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6 f~ ,.,~~
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~ Ii ~ 2. §1
~:19. ~
n... bID .. ....-I ad.J...,. Itw
10) (0:_'. '" II..- \U1 .... 1I.a" 0 "'-'-'
""It>oIUt .... ~ Ihro _ _ ph' ~. ~ .. fl&hl .".. _ ... .m.. tIw
e.. # ={. jUi , _~ _ -...- dw po"_ ,II rid .........- lor ....
Iloo A .WI' I""'"'fI'r

In Ihoo 10Ft. dw I • <1t _ bdI • ..-lY ~

••• ~." ..... rib

IfOI.::!>U,It tU1lut:'1-H1\ l-'>

••• ~I \ I \In',,,,, HY.\(,ItIX"

~ It<pIoo S - -

"" - .............
ItOt '1lallJ.. 'I().


" " An I'Mo\llIl,"G 10M lin "\SIC I ' " ,'Ok 1111
B .. '(;$\ '11l1tO ,\'11 .. BOII!>!II'C. Till: \ITO'O\lffi <l KnOlU'
, ... \11<;&1\1 \11"01)",0. MI'PI'U""C lOR JilL PlkP'OSl'
Ill"PlBUC u:, 'o.~. "TIn 1:0 - " \CT TO STR£'CTIU:'

" " 0 E:.XP''''D nn. Oft{;\'K ,c, 10M TIlt: ,no,o\,ot ..
It 1.(;10\ I'" \II SU\' \11',,0\'" \0, ~ '''0 f OK 0 I Ill-A. l'lItJOOS'~

. .1I~lMtIt"., _~_.,~ "'lIop J"'.

•" ~ ... , ........ =tt~'.J

" Pm.hlt:

. v." Ibo ~'kII" ~ .... <>lIoct ~ .....II..- 9 • •h·.... oapIuo ...

........ " .. &' • =, ~"'=t'*'''_''''''plII<e.''''''eI
........... _ _ ,w_.uc.'" ....... I'l MIIooc:al_orn. _ _... _ ....
14 '" ~ ...... ok>"""" _ !*tllll(lm',
n In _ ",(/I the ClIMInutlOll _Ihc . ".......lly _pled plllIC,pk:5 of
~ " ' - ..... w.:rn .........' _~.".... Ik _ ... on t do or
n -=--~ .... I'l'&<ta"'._n_or.... c>o' 'b)_lio.... and.
,. """"""> .. nil "", -1I:IaIU) "'.. _aohum.1Id Indfl....

1 "mmnn,ltM: d'51~ h .. loItlf;I.l 1Ikn10l) and blfthn&ll1or"", I.lmpano:.>ro peQJllo
10 ,he" "",,""1l'I1 """"'1aJld and tllrll ,.,,, 1II odf..ldcrmlJllll_ -Iq ",111
• bf'....... of~b'c~._ _ ~ v 1,.,.
J ... ,....- • .,....,. poIc ,_ ' M1l< po....- .
.. _ _ ............... -.I.-..=nt) .uc... far ~_ flat"',(·
1 ",.'mII"""" '1I""loloN _ Ilk' ClJIn!l"'hmsl'C AI'tt"I(lII lIl'I Ih<
• 11........"..11(1\111,

" \10"'" t' • or ...........
c/o Iooftt>o ..... -..I , ...
II Rt, '.." Bas'" ,.... 1tImu""bd.oallR5' ofthdlCJlUbhc of l'Iu11f'l'l'le"
It '" tM ,*" ,-" or Ih<: Ihn(lAm<Jm thal ~...bhohM ,hco .."nrn"lI'il:al 1'011101
11 1dol " .. 1Ib the tcnnl <_ _ IOad<d 08 ...., ~opIco "f
14 am..l _

" Anod. l
I '.Sllen r.....
... 0\ \11" \ ... I) 1'1 MI'CJ!<o':

n.1p, ..... IIc~._c ........ · , . G

to IMto

"H '-«I"'. 1. ......... The lllme "rIM pllht"",1 ",,11(\ """", Ill.. EIltoc I.... dIall
l' "" ... ~
IS '>H1lM..L .....,..... TIIe'-p*or "-I< I...... III ~ hI t .. poIclCal

l' "'I~), ....' Ide r... flo Ms""InoCI"'" fir mmmI '" ~"N'" of"", J - '
11 and ~I~ "riM _ orlbe 8anuamoro people and ,ho .. 10$",..1_ '" <1Ian
:!'O -I""" 11).........
Ihn pol.,.;allll............... demoa..IC
..fooIodI ",u_~
111_ ...........,
, '"101. It
• k'\CoS.' \'ONO lIW'~-1 n

§ ~. . . . I. 11...... . - ~ ...... - IJoo.c lObo .. Illc I..IC Gf QCJIIol_ on<!
~ ro!onl1J111(J01 ,"eTC ~Id<rcd nIl'veo .. lIIipIwlI iab.r.h'llIIIb oI'M~ ond ,bI:
J ~ -.dIOC'01qo .... • .,..... ...... ..:Ild.t PalI..-, ... . ...
• h* ...--.. ul « of hal b/Iood. ....1 1lI.~'" ,.... 10 "on
• dlcm:od_ .. ~ Ir, _"pi_ .. tdl.-mpc"", '''''''''''' ond the..
10 ~"' ..... c.... ,r..... llIIa..."Oio
U ....... 1. , ...... '" ('ll.i<e. - no. &. ' . vi ~ 01 ...............

1~ 1'<"1'1... ohall """"'r«'<'!
."Oft. . . J. ....D i I _ 'l - n.:. '"::'::N~ "....,... ~
" utro.:oaI""-, .. ,, ."..... 0 I 0_

" "!lflo III

"• ffRIUrOll\

":1 .....,. . I. Iltflloh_ oflrrn'..., • Tcmoary ",r....., Ibe Iand"_ .. "dr ..

H lhr .....U"'•. Im'etmII n~, ..1 ad aU",1Il <lnrno.uIt.. ond lllt 1"""""'"
l> --.. n..". ..lim. . . . . . . _ . , . . " , . .... /'IId.......

"IS oYtllo. 1. f .... I.,nlat') The ""'"' 1m11"') of 1M f~ >hall lor

l~ DD.npaocd ....1hc .....,.em FOlII'aphocal um or .... A o _ It...... III \losl ...
11 "'• ••,. ...

I In IN..... 10 m~ !he ... ~ KCC,*b,hl) or die Ibnpamcwo Flu w 1ft ,hi.'
l ...." t _r.,._
YaM..., ' all
""'9 • 4. . v .. IlIl. _ _ b ~

~ 'in..... J. 1.I..d ".If - All ...... -.In'\.. _II • w.o. n•.., ID'Cl'

• .,_ • ....- P , _....,.-,~I.alrl_ ...

7 be put 0(" Ilaa oo Tho prncnll'"", IUId .........,nw:nllhm'ohhon be
I \OIIIb 1bo J..mJ"". . of!he llal • '1OI0 ("",.".."""

10 .....,_ ........ ~ _ _ "lIttn "'" '" 2 0 .._ . - . . ""lC1Id "" III

11 ll.22~ ~,Iomclcn III ..uln m,b) &om .... 10\0...11"'" """" of tho ~ II..,
I~ on: pulofdor A•• _ 0 " " - ' Jk9 a 0 ............. "".-01 ......
n .".. "",....,t.;t_of!lot"' .0"0......1 _

"15 \\'hcrl: 11 COItl'I_ local ...."'..,_ _ o f . Ib. . ' u l l ' " _ od~,

I' ............_ _ •• .., ........ _ _ "'. .. >lIoam; - ' ... tbcft.

17 Ill_ UOll,1oInnm. of"'lIIcn \Il' Ib\ beI"UJI1hml, .1.... ""UlII\ dlSWlt fhlnI
'I .... OJIIlIIIIlIII ~ ,blJl be 0 W>~ Iho Ibn... ~n v.UI:n 1DIl . .
I' ....,..,J .._ o f JocaJ ...'" '_

"II '>hould :he) be ... ,,,,,,'ed 1Iw. I!l<Tc thaIn lilli!) «:WI k,kmttcn hu, lest
II . . . jl:u~L'... .or_Iocl _OWIlc _ _ .. lloc.....,
21 oI .. l~kjo ., . .' of "c"., 1ll
If l!<morQlc ~ fiOO1Ihc IlIJlIJl.l'l'l<O "II"",

". I... ,-..aftef .......... o(. . a-.Ln .. l...-.JI...."_
' _ .....
l7 1I~ (;0.,,,.,,.,,, Jboll d _ :~:~:'...
:m... ;":' or die ..... of ehe
II Ilanpamom .... ~ "'""'all_ woo ") p' aDd """,,"hl"'5


I ..... _!i. C....d' •••'I .i.... - l1Ic pIO\'~ ( ....... _OCopalIlOCO I. . . . . .
"",I> of lhe
2 &DJ ~""" _ "nlll~ ,It ,.trllQf) shllll be 1110: <:of\>l"lJ<nl

, 'iCrioOI" C....,... II. ,"dor MiI:." eliIN- 1laat:J,I.............. "'"
~ ~np.,A"'_"""of"u....o.. o""bo~
I 'tlltlt 1\
~ M_'I:M" I'ttl'npu:s " " ffillCn:s

"II ........ I • .!wIf..(.....'...... H~ l.dwO<ft_IJI .. n.... kl...,tr~...

U IClf«tc.-nn'''''I<III, lhe 11.01''''"'''0''" 1$ r"", III putllI<: i\J ~,~. WlI: .. 1 ImI

II o:u!

'1 ponoc'r-te 'I' ,he polmCl" 1"'- M ""h.n Illi tcnlillr)

I' -"«. . . J. t:Irrtonl "'_ _ nor P • G l.ioo\u r __ .

lO dD:knl ••_ --w. .. " _ilCnU """ .",. a tldo 1.....

