You are on page 1of 40


EOfI'OR/P\J1lUSI11'J1. Bony w ~ NfC';W

De Parpou of iElectric lladlo

Eledric Rat,Ho is published for ama teur rad io opera-
tors and otlwn who apprecia te vin ta ge rad io equip-
me nt. It is ho ped tba t the magazine will stim ulate the
('Ollo-ctinK o f, a nd inten.'St in, this type of eq u ipnwnl.Tht'
ma gazin e w ill p rovid e in forma tion rega rdi ng the
mod ificatiu n,Tt'pai r and buildi ng of eq uipment. We will
a lso wo rk towards a gre ater und ers ta nd ing o f ampli -
tud e modula tion a nd the proh]t'ms thi9 mod e Iaces.

Elect ric Radio Soltclts Materi al

We are constantly sea rching for good m.:I tcrial fu r
the m.:I ga zine. We wa nt articles on almost anything tha t •
perta ins to the o ldt'T amateur equi pm.... nt o r a m o pera -
tion. From time to time we will also have ilrHdes a nd
sto rit'S I'\'I('Va nt to thl' C.W opera tor and the SWL Good
phcece 01 ha m , hacks, borne-brew eq u ipment a noJ A .M
opera ton (prefer-ably in front ol lhei.r ""Iu ipnwn t) ere
a lways needed. We a lso wt'kome suggt.'5ti<tRI. f(>1' sto-
ries or infonna.tion on unusual l.'<ju iplllt.'nt. Fur addi-
tioN.l infonnation please w rite us 01' give U9 I call
n.. fll'>l _ oI l'.R ~ u..p;.... ill> fLo_ IIw .... "y ......... And tho \no
Ihan """"" p;nt pb It boo", n<'<'Iwd lo_obIy, h w _ _ pcollfyins tu""
.......... tho a.m. ~ _ ' - ' IIw po>ootI... ........-. I ..... _wd y
- . fJf'o-~k.11olo"aIl-r~
... Io" .",,,.w•_.""_ ,, ..i.
n... ....... 01 ........ ~K) ,
- IhoI "f' u.. _ wtth Iho....,.
_IIW .... , ....
of hio ......_ _ • ~Ik _
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'" - ....... Stu..t .....,..... W2C1B;. .... ...,...t
10... Io• •• II ...._ _•
-I~-- ''''
hp - ~ . oI H '
-~._-'''''*'-''lw w
-'oaood '''''' I __ Hoo _ _ . . . - . _ " " , -
Il'G\ Oftd E..F. Jut I """' orne.,. in ..... bb> Club gf Amtria... J*I
r -"' QCW.\,._. ~ ~oIlhrTEFf V T.. ' ' '&l' Soxtdy, kIP.. I oIttwAJJtLl_r UW JuIJ-.
- - , ., _ _ _ to.- - . . . . .. .. AI e.-. _ ...
L AI . - 0
......... a'J'l hichIY '"J-t<d ... I"" ' ' - t am... boot I _ _ - , _ .....,.. ..
~.....,"",",-"" w _ _ bL..... ed- .. 1Ior . . oIl ~ ... I' l l In 1916 hr <Un-
- W (2l JOO Mhz Jo.nd - . In _ bon.ry Of"l"- Ira _ _ n - ..-
- rdinnl b)' AI lor dw ~ I lJlfU 01 Slr-v< s.m._ I _ -.t by IIf'M'O ...
r.-..-.y dun. WWl-

2 The Grol~ M{·ndge rie- Tubes KOO IIG
5 1{e f1 f tous Dow n the Frt.,Jline WtlRNC
7 Thc lluildi ng of a Tra nsrrnner K2F.JX
12 Sd.' nl i fi,~ Radi n Prod ucts W0CFQ ,NbCSW
14 Nort hwest A m' e es NOCSW
II> n ,nl'l.1 ing II", 11.,IIi..,... flers WOSJ:OC
22 Noll'S un t he OC~lO WA611 'O
2S Sp ,,·..d ing IhI.' Word N6Q;W
26 ll.'Iters
29 Classiheds.•••

Uo "I..,.......,..
~vm,; Ih. E award &om , . .... wnt.ohYftolllw Arm y
and No"')'. 0..1_2 . 1¥O.I'i<turod with Uo" ~ I''''''''' ..tIwodi,.. oI
lIw -CryM.ol~. t1wcornpany r-sp.optr_n.. E award w. tIw
tus'- award S'''''' III c:niliano "'" ... -....tins cuNributiM III lhr
WMotioo1- n.......,.io_"'1I"" 12.

VK\lum Tubn in th e 80'5- Whn1! 00 WI!' Go From " fOrt?
by 1i,1I Kk>n""'..... .. KlXlI IG

For anllq\w _ _ bulb,. .......... no> 11ml .............J"'fIar'C ...... . CUf'h.... int;
..pply 01 .._ Iut-. fur without Ihnn .,..- ~ _ _ -~""lI:
-. _ ~ . il k . of -'<'<IJ'f""','" • _ - &1--,....,. '"
_ oe. kit woth ""' ,,001 _ _ Witho>ool loaboo. ,...... ,........ 1'155 M.ocm.
IOOh ....,..r;.,..m _ y cl """-'1. )'OUt 'Sl Wurli'- . . - . . miRht
opin Join-- Rorl~1 you'a.- ""',II..nd,.... 1d a nCQ . II ~ kon,; wllh
yo,.. /01>"""" V.IIo"I. l><ot 1',",'Q -Il"'" ....1""- ,t 011""_,
TuM. ,n II... 1~ •• -......I<'<h.. So>. ..._
"l,,~y . IhPy """nnulnji; "' Fr......
..",,", ItiII -kiloc , .and """" ~ .. iD Iho7 """' '" ~ .............l
l'or '""
",.-..- 1 10 1'4_ ~ oIIJlidlo_ f;W<II . . .
........" .... _ 0 . . .. .._ _ • _ _ 0 . ; . _ _ $100 _
.. oa& _ r- ... Iubn. _ ~ -.l io Iy od In .....
.......-dartw'O' of _ Jl~ _ ~ in 1""" d d ~ .....
04...... <'ko<tft>fti< roots,.nd unh l It... ... fly 19li(l'o ..... OIlQ run ,wo man ohop. ""
h''''ll'ns "" tu .ho kleoo .hol ~t tul>ro "';11 . 1.." "" ~ ~ .."1'* Y'''''''" y

