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Nama: Nesti Puji Astuti

Npm : 5117011
Prodi : DIV Teknologi Laboratorium Medik
Perbaikan Nilai Bahasa Inggris untuk Laboratorium



1. Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense is one type of tense, broadly simple means "Simple" and
Present means "Now". So, Simple Present Tense is a sentence that states an action or
activity that takes place / happens at the present time in a simple form or a job done
repeatedly, daily habits, events or actions that have nothing to do with time.
Function of simple present tense : To express habits, truths, general truths,
repeat unchanging actions or situations, emotions and desires, Storytelling to make
readers and listeners feel involved in the story,etc. Types of simple present tense,
verbal sentences and nominal sentences.
a. Verbal Sentences
Formula :
(+) S + V1 + s/es + O :
she understands english
(-) S + Do/Does + Not + V1 + O :
she does not understand english
(?) Do/Does + S + V1 + O ? :
does she understand English ?
b. Nominal Senyences
(+) S + Tobe (is,am,are) +Ving +3C :
she is beautiful
(-) S + Tobe (is,am,are) +Not + 3C :
she is not beautiful
(?) Tobe (is,am,are) + S + 3C? :
is she beautiful ?
2. Present Continous Tense
The present continous tense is used for actions happening now or for an action
that is unfinished. The present continous tense is formed with the subject plus the
present particle formed with the subject plus the present particle form (-ing) of the
main verb and the present continous tense of the verb to be : am,is,are.
Types of Simple Present Tense : verbal sentences and nominal sentences.


• Adjective (kata sifat)

• Adverb (kata keterangan)
• Noun (kata benda)
a. Verbal sentences
(+) S + Tobe (is,am,are) + Ving + O
I am reading book right now
(-) S + Tobe (is,am,are) + Not + Ving + O
I am not reading book right now
(?) Tobe (is, am, are) + S + Ving + O?
Am I read ing right now ?

b. Nominal Sentences
(+) S + Tobe (is,am,are) + 3C
Nanda is sweeping the floor
(-) S + Tobe (is,am,are) + Not + 3C
Nada is not sweeping the floor
(?) Tobe (is, am, are) + S + 3C
Is nanda sweeping the floor?
1. Present Perfect Tense
The present perfect tense is formed with a present tense form of "to have" plus
the past participle of the verb (which can be either regular or irregular in form).
Present Perfect Tense (finish time now) is a tense used to express actions, events,
events that happened in the past and still have something to do with it now or to
indicate an event that is completed in a short time.
Function of Present Perfect Tense : An action or situation that started in the
past and continues in the present. An action performed during a period that has not
yet finished, A repeated action in an unspecified period between the past and
Types of Present Perfect Tense:
a. Verbal sentence
(+) Subject + have/has + Verb 3 + object : I have prepared dinner for you
(-) subject + have/has + not + verb 3 + object : He has not eaten lunch
(?) have/has + subject + verb 3 + object ? : Have you bought a new car?
b. Nominal sentence  
(+) Subject + have/has + been + complement
Exs : I have been hungry
(-) subject + have/has + not + been + complement
Exs : I have not been hungry
(?) have/has + subject + been + complement
Exs : have I been hungry ?
2. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
The present perfect continuous (also called present perfect progressive) is a
verb tense which is used to show that an action started in the past and has
continued up to the present moment. The present perfect continuous usually
emphasizes duration, or the amount of time that an action has been taking place.
The present perfect continuous is used to describe :
o to talk about an action/event that started in the past and is still happening
o to talk about an activity/event that has recently finished and has a result or
consequence now
o to focus on the action and not on the completionof the action.

Formula The Present Perfect Continuous

(+) subject + have/has + been + verb-ing

Exs : We have been studying

(-) subject + have/has + been + not + verb-ing

Exs : I have not been standing here

(?) have/has + subject + been + verb-ing ?

Exs : Has he been washing a car?