1.1 1Io1lltlC..,,,, pon",.__ COlC'llIItlI. (DmIlIl_ "r lIltt. pnnc,r>lcd polnal
u PI","S. ond "',,,.'" ICCu<lnLllh.hl)

H _ 0. • • Geo - . l . (.,.... • __ = ..
a n:5jH +.1., of <kacd cnil_ ......_ _ C"d_aIIIIIIIII1I)..,1I Ml
l.. l"""".... pranc'" null\an


I liIHdM 5. " ' - ~ lM). Ok e a a(;,,_ po
l .., P<*C-,...,ee ,n ........ ,..,..... ......... _ .....
J -'.-:dvJ_ ~Iho.....,.

•5 The 11alllW"""' .bHk:S b) lhI: pllIlClplo tIw the _'f)' ~ ",or." ...

6 1O\J1lWI""'1 of ftIllllOlal poll" 0IlhJllll tho 11) -':pkd pnn<1flb uf

1 ...... ,~ . . . ul*'la(Iho "rlllc ' C;1Q"poIqor~
, ...-bI) ,........1 11- -. _ __


""'_ '-I'.. r_ It."...
llI'm""""" ...... II r..tll _
l1lc D • 0lW........ dae .....

fortld,h". ",hoi II "'"..,.


" ,. - llJe llarllWfl<Jnl "'"II cs.. bllSh. ,o........ mmt ilia,

~Il<l. ~l.l Jurk,.

.............. C\'Cf) ell""" ...... lIoo as 'P"'<lll p"....d Iho t.", _1bcO_
IS ~ tIfIIlIIi_IlOD .. II" 5oc-.I J .a.u be po I .. all ,...,. II(

16 ••rll; ... r..:....ofldC .. D e ' ,uo

"ta <in1looo A. 1 1 T""11 "" \I~'IS. - Thc '*1 'WHO

\. Gu'""""",, wll ~ llDd -.l~ Il>IJI ",_,_I 1n:II1I•• IIIId ",.a",,,"
20 btniJ,nl "l"'" 1M (min] aa''mtltlfnl

" ,.-,
" [It!! O~ (,on.It"'I' r
" 1"0\\


1 , I. Mown," " ... ,.... ~ arc IIIIncn ,,"cr "bM:~

l I'ttaIJKd b) !be CCJllQJ liovmllnl::rJl ''he lmnJ

1)...:1 Jl'fl5dJC:l_ arc
C-_a 1 . . . nal::_ ........ .,IC.a.....

S 'on:,,., p:.ho


" ......1>en ICC.


IJ 'l'""'IJfIll"'"
"U 6 C _ lad .1Ir • ..,wiled It) ~ 2fIO~ NIlI;:Io: V ...... 8lt.s.:;
16 I....

1~ 1 ('011111_ .....\Cl IIId IIohoJ lrwlc, ptUvldcd llull 1""''''' III cnlCf inloJ
I. _ue ._, 1'''''' ... _ .ulM\l "'A 'lQS.I II IIacIP<o
za ~ ... lie e, .. (_a __ .. """*,,, • An.... \:11

II !M'el_23ofdll!lu.",1_ .-I

II • Ill....".;'. . ~ '.....

lS .....,_ 1. e..u ....... r r_..... - (;('IIIC_11'l"'"'" >IlalllTr", III "'I'l"'~
J~ )han,d bel......" I"" l cntnJ Uo\"U1lmen1 ond lIlc Il.anpamoro (io,,,,,,,...,nl "-'Illln
~7 1M Up. ., 00010 .. ,....odal ... 11 a..,,,, 1_
Jbc Can",1 <-=- oncI tIM: 8aIIpaInoroGo....""mcftl ~J1 QC1"ClK stwcd
l f"l"cr.i .",hm the Harp" 'b" "" lbc IOlloYo .... mr.llCft,

4 \0."" _ . . . . . 1lII: 9 . GO Gc»a ' ..,.. ~ ..

\ ...... _Ill JCCUl"1} and !""'SIOII ~>l<Tm alonpok ,'''' ~'JS.I'1lIl (emfll
, (.o-."I1,"'u """_1-...,,, ~ ~ '~311:m<

• llotH: •• (~.o =- ..... 1' , _' . . . . . . . .

• ...0.' I ~ ma:t.Itlm _n,. piICC "

• ""'II. _.lIlht~ eM"'" llul the In'''''''''''''' oflbc COllJ,ilw,lllOI< (1l>IIl thc
" _pcm_
.......Iom &0..111< u .
.~ .. "u. 1lll: lctllnl (;o..o ..""• .MlC>ll ""'"'''

rw (1Il1ft mo"".lllll of I/lC (cant Gm'Cl'Jlmctll "'<lCm .. II!I tho:

" lbnpamom (m..,.""",m "'lIh IUJIC<.'1 to ""'" ,"'.mmcm
" anpIu)_ ud Olha

hlled .In R • ..... tWl Ix

" ,.... ,.... oded rat don - - . l b ,.."....
" ~,1tIt

.. " •
f1lm: "
_Ill II
......... . . . <.-.1<>0
hocn:i» clQlcd In offoee (or qUIl''''''''''' len 11;0 m
~ -.l coonl_ .1dI •

" ,
lAlfli &6UJnIl"'"
.... 1q_ _
,he ............... (~I1IIl1C11~ '" ~
.~_tI(_(~{_a. : "L1h
1hoI1 ..............

n ___ .._::::U:":,1emlOn
Ill.. I"'flDoC 1lII: I\an~' lJOVOmme.,
~ '*-II _ b
11 fllmlSll ~ .. r,,,,, hlln.
" Ibd. _ ..lou b"I.-1> 10 Ibo ... k.lIUl tcnmoJ 00.............. """",.,.
" IkO • i"OGo>"'.'_~a:I"'- '

Prmlded. ........~_ tt.llhcl-.J (io\ . . .u .....n...- doealll!lorllJ to
I lla:louc lind OrOM JlllbIM: llornaln lot a1N:nabk and d,~hlt ond I!Jal ,ho:
J IIlIld IIlhjca of ........._ b~_

T1Ic ,I. e ,..... r....u..... mI) . ._ ,"'" . . 10 ~ more
• err-Ie""" "'1'1111111"" of Ialld> IOuhm I/Ic: llinpamoro
• 1'01,.._ c - . l -Tlc l <;o.u -.I . . P i a
• ( a oa <I0oI1 -.I <lDlIOll_ ..... Ihc
,0 111I "·cmmenlil "'....... mrclYnll'" "" poilu.... "",,'n>! """1<l'lI

Il 411-'. . . . . ' _ _ ,. ...c.... _ " . _ ~Ill

.1 ... ,' III n-. ..... ~ .. .., fl • "

It (0<»."""" ..., O'P"# II> ,",11 boilOft K. lIIaMn f1&Irb .nd

ha"""'"I"an prut<Cum and
~IOII LItaI ",II " ... ~ ~l"'cJ) "lllI

II ~ I'HWJIut.;o.-l_ _-.' _Tkl-.alljo\u ..'.... UlIldlc'... p ,u"

I' (,,,,,,,,,,menl IIISIUUl .... '"'-II and a>nnl0lll1< Ih"Kla/> I/Ic:
10 ~,._~_ . . Iho_of....-.poamIit_

II " '-."'''''' h _..-_" ....... c~ Tk

J;~ "" 5 _0 c~ _ otr"", IN! iJlall ............
II ponllc i).lmI and '1l'C'.'O'lC'lIIllho palll ofo.ccah," cltnll:llf:y III dill Of!kc'
I. oI'lhe ' ' ' "X111
" n" P a DC...... '-t ~ ......... )&lk. ..........- .

H ... <IIha r.:ilu... II .11 ....... doc "Omjllul!ll", o('1le5c 1lo:,llla
~11 lbc N11Ql\1l1 Joll 1lIllnlII'1Il<1ll .Illl pcnllC1lll8ry 'J'lm>. ,hmu,h tho

. . . . . .Uo.Ii..=I ...._ . . . -..... ThQc ""......... .., -*naDod II>

1 k I*t oflhc """"Uy"1 odm,n,W1I'''''' orJIIIII"',

• ,('m/Mrnr'r n..1> a ot-a I dop ' __
~ &1*1 (.. I",,01-.._-... III _ Ihr p""' pn,.kIIot_
• a"l tonl«...ned,..,......,. k.A 1'00 'IOS4.""',,1lIloaI P""ludocc III
1 the Jl!""n, ...!homy, -.>II dUI) of !he I\11lIolllll C,,,I J,cnoICC <':o,nml!>IOn

•• ~ .. ~m:M<d.B. oC"oIx..lClOotr..,. .......

It _ . . .=e=.~cnd>CO_-... 4 ' Ill . .
11 "","",. ~ and dol) of~ l\1li....1(1.'1 100 l n..
12 'IoIl1pamlWl> (ju''CI1ln'''ll1 ,luIlt """"'N "",I ~"'" Ill... for Ill.. pII'P'l$C
Il Ihll,"" ohall llIC coaduct 01 ~"id K 1M "lIalirlClll_ ro. _
.i do;tJ'c pouI-. _ _ ... 1 - . q _ 1...-::1 ~ ..

U ..,...-0: d""""". __ _ ""'_, _.~_

16 .... nod and .......Irolltd llIII'JIlft''''' ,"'wh dIancr<. III doc
11 Ilanll;!QWuu Ik Ran-..oroUo'trnmml,haIl hI.c PfI'lIM" d.... "'llIW\
.1 ............. <n'Cl' Ib ...... otfkoolt .......1...., _

ZI 1 Cm-,_J no.c-.!Gowa...........vcfll'*) ~II}

n ""'" -JIWd ~ The C--.l "'''Cli.''''. 'lid !be fllnparnoru

II (io'"CmmI:IlI WI) DCIOI'"ft" IIIIl coonl_~ Ih..... p 1M tnl.. ~nJaI

II rdol... 1nCdIu_

l~ • C "'Iff 1lIc e I _" <_0.'" Cen.1
1& l.itM:mmml .hllI caopnle ..... ODonhRlIC .h"",p ,he ml trnmmtll
11 rrilU~ mcd......." "lib I<'pnJ ... !hI! g1""""""," of~ lIftd ..,fT
la ""'..... ; hi_ ID ~ ... dktnc cun:.... 0( .. """""" ........