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t l!llH, ~! lrnlhtn,l"d,H d ol I
By Bill Eberle K2EJX

n.._ d n&14m ' _ . A. Or.~ ~IO in AIbo~y . NY

~ d<>omb< wn t.... "" )Oy.blo- tin 1 w lOCh w• • ",y h" ~ ,,, h_ ~ _ A """,hoof " f
bon t-l In . ..... k'u. roJln.l ~vnl ll'Y n", Iorsn J'I 'b. ....- h .. I, "no.tomwn Ind
~ ll<k.< In I'hl. _ ~ 10 t1..... choIo.ft ....... 11'""' 10> ..... by AI
• _ .. ..,... <'Iwm>IIod CW 6160 "'" _ ............ a.- _ ..,. Whot "'_ .....
.. 5l.It ood_ . "'- _ _ 10 .._
W ""- . a O . Ul,," ............. bul
AIOrr uPllTod*"lllO 1 <i<ddo<d ...... W BU . . . - I bou&N """f'l- from I
I ......Id II~" """''' '' 1"' ......., 1"*'". .., M.
I <lo<lJ...J b' Io.I lId on phl",r. " , ' nK II>< I" "n"" ~, ......, ""'''''Y. I ,k".-j"I..J 10
bib I " <In_ II. Aboul ,Iw,
Ii..... II", "'.. u, ,,,'k·mount lho ri5 iPIo ... ol‫ס‬.i I'<'frlur--
. , l 'i54 Q!>1' .mwd. whdo _ ,owd .. _ whith my loU..... _ I pio<bd up ..
_ ._ _ .... 1lw.~ 'fl-'roISo. _ W.-.- <>I ... al'J'f""""' ....... _ '""'-
aJ) T , _. "", - W _ _ pW -"'-'"
My Ulhrr. _ but _ "' I ......- It.. _ door _ II>
....rul ...'nI " ", ," , "'>toby .ofIo! who <'It- "'.. ~ lho """'I""""''' _ 1 10<1, _ w ..
"'... ,.~ nk' k , IIcl my '''......... OUf,j\...IN In Ih. 10_ """ of IIv rrinll""'~'" . ...,

....., I bui ld , n~ • ...1 oI f..-.l ... !wI!, IIv rooimll; _ 1..", i n ,"" "11.... J'ln, I
... fi-_ 01 tIw poo<b. I hood .. pan. lho-» ~

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IwIptd POY .... II..,. "" 11"" baf~ pt .....
I<w. ~h lho, Ioata... l<d """.....rd _
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!tiN lu f" II" .. , con>l 1K>n ........ In "1"''''''11; _-.I .. ,he- h~",n"", ...... foo-
.... _ . ...lIb , Md uI ilord pl><>to- ,_ -d 14- ...... _ .. <tIn u. pwi"tI'd
ppt.o '" ""'h tho- ""p ...t _ po I lho-» driu.d -.. III ......
.....-... 1_ _ ., , lOtF I II ....... on ...""" _ I"" "f""""5 '"
• J '" I' ~r.pho "" po<tw"oO ,"", ........., ,"" J'I""'Io- 0.. I"" ..PI.... _ -
.1'1"",.... ,n I rndr. n... ~ . '" , ho "1"''''''5 I "" ......11, IIOkI<rN III
...mI>I«J in ,~ ...ct."", tlw hilI!> ," . "~'h no" ' " ,I... ;" , 1..1<- "f ,ho M:' ill;" ,. I' '''
• .11". low "~"'II" .o,oJ IlF _ h...... nw tw-<...... I ",,,,!dn"' &'" m, hand . k-..t.......
..........."" k .. ."" po-. ...pplwo <...... ' .... IlF .......... _ , I... ~ ..t I"" ....
hW<""' ''' I'''l Io. .
fo,., ... AII:III. I ~ ptobablJ 1Y'i04
...... '" .tor port>_ _ ~.fIo! _ ...-.n lho, lIIF A _ """

I """ d ... "",Ii", pom '""" No" In .... """"""I>boIwd. I ""... _ k",. _
114 " . " oft> I n",loJn· I -.l .w. ~ ~.- l n~""' <a.e.n on ,... "'.,,,"' ' hal l ..... 1d
f"',,-II.I- , I ',,'m my " _'.1 10.. ", "" I'p1 ~ " ,II11><>"1\ I' ,.. ,'}' 111 n ' 1"" 1"'<1
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II><- p1 .,~ I,a ..." ""","" ,,p " ",
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1..-li,-. I·.""I--.I ",.. h"g .",1,1",[" 'hr loL,,-

.... ,1...1\• . I)Urilll\ "I""olio.. of ,I'><' ril'- ,,,,.
""'''''f)' 'ul w""., ''''''''''i ll''olly . ".
"". . ...."" I ,gh [ w ," "",Iu' h ' ... llM"",
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,,1 .....' ..... 1 d.o<ioJrd ,,, """"'11< Il... '''ppl.
'" • loridll~ <'lifie, usi"l1 I"", JIllll'.
whkll ,<\0 ,n.- ",,'"'"
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• nd II'><'" I p\a< l ,I'><' ' ''!'J'lY i" Ih<' h.~ .
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« ..,Id ri",u,"" .."... lhe h'J;h , ,, It. 1<'"
. " pply
,I'><' ~n'i ... (Obi,..·, wilh d ull black K'Y. m n...1<,w ""II. ~~ .upply u....,. ~ ~I.l lu ll
'P"y p<'i",. w.v~ ""hl;.".nd ''''' ..,ppl y i. lo"'A '.-.;I
1 lim !>uii' , .... hil\h .... , ,' .g~ p,........ "'I" 00 If>< "' ~I"m 0 1 lhe T<"fri l:...-. '~m .....,. '"
ply. [ ",m<>ml"", hn w I.o'l\~ ,.... h'lIh ....,11· o f if>< "·f'ij(,·,o' ,,,,,
' 11< pl. , ~ ' .. nol,,,,,,,·, iox,l«l un ,Iw.h.o." I n < ~~ ..." h,," ,. "".mlrd 1<.. ,u... " I ' N
.....n " .-.l. 'Y YOft'II' w . . .I><",' 2'UI 19· i...-1< r'''''t. wiih. ""m"'~ " I K·31 ....-•
....,ft•• ~i" , . i<l ., ~ <<<1 ''-' , A' ,n.,Ii "'" eh"... KTPW'. It ,lid... I~", pi ,," 'w"
(""I"... I "",ned up !he 11. ....1,..."""'1 I ,,,,;1«1 """.11><-..- ""'. 1><,1t..J ,,, , , trill
u><d 0 p3" ", !l66...........'Y ".put 'UM «0'''' wtlh <iJ;ht 1/4 i""h . " ",~ }..," ,