1. Past Perfect Tense
The past perfect tense indicates that an action was completed (finished or
"perfected") at some point in the past before something else happened. Function
of past perfect tense :
o Completed action before something in the past
o The past perfect refers to a time earlier than before now
o It is used to refer to an activity that was completed before a point of time
in the past.
o We use the Past Perfect to show that something started in the past and
continued up until another action in the past.
o We use the past perfect to make it clear that an action was completed
before another action in the past
o Positif tense : S + Had + Past Participle (V3)
Exs : She had been my friend before she transfered to another school
o Negative sentence : S + Had + Not + Past Participle (V3)
Exs : She had been my friend before she transfered to another school.
Introduction sentence :
2. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
The past perfect continuous tense (also known as the past perfect progreve tense)
shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in the
Used when we talk about an action which started happening in the past and
continued to happen until another action began. The meeting had been starting
when she arrived
 Positive Sentence : Subject + had +been +V-ing
The meeting had been starting when she arrived
 Negative Sentence : Subject + had not + been + V-ing
The meeting Had not been starting when she arrived.
 Question Sentence : Had + subject + been + V-ing?
Had the meeting been starting when she arrived?
1. Simple Past Tense
Simple past tense is used to express an event that happened in the past.
We use the simple past tense when:
1) the event is in the past
2) the event is completely finished
 Structure Nominal

Subject Main Verb

+ I, he/she/it Was
You, we, they Were
- I, he/she/it Was
You, we, they Were
? Was I, he/she/it
Were You, we, they

(+) S + Tobe (Was/Where) + Complemen
Example : He was a teacher
(-) S + Tobe (Was/Were) + Not + Complemen
Example : He was not a teacher
(?) Tobe (Was/Were) + S + Complemen
Example : Was he a teacher?
Yes, he was
No, he was not
 Structure Verbal
(+) S + V2 + O
Example : I went to japan last year
(-) S + Did + not + V1 + O
Example : I did not go to japan last year
(?) Did + S + V1 + O
Example : Did you go to japan last year?
Yes, I did
No, I did not
 Regular

V1 V2 V3 Arti
Walk Walked Walked Berjalan
Wash Washed Washed Mencuci
Want Wanted Wanted Ingin

V1 V2 V3 Arti
eat ate eaten Makan
drink drank drunk Minum
sleep slept slept Tidur

1. Ago (yang lalu )
2. Last week (minggu lalu)
3. Last year (tahun lalu)
4. Yesterday (kemarin)
5. Last month (bulan lalu)


1. I was angry bercause they were late (saya marah karena mereka

2. She was in jakarta two day ago ( dia berada di Jakarta dua hari yang lalu).
3. Was the weather good when you wereon holiday ? (apakah cuacanya
bagus ketika kamu berlibur?

4. I was hungry when you cooked meal in the kichen (saya merasa lapar
ketika kamu memasak makanan didapur).


1. I worked in a shop last mont (saya bekerja di sebuah toko bulan lalu).

2. She wrote a lot of song last year (dia menulis banyak lagu tahun lalu)

3. Did you have time to write the letter ? (apakah kamu punya banyak waktu
untuk menulis surat ?

4. He didn’t do the homework (dia tidak mengerjakan tugas)

2. Past Continous Tense

The past continuous tense expresses action at a particular moment in the past.
(+) S + Tobe (was/were) + V-ing
(-) S + Tobe (was/were) + Not + V-ing
(?) Tobe (was/were) + S + V-ing
Example :
- I was praying when you came to my house yesterday
- I was not having my breakfast when the accident happened
- Were you working all night yesterday ?
- I was working all night yesterday
- I was not working all night yesterday

Tenses gabungan simple past tense dengan past continous tense

We use :

When + Short action (simple past tense)

While + Long action (past continous tense)


1. Future Perfect Tense
The future perfect is a verb tense used for actions that will be completed before
some other point in the future.The future perfect tense is for talking about an
action that will be completed between now and some point in the future.
Positive Sentences
a. Verbal
S + Will/Shall + have + V3 + O
Example :
1) He will have checked urine of patient before I take a blood sample
2) She will have made a preparat of blood before you check sputum of patient
next week.
3) We will have tested cholesterol before they make a culture of bactery next
b. Nominal
S + Will/Shall + been + Complement
Example :
Jennie shall have been a profesional MLT next year
Negative Sentences
a. Verbal
Subject + will/shall + Not + Have + V3 + Object
Example :
1) She will not have made a preparat of blood before you check sputum of
patient next week.
2) He will not have checked urine of patient before I take a blood sample
3) We will not have tested cholesterol before they make a culture of bactery
two weeks again
b. Nominal
Subject + will/shall + Not + Have + complement
Example :
Jennie shall not have been a profesional MLT next year
Introgative Sentences
a. Verbal
Will /shall+ Subject + Have + V3 + Object
Example :
1) Will He have checked urine of patient before I take a blood sample
2) Will She have made a preparat of blood before you check sputum of
patient next week?
3) Will We have tested cholesterol before they make a culture of bactery
two weeks again?
b. Nominal
Will /shall+ Subject + Have + Complement
Example :
Shall Jennie have been a profesional MLT next year?