I JnIIk _ _ n ~ ... lIlI "'.";1 AN COIOIIU..... "~,, ••• he rqub"">n ""
I 1M ... tr, oflw...-", Ia Illc ~ 1CmIllf-.l,.lIdocuon

• • "'-_ "_'>(1"""'" A d m _ 01,..... tMll lit .. I<lDIlI1lancc
I ..'lib !hi: ~1c'''''II"'O'lt. ... pflh .. lIlllOll. 1. . . . . . .IIh,/"" rqard I" lhe

I"""CI1 of . .
9 •
""1'""1'< CO\III and
SMr... _
Illc """'~ (1/ the
-.I ... .\1IaI1 .......... n_ . ............

\0 F....", .. •01_""'·...... ..........,.,• ......,....

"u _ _~ 11ot{-_{ 11lr ..

lJ lb< fund"'" --=1I0Il Mll "'."n........, of nat""",1 .-bo. bnd,et

14 a>rpDn:J.-..... ... vnpl.... " _ . . . . 9 . _ _ 1_'. .
It ........... R...Il'cfwoart ..." ' _ ~,_ all_ ' -.1
14 ~ .. lhrr'" L ,...u Tlocrc "-II he ~ ... Ilmlup ..
11 '1t\CfJO\1:fImICfl1l.1 ",1.1_ mcchan bel,..,,,,, lhe ",lc'lIl1t Call..l

Goo...' ...,

........ 0

_of_ '

IUIO Goo ""'"• . . ,
110 'I
00 lIw C_I

II ..... Bull M.... (;0_. . . . ,loLIl .......... prnplAls .. tIoo ...."""_
11 eM ''''0 1F'C)1fur" '_l1li _ _ 01 ....
~l _"'- !lIoItFI1bII . . be MlboaIllC'd III C-.....,. rar
n Jro:/wm II lbe Coenenl AI'I"t'P"hOl'll A<1 ~uDdtn. (", Rlh'....) ..-.l>,
14 til I, ............ , ) _ . - 0 bo IqIdori) Ie' .I III 1M to:k>. .
17 de,. 'or..c·_.U......


I Ilt_nn....-.-Md ...4._'.. lloc R • _o~,.,_

l "'all IwI.'c pl'lnlllr} ~'b'J~' <»''''' d "" ~~ red""'''''' ond

J ~l "uh.. ,"" IJM....,..,... 1'llcnl 11 he Qllll'mltDl ....
4 _d__ l-_ (ioo,UiW._ _ e "
, (jqoa , ' 'M -.I , Iloln ..
• Iliad» <:mIlCICl • ~ 0 - Rs 1I.~ .... M • Ic.M
1 t'lll,,,,,,d \lmKIIJoK).....,111 """,en and rUncl""'" ilia. 'hall boo defined b) It.:
• IWtpamom Parha",eal .. " ." .. dial..,. ~ ond I'I$poa!oC 11M:
• OOllR.\k. iMll _ e. .0 .-.... Ilol'. II. t _-.t
II \1 a lldosWl it '.., ....... 0-...11.
I' R(CIucoon ...t,.. s """1 h.~ ond PlI~ or .... Cain!
U (io'm1"'c,u AddIl .....II) 1M llI)IlRI>K-. IhrDo.lsh ,.. C'twr tho Chid

lJ \l ..... ,~'n" 'lOdwPta. . . . . mobo.L(a...... n { _ o I
--'..........'-_lI.MIIn. _l"'.... • ,._~

"II ........ J. I:ut..... f'.....~ ..... _ hd...."" 1""''''' ..........1Cf\ .....,. .. hod!

17 lIIllhofuv lIIIIlu'/1W""1011 <1Ial1!l"fU1JI 10 tho Uanlt"lmor<l Go""mmall '''''

I' 0 a• o(io.a..... .a...,cu:n:_doao:P""'U" ....... dlclOlboo. . ..-..
10 0'.. G

II I """",It".... h,~ -.llixd -"'A).

U l- '_llOoMo;oIIbnlrtoJ....,.

IS ) (....-.:t " - . cmIe -..l 0IlIc0" bins <:I ,I • I .,m ....
I. f"''C"""",,, ~ "".-.le hanl and lllhcf Icndml '.... UUIKIIIS. CIC<f1l lhoK

17 ""lUll .... _c""JD a--I). "hol:h n:qUft l'carral {.o",,'"""""l! IIppnMII


I • 1 mduslr). I~"~ mlerpr1W\ Iftd oqulo'"", ofblrsmcsaa "',n,

I o~"'" rck:........... ~
i 't..obur ~--.. ... __.,_.
b • MC."'lIII'IOn ur huillltSt _ '''''h J/Ic, l!o'"" ''''"0 (""".. ,nil,"" ' ' '1\1
1 !hew .. "1'tI~.,.,..e 1IMIa:o.. Rq$r) "" ""'_ _,

It 7 llano"rwkandODUllll:ftnlk .... A.~I"N_.

II I. 1'.<:-=_....' oel-...
Il ' f r r r t't'IY, lk &'......... 0 (io\Tmm<nl1M) o:<UIbIlO!l ffu pom m 1M
" l~ ThclJanpamomGo'nnmc:nl""~"' .. IlhIlw(.;_1
" e-u _ ..... 0 I rdol_ . . ' 011

•• u_, _ lUf . . . _ _ - ' """""'. . . . . .

17 n... ,_1JId odICf cnte~ Ql'<nIIIlJ ,,,,II,," Ihf: I:b...... moro (I<'<" pans
,. lhall lit enlll"" III . . fllal _,...,. _ otlocr lM:-.:fib lWI1"oJcd lr, IIlr
\, ("e.tnlGcna "'~~IC.-o B a olia~""

11 _~, .....Id}"''''"'''lCIIpOI1'''uplfI ...IlII.lhee, uu<

"Ll loT...........

~. II(ral_~~al~~ T1Io:B • o"'"'Go_ _.......)pb.
H !roo') cralm')llIIOCli 0\ rn""lK: uc<:pllholc .. hol:h ~ linda It.: Canral
l6 (.;(n~ .. n=IJCof,,,_<:m:lJ'l0' wdl.lM_ ...... 1 0 _
J' "" ; .'Ieo........ ..,....'·· hlp


I u,,,.. n •• ""hou' IRJudoa: Iu Ihc p""u "r

1J f....-ouI.-J.IooI ...
4 ,"","",_of. . u.d.ox..l "" 1'I1...-1OSI"I-.I ..... .w ......
~ ....... 8 • G llO'a . - ItSP..... DljW oil ~_

• tlllll-), oad . . -.u-I c _ .. MIIJI"" I'J'J""OI t'IC."!>lf)"",,"

1 JO,n,lr fII'l"\'IOI( tile t1t""lopm<m Gf rhe •• Iom'" Iloonk,nl <)1'om. III lIICludc
I ...-. 0IIIc0 IIE~"--" of •.'i:o\olr. lll-..pml....... boud.

II I4E tf t .. II{..... n • •. : . , . , . DAd _ ...

II luO(·C~11Mdrw--1dI .....1........, Iller IiMZ ' ....0 """<'f U

1~ 101."10.. and 1rnplcTnc:n1 lh< .""" .... of ,I> ""11 Gote. III tile I"'r<UlI of lh<:
1J ......_ JOOll }«t III • HlIl) 1lIoc GOt.:( • oJoalI bio

u ","' al .,.,...... ... F.. ' • C _
.. c..o.u
...... k

11 1$11Ic llonpamoro (Joo,011ImCIlI .... u hi,••ul!lonr. w re,ulll' po.....

II .......-... -.I d,,"",-_ ~. . c::u:t.,....... ....,

H nnsm........ p1d. Ihc Central Go:n'''''k'. ... 1M !low.....",,'"

... rdoI_ _ ' __

l 161'liioi..· ","uors "1''''''_ '" tJw s....,,, .0 - ID caw "r allCr-fql:-.ol
J 1IbIII_ ..... oWl k ; "'"- - ' _ ' _ --. _ m..._

6 17 Itccc,"' ...... ~ and~.

• IIEdKM_ ..............
10 19 '>c.".,. IIlIl ""'/IIloIoo.
"l' 21 C"llur~ 1IIIl1M1~

.6 H.'ipono __

" Zl JU:I..... ,~ I>rJlll"C'\ lIIld...-..... op:m __ .. ,lll., the Ra.....• ,uiI

..._._",. r-..I ' . ,......

11 Elooo_ _ oLoou'd.... u.n Mft .... 1'0"'" Il>l$IIbl."a, ... _ ~

U and m_ _. ifill del:lan: hl5lorlClll """ (u!lural .11"" ""hm the

l' 8anpaImDro~ t1lcl..... Go>a ........ wUma. . . _ ......
H of oa:lI ..... -4cr . . , . , 1_ 01 .... "'--J " ' - -
u ,........ lltUnncll C................ . . . . . . ....-a 01 \lot C__l
:6 (il"'Cf""IO:<I~ bill >!loll roonhnal' "·'lh Ihe IWlJAl!'l'fO ao.·cmmonl or
u klcaI .... 0 . . .'"" ....... folio...... CCl1IOIl p' ~ ....
CmlnIl Lo>..,.""""" "" lbo '''IulahOll, """' ...,""'. j_a<rl1u_. IIId
I """"",,,"'" at cul,..,.1 properuct., . . .eUas .. 1Iw neG\'Cry 0(10;1 h~1QI1
J -.l aIINnl ."r-.