o.-.l'1'><' filt", <. p;><i'uno w~ ... , .... " ld g.. y T1>o.~ ~ fj"" . ... "e"'-"' on lhe 10, 19_
"'I""'" 0 ,1hflrd Ifl'" whk h I"',obohly "'0' i"" h 1 TIl<' t;"" I,. " 'um n n , /i"'-
1'C1l, which ,. lhouglll ,,, tor- • <a,·
tai l' O"'Ol' . ,I>< lo w vol 'A!\<" '''I'I~y . , he h,w
d ""ll.....ic. 1 "" I'" u..,y will """'"' ~. pIl><le ....h "t "I 'f>< hi ~" "o ll .g~• • ",1 ,he h igh
' p"'yi"ll 1't.-1l on 0""', I><-r ,.... ><1h"l1 '" I.... "illh vollol\" , w h,]" lhe fillh
oouliJul " gh' " f ,I... b lu~ gk'w 0 1 II'><' ' wl lch ' umo u" ' hr 'i\o"",,," of ,.... e,"~·
lubes, . OO ,I'><' ....siog I\r n,l. humul ' N ...1 nw" I.,,,,. Th...-.. 'h ..... 110 ""II
".""forme,. In 11K> . upply, o. f""" , I'><' .."'!'" whl<h iOO""'''' li nl' . ~'W "..I,>i<, I pul ••""khal>'" 1.-;.- Iwal "K" .m! hillh VOltAI\". A"..",I ,.... 10m!",
i"l1 .. ...-.....u i n _ w"h I P"""'f)' ,,' ........ i_. lt..! .......I.hi<hl.. ,,'hich I ">n'
0lIU<I<'d Irom o,,1I...ry lin ........ wlOCh Amphf_ ~I J

~ ... ...." light I""" .n 11I,,""....,..1 ~ YoI!.&got 1«1, <;;r.J

bulb i'..'" in....-f.-ri"ll with .t."""', bulbo " ith Yulllp fl.d, (0 ) 31l:!J1
..tWh mittN N . 100 on . , ,hi' "m<' li_ .
bllho,...... <of 1M I"'~ II .....-d . pi--
Ik ~ ... ~ oymb<>l wh..:t. I
_ _ from m,
10'........ 1'150 Ilo.ll';" tot->- fro<n... pt .. " . ..... omdo-l
_ _ Inor.o. . .. """ , - . _ . . p£o<.o.
n.._ .... _ IIOQOloo ....l· '....- n.. ......ilno-<Ip .... tho .......... _ ...
_ lor d.q ..... pool t/>o,..N • b*d loooxll .. _

...... AudooA....·.'_
••• ,
To ~ tIoinp rool ""'"
_ _ ......... ,100 Ioosh ~....---

nw... _ _ ..._ ... ... IF

_ ' " ' ........... Iho R F _ ........ __ n....,-
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..... rut>< """P"" ....... ..t "'" IF ___ periDr_ -J ....... pa.oo I

Wh<n I _ bu ~' 1100 "s- ~ IF """""" _ fro<nonoldf_ ..... _IJy"j

w .. ro<>l.d by • "'I"'""'l <Oil" fan I In ' ou' KfO'W" by tIuo ti..... Or. lr.~
ot.ollod ,.... bork... "'" k> 1"' __ ...",...,. lIw " .. " . the- ~ 13
ouppIy _ I ,toft<t<d ''''' .i, , t-t. 110 "'~"J N .• 1,..... 1100 Ii.........'
I F ........... 'h "",~h . """hie .,,10
..t the- ....101. (.. .3 ) " . , loool.... Oul.-.. n..
ON">1 pip<' wh ..111........... ,ni WI, h .Ilk. 'hud t,.nol,,,,,,,,, _ 3 vol, hw",... t
,..I, I"'''' I " ", nd 1.,,1. I h.l ,~ ;n ,..""I,,,,,,,,, .. ,m! b••.- k d•. t/wt io,. ,t-r
,t-.r b.o" ~ "I , IIF ",'II"n , ~"1'.tol ~. " .3 ~t ou ' pu' (~ tlw (~ Iw, h l.""",t tr .....
' " ming .m ,hi> I.n .ound...! h~ . Mtmg IL"" , .. W1,eJ '" t ""t.ry "f t ....
t'" ;gnihn n . wlto1l uI • 7.7. "" I d",-..:IeJ IIL lld " .. ....... 1t'.noJ.."" , • • nod ,to ou'put
10 rq>"" II WI'to ,I.. .,. "t hn I.on wlOCh If to ~ t . 1 _ • • , I"put '" two I>W-
.... m""h qu"'.. ...Pl'" n... Al' _ '~d ' f t<d by two wi<-
• nNm ~ ,,- _ '" w hl<h ...........11,

- n.. I'll...

b.......p "'" U.., " I .. .. fd-

tourned .... t
...ppl, ~

lUI>! tloo
h.o"'''I'hol awtul _I, One
bowo k> llw . 1.... d "",..-
<>I.... ' - "'" lI' l. ond

