this is
called sulphonation of benzene.

49.Explain the mechanism of electrophilic substitution reactions
a) Chlorination of Benzene
Arenes react with halogens in the presence of a Lewis acid like anhydrous
FeCl3, FeBr3 or AlCl3 to yield haloarenes.

(1)Generation of electrophile:

(2)Formation of carbocation intermediate:

(3)Removal of proton from the carbocation intermediate:

b) Friedel-Craft’s alkylation of Benzene

When benzene is treated with an alkyl halide, in the presence of
anhydrous aluminium chloride, alkyl benzene is formed.


c) Friedel-Craft’s acylation of benzene

The reaction of benzene with an acyl halide or acid anhydride in the
presence of Lewis acids (AlCl3) yields acyl benzene.

d) Nitration of benzene
A nitro group is introduced into benzene ring when benzene is heated
with a mixture of concentrated nitric acid and concentrated sulphuric acid
(nitrating mixture).

e) Sulphonation of benzene
Benzene on heating with con H2SO4 gives benzene sulphonic acid,this is
called sulphonation of benzene.

50.Write the reactions involved

a) When benzene reacts with excess chlorine in the presence of
anhydrous AlCl3
Benzene on treatment with excess of chlorine in the presence of
anhydrous AlCl3 can be chlorinated to hexachlorobenzene.

b) When benzene reacts with acetic anhydride in the presence of

anhydrous AlCl3
Benzene reacts with acetic anhydride in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3
to form acetophenone.

c) When benzene reacts with ethyl chloride in the presence of

anhydrous AlCl3
Benzene reacts with ethyl chloride in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3
to form ethyl benzene.

d)Combustion of benzene

51.How do you convert

a) benzene to cyclohexane
Under vigorous conditions, i.e., at high temperature and/ or pressure in
the presence of nickel catalyst, hydrogenation of benzene gives

b) Benzene to BHC (gammaxane)

Under ultra-violet light, three chlorine molecules add to benzene to
produce benzene hexachloride, C6H6Cl6 which is also called gammaxane.

52.Explain directive influence of functional groups on monosubstituted

benzene ring.
The substituent present on benzene directs the attacking reagent during
electrophilic substitution reactions either on ortho and para position or
meta. This directing effect of substituent already present on the
benzene is known as directive influence of the group.
Ortho and para directing groups: (activating groups) The groups which
direct the incoming group to ortho and para positions are called ortho and
para directing groups.
Example:–NH2, –NHR, –NHCOCH3, –OCH3, –CH3, –C2H5, etc.

Meta directing group: (deactivating groups) The groups which direct the
incoming group to meta position are called meta directing groups. Some
examples of meta directing groups are –NO2, –CN, –CHO, –COR, –
COOH, –COOR, –SO3H, etc.

53.Write a note on carcinogenicity and toxicity of Aromatic

Benzene and polynuclear hydrocarbons containing more than two
benzene rings fused together are toxic and carcinogenic ( Cancer
The polynuclear hydrocarbons are formed due to incomplete combustion
of organic materials like tobacco, coal and petroleum.
They enter into human body and undergo various biochemical reactions
and finally damage DNA and causes cancer.

Question bank
I) One marks questions:
1. Name the catalyst used in Friedel – Crafts reaction. (Feb 2015)
2. In which reaction Lindlar’s catalyst is used. (Feb 2016)
3. Draw the eclipsed conformation of ethane. (May 2016)
4. Why are alkenes reactive in nature? (May 2015)
5. Among staggered form and eclipsed form, which one is more stable? (May 2017)
6. Name the hydrocarbon which contains acidic hydrogen. (May 2014)
7. Name the organic product obtained when sodium benzoate is treated with soda
lime.(May 2015)
8. Complete the following equation 3CH = C H 𝑖𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑒 873 𝐾 (Feb-2018)
II) Two marks questions
1. Write Newman projections of eclipsed and staggered conformations of ethane.
(Feb 2015,2018)
2. State Markovnikov’s rule. (Feb 2015,2018)
3. Why acetylenic hydrogen is acidic in nature? (Feb 2014)
4. State briefly (a) Dihedral angle(b)Huckel rule for aromaticity (Feb 2014)
5. Draw Cis and Trans isomers of the following compounds.
(a)CHCl=CHCl (b)C2H5CH3C = CCH3C2H5 (Feb 2016)
6. Explain Wurtz reaction with example? (Feb 2014, Feb 2017, May 2017)
7. How methane is obtained from decarboxylation reaction? (Feb 2016)
8. Explain Kolbe’s electrolysis method for preparation of ethane from sodium acetate
with equation. (May 2015,2016)
9. Explain Friedel – Crafts reaction with example. (May 2016)
10. What is pyrolysis? Give example. (May 2015)
11. Mention the conditions for aromaticity. (May 2015)
12. How do you convert acetylene (ethyne) to benzene? Give reason. (May 2017)
13. Explain addition of hydrogen to benzene. (May 2017)
14. How do you convert methane to methanol? (May 2014)
15. Name the monomers present in (a) Polythene (b) Polypropene(May 2014)
16. How is benzene prepared from phenol? (May 2014)
17. Write a note on geometrical isomerism in 2- butene. (Feb 2017)

III) Three marks questions

1. Explain the mechanism of nitration of Benzene.(Feb 2015,2017,2018)
2. Discuss the mechanism of HBr to propene. (Feb 2014)
3. Explain the mechanism of Hydrogen Bromide added to propane. (Feb 2016)
4. Discuss or Explain the mechanism of chlorination of benzene in presence of
FeCl3catalyst. (May 2014, 2015, 2016)
5. Write the three steps involved in the mechanism of Sulphonation of Benzene. (May
6. How is ethene prepared frombromoethane? (Feb 2018)


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