5 IS RCIJI'l.l11ODS llII IIWIUIill:IWC IIId d.. nibol'lm .... f (ODd•• 1Innu. ctn.p and
• ~ iIt tIIc .... Ifan: of IX ~
• It. II. - ' t..... Tk liaS ,.... Cooa". . . . . . . . .e pnnIU"j
~ JumdOC'd'" ",'n IfUJJ • ...1 f '..rQIl ""'""" .rrm.~II'II&r'"'"from .. ,tt,," lllt
\0 IJanparnaru Tho CCIllllll G<r.CIIlIIIr1d ••l1li11 loon c:on~.....""" O'u IIIIJI IlIld
.1 -...ffcaIoIt; .. _ ...... tn. _ _
f ...... e. a
U Tkft .. ~ aaIaI. 9 • ..0 ",1PWMfO ) , Kl II
Il .1oM <'00111111111"'" "nil (clltnol Gmcoun<n1 hqp and_nit INI,m
H .,ohllllofficet_ . . . _.x_H '.....

"\. lH...1MW) I.."


41lrcw.- ofl'

1" AaccsInIl ..... _

S '000 h"h.)~

- . . """""""'.

U .. rn-:c_ II" np.a 0( 1M -.I. . . . .,.... p,. • ....
U • .. li-''''-llIldoo_ R ....-Iwt._
14 ~ _ ml ...O - . u II 8dIlu_ 'OC<."<Jll<lmfl; and ..... """ICIII
n Cl1te,... thea Indl"ldWlI
and comm ..... ' flhlJK'"} ..11m. cahu"! "'lCIU\_

Ii ... -."mc. .. _..., __ 1.-1..-


Implcmenl the lDnpam<>ro 1"'\'I"'1I1!I f(. I"" ,nd~OIIt J!tl'lllt. 1II
z ~ .. ,d1 ..... .-..t "" .... Pw1-. "Iu<h.-e'" ....
l . . . . . . " '. . . . " ' - l ... ~

J1 J.-J 1IIUItQ#_
btd t/u.. ,I>w_ ..
TIll: c... ~ of poobI.. IImI _

'-' . . .
t' ...
7 d""P'" N, .......... be' w- .... -.1 _ ••, t ''''' .... o-p u.
B (......,.,.."., 10 1M I'rc:'iodclll for the llmCly ,ml'lcmenlllUOllllf llallpamoo>
t ~lopmc.,......Md ........

II U_C~ I.Md _ _ Tho H.onpomoro (,;,na.....' olIall ..... dIt
1< IUlhonn W coadlKt adwrll.u,,'e)'S. kM ...... "YO ond ISObucd IUId ",""II.!
IJ I.l1O. . . . . . . . 0
., _\
,. l1w H. -o(""u=_ 110< _ _ ttl ............ IG.
IS ODd ao1l ...1C "'th. "'..", ('entnJ (iovcmmtnl aamcl<lS 10 dfcc.
II> ,,,,,1..._ lIIlt1 ......... ~ I .....q,

", . uLqlnlpw .........

U "''''':"::':_
co , _ ,..b.
ThoM: :fo~~::~4I:_~'.::':JJI,* -. ".'_ -'
.(ieIu_ .........., • • •, .
:. pnllCCl . . . . . . . . . . I"" CfI. . . . . ' ..m
h "'"II U'l' Ibc !lO"'.... 10
l.J Mtun: =crws IIIlIl "'1"*" n:-ocn.""",_
~ f<ltCSb, . . . \011~

l4 0llkr~""_.""1) & da,

l6 1$ r.WId ..."""... Ill' ..."pllOll.

"1I '................

1 J1 M"" , ".,1Il. ,.,"'...... UId _ _ of all fls/Icry. n_ _ ~l"
J _ ,"0_" II t '''''0 ...,...tJ...... ~_
, ,.11 .....u ~

• ,~ ~ "" _ ..... !ijw" dt ~ .,.,...,...

, 4<1 ......." .........' ..1001'1_ ~ r.. lbf: &4 "" ...
II. 41 lbolllo. ....... 1Ikd .... IlIot t.-.l Go'd $ Ilw 9 . 0
II (;,,,a •• _1 oholICllll>pOfW .. nII ... _ .. CIIdI ~".,......_ ..
12 oonln>l or tfIl1lcn•., ond otlICI' a:mm"nocable dl>l:aSC'.

" U """oal
\t """lCa. - . I _ I r . r . ct.1locs,

I'" illlo_~

",I. "
'" tS

Idcanr _.
..... "'~"1lIlI 0("""-_)Cf'>1CU and ...... "111-.

_ .......~CIl-.--.. _
II few ~ M' _ ......" """.1£> ,,""""U die _ ........ Ihe
a 11llnl!'A"IDfo. rM C tnIl G"'~fIlIMnI ohaoIJ cooperalC .. 'lh aDll _til IlIc
U e.. -ot.l>a . . _ _ AdIIdo __


•_ _ ........ _ - . . . . . ' ........ _ '

,. L.............. ot IWfI'#!r.......-I ... c..... l c - .


".8 ., /t..1JoII olfote r.. _ b o h l t " pm I>ftllc ......., ""Jill'" J)~



lOrwardod"'dIc"il..... W-_ . ·
• 8 1IC1..UII ...... of fI,nh:oi. _n"'F'. and lkoolM, ""P"'" of ..1\0::11 """II be!

" 49 I"""'... and lwl""" 0Cll1cmmlJ".

t 'ill Dove' ; l1oc" I' 0 <..", ..... FO""C" ..
7 apprm'O n. do=-odupo , plu ",lIod1 ..... be. ~ 10 Ibc PIIi"l'P'lIC
8 l""dopman I""".

• 51 l'.... .., . . . ....,••, _ .

Ii ~ llU suppla Oftll _ llood _Irol llIld ,mph"" 5 " - ,n tbc
U p' • • JIft"'" teI""I III _ ... ;''''' o<a,. flood
14 ompl_ ~ .. ~ III (If rn.m lill:ol _de ...
IS H ohen: ,hall be CCIOpCral"'" and coonl.... n"" bcl"-ce:n II...
" H • 'DO Gcro...._ ... dIc ......... _ <:-.1 .. l0l:.I IfII"••_ -



nPlobl", ..-orb_.""".'~"IIh.Ilor". "0.

II n l.-bI~ or appo...... .....:....... 1OI_IOOImli r....._ and
l2 ,.".......11<ml_wos.

H S4 \pcaal ",,,,,_b ud II... fur .._ >"""'-" ddnl),
H ,,11m. I!le ~,rrcntlll' bk'd .rld lIld'~ ,ulnnl <;t ,,!M:J;

"n ss Uit._ ..... PI' -po ... (IIIw; loaM _ ' hid

1lI ItftIIldmK 'M cn<>r_ of /«tIJ ..-r~'J rM E1.....'""'"

1 Uo\C''''''''1M """I .......... and b1111d llI_n b.m"",aX).nd 1IIm"'..... II'-C
1 ......lllUlOII ... ~ ..Ilh Ib< "'..... _1 r.,..., ...r",.........-.
• no. 9 • _0 h r t _ .., ~ lin ............ ahobotI
~ ""-dafon of _,nco. clllet. mllll .. 'poJ" .... 01 t.nalP)" III 1O::llnl."""
6 "M ..... -'cd 11) !be l""'pamnro Parl-. ond ~ II> tile
1 "A'ftl'alb).~or _ _ ...... l.' -.""pol...,.j_
• linal} aIfcacd ~ .. _ co-. 1"""...... • 1alII... !IIc:

~ ~ '''''1_ may "~C"'ic: c....,e 'JII'ifOI'OIIle IooIllOmnrnml

10 IIftIlf III !he __ ............ pn:dom-..n '" 1IkI,..,...,...~.

II ''-au........... _ . .ft_aal_ol. _,. · ...'dl>lr1a,. . .
II llanpamom (.... t:nIIllnIl wll ",,~I<: .I'd c""nhn...... ull c...,.. 1
l~ UO.u,....... t/In>lI.III . . 1'1101""""" lORlU'Q1O !kaT _O,'W,_
It f_lI>pNn...... 10" _ ..... aaI_ol_ • _,
I. ciIslnd.-.I

"III 56 ~ Ill' .,...,_ of odocr _ , _ po!o>lCI IOld ..... "" the

.,""'linol'" ~ _ . 8'. .,_ _•
"H N<coo. 4. Othor t:.. lo,ht r.". ...... The foll''''IIIII''''''''''' Ind oon'lI"ltnClCI
U l"''''''''I\ ......1al 10"'" \ _ Rqoon III '1....... {AR.\'\l'

,. _It ,
.' .... Il.A />(l &1l<l •
OOGo>.. _
to 'II) R" 1';(1 ~ _.......,.
. . . . ..,ol ... .,..,..."'1"O""""
r hod II>

'h & To ~ ud DoreNe aodooo •• ......, r"",. ~'d)

nI ....ncn ~ If........, >UWIl} ........-..1


II To pnx...... lIalC of I'll.n'l) O>t/f I!lo ... ~ ,..."". . ur ~
1 ~f",bmc •..,. 1)'pho\lIlJ, Ii&>h t\oo<b, canlKj~ ISUnmllj, or odI<:r
I calualloe< .......... ' 1 ...................- life III
• _ Tk _ fJI '1' t\"""".-d .. lIo:
S "1.._ wi, "" lOr lIo< ~ or_ ........ 1Ilc clforb 11>_
6 Ilnpc:,,1al pcnoII) ond l'fIIIII"'Iy.nd the "'red"""'. rclla"'hlll"'" ", the
1 dow, • ''''''".

• .. r.....4....1) ~ ........ Il-a:l . . . . . oI-> pm_I)~_"""1<
10 ""Ill) Of bIts,no<M .lrcaed .. IIh publIC mlCfat. III II""" or5lIIlC ofcalamI!)
II d<cllln:d II) ,be ('il..r MllI_' ,,11m !be public: .._ "" ""'l"'''"'' lIIlIl
Il ....... - '1L _ _ ..c s ... ~_ ..... ~_

,.. ..._ It....."... 1M 9 • ,GO ljo••a ..... _ tell ..