......U, ..... "" ,100 .1 ..... T_ . . . . -


_ _ _ _, _ • ••• • t . h..
Volloll"'~_ GAl
c.,h<>del"" .. .c. 50 ..... _ . _ ... codwr • • 5lll ....
_ M' ~. _ _ b K_ _
,,~ ..... Ioop _ ...-. ... ...-. .... ill
~ /Dnwo- .1 .... "" .,.....t ... _ I <UUkl _ _
.-..I I.,. ""~ ,t...<+-<. Tl>o- ...........
'" ,.... ....1"" b ~ "'k'd w,'h. ",~ I-
_ "'II"lalor Iub<o. All <UWn ....... ' -
~ _ h _ ... » '"
ll-ll _ .......
_..,.-..1 _ ,1 / 4 _ T.. ....".
tho .....,. llF ,1K.... 1 "*iod
,"w.'''' '~ ............. JnoI t. I " _ ~
'" ,ho _ I........, , ~

...... A ............ "' '-l ,~

.."'.. 1 <uold ..·• p" I nut. , , ~hrt
••1.. 1'.11"I 1.... Ii... ll.n~ .."",I '''l" i,", ~ "~'I"" 1,,\-.i"K 'n"" lho.· . Iull'" ,,' •
mol .. h.'h '"'l"'f<'<! • lilt'" 1""'''' ,i ..K,
n... 813 -l"i..."j "" ".11..' ;. 1
'''''''I(k "" ~ I~ 813 ""oi; .>If . nd
d _ -rt, );D -...-..d '" tho ___
.... 220 milh 1 uw ... "P""' ill CW,
u.dn 1ulI_a.._ ' WI)
...... .. 220_ 1440 w_ 1.
~ ....1l1phoo'_ w..... JUo. ...

tho ......- mrt<n. II. ""I"irftl <011 In, a.. 57f0.lmul brl-llaJl" wMth dnwo t ....
oln't'IfIIk 10 ...... . ho <Utb"tl _ """"'&It h1.....d. . - . . . . F..............t <U<u~ .......

lho 1/8 hri• .-...., 1 '"' lu<l , , I .. ,.. ,_"';Io.nd • d",,' "".-t-.
dld,,'1 \><Nk 'ho punch. Al 'hoi 11. [ 1<Jr , Aot;.nt l"l\ I r« ""'I", "'n,"II I....
d ;.ln', ow n ......... pu"..1wo. . nd Ih<ft.- li nd <i,,,,,il '" I 6141> "" l ho- ' PI''''l'ri-
" .... hod to ..4m . 11 tho m-.ia h,,1<0wilh . 1<' lI,kl d riw PN k d"'J'<""Hnll ,... In.. <'0<-
two .. t o_, II nd • nO l.oll fPd ....... W'IW)' ..... Iti~. pj,,," h •• 2nd ...
II" . &ok """"_ .. ~ 3rd IIonnnNc 01 a.. ~ 3.5 mkz.
tw>_ ... ~ . llfthlnu I<'I, ,~ 1'1.., ,.... pial< ........11 '" '~ lIol

10 _
10 lunrd

......... _ I.-d ... _ ~' .... a.. 0l't"opo_
plato' dop .....
• hIor, n.flnal-.. .. ~ ~ ... Ih< <Dn'O<t II 'i ,., """"",,"•
_ • NooboMl 5 ... I _ rftl_ •

_ ' .. 2M_Jed , , _ oI _ t....
...... -»y holt- ill ~ tho IinaI ~ _ tho pi<! ""-

......Tho VR) Io...uti...., oeablo. and "p""-

nor '13 ,;rid
pIMP io d,Pf"'d
d rift 10 ""~ .-I tho
.... tho <On't'<i band 8J
.... In tho 3.5 Mkz ~ wkl\oo lho riK _ I .nd 1_ .....t ' ho ..,..,..,.,
,,,,," "P""'''' "" ~. 4Q, 20, 15 . nd ilion," •• 1 1<" , .....t <ir<u' " .nd po-i"'''''
..... no. v '" ...!'""-;........nd «>01 ,n , ,, 1"'1""" hkto I """,,,I,..j ,, "'..... .
In.. VIU <Ump"''!, """ Ioord In • pI«. .. " I' p l", illlo.. on ' M I""" ,~ ' 11<- ri ~ _

i}~!llt l ti flJ!I~~ l ~ ~ !ffi~}!l[!ii~!lrlt!f
:.=-~ ~!' tt ~l ~r '~~- ~ 1~ l. f . ". [ a i'! !. f ~ ~t~ ~ !' !11
l ~ ! ~ r f ~ f , ~ ~ r ! ; ( ~ i ~ ! I [ l i !' ~ i ~ ~ ~ ,l ~ ~ ~ f r ~ il' _
ir l ,. - I a. .. ;j~t ~' E"i3l. _~ ~= - ~!.. .. ll. i ~~~

s r~;d
s r r r s r r~j!H L'T:f<-
,"J i ~ l s if Ii- .. ::'" C-
-~l=n ~ IJ""05".= i:!l'" "'~"'!!'i"~
~'''' " , -
r •< i l ~
-l. - == - .- .. ,,- ;;'. )11.
t, .. - [' _
-;.*"~ ".'~ -r.. U
'l ! r ~j!. t"' l f. . .;. ... -,li[ ",~ =.r=·l" !· -0
_1 t- " 1'"
t{ ::l( ~"' ::l~ =~ ",,:i ;..bag. f~_ _- ~ - . i. _ ~
~ i ~ ~ ~:t t if i if r ~ ~ ~ i f [ ~ Jt r r f
! 1.1 ~ ~ ! i ~ 1 ~ " i 01-

..! ..f '! 'l !,l l·I li :lr ,. ..... ~ _ _ ::r ... ! "i ..
- ; ".
. -
Ii_~. .- -''" ;• !
~ i~ -,t , -.
! l. "~ ! 2I r~ r : ! ·~ 'I ' l l r l r a! l '"~ ·< -i~~ ~~ i--
! :i; 5 -! j !'
s. .. ~ t ~ ~ ,. i ... r f ~ i ;: ~ 1 f ~ ! l ..
Iii f ~ I : f
t~ir~!~~f! ~lj~!i
L ~1~l l i.i-lii~~ i~i!!1·rff~i E
.. a. ~;
-"" . !l~ .'i1 ,, ; ~ «... ..
!'l'",·~ ~t ' '' t I 1 - ,,,.> I
[.r ·'ld
~e- i
..~'lr~p -~~ _ :=lr: , i. ;:; ~11~ f."' ~' ,?o