1) To express an activity that wil completed or occur before another activity
is carried out in the future
Example : Before I take a sample to patient’s room,You will have
prepared of all.
2) To show that an activity will have been completed at sometime in the
Example : The professor will have finished the research of toxicology by
the next year.
2. Future Perfect Continous Tense
Future continuous tense is used to describe an on going action that will completed
in future.It is used to express the on going nature of action with regards to its
continuation towards a point in future.The action is assumed to be continued for a
time ( specified or unspecified) in future.
 Structure Sentences
Positive Sentensces
a. Verbal
Subject+Will/shall +have been+verb-ing+object
Example :
1) We will have been testing widal in imunnology’s laboratory since 10.30
2) They will have been making medium of bacterial since 1.00 P.M.
3) Doctor will have been operating patient for five hours.
b. Nominal
Subject+Will/shall +have been+complement
Example :
Rendra shall have been a doctor next month

Negative Sentences
a. Verbal
Subject+will/shall not + have been +verb-ing+object
Example :
1) He will not have been making a serum for clinical chemistry’s test since
12.00 P.M.
2) She will not have been cutting animal’s tissue for laboratory practice since
09.00 A.M
3) We will not have been checking parasitology’s sample for two hours.
b. Nominal
Subject+will/shall not + have been + complemen
Example :
Rendra shall not have been a doctor next month
Introgative Sentences
a. Verbal
Will/shall+subject+have been+verb-ing+object
Example :
1) Will she have been incubating bacterial’s medium for 24 hours?
2) Will they have been checking drug’s sample for one hour?
3) Will you have been looking blood’s cell in microscope since 11.00 A.M?
b. Nominal
Will/shall+subject+have been+complemen
Example : Shall Rendra have been a doctor next month?
1) To declare an event that will occur at a time that will last for sometime in
the future
Example : You will have been incubating medium of fungal for two
2) To declare an event that will occur at the time that was carried out already
past and forwarded in the future .
Example : Rose will have been researching animal’s tissue for two years.


1. Simple Future Tense
- The Simple Future Tense is formed by using “shall/will + the bare infinitive
(infinitive without to)”.
- The word “shall” is for I and We, whereas the word “will” is for You, They,
He, She, and It.
- The Simple Future Tense is used to express an action that takes place in the
future time.
Time Expressions
Single word Tomorrow, tonight, soon
Phrase Next week, next month, next year
Clause When she arrive

Affirmative S + shall/will + Verb I + O + Modifier

Negative S + shall/will + not + Verb I + O + Modifier

Introgative Shall/Will + S + Verb I + O + Modifier ?

Affirmative Tanu will observe blood clots soon.
Negative Tanu will not observe blood clots soon.

Introgative Will he observe blood clots soon?

1) To express an action that happens or takes place at some definite time
Example :
(+) We shall write a toxicology lesson next week.
(-) We shall not write a toxicology lesson next week.
(?) Shall we write a toxicology lesson next week?
2) To express an arrangement or promise at future time.
Example :
(+) I shall come to your house for group work tomorrow.
(-) I shall not come to your house for group work tomorrow.
(?) Shall I come to your house for group work tomorrow?
3) To express an intention or purpose (When I and We use “will”)
Example :
(+) I will present the morphology of bacteria when the lecturer arrives
(-) I will not present the morphology of bacteria when the lecturer arrives.
(?) Will I present the morphology of bacteria when the lecturer arrives?
4) To express a request.
Example :
(?) Will you help me to get a visual field on a microscope?
5) To express the speakers opinions or assumptions.
Example :
(+) I am sure, the sample will come to campus tomorrow.
(-) I am sure, the sample will not come to campus tomorrow.
6) To express the hypothetical conditional.
Example :
(+) If today is a practicum, I shall collect an observation journal next week.
(-) If today is a practicum, I shall not collect an abservation journal next week.
2. Future Continous Tense
- The Future Continuous Tense is formed by using “shall/will + be + present
participle (Verb I + ing)”.
- The Future Continuous Tense is used to express an activity will be done in the
progress (continuous) at a specific time in the future.