\4 dtJflO'C of Ihc _ of -t pr"lII"h.."..., pub!", IIldOl) or .........,
l~ .rrOC1<'1! ",ib JIIIblll' ",,<:tal durlll, "'''mp<:nI) IIIU.o..., The ""bl",
II lIIdll)" "'.. • CObCbIM>d ) coaRIlW..u-Uo( _1')
17 _9 (_co 1iI. . . _ ~ . ~ _
I' (..,or~ ..
ill • T0"""'P""-..:t.." • ....a_IP"" ..... ul ......... ~I1'1"••
n !II) .... . - .,........ lei ....,.,.. .. .".w.:al afr _
U pcu_b' ! ....... pen<ldof ... IIOI~fi.-
U "'" dTOC11") "rlhb u.", ;.... Thc pmccd= r", JlIlI",1lI.I .ffirmal..... of
H ""pori.,,:! "tlos ....... "'...11...........u... I. . . fl'Xllahlo:. ~ IU Ihc
15 ,;.loaolalr_of'Idb""-" __

17 • To Miolll..t "'4110:"""'1' CllI'IPldlcft",,, ...... land ",lto"Irlud land_

28 pnlIIVIl. III mwrc "'" JII!ll 11111 ...._ uf IMdo .. ,lI"n 'Ii juos.llChOll,
J 1M- &nlJillnloro l'arhllll1<Jl1 ~bf,ll h....; Ihc rotkno on, ""-..
• To_lo oI'lIwpcoplcotklh. ,aOIO
s __ _............. 0I1qO':11 of ......... '"
" """'-l ......._. ... he _..... ... ..-.. ... "ll<a . , .
7 cn"""'"11C''''. 10 adl r.. " rdnmdum WI ,ml'"nll'" _ Itr<C11Il1
I their II •..", and, III I'IlCI.II ' .. ~ or local orr.,....

\0 1 T.. " , ...... ,.,Noc t _ .... 01'11. . . . . .
II ~ ..Ilh .. no"" hi aaoooa_lbanllll II ihIllllon the
11 1"'''''' 10 01_ ,~"" 01 ••" - <hIc:u ".,._ 10 eomptl lhe:
U IIncndllnl:c of " " _ ..... tbc P""l l.... or lJIIXn. docWlOUti, ...
,. *-a> boo .. _ or s-:r- - . .........- by" " - ' -
I~ IIlId( or too .... of. n 111 .MIl _ " .:.
,. . . _ or ~ ~ . .l... for QDII fnr rtr..110
17 ICOlJf. IM:r"", A \II' lItr 110)' .. r its cum.lIIll«l or J<> prod""" ~pcn.
II docIarnmIs or III on:d II, ... " - 1 _ or _ or b
I' __ Tk'" <11....- ~..-. . . . . aIlttter;l 1ft _.
10 l otS ..... hc ..... ,,01

" or lilt
H l To ena<1 II II .. IhII "oolJ .,""' 11M: ('11111:( Mm..lcr \pCllkr;r
13 Puh..",,,• .-llhc. ~ ... JIN_ of,,,,, 8uIpamoro.'OWtaA
(:_10 . ._ ... _ •• 8 ; ' . .0(................. _ _ _
U la.. "' . . .........,.,." olr.II;Q &0. ••-.p . . . . _.,('Ihnf

~. ~ . ""l'I""P'--,

4 To e.-:I. ' - .... .utI . .\ale IK .... ttl {.-:hton ...

J 00IlC0._ W em""",a' lhe O'..-fM....1eI10 Jf1lIlI IaoeJ. pttm~~

1 1IIll1""'""' ........nnilunlllndo Md mr r _ .... pat Ii""••

I b 10 nYIllO$h InIJ ..".,...., ~ publoc uuln,., m the "",ral ur
• 1q~ .. dlMlt_h.c~ t po8p.'j_of.t-" 4 '__ . ,
10 _ ......... ol h.ol-tollllllllc>... _

II oolk.;I.." . " . . . - - ,

I] l lo~lIIllcncoolfaFlbcbol,kl"'''I'utmnp' _ _ 1al~, '"
•• .. P a 1 ~ «IGjiC'.ftC'

"16 In.pen_''' "_I""'__ 1IC1oooh 1ft the e • ''''0 oN 10 ..10>0


., """"" .. .............
l'. .
("" II>< 1*'11l;'palOOll Drill.....
ck~hmIl.... Clf" . . , . . . . _
el) ~111"'" O{I"' ....'O ICho.""~ m (110

Go>.1 'I InIlllSm 01'

II Ir.
~ . .....-~

To "" 'CpLWntal .. theboanll'ftheJ_ ...,......... 1I8d coileJesiSll(l1

11 In the IlMtpamoro 1»' the Cho" ",f tIIo 1f'IlIUP""'1C almmlu.,. "r lhe
13 Fl • ...... r..t-. CIIbn .. c.dIu .. COo• ..., dlllr 1111: Sl ....
H . _ .. U i , . . "" ~lool...,aII_I', '"
lS ~ ,,,_,"_ n. _.u...d. . . . . . 'Lei shill ell""
16 -'muc fnxdom MIl 1KaII"'1~ ond JIaIl ,",lUlu<: Iu 1M: ..,.'C1tIC!d

IJ bv th<" ~pcdl"" C"*"'"
I To ,.,mll) IUpm .... ond tiSlK ."" tlOlllnll (J4,,-emmml, lllruush ,/Icc
l 4 ••""....._ ..,~ ......... 1hc1l • .".

, ~l.b.I~. .... __......_ ... _H • 'Doaloall_.,-.
• 7 • To ~ _ III pmlCCl IUId I'f'U"IOl< .,., nall'l of p«>pIe'.

• .......nll..-lIIIlI odin collca,,·c lIfJUlta''''

10 • To..... , u ........ ....-s_..,._~ _H .. ,-_olfld
II 1M promoIIOO or tile• ...-tIl."" IUId ,,, ........ 1M ~I<: "fr"",.lId
.......... ' _ b .....";'__'• ••_~. _ _
14 ~ 1" enf~ !he polle)' of.lf'l'Omtmml lll' """'IP'II"'" Oran) """""'" "f,I>I:
IS Anncd ~oras oflbc l"'~",_ _ IbeKl"'" ~_ID' .""~_ "",I_
•• • l! t 0 <-au _ ..... ...eo __ • ..--
., ~ . . . ._Of "'..., of me. ~odAlflC$llf _ h i " ' "
II .. nhm!be Boopunoro

" \nlrlt \ I
" ., ft:llGO\'F.R,\Ir...., \1. Rn.. \T10'~

Z~ !)orr,... I. h) •••lrk W.IoIlM.II.Ip.. Tho n:lM. . ,."p bcfoI,ccn!be Lalnl
" "'_.u
__ *' ...... H . " Gl>-a. . . . . . . be ..' I... Tb IIlo

Z1 rt""",,,,",,fWm>opll_oflhc. Ba. _""""'I). nlhnr ......... ""

II .. If''''\'mWIn<:e nil. maI.elI " dOSILllCl OllIe. "'JIOM and OIlICf kx:lll

: '-H!I<NI L I'.ril, ott .:"IU*, Ik r mol (""cr..,...~ Illd !be ~
(j,m,a._ hc ........... _ ol~fJI __ • , '
• _ ""'...'" .w"""f'OCl_e:-_of
S QIII1I""MC"" aad ,",chd;"" _en of .he ~ .. lJOYUnmou 1h1:
I Ilaapmaru Grn-cmmmI JIIaII rap«! Ih: """1\"'" of Ihc c<ll,,,,,,loCk"" IIld
1 .-.-IlJO""tftoflllo:C-.!(....... • -'<r..,~ .... ~_ IM:' . , _
I <: __

'0 Mtoo. J. ('. .. ~"'.....""";WM. <.:_ _ ,,1IJI1bc pr1DClpIo of"'_'1\ IIIlIl
II . . .) $ iC IdIIl.- of .. t-..J (;,0"" . . . . . '" a 0
II l..,.a : 1M I'm;" ....1 ncK.e ..-aI ..,..,._ .........
U llanplmoroGo•.."....... IU........, lhAlla.. ~ OR: lillmfull) OOl:II1ed

I' (_a 1'laj: _oC;""'llllhl ..... moclIM........
17 b'!lI>eol tha1 .,,11 coordlllllC ond IuormonIlC 1111<" rdal'lJ<I""'" I Qr IhIJ
II """""'" I pnmao mcdlIn_ ilIaII k. CtlllRl u.o... :- ~
I' (;00,.. :....... 'lIdo'_ Ik!d) II> --'c _ _
lb ......... " IT..... All d...... -.l ..... rdIt. . III ...,
1I ,"lC1~rnenlll"''''111M okalJ be ,.,."hed lhmulJl..,plar _nallllR:S and
u <:on.................._ ... -..1,........ - . . .
If TK' ........,.... wl 11..._ fbh,. • • ~ all _ ID IaDhc all
n ....- bruushl bofett II Unraoh-cd '"'_ ,hall Ill! c1e."ah!d In Ih: l'rflldml.
U Ibrvo&Ih dlIl:(hrlM.....

II 110c 1.:......., 00>0,.........., ~, "p CeanI
l~ ('_'mUtI<1tI IlIc llon~ ('.o.'nnmml sIIoll hi, MI""' <hall .I.,

1 .. ,t,," bod). '''''-'"1 1M Dan,,,,,,,,,,,, (......mmau 111<: bod) Jhall II<

z $<4lIl<" "'" II) • "... j(Q . . . .

.,...,ricNo ~ C...<il of I........... lloc ,GO l_oI 01' l.adc:n WIt
con.... p( ,he lll",( "'UI$ICl' pomlJlC" JIl~ lIII)-ur1 ofdlllrwmJ "loa.