•. , q · >'F, fflp~p~ph l~rq
~ ; ~", ~"""'2. "lII L"-:'- g!
!!. 'It 1
;. . r i'
! ~ f ! ".,. e r. c . ...~:;:1
e ! ~e ".!.I;.
~!.~". , -1~
_.i { ! ~tl~>:; n'U
l. t.t"!~'1
i II.itP~ ,j .r; <e~.l
: ; " - 1 !![.n "o ~<1- n'l'
2'1 .. , , q,!
__r ~_afl ",,,, ,,,, _~::'!.. ~Iti""~ '" ~
The story of Leo Meye rson 's war-lime crys lal manufadu rin g
by Leu M ~ , W''!G FQ, as lold t<> Il." 'y Wi, n
ko' kioli: fu< q" ~rtz crysl . l. II~ .. i<l lhol
'--' "'''nIh , in on inl....._ . 10" ,~ ' v ·
Il><'y wne .r><! ;m;"d ". whol ..., k""w
" nod L.o', ""it.. , , lro m hi.lx'ylx""l atOM'! ' I><' rro="'. W~ • ••"f<'d him WI'
. 1.0.. in a "",' ,.." r I ~" 'h""'!lit 'I><' Y""'" "",ld rna"" <TY"'01>. 1I ~,.. 1ll 11>." in lho'
" I h..",. I.,,.;......... a,'lvil...".Wlll. .
c o", he ",,>uk' 1",1". in kMKh "';Ih 1.1,,..
C~>bo . • nd Co la. y. In tl><' "' ''' ''''' '~ II><' 1"",10 w", w•• ;o.1ing a, '''''
foe,,,",,.l d i. - •
in,"" .. ;",.,l a.hd l~ .b.."" ,I><' ,.,or ,...."'.
m b"M' ,,1 . 11 ....,.'. I.I"r II><' m ililary, A'
The ~'l~,wing , k' '}' i• • 1",,,... "... ",Iy II><' lI",t I . ~ n" tnkl him lhot W<' <I ~ln't want
"'oy I..., ""IJ il . nd • • 1 """ "kodit "" I" i,w,..l . k~ of """"'J' !i:'-ttinR "'" " p If
"'~ ~A . I"".. . "''' " •
p"•• ihdity of "-'inf; <. l1ed u p

Wlw n tl><' war . 1. rWd "" 1\'" .n I'd Kt II . .. I<I,"W. """" t"" cry>1.1. ""dly. If
lro m II><' !I"".mment lha, .11 ."",1...,,,, )'<'U f ~llo.. <. n demonslr.'. the a bihty 10
...d 10 gel off ' M .ir, "'k" down a ll their ma "" crys",1> w~ w ill give ""th "f j'" ''
•n nd 00 . u p . U ' lwlr "'luipmen' d rl<m><nt.".
Thor I. <i''l\ n", . 11", ju., fI,'rl' So he goo"" UlI .he pe.-.on to g<l In ,,,uc h
.ing tl<d in II><' a "",'. ,,, buoinns, W RI. w,lh ., M ,~oru"' . W. ca lled 1.1",,,,,,'" . r><!
w.. down to """ ""'-ploy.. "'king • few 1Wn' .hrough .h. wOOl< Ihlng .""in; An!
oro... I", ~via 1"''''' Clea rly I hod ,,, Y'''' g"Y' ror ""I, <an you ...."" cry....lsi'""
loo k /", """'" "' hoor way ' " . u rv iV< ll", W. .. Id- "'1'. .", ke-epi"ll our hog.....
w. r y. . .... <TOS«d of rou , They 11«1' '''
5 ",,..101..
I hod hea rd 'h""'g h lho Ihdu>lry I"" 1l1qI won l.><I to rna.... ] o f _ : h . r><!
,"" millt.. y w.. h,king I"r ~""'". <ry>- grl 11..", N<k '" Ihrtn ;L' ", x ", a ' I""'"
"".nd tho' 'I><'y ....... "'''in g ....... d i/fi· . ihlo-. AI .. nd I """ko<t nigh' d. y h"
, ,, Ity h nd in!l ' lwm. 1 hood I,x>lr<! ."",.,.l ab..",' ) da Y' ma kiog "p 'I><' cry.t. Io.W.
wi lh cryst.< 1> in .1><' 101< N • • nd a rly 30'. k x ,J. _y /;..... 1 1"''''''
t<> <10 a g"'xl ~ ...
bu ' 1 had .........,. rut o"y q"",,,• .II ,,w,,,,..,., .nd 1\" ' '''' crpl. l. ri/;",
on 1""I""n<y,
1 k"",., .. Itom ""m«/ AI ShId " Io-T, ,.,ho Wl-..n ..... 5'" Ihnn R,," l-..d w.
""'k IIwm
was working for a II'" ct'mpony In ForI "p k' Chic.S" k' 1.1"" ",,10.
Dlxlll'" 10,.,., ,.,ho hod . "'.......I><>il' P' ''' W. ~ Cou ",U lIIull•• h"" t "'0 ,,·,k>o.-k
ily ..w ond w.. rutting 'I""''''' . 1 nig ht OM l\'-" in k' 0..... 5" .b.."'1 7 in
,lIP .... ""iol\ . W. thoon ,,,,,k . bu> k> II><'
I <ailed A.1 Sltld " Io-T . nd ... Id hi m .boul
", "'1 I h.1d hNttl ., ,,.ked him l! he ... ", 1<1 Mo.",,,... ''''''''y. W. ~'ght ",, ' <TY"

.nd in"""t!ll" h"!1 i.,..