Time Expressions
- at this time tomorrow (at this time … )
- at 8 o’clock tonight (at … o’clock … )
- at the same time tomorrow (at the same time … )


Positive S + shall/will + be + Verb I + -ing + O + Modifier

Negative S + shall/will + not + be + Verb I + -ing + O +
Introgative Shall/Will + S + be + Verb I + -ing + O + Modifier


Positive At this time tomorrow, I shall be practicing clinical

Negative At this time tomorrow, I shall not be practicing clinical
Introgative Shall I be practicing clinical chemistry at this time

1) To express an action still continuing in the future.
Example :
(+) At this time next week, they will be sending a sample to Jakarta.
(-) At this time next week, they will not be sending a sample to Jakarta.
(?) Will they be sending a sample to Jakarta at this time next week?
2) To express a future activity that will be in progress at a specific time in the
near future.
Example :
(+) I shall be making a bacterial medium at 9 o’clock tonight.
(-) I shall not be making a bacterial medium at 9 o’clock tonight.
(?) Shall I be making a bacterial medium at 9 o’clock tonight?


1. Centrifugation Hematokrit
- Definition
Centrifuge is a device that is generally driven by an electric motor that places
an object in rotation around a fixed axis, applying force to perpendicular to
the axis. 
- Function
To separate blood components from other components by doing a round.
- How to use Centrifugation Hematokrit
1) Connect the socket to the power source
2) Open the outer cover and the cover plate is opened
3) Enter the hematocrit tube into the trenches with the position closed
outside with a balanced position
4) The cover plate is installed then the outer cover is closed and locked
5) Press the ON button, then the time button and the start button. the tool
will stop by itself in the allotted time
6) When finished press the OFF button
2. Hot Plate
- Definition
The hot plate in the laboratory usually consists of a heater and magnetic
stirrer. This homogeneous heating and mixing solution can be found in
various types of laboratories, be it chemistry labs, physics labs, biology labs
or other labs. It can be said that the hot plate stirrer is a universal laboratory
- Function
Hotplate is a chemical laboratory tool used to heat mixtures / samples.
- How to use Hotplate
1) Plug the power cable into a power source.
2) Adjust the desired temperature by turning the Heat Button.
3) The indicator light is on indicating the unit is working.
4) Each set value will be maintained if the device turned off or disconnected
from the power connection.

Use of stirring
1) Place the container / pumpkin containing material that will be stirred
above the unit, with a stirrer.
2) Adjust the desired rotation by turning the Stir Button.