•, ... It,...............
..a "-.....

llocP a .. (_dof~tMII
... _ Wtdn

• ~ b) the th",r M'n...... 11Ic: COUMlI ""'" oduw ,he Ch",r M,n-. on

• rnaao:n. of .... . . - .. Iho= ,''''''-'' The "O' ., <>f. . --"1«0

'a "'I,,",pw IOWoo , ...........',..._
" po -
" ."'" rncdoM_ of .., _ .." ~ of lOP=- """"eo . . . . .
do:... ' ..... , . .
" Melias •. flot.ol.t1oo ud .... b<ldlllnl). ,.... CmInIJ Go'U'OI••' - ' lhc
" ~ of ..,
" M, 0 ("",. $ '"""" . .

III II< III"" _ """'111

" p i . $' til , ....-.1) OQ; _
emu.. publIC oa;ounlllbihl) llIllI ,....,pumI;y. and .. con.oderal"", of plOIl
.,.cn_",", MIl...,..,.....'_11ift
" "nllooo~. 8& <'_ .... _., 'H'" (· 'il ILAn' (A>r ..._ . ,
" I .lu. - , 1l11,Q..,itlIh,,,,,, ) -.wi ICOIlIoph",..-
" "'.....u ~
IIIO"lrKU. (11..,.

.. bt..,_· '_0("'''' • n,,.. t

" 1lI"'P.OI*_om; .......... U&nf/l . . locaI


"" ' ......'oed ",lIl.. "'" Inn" <>fllllo IIM.",""" Thc I_I (;,,'etnlnCm l'n'b ....11
CO-l_ ,0 "'<1C1>Il Ibc _ _ panllld III 1krlI.,. fWO.-doJ b\ ... for pIOIl
" p.. • ..... S w""'-.-, _ . 1.oo;:aI Go_ CCIlk

"'~l"'. I. "~lllppi.~ ~ ... ~ ........ Ilntum,,", ...rllomnl .'...... - 1lJw:
l .MIl boo • PII~'P!'_ C • LSi 11al'. .....0 Pw'- f~ ror e-f'OICS or
"""""'__ t M_or"'n~_ ...

'>KIlo. , ...... pa .............. l<lplId... I. 1-·...... 1 G.... r._.~
... pol..:, g('" C.-.I (;oo,u..._ II> . . . , .
1, nil be

, 't l~ or ... 9. lAO. dot oIJi<a • . . C-.a

• (~ II ~1_Cll('."-"'~,.t <lno: (11 ...... loflhc:

• ....... dcputmmb. mr...... end bumI-. hold'"l ~otlIl"~, I'""*i/\ conr""""l1l

II 1IItloI>-........ ~..........,....-, ... _(llc: ...
II <Jf. . _--ahod..,.

"l' Tho ,......, ' .... .,( ... ::":_:::';_:':":-__ .....1 he (_.r h t
"......... ....0 'reta- n-
..... '10.1. ..0....... fGoo ... __ 1. !lie p"".l"lofJD"C'l'l'lC'llWllIl be ,ftkd
, ... 9, 0","' .. llIdllJiolll~"'fI'l"'U1"'~"
", cuI).-d B-.:1_ . _ . mbe-_ t ''''

• .... """"" _a, II1II lIneh, I of fl... 00'" II WI. toet pol",....
7 1t.~laI<l (lII I1\IInm. ..·nll," n. IUIlhofll) 1 .1«1. ell",r MUlIMCf ..1Kl wi.
• c:.'U:n'''''' _ ..~...nun, .. lIS lxIII'f

10 ....._ J. l.q:..ul... ,.,......., .• no: ~ P . l _ ........~ Iloc
11 outhonlj'" CIIIl<1 II.. ~ .. InIIlICn IhaI ..., .. ,th.. Iho """'.., lIIlII wml'"'<*:_
12 (If 1lll! I~ c;",,,mmcnl

I. "'"_ .... ,:-.11\. \••MriI).-11w...-n• •_1IId •• .w.
I' ~ ... wt·...-.. " h d " ""~~ .('lodM_ 0..-0.",(
16 1>1_ ..'ho ~ .... m.. ~l p'ilU""" 0( Ihc flaM' 100000 dial. ""
11 d"clC.'ll b~ I n'llJOI'Il) O'(JIC IIr 1M h,hllmml from """'" 'II mcmbcn

\. he C'lIoc:( M _ 10IlIll . . . - . . 0qIiIl) Ox( \ 1 _ 1M
l\I "k:mbc>.,.ofPwt-..... 7 .o(. . l·........ ~ o oUIl
21 .bo_&tlml!lef'

lJ ""......... 1":0. . _.1
" "oK""" 50 (·_....1'-._ floc:
l-~ " - 1 _ sllall .... ~ o(.ll:a>t~
l6 ''''''I mcmhcf), ..ill, ~ "1....... ~u.'C$ (II pollilCl! "''''0 ~ Ib"",p •
Z7 t)"""" "r propotllOllal ~W""'. t'-.1«Ial from .. np: member daslIo.:"
1I III ........... _ 101 Ie.. . k<, -'cIft . . . 8...._ _.4. ~ •

•~ IIC fl'O'odcIIl..scr . . -\tiio;k

1 M<_" < .... "..." , .... .r IM Sho.. lloe _ • dot

, a t =o,..._...... ""~........'.'_.'..........

~ 111 f)uvIt:' ~ lon" ~n"~l "rlllt M~~ ofl'allwnmt shall
• "" riccI<d """" -...IIcr pori ) ...... ~ fIlr . .
1 __ _ ...... !dod . . . . Af'IlC'IW' of_ BaA: 1_

10_._... lOP
I . Am; 'iON l~ ..... II' ....
I, _0(
~ . . . . . .

II f1&s .." ...._

11 floc <1$"" _,_ ..U be doI:lOd ~ dntt.......hI) . _

14 "'''Il' .-n . . . pIIfl_ .d= lUI

"l' III P..-n RqinMnlUlwu. - fiR, pofUlII(W"I.j<>flhtMcmbct5(lfP",hlmm.

11 ...... bo .... ,_ of 'lOb..:.. r-toa ...110 ... _ qw-
If (I(~.... _'--1_"."0 •• a ~

\. "-1... !holl SlIbmn !he.. ~"" list of 1!'P'O''Od . .Ida"", 1"'''' IIllht
LO cb:_

"U III fk--' .~, .... 11»'" ..._ '*"

U <;QIblll"''''S IdI ""'''''Ill t H~.lllr 1M Mcmb<n or "",h.m"n~ "",Iud",.
l' """ 01_ .... _..u far ............ nt...- co _ ...

II Mftlor __ .... -.)'08Ill. ndJl~ ......

Z6 .nail ....dl "*. 1'l!loC1\-ed _
"1II n... n : ,.0 " - i _ *-""-" .. _ of..... !If >ea:nJ
~ ... 0IIIer ..I" ~

l !kI. 1. UK'.... ror MDf'n'od ....... 'or ' ...·\10.... r.dlluo•• I'.......,..
1 ........a..... ':I .. '.. _-.....d_rar .... _
• \4onI,,_, " ...... r........ I t r- 1)0' _ M ,l'(I

5 11'",,"n.lId Ill Ube"..nwanl1O tile.. ~ Ill",.. and IIIlIIB.... ~

• ~ tIMed do< IOlImo "'I

• & ~or _ _') .. ~_~_,

10 b ~ <II' =... 1IuLI.J1II1.
" < ~ of. . 0"_ _" "
"14 d. ,..,tus"lI) MIl liIU 1""l1C1pal__
"\. . Il.o:... ... 0(", c:ollm,m", . . . ._ or _\....
11 1IIlI''''''''''''IlC''JIIIn.

" _ _0'..
111\ _w.....·...... O£,·.'...._ F\JMal ...........

n I r....~-.lIUld ...""...II1).and
1 b ( ..........

IS Mt'lloto ll. .:1«."'. Dhb. Mrl'""".I.Ih ... "rill....."k..... \\ ........ \ ""lh .. II
li I'ndlt.....II.....d...... · I10c o...PMIOfV T_t_"w~) /UIAllballdtfboe
l7 .. _ ol.".",... ........ '.... _ of... -s.n.. _,..,-lL-.I
1lI .... ,~ .......

Mft_'. RoVouJ P....1to.. -A """ and ,,,,,,,, ..p>nal r-rt) o)OolCrn JhlIl be:
l alkwod 10 c·....he KCOI'd",,1O Iho rm dlllCC .. rlbe pcorloi looo-.rlh 11"5 Clld.
""'" Iq.-l poI,.-::al ,...... cIoI) ....,..,.,... ... .., I' a'"'' ll<clunl
6 otro: ..... ~~._~"""-. . . P "

j '10••1. Ibdillnrrilt. T1lI: !'arlo.",,.., "'-11111.., Ihc plI'OC'lO _ ,.....

