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Present Continuous Tense

Anggota Kelompok:
1. Elita Nur Ilahi (23416262201070)
2. Nabila Disti (23416262201065
3. Putri Halimatus Sa’adah (23416262201072)

1. Meaning
The meaning of Present is the present time. So, the meaning of Present
Continuous Tense is a form of tense that can be used to explain something or express
an action that is taking place during a certain time in the present.

In general, Present Continuous Tense is used to:

 Shows something that is happening or is taking place.
(Example: I am eating)
 When something happens at this time. The action has begun but is not yet
finished. Usually called temporary
(Example: it is snowing at the moment)
 When revealing future plans
(Example: we are planning a trip to Tokyo)
 When telling an incident that happened while we were talking, even though it
wasn't the right time. This means that we are doing activities today, this week
or this month and so on, even though when we talk we are not doing any
(Example: she is learning to dance this week)

2. present continuous tense's formula

 (+) Affirmative/positif
Rumus: Subject + Be (am/is/are) + Verb1 -ing + complement
 (-) Negative/Negatif
Rumus: Subject + Be (am/is/are) + not + Verb1 -ing + complement
 (?) Interrogative/Tanya
Rumus: Be (am/are/is) + Subject + Verb -ing + complement?

3. example of sentences
 (+) Affirmative/positif
a) I am attending a lecture this morning.
b) They are taking online classes.
c) The students are studying in the library.

 (-) Negative/Negatif
a) I am not attending a class right now.
b) They are not attending an evening lecture tonight.
c) The student is not participating in the online class.
 (?) Interrogative/Tanya
a) Are you attending a class right now?
b) Are they attending a lecture today?
c) Is the student studying in the library?

4. Adverb of time
Time adverbs in Present Continuous Tense are divided into two, namely:

 At the time of speaking (waktu dimana pembicaraan sedang terjadi)

Contoh: now, right now, at the moment, just now.
 Around the time of speaking (aktivitas atau kegiatan yang dilakukan terjadi di
sekitar waktu pembicaraan.)
Contoh: this year, this month, this week, this semester.

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