Ending the use of Hotplate and Stirring

1) Adjust the Heat or Stir button in the OFF position.
2) Unplug the power cord from the power source.
3. Micropippete
- Definition
Micropipette is one type of pipette (laboratory equipment) that is used to
handle (measure and transfer) liquids in small volumes accurately. The
number of volumes is up to units of microliter (µl).
- Function
The function of the micropipette in the laboratory is to facilitate the transfer
of solutions or liquids in very small volumes (microliters) from one lab tool
to another. Micropipette has higher accuracy and precision when compared
to ordinary measuring pipettes.
- How to use
1) Adjust the volume Each micropipette is equipped with a volume setting
(volume adjustment knob) located on the pipette head. To set it up, we
just need to rotate the part and pay attention to the numbers listed in the
center (digital volume indicator).
2) Install tips As we explained earlier that each micropipette requires
different tips. Blue tips (blue tips) are used to take sample solutions with
volumes of up to 1 mL, meaning that these blue tips are suitable for
P1000. Then for the P100 using yellow tips (yellow tips) that can
accommodate volumes of up to 200 microliters. Plug the tip of the
micropipette into the appropriate tips. Make sure the tips are installed
3) Take and remove the sample solution If the tips are already installed, then
what you need to do is press the button until the first obstacle (first stop).
Don't press deeper. Then enter into the liquid sample we will take. Make
sure the tips are immersed in the solution sample, then release the
pressure from the knob slowly so that the liquid is pulled into the
micropipette. After that, to move the solution sample that we have taken,
just press the knob until the second obstacle (second stop).
Make sure all the liquids you have taken are all removed. Finally, to
release the tips attached to the micropipette you just press the tip ejector
4. Water Bath
- Definition
Water bath is equipment that contains water that can maintain the water
temperature under certain conditions during the specified time interval.
- Functions
1) Heating at low temperatures 300C to 1000C
2) Evaporates substances or solutions with temperatures that are not too high
- How to use
1) Fill the waterbath container using an aquadest with minimal volume
covering the waterbath tool.
2) Connect electric current.
3) Turn on the appliance by pressing the power button that is right next to the
4) Set the maximum temperature limit by turning the OVER
TEMPERATURE LIMIT button to maintain heating stability.
5) Create a temperature program by pressing the TEMP button and proceed
by pressing the UP and DOWN buttons to manage the program, then press
the ENTER button to set the program.
6) Press the START button to start heating.
7) Then pay attention to the RUN lamp which if it is lit means it is running a
program and HEAT lamp which means it is heating up. If the two lights
are active it means the device is functioning normally.
8) Insert the media you want to heat.
9) If it is finished press the OFF button and disconnect the electric current
5. Oven
- Definition
Oven or drying oven is a device used for sterilization or cleaning using dry air.
- Function
This sterilizer is used to sterilize glassware such as erlenmeyer, petridish (petri
dishes), test tubes and other glasses. Materials such as cotton, cloth and paper
can also be sterilized in the oven
- Ho to use
1) . Connect the drying oven to the power source
2) Insert laboratory equipment that you want to sterilize, then set it neatly and
close the oven door tightly.
3) Turn on the Drying Oven by pressing the ON button, then the light on the
drying oven will blink.
4) Set the desired temperature and time on the drying oven.
5) When the set time is complete, the timer automatically returns to zero
6) After finishing let the laboratory equipment cool in the oven first, after
cooling the laboratory equipment and rearranging the laboratory equipment
7) Don't forget to unplug the oven cable from the power source so that
something undesirable happens.
6. Spektrofotometer uv-vis
- Definition and function
A spectrophotometer is a device used to measure absorbance by passing light
with a certain wavelength on a glass or quartz object called cuvette.
- How to use
1) Connect the cable to an electric current.
2) Press the on / off button on the back of the spectrophotometer.
3) Let the appliance stand for ± 30 minutes to warm up.
4) Fill the first cuvette with blank, ie aquadest and the second cuvette filled
with solutione.
5) Press the Utility button to start entering the program.
6) Press the button or to select the available menu.
7) To select the wavelength, select the Initial WL menu.
8) Press the Change button to change the wave length as desired.
9) Press the button to increase the wavelength number printed on the monitor
or to decrease the wavelength number.
10) If the wavelength is correct, press the Accept button.
11) To return to the initial display, press the Esc key.
12) The wavelength on the screen will change, and to set it, press the nm or nm
button to increase or decrease the wavelength number.
13) Wipe the outside of the cuvette with a tissue then insert the cuvette
containing the aquadest into the spectrophotometer with the direction of
the cuvette section that is smooth facing towards the light source that
comes then close the lid.
14) Press the Abs button until the screen will display the number 0,000.
15) Replace the blank with the sample in the same position as before, then
close the cover.
16) Read the results of absorption on the monitor.
17) After the reading is complete, remove the cuvette and wash it thoroughly.
A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A,B,C or D !
1. Jupe is very good at languages. She …. Three languages very well.
a. Speak c. Has been spoken
b. Speaks d. spoke
2. Don,t phone between 6 and 7. We …… dinner.
a. Have c. will be having
b. Will have d. will be had
3. Deni can’t find his powder. He …. It.
a. Lost c. Has host
b. Loses d. Has been losing
4. A :” I never …… harry crying like that.”
B :” he must be much suffered.”