7 ) ~ """""--' P"'l'"_ ClI"',

• _oapaIrl FOIflIIlh'" __ ftf Ihc 9 . n - . . . .........
" ..,..:w:nlll"'" Ul lhe "" TlIc ml"IIICU1ta. """I"" or crnI_ "r
10 1"1/10-_., <hsu1ClS ~bllI be t:.ed on !be """*" ftflllNbl_...,j 1dd._J
II JlI"'_ ClIII:l.. ......... . . , .......... 11: -,"1lodI oW ' * - PIl'"'
II or............... fJI .... e • 'Go(;ooawiCWL

,6 I.. do< ~ oI'ml.. mallll. parllanlltll1lll} d_1ClI dIall be ~
,~ .. pope........ PII ph....' _ . Pi... oOId ... ~ dl5W1Cl .... ~

'10 • ".pnatclhk ""'" ...... " M1iad.;ee«-1emlIIn Mdohaookl .'c

11 .. Iea5l • fOIl'Ilallm of""" bundn:d 1housand (100.0001

",I ~ II. ~_ t:1n'Mn1 CD. _ T1lI: P • G .. 1_ _

ZI ,,,,,,*", IW CIIICl ..... 9 . _ rlcaooal Cock, .. l!Ioc' .w ... 0IlI'ft'......
11 ., ""'lIWIt tln:l_ 10.." ImO&r .I/Ic.c ""' Ollft>"",,,! .. rth Ih.. lloQ", t.... 11K:
II dcct<nl..- Wll WXI ..'" 1*1"'''* ......., ICalIIlIlabobn of
IJ poilIIoc oIficcn ..-.1) 10 _ " " - _ of

~. -..-I),..-~pol.....] I*""

"u T1lcn' .. IIctth- ~ ......... ~ Uo:aonl om"" ..lido .-u he • r-'l IIr
n _<: _ .. U=_ _ ..IaD Ilwr-a-oI ...
21 <_"...... '-1"<1_ • • 8 1_ _0 ' 8 • _ol'lrl_ 11
19 ",t>m •• IIll of ,h"'" OJ rcronlmclld<>« 10 !he I"millknt. .. II<, .<hall chonoc: and
""",,1111 /Tum """"" lllmIlhc 1 ) _ (denl .. Iwl iJu,1l1Qd !he
.oJ_ .. ~ . . _ ............_ ... ~._e
lloaanl otrlDO ....n lil.evo_ ••• 1 I _
P •

. _ t:IoalInol l<Ml<



aIK1l:d In '.... h."""" '" !he 8alJ1lArIIOro. IIIIl ....JJ llGfOOl' IhI: fo/lo" ,n.

7 I R"",ICf.,.;l ccn:dn .... _1 poln""'" ~m...

• I. I. ",11,_ 10 pid>oK"* f he Ben" ,...... I~"~
• 10' __ Ill".. r;."." • » _.
\0 l Sckd,,1< plebosc_ for~.nI
II • l'rrpano ruin IIIIl rqllbu-. lOr H.anpamoro .Ica_ and pic"""'.......
I. b_IN ','_or_c = .. 1 _ .
u n:pIod_ "''l!fII1q P S _ cll:cl_ i*t • I oIoall
u cmanII~ rmm Ihe Uanplmnro U.""onl orr""

16 ....... 11. .......' ,.. ..... Il.t. .__ llrc1.... lom..-.~ Iklloodfc"b"
U I\anpamom llcctonl 0"'," 11wo11 ~ 'ncluded '" Ihe 01'."."'-' for doc:

. '10<'<'"

<.:amm_ .. EIro:,_

1.1. T r 0fYItt.• fk Imn or nI1JI:c or """,,10m; or Par n

II be thr.,. (J I fCIlI" thou, pn:JWICO b d~ BanpamIlnl T"",.u"", j

z..: tRT"IID_". _Hea_C.__ .... _orolf"

~l '0 '''''ilb" Ihol1 !ICn'I: f(ll' ""'Ie tIwI dIn:e n I t&,,,,,",um. !m'n'

lS Qaliflau.•. """,..-iMllllc.',f t ..rr.l_-'oM
l6 1It _ ••_ or_ I'I"J'fIllIIID........... _\·Ii"'l~I.~o(
n Ill) of Ihc .lccllon Itlo III rmd IlDd "TIll!. IIIIl • tqISl~ ~OI .. '" Ihe

rw............. ""'.. _........... 1111~.-l __
) !IIaft fun) '''II t ...... of IF II W II"'" of h""1ICI clcc.....

" '01 dl'lrltll'<~".",he lIlW mO>l be" ",,1SInCd ~llIa' of,be dlSlnl:l In
5 "bll:~ he tho , <lo! lot Ii h,. .. 1In l;Cfl'r...... of
• ..",.. d_ 1Jl'... '_h
7.. . _ ..,or .......

• 101 1M (val .. pll, clccllllftl Imtn<dllt.;:h folknolnu Ilw: alllCbloat' of tt..
I~ 1""'...."""0 lJa11l. I.." the .IXI'. .. nlCtll.""'" .... kInIc) requ,,,,,,,,,nl ~II ....
II ~ 10 CDl (I, , _ """'""""'Iv prcnd. . 1I>c do. of tile olea .....

"U ~. . I!. .....rib eI , . . .- . . "_Mn.. nc e, _. I'W'

." ' IM~.-l t, .,.,._,..... """_ ......
l~ ",..._ _ "-11 aLe drcct .. ul.1ta 1M a ......_ c>f'' ' rvJllEnII """I the
16 mtMlbcrs orllle' l:Ianpll""''' I'"dllmml "J'fl"l'",na _h ""'......,

"'" "<If"" fir)!" a .'It I'wl.-. .-l ......... of .... _aU

1• .-aI1Ie w '1o) .... ,.......~ 9 • ..,., . A ' ••
ZO lUI'"

"II Mel"""'" of tile: llan~o 1'JIrl'........, )1II1I1Kll ....."vc dunne the" tenun:
l.l 0IMt ..1an ao.l anoIur1>eal> ltom Ihc llllnplmonl (ilwmunml or Ifom IJw:
H 1.;""...1 lio<n.. _ ~ • ,..,..1Ilod 10) ... ." 1qpI/aI_ ........
~ ,·. ..._ _.0 1"wI_ _


....... _.6.,........._ Mcrnbcn of IhII 800 a " ...1 _ ...... "JIIIII
1tIc. ""U""""'" lID otrla'. ""'..., f,,'1 d",,"""'" of Ihc" (lIW>C:ill and IMIne!.,
l' o:1lt~l", "",1..,lIn,"'_ uf!ho" """""" _ c/I'lo.ImI l1Ie) wli lIllI'f) the

fJ.o/lpaJ\'Itlf f'lI,hllmml of 0)- "",mill: toIInOl<l or ",1cr01 thal ....) anJC f"""
l \he llIonl 01 bilk or """Iul_ oI' .. hidl ""') "'" aulhon
• ~ M)' t ~pIIIl\ol....a ........,." 001 ............... _)
s be ... ~ 10 d""'l'hllU) 1ICl"", 11) 1100 ~ ,.." 1'v1_ III ~
, ",III ,I> R~'" MId .. ,thou, ""'Iud"" .. bl<l1lcl'odIct '_11;11'., . . . . dw ....
• ....... 11. r .... iWl_ .. i..c ( .. llitt ell"'1'bL _ n.: 0I0d'1Ii_.
• lkf>uly (.'hd "'hn,ue. -.d 011 1lIc membm or 1"" "4""'- ".oI1oamm\.
10 dulln' Ihu IcrnI, IIullI IIIlC npJlIl. liumly Of 1lId"",,'" • ...,.. to" ./ or
_or_... .".,.,. .,otr"""
' ..... "'~....,~k._lbaof
........... ncr<:. . of

1"0 member fill"" llanpanvwo f>orlllnoeni 1liiy pmonall) .orf"'aI' .. 00UII>C1

I. ~m alOIrt> \If pmocc or JIId".t UId GIber ldm..lSlI1ll"" bud_ NalIIcr
,s .-at_ .... dorm!) .....:d). be - . J r-.lh • ~ _1iCl
" ...0. or" ~ Ii b ... or ~J 1"""• .,-..111) . . t-.J (;... 0 ....

17 .. b)' lbc: Hanpamllfll Go~mmcnl or lit) ... 11111 ..:1..... IF"Ct 01 1I1<Inl""",tIlJn)

I. Ihaal( -1uWat .) "'0.''''''''''-..1-«- _1NI1cd OIlIPO"'IKeI or ...

I' ulIIod.., ..... 1la. _ _ oIolf_... ' • .,_
$ _ .

D ..' _ offICe of.., ... U for II. or lin J"""'"W') haoefll

ZI or "be", hi: Of ~ II"') bc o;allcd UJlOIl .0 OCI ... oa:t>IIn1 ofh,.,~ her offl«.

lJ SH. . IL t.nm.~., .... L-'" M<,..... ol...._AoaIIli:JrlC~........
:. _ of

Z6 II nel.......... ,,,,-,1\ .. dle r..... "'......... II .._ ..........,.....,_
_ .. r•••' _•••
.. Ik.., .. cm.oaalol ..,otf_.iI~_Iloc I"-R.,,
I Ihc IllInpIomoro ..... t ,II prom"l&"", ~1l10 ... n VII 'lee til of
,h.. IlaIi: La.. Of , _ h'ah tnrna Ilc_ ~omn. Cf1mIlS ,,11I."
~ "'11 to).~
- - " " Of ..... . . - _ . . . . . . '" _

• lki..........._ p.." M!) j$)~ Of mmlIJk • 1* UI<d lUIIII •

·• .-

1'1 •
lIIIIIhlc IG d,,,,,1wF h..n-.e. d"l'" • McmhCl' or'''rhanIC1l1 .,. d"" .. hile In

IIctJ,k . . . . . bora ~"""'""",-,.qw ._ .........

II .. ocr' I II) Ihc JW1) to ..illd, ~ bcloBp .. 1lII -"ct mcmlx. of
IZ .iii<! paM)_

,~ • I drIcW dot P' IIp' _ I~-'

IS -m \Wf\ ~.Ma..... 01
16 p.,t.aan. IIIld

"II L SIIclI oIha I' I• • ..., Ill: p'OTodtd . . . p a _0 EIcIcIoraI C",,"

It • ' . ""',dt \'11 "«t.. IIIlcno.:J(

"11 ....... 1‫ס‬0o I'. ~lm.l of , .....,. _ 1".,.,.. of ••-.::ann of. """",,"lOIIlIl
U rqor-..1I11011 .... Ihc pwly IU .. hldlllull seal 1lI:....... _hill fill dM: VIlaIIC'o

H III aM of ••. - 0 of. -.a _ h) _ aIIil-' ,......" oIPIrl-.