be in"'....1«1 in rom ing to Co.. ...,d lIl " U.
rth<-r wi lh me .
U. .. i d .~, I """"k11ove 10 hu l l' m .
", I. in a nd 1\""" 'ho-m k ' Pror-." Noble.
H" wo• •he chi,,1. n/;i.....,. in d",rg~ "' a n
<ryol.l. ,I-.. m llil.'Y boo,,/;h l. W. .. I
""pta in in "'" "'""""'" a nd I roukl be o"",r><! ,.,.. ' kng 100- ,."".".1 k<n ,,~ , •
ro lled "P ny ti .... ". I . " W .. tn1 "" him Aboul 2 o 'd od In ,he ot"'m o"n I><'
lhot II><' m i/;h l "" .. p',..;hili,y , ..., ..... <.lime ""• • nd ..ld ,"You , ' '1')'... 15 p.>--.1
rould !lei d ef. rment. il , I><' mili'.ry .....y n.d" y.... fdl... 'lU"k YO'" ,ao
needed II><' '-TJ'"la '" bod . """gh , hand n"rderi'""
l ie ....... in ' 0 Cou",,1 1Il,,1" . 0><1 .... W. w deh1\h'o<t. W id ; W. """
got In louch w ,' h II><' oIS...l ct>lpO 'n ...ndt. . " ylhin!l YO'" nln r;; ".".
o ffi"" r, AI that ti ho- wo. in l'!>iloJel- 11. ... ndo<t ... a n oni /"" IU;UI cryo_
ph.. , W... ~ , ' hot had ""'nl ' hooy ....... lol l. 01 $11.53 . ach. W d. ,><I" R. W.

,, - - - - - - - - -
_wryr.... l<d ,
~ _ bod ... e-.I lllulb _ .....__h--....._ ......
uf ...-';";'y . 1 ..... WIJ two ...

........ kf1InI up tIw .....,. Ihrft., 0 ....

011 lhr LhuIp _ <hd w """...... .trill Ahl M'ONE Q!>(I PA RTY7
JlftW<5 1u 1.oM"~ """'-to . ~ ~"I in_ In Of'".I- uf
Wr trwo"f..tu....J "')'>1, 1. ,, -_ .11 .1,,<. _.Iy c.W "' I>tot.>lIht "'....
lllf\ ,"" w • • .w~ had "k lot,,,,,( """'" " "" ho,....1..." ... rly 1>11.. ' To .to ' hi,
!Il11 .... pIuyfto .00 ' Iw Of)"
_ • 24 h>u.- a..- W. produo.- .d ........
,,,....t<d .I'lol how .n.""""'AM 1
0-.- U I>.. • _ .J.t.,nni
25.1lI . ~ • ....-h W~ ..... ~ _ <t k ,.. ~ 1 _
- . . 13 01.... <IIDIf>"'*"" OW" _I&.~ ~ I m r.o rk .._
Ilarin& ~-twooqu.... (.011'03) .,.. """'« ,....
o-.. ..... ....-"" ........_ _ .....ll rnodul.olk>n.oo 10 w.rb.,.. ....
.... rho ~I uf t"" ..bohly h, ho" " ""I, (b ) IYJ2 ·:W ,,~""" ~ WIth a... B
IIw ..,.,.'.b "n , 1.01'1" 01\ "'"',-tot..... ., w.. ... _I" I~'.'h ~ ...r P' '''''''' lhon SlJ lI S;
rouId cuo-1 10 'ho ".,...1 (21 "", only prow • • "'-'vcn; U) ...p l~
whiJo:o II w..... " .. I.oJ'l'l"l': " - 00 ...... lho 7'>-_ .. boOO
- , . '-" ,ho <!'yoW ~ nd . II Y""'''' MoIo". 1 In .s.a-"bn3
Pro. ' only tIw pto. ~ hove _ _ u.. 0I0Ify ryp. '" ! "" _ and
.... <ry>Lol _ tIw ~ _ . M .... k . - kdIoy, W2JC&. ""-
Sl.. RD U ,llukwllb. NY 1_ IIlk)
dNa II ...... ... on
_ .... " ,twy -..,
"m oM" it ............
tIw .-..... ' - ~ - . ... "'btl _ I"".............
W'roW A""""'I..... quortffiy. nw Old
'l'''''''''', Th.. 1"'''''''"' .." ...... ""'" 8 ho... ..
oh 14 hourd.y. Ti Ilullrl ih. [ Ihi nk In.. puNi.·.liI".. is
W•• ho 9 ' b'vuIV<d In opull... "l\ w>th .. u....I, 11' ilahlr <WIly .. I...n "t
t;o>Id . I'lol 0<1..... W,lh . vO«"Um 1""'.... AWA n..."'t lap, To """"""' • ........-
_ "",1.1 pul 11'*I ... ...-- on rho ~ Iw< _ . m...i< 100$10 poy_'" AW A,
1oIo mstlw _ ....~ • •"""" ""' 11:... or..... p .... NY
An,- _ lhoop lho 1411 1..
*I.ut hol....J 110",," in 11,.. ..."...1 bu .....
dum'lI II r We ...._..J ' Iw "'nny
. nd N••y 'll'0< ,.n . U" "", ll..,1
w... tho h,W- nJ III" ~' <1 ,,1 ....
Iuo II h, ' 1w ,.j~ .
At won nw.l I wonwd 8" ' -, ...
"'''''. I.. ........... .., AI ~ """"
_ SeWN.h< Rod.. l"rtldutt>- ' '''' .....
1M """f'""y fm.I ... CIm.oho , "'"
... C _ , I ~ "f""'ot..J It oy
J ,' 1'lruu1h 'Iw K" . -n W lw n iT)'>-
tol. w_n, . ga in in bill ,k nd.nd 1.0,... ' ho ,,,,,,pony ....lll W
n..... ..... _ J"""""P dnnon.l .....
................".,. tIw v......... Irno&.
... <011 .... l",.. ____
_ h • &""'"' _ 10" bod _ tIw _ .
1 an ' ", w d ... lho doy ","I _ ........
• EJ.>.....-",l ... l'" '--I. on lho .n, V"" ... ~ ...."...,...... OW.-.oH~u...:. HE "'~,.,
.,,,,Idn', I>..b..••• It... QII M '" th<! . ... . ,01 " l:O\JO "IA1~ RADIO"

,,-- -- -- - -
l't.ol<,>"" at l'uyoUup,Wa ,n . 11.>",1,-.1 Match 12. 1 _

Left to Rig hi:

W7JKY, Bony Si"... . ~"" Ci ty, Or
Barry ~ octi...., AM' Hi, rolk-cti"" of ~ .., irw:luok. 0 bo,o""",,, 4-4<.10
. m p lm Vol;'onl .• Koo"t\ 00 • IIfoW 5100. It. '. <'tI rT<'nlly " ..I<'ri"8 On S)(- 2~. It p
000 N.'i<>",,1 NC·J(l) and • HRO-6CI.