a. Seen c. see
b. Sees d. seeing
5. Ron …… while we were having dinner.
a. Phoned c. Has phoned
b. Was phoning d. Had phoned
6. At first I didn’t like my new town, but ……. To enjoy it now.
a. I’m beginning c. I began
b. I begin d. I has beem beginning
7. I always …… my pleasure time at the comic library.
a. Spent c. Spend
b. Am spending d. Spends
8. The Beowulf epic …… interesting aspects of the lives of the Anglo-Saxons who
lived in England.
a. Revealed c. Reveals
b. Had revealed d. Was revealing
9. A :”What’s on the TV today ? “
B :” I don’t know. I ….. yet.
a. Haven’t read c. Had not read
b. Hasn’t read d. Don’t read
10. The earth ….. along the sun.
a. Move c. moved
b. Moves d. has moved
11. A :”Look! You’ve made the same mistake again”
B :” Oh no, not again! I …. That mistake”

a. Always make c. has always made

b. Am always making d. used to make
12. Butter …. From milk.
a. Made c. is making
b. Is made d. is make
13. The sentences below can’t be changed to a passive form, except….
a. A large vase stands in the corner
b. My lion died
c. The solution to my problem appeared to me in a dream
d. The manager is interviewing them
14. Some crop circle sightings…… easily. No one is able to explain them easly.
a. Will not be explained
b. Can explain
c. Will be explained
d. Wouldn’t be explained
15. If you hadn’t left the door unlocked, it ….
a. Wouldn’t have been stolen
b. Wouldn’t be stolen
c. Won’t be stolen
d. Would have been stolen
16. X :”….. Each other for a long time ?”
Y :” Yes, since we were at nursery.”

a. Do you know c. Are you knowing

b. Have you known d.Had you known
17. Everything is going well. We ….. any problems so far.
a. Didn’t have c. aren’t having
b. Haven’t had d. hadn’t had
18. I need a new job. ….. the same job for too long.
a. Have been doing c. had been doing
b. Have done d. am doing
19. How to use Spektrofotometer.
1.. Press the on / off button on the back of the spectrophotometer.
2. Fill the first cuvette with blank, ie aquadest and the second cuvette filled with
3. Let the appliance stand for ± 30 minutes to warm up.
4. Connect the cable to an electric current
5. Press the Utility button to start entering the program.
The correct order of the sentences above is …..
a. 1-2-3-4-5 c. 4-1-5-2-3
b. 4-1-3-2-5 d. 1-4-2-3-5
20. This sterilizer is used to sterilize glassware such as erlenmeyer, petridish (petri
dishes), test tubes and other glasses. Is a function of laboratory equipment …..
a. Oven
b. Water Bath
c. Hot plate
d. Autoclap
21. How to use Centrifugation Hematokrit
1) Open the outer cover and the cover plate is opened
2) Connect the socket to the power source
3) Press the ON button, then the time button and the start button. the tool will
stop by itself in the allotted time
4) The cover plate is installed then the outer cover is closed and locked
5) Enter the hematocrit tube into the trenches with the position closed outside
with a balanced position
6) When finished press the OFF button
The correct order of the sentences above is …..
a. 2-1-5-4-3-6 c. 1-3-2-5-4-6
b. 1-2-3-4-6-5 d. 2-1-3-6-4-5
22. She has lost her pen again. She ….. things.
a. Is always losing c. Has always lose
b. Always loses d. Always losing
23. Hermiwan wants to work in Indonesia, so she …… Indonesian language at
a. Studies c. reads
b. Meet d. is learning
24. Can we stop running soon ? I ….. to feel tired.
a. Starts c. Am starting
b. Start d. Started
25. Neville feels dumb. He …… hard this semester.
a. Isn’t studying c. Hadn’t studied
b. Hasn’t studied d. Doesn’t study
B. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb
provided and the correct tense: past perfect, present perfect or
simple past.
1. I was disappointed when I ____________ (arrive) at the party last night, because
of my friends ________ already ___________ (go) home.
2. I ________ never _________ (be) to France, but I would love to go.
3. It is still snowing. It ________ (start ) to snow last night and it ______ (not/stop)
4. I know the new neighbors. I _________ (meet) them last week.
5. Linda is still sick. She ______ (have) a bad cold for over a week.

Answer Key!

1. B 11. B 21. A
2. C 12. B 22. A
3. C 13. D 23. D
4. C 14. A 24.C
5. A 15. A 25. B
6. A 16. B
7. C 17. B
8. C 18.A
9. A 19.B
10. B 20. A
1. Arrived/had/gone
2. Have/been
3. Started/hasn’
4. Met
5. Has/had

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