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Success is something that everyone strives for in life. It can come in various forms, such as
achieving a goal, receiving recognition, or accumulating wealth. However, success can have
a significant impact on people, changing them in various ways.


Success can change people in several ways, both positively and negatively. One of the most
common ways that success changes people is by increasing their confidence and
self-esteem. Achieving success can give people a sense of accomplishment and validation,
which can boost their confidence and make them more assertive.

However, success can also have negative effects on people. It can make them arrogant,
selfish, and even cruel. Some people become so consumed by their success that they lose
sight of their values and morals. They may start to see themselves as superior to others and
become insensitive to the needs and feelings of those around them.

Moreover, success can also create a sense of isolation and loneliness. When people
achieve success, they may find that their relationships with others change. They may be
envied by others or feel disconnected from those who have not achieved the same level of

On the other hand, success can also bring people closer together. It can create a sense of
community and inspire people to work together towards a common goal. Successful people
can become role models and mentors, helping others to achieve their own success.


In conclusion, success can have a profound impact on people, both positively and
negatively. It can increase confidence and self-esteem, but it can also make people arrogant
and selfish. Success can create a sense of isolation and loneliness, but it can also bring
people closer together. Ultimately, it is up to individuals to decide how they will be changed
by success and to use it in a positive way to make a difference in their lives and the lives of

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