K1YlR. ro' p.,,,,,,,,,

8011><-11, Wa.
r . t ... mojoT rolledor of y;ol.lg< gr • • (0".... 150 ~}. nd """ of Ilk- mo, ' odi • •
"'''-f<n. I ii. C(~l<ctlon indud.. . Imoot tlw ('t>mp\o't<o lo h....... Ii..... m.1 ny 1"'"""
" I C" lli""
g ,. Ii...., IIw T-<440 0 " ' M ''f'POS'~ "")I.' pI... "'1',-,,,•••;..,,... I.." ", .Uth< old m.m" r....•
Iu Mo ", on r ot on I.... 01'1""1'. I"'r.r-

W70Ul, 0.", SomU<loon, I'N I Way, W. •

Don ... bro3dca>l mRi"""'. I I 1..' .... w 10 ' NTO olo;,; o l II>< A M '....

W A7 AMl, /{<>d ShefWr. s,.., ,,J,o W oo

I4>d i.• • l<o, b"""k . >l ~"""" 000 • V"'J' ;0 1 1«1 . nd 0<11" .. Am·.... f i<' Iu• • Valia"t,
• Rimg.... ond a n 1lQ- 1M 11e . 1>o has 01\ "'0' d l u f h,,,..!<uI <'qu;I""''''' indudiog 0
Co lli.... 20\1-2 whidl TUN • f" tr o ,f 4·....
"",• • bou t . kw.
;n , hf, /;",,1 .nJ .. " u !<,I.led with . f" " It

N7"'1I1. AI. s..." l<- W• .

At Is hom who> io ""'Y irn<>MOted in . m .
n... t"' it~ In the p\<1u... Is . TC1< rti"", u ni t which ru no . pol' <ll ~ tJ·_. _ r . t 50)'"
I' . t the ho m f..., h ot SlOO. Il ~ ,d it _~ h<d . bou t 6Ol1lbo
"Tho- tn g ho .1:."" U , lllllh>. II ..
'rlonguLo• • Pd , boo..... 14 h "" " olJo..
Tho l..."
150 "
'iO If
oUlk>IW<y ....... I"" "'I'
I' win ho " , ~,..... . "In. P' ~
i~ ~U " , I.... """'" ..ill to. 21lt. """'"
. nd 18 ....~ d .._
Al ''-I'' r ~uw!'''''' .
nortiuft. b
-.I wdI "'K tho ....1...s
1obI<k> 10;",-

'_ '110' . . . ,. _
-V-..g~_"" _ W..
.. _prot

Iouk rot-

. ',U -n.kS 4
, I W£Tl . S.-29 D-29 1
NM;"o,wid..........,. '"'- t-d io "J'<"-
• M ElUS._ 14 . "9'" Ca- "'-
_wid. C.llod lD _ SP"' '''
It'''''P'' ' k.,., ,..-OJ-.""' ____
.... . d.o~1 1'><1 . S<><nol....... h <to.-ol s<l
... nod " .... I .rout IS, ( ,....i<-ino n"m-
M _ "-U . <1< 1<' . <I<""",.nd II>r
I'.. . I<.7YIR •....,' n... , .... f""'Y"" "f ,...,
1'><1 " .. l1y IMtWo "" " ,,,il """'I 9. For
5W1. ""'l,k· who> w.n' to ....., """'" b;~
If.""",,,,,,,. .10<_. Ir. ,t.. C<>ll , nnkl • .m . .. 11.... 1> w ilh ",,1.t.ono.!inK .",1", !h..
T_Ul' n... ,n,I".,.,.. d'""'K'" '''''' "' I'M T_ ... ~'''''''''y 10> N ....
24. It h i"lI1<' 4 HXlOA III the fm. l .. nd 40 M.I. B. ......7111O. 7WS.5 . no.! n ',(J
~'. "". 1,,1
.' 1by • I"" '~ 4·",.r. It'. ,~m · n... Sl'A M IIn . ,1' nK.... un 7160 . , 4pm
,Ino"" . " '" ~. I",,,, I Htn J2 ,,>c. It 01><, (". 'in ", """ y SmKl.y. TI>r", II " .... I1 y .
h.b .lulu 1m.., I' ... ,g..... bou , ISll' Ibs lA' ll' " lOmbo.', lOf .'..... ,U "., from
.on.! . ,. ,, 1 t>tt high. It w.. rN<l. In ,h< W<'SI. u >.bl,
1 9'i.~ , II. ""YO , , "'_ ' N ' II< h.o> It worl 7195.5 ~ w ....... Y"" ""lIhl h<'" """" "',~
~ ho wlli ho '"n~ ".......
..n<. lly .ugh' ;oo.'livily . 72'lU 11._ f....,.....ey
• ro, """ <>lhn 1.0_ bruo.I<Ml """"""t· ,...,.• .....l bjr ...m·. ...
1l'n • ..I
...U boo ...... n......'" on ........ ..... 75 M _ ..__. .JlOU..JIlII.I ._W15
,_ ... '''' IuIu",. n.. - . - . s r AMpuup _ on J!l7O
I" .100 loId "'" 1_ y<'M> .oW' ... Word .. 9(1l(". h ..... . b...-y ~ ~
..... ~ .. 200 h . -. bn>oo.l<... .. _ y on or ."",nd .~ 3ll85. n -
_ _ • ww _..u.....ctl"5 '" ' - _ .-1 ....._-...,
, .. "Y" of> .. bois inb lot .. .,.. P'""Y
..... "" ....Iol _ ""...... kaooo U J""t
_""' "'f'dp-_
~_ 1 8lIS.~. 1"'"
Ion _7..,9 ("• . Iim<. u....., LA
• ~_
,.,.01 w""'t'f4,.'C
of "" dad.., IIw ..._ Nlplly _Yioy .... 1'l4S ~

........... 1Iw
...... -
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- - - - - - - - ,, - - - - - - - -
~ poup:<t
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by Chuck Dachis WDSEOG, "T h e Halltcrafter Collector"

If yo u had lold me in 1974, when I be- Just whe n I thi nk that I have it under
ga n th is collection, that I would sHU be cont rol an d thai I ha ve fou nd all the items
collecting fifteen yea rs la ter I would ha ve tha t Hallicrafters produced I inva riab ly
said tha t yOll are nut s! I figured that they di scover a new product series that I never
probably built a couple dozen radios, and kne w existed, and thus must begin loo k-
that didn't see m 100 di fficult a project. ing for itl l may never physically own one
Well - I was wrong - a bout the numbe r of each uni t produced , but I at least want
of products, and th e project of collecting, to include them in my chro nicle of th e
restoring. a nd displaying them. One thing com pany's production . To d ate I ha ve
that has frustrated my efforts is not kno w- found over 30 different major p rod uct se- •
in g wha t there is to collect! The origi na l ries, each may contai n as ma ny as 200
production records of the co mpa ny were mod els, a nd thi s does not include WWl1
1051 or destroyed many years ago and mili tary gear ! I really be liev e th at this is a
there ha s bee n litt le d ocumentati on on lifetime pro ject.
what was produced until I began com pil- The la rgest portion of this collect ion is
ing and organizing it in the form "product Ham rad io gea r, which is what mos t of
list". us think of whe n we hea r the name
- - - - - - - - - - '6- - - - - - -- - -
Hallicra fters. There is a lot more ! Fer ex- he re, and the Sing le d igit Sky Riders. Any
ample a ra ther ex ten sive product line of help in obtain ing these items would be
home en terta inment eq u ipment, incl uding wo nderful, an d no doubt tha t in 2004 1"11
hi-fi and stereos, clock rad ios, Tv's, pro- s till be a t it!
table radios, a nd eve n electronic org a ns, The wan t list follows on the ne xt Iour
and the re is no doubt in my m ind thai pages.
were Hallic raft ers st ill in bu siness I wo u ld
be writing this a rticle on a lIallicraftc r
compu te r!
This co llect ion has over 260 different
major units, not to me ntio n a no ther 130
or so duplica te a nd "parts" units. So - yo u
say- whe re in the world do you find spa ce
for all thi s? We ll, that's a real problem .
Currently I wake up 10 the sound of a
Hallicrafter clock rad io o n my nig ht s ta nd,
dri nk my first cup of coffee at th e writ ing
d•ssk (If my OD-1 in the dinning roo m,
watch "Good Morni ng America" on the
T-54 in the den an d, we ll, you get the
point! The y all live in my ho me wit h me ,
or pe rhaps I live in their home! The a t-
tached 2 ca r garage has never had a ve -
hicle in it in the 13 years I have lived in
this hou se. I use tt fo r s to rage of non re-
stored units and to do the res to ra tio ns.
The bulk of the collection is in o ne of the
bedrooms, whi ch is absolutly full, and
then there are the closets!
My dream, and ac tua l1y a necessity, is
10 open a museum to pr ope rly di splay the
products a nd memorabilia of the co m-
pany. I am loo king for a sJXl nso r fo r tha i
project-any offers? The re a re many un its
that I want to find .
This list re p resents most of them, or a l l Iallic rafte r mod el 2-10 1934
least what I am aware of at thi s tim e. My
first priorities ar e the 1934"11" a nd Silver
Marshall sets, so me nf which are pictured
17 - - - - - -- - - - - -

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A LOVE AFFAIR or Notes on the BC-610
by Art Rideout WA6IPD
th e BC-61Otheory o f operatio n and tro ub le
s hcc ung techniques <I t the Air Force om-
L'e T Co m m u n ica tio ns Schoo l at Sco tt AFll
in Illinois. Trouble shouting w as atwo ys a
fun day. T roub les would he int rodu ced
to the Iran smille r a nd it wa s the n u p to
the students to identify possible problem s
which would match the sy mptoms . The
mo st fun wa s no t to put in a trouble at
a ll, just install the wrong coil, the wrong
crys tal with the wrong tuning un it, loose
cable co nnec tions etc ., then just s it back
,HId watch the fun. In ad dition to these
d ut ies I also ran fte ld o p e ra t rc n
exe rctses.ln these exercises stu de nts would
operate mob ile, in motion, co rn municat-
ing wi th oth er field un its. Field u nits
wo uld a lso be Interco nnected with remote
EE·1l field telephon es.
E arty models of the BC-61O we re noto-
rio us TVI gen era to rs . Th e BC-6101 model
tha t I ha ve ge nerales less TVI than my
The very firs t lim e I fe ll in love wa s in Ken wood TS-130S. It has .1 ma n ufact ur-
1949 when J sa w m y firs t Be -610E. To m e ing date of 1952. The o nly problem that
it was the ultimate radio transmitter. o ne will find when o perating this trans-
In 1952, during the Korean War, I had mitter is tha t the modified Har tley Osc tl-
the honor of running cry ptog raphic me s- lat er d rifts excessivel y. C rys tals a re the
sages between Cc ne rals Van Reel and best so u rce of stable RF follow ed by an
Clark via UC-6IOs on each end . The Be- independent VFO plugged into the crys -
610s used the HC-939 Ant enn a Tuning tal soc ket, w hich is the way they were
Units runni ng into w hip ant ennas useed by the military in la ter years.
mou nted Oil one end of Ihe shelter in
which the tran smitter was located . OUf Its been 40 year s, who ever sa id lo ve at
power wa s derived from portable power firs t sig ht neve r lasts?
un its .
After the war I wa s selected to tea ch


A.R.S. WSPYf, OZONA TEXAS more next month

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