IS _m pan, obaIl ,: ·.,.1 . _ ...... 1ha1) (1I}1"')'O hun die
II lJ«:1IfTmCC of"":h ''IlI:UIl:y. 8IId Ihc OIoeI """"110I\ o/Iatl Ill: ..",.,.ntcd hy ,lie OWlf
l1 '\'110_

In <tiC 01 • "'''''1'0)' '" llle _ OC<"ul""d b) .., u""mhll<:d Mcmbcl of
~ flarhllmCflI.' specllll ~I«I""" .... t he called 10 foil f<ItlI.-.:y .. Ihc....-
J .. ?, ~ II.. ..aaI ... 1'IrI_

5 OM! IJ'P'HIlIal 01 elcc1cd Membor or 1'art..nlOftl, • Ihe '*" ""') he. _II ......"
, 1M mupll'C<l tem1 ohio< '--"1 ofTlc<,
• '"_ 1 J'rio.i/ota nd 1_•• 1Iftia". - II fI( IW p. _
• !'Ifl...........) he...-c:.d .. h*, 1M 8lulpmtDm Pul..- .... _ ....
10 "~<:qIl llx cnmc:i puuwhlc '" '*"" ~ (6) )C-" <>f.,.~ rho
II "."'aulIlwB "'IlPwl_ 1Ic I ' ' .......
11 otlldd I.lllr for -.y ~«clctIlIIo<-ckIr.-I .... 9 • _4 boa_.
II .... _OIm<e1"'Pol'~~

IS 'ioft1iM 21.......... el doc Ib ..... _.t. _ l'k e. •..
16 ....._ . .l--.:l • ......, _..,..~....__ "" """_ """""
11 .)"1 ~ ... COlI.... l~l>f J..- "" "'' '111) ,)Ol"'Y' ber"", lbe """1 "fib
58 11I:'1 ~p\lll <e»iclII A sp<ctOl 01 cmu"""'j _ _ , he c:alkd b) lhe
'iipcllL:r....... ~ oflllo: CW(\I_ or lot
21 or_,·....._.ol"w1_ ofllrlc' ' •

~"I'- UfT"'.n ..r I........... __ 1'.tlill_UL _ 0" !be r....
......... mn dl£_ d ' • of. P i-'''''' PwI_ -.....
l4 dod .... ~ rn.n ..I III aw....... 1hc \~

U • flqlul\ S,oln Il>d !Ile Ill"" olf"", of III<: lJ.oolJll'l'lO'll Part.."""" ~ me

ZI IIouM Rulesoflhl! ~ P a r 1 _....) "",,ole


I "'c.e~""moocMIl"", '_ ",,",,' d ~.Irpl~"
1 ""he \~1ef. ,he llqlul, \ stlllll.a.- S omlll, _ \ .... 11
) ho,c ....... docltd II) Ibc IJana< 1'ar1l ..
~ ........ u. ""sid... 0Iftc:a'. - nor ~_ Il<pul> \i.pcala .. _ '*"
• pc.- P"'S1lbftI1"'ft........ lOICl ParI_.a
I • Ii< lIIlk.,,:*.IIl•

" ~ .....~ ... _ d I t .... ...Id...., ol'.e $ :ouo~

11 L lk ""pm'lbk fuf eMU"", (,) lhe: npl.l and pm,'."" 01 oJl memben.
IJ _ I II I pIlbl", _ III doc ~ . . g( 1Ilc Ran...............1 _ and
" *0 -

"•• d Ib'" .........11) -.I """"l.......w.e.. 1II de< _ .........." ..

11 the IW\pllmUl1' Parhomcm.. In 1<CU«Io""" .'lh liS II"" Rul6. and

I~ c kl .....lIOlh. _ ....... ,*, tiI........ prqOldJa:
II :--,1000 14. R.1n .rf'......t.fT. _ I'hr: Boo Parlianml shill MopIItI
n Ilousc 1t,,1col M \he oondua "r"" bIl.,,,",,

H 1>0'<_ n. 1'•• itA - " 0( III . . . . .. i t of ... 9 . .0

Z~ Pwt '.-11_ __ fir~llfO<'"<"l ...
16 II . . """S IIDIl'l Pwt_ wll he: ~ II "" 1If11"",11'orm -.llr~"1Cd
H '" lhe I ,hp,no. "nib"" •..., LnJlISllIan....FS lJft......... 1Ia>oo1lO: pn>\'1dc:d II) iii..
l~ .. IlIc 1"- 1'1_ of lIoc "m, _ .. Pwl_ !lot ,.........., ol' ."
I lbnpanua 11 may .... &II) of tho comnonl) u~ ,.01"'"
1 ~~ Ii 1011"" dc'ihcn_
4 ....... :!f. Gnfftl \\ dr...... _ ....... 8 a '.... Pwl_ u..JI . . . . .~ ....
, piOi'''*' ,he F""ftI"clf8Kofmc pcopII: '" the Ell...,.......,

1 " ' " _ l"'. '..,opola_.. _ J';o pgbl.. , he .........., _

• ...... _ _ ICt de." de,., Ik .-l'l* dI ~ " 1 1 .......

" Banpamoro ....11."'''''' shill put 0... ,.""1'0"..01 10"

II .M<1lM:za. 8~ -l1oc ....... - . _ _ 01 p, __ 01 . .
U f' a o~"k .. t Jb\ ... -..dll)""'u p 'uO
11 ''w11mlCft1 I'tndml the ~ ,,( .""h 10.. tho hudF"OI I"""'ftI lhlll ""
U _"CmI:d b\ ""~te...."".IIIIco..... ~.u ..u,..... boalKl
1. fulll.. !""'P*' .. Pwl_ .... """*.ft. "'"01\ocltd0lf",,"

,. lwt. . . !t. RHa...........1 _ If Ir. . . - ' 01. fioc:II )_, . . n . ..
Z. Pwl_ oIoaII . ,.. iulallO _!he e, U aJIIIRlIIfW_ lItIl 1m Ihc
ZI "' .... ftoal ) thc IlantUmoln> "1'J""I'N'ooM Ac1 fOl' the prtCtd,nl )Qf
II Ibc _ll\. ""'. . .I ....... bcc .... dlO;t_1
u .. _ ,"..........o..........- ..... - . . d ~ PIoIau. .

n f:lHYlI... OlTl«n

17 ~ •• O'UIlu• • oIt CWd"\I...._ "10 _ ..,-Iledoaal
1lI ..... CII..fM_.-ku kMl !'M:IOI)'r.~ 11l1l"Cl'Bof. II die

1IlllIoed_l) prtudllllW da) of lhe dc<1"",•. *"<I "till pttWCtI ""''IlCIC'''''' IUId
l pmlIll) IIlaIIlIlI) f'iL1UId u.o..n"" hW1lcr "',"p1l) ..... 11... monl ' ......,11
tor" r_ cI<a.- .dIclluofM_ ~-'\ l'oh-.... .
Mille Donpamuro R....: U .. 1M .hovcmm,1IJIICd mldcncy 1al~'mncul5lla11
, be mbo;:fd II> _ 1lI)'COll """""'..el) "'"cd.... dwo dIy oflK ..IK,_
• SrriMJI.L~oll"'OW\Il'''I''', 0. _ _ • ,1_<Ii ...
• IlaIlplmoro P.rbtmml fullo>om,1lIc!II "Iccl_. 1M 1h<I"fl~ or 11K: J>ar1....,o:nl
10 Wll, I. opc1I _0001. dlll:l dot ("hcf \'1 ........ '" • """""1) "',.. of oil iii

II u........
I' If .... """n.... mil.....'.." Parhamem '11M.... ,he "'J'lrIl) "* _..,. Iu
'4 bccicacd l"h:fMlIIIIIa III tho l1nI ~ lIf.ul.... ~dccl_." be
IS t ! ...... -.. . . . . . ier!!. G P w l _ .... ~ . .

'I Clud'M_r;...w""ol1l ,t ....... '''IuPcM..-ha..r

17 _ _ <;el OIl tho Ii", mund Then: JluIJi he 110 ohMcnll<l111ll1""cd In 11K: nmofT

.1 "Ik:l_
SK_ J1. r_rn. o"lla ,ood t ..
1llhcn\_"..,...1ded b:l l,o.. !he Cher
ft_. ellh.. c .....r \U.k...... • L ......
1"'lIu~ ...." ~ .... 11K: foll"'"'"1

II 1'O"''m.. ....Iet -.I f\Ilw;t_

" • Ibdl. .....a ....... or_ 0.,.,.._•••

" 11.""""'" 1ioc:IMk ....
1. m_ _ . . , - . ......... olJlotI <>f dot _ , . _0
11 ('• • u or . . . oIfan or B 6 _ _ -.hIf I. d
l' .......... _or_l.....IIIIIl ........ c:Mra:n;


I <. ~"""'alrllCl:f'J"IKH 5 ,.. o<.... ol........ lM)lx ..... Mb1

• • 1..-0; 1t.UC1OI"" ................. pol",... ofllw It II '''0 (ipo,'CnaRO

• ~ till< ....cmmml of Ihc It a """" ... a1tIn 1IIIb_ till<
II .. ~Ul'C..c:s.-fl(Jl!Kt".,.."t1'I_fiancl
...... t <.. lOlIwpllSnlOOl
IJ S«flcM JJ. Ad '. . . . .r Oodl .r 'N r~i" \U,.,.,. 11w HoM, w.J1
It ... m of III . . \1aMom; of f W l - . ..wi,. IlIr

11 "itctklw J4, b-offltlo \h.-bon.l", - I be 0,.,(1'01'0"'" shill be III <HIm.:",

II II....... or.., "lIIl....t 'Ocamt) CllIIKiI V.. li,(-, ~ .-.en .......'n"" ..
I' "'. 0_"'''',..._11' ",_Do><' , ,,¢ •• 8-.1

n ~lioll J5. 0.1"") Oltf \l1.bltn. T1lcnl.hl1l bo ,..... ell lkpue\ CI"er
lJ M .. ~ 10 be .,........ lIo'l ..... (1loo:f 1'01........ • 1iOi' J '" 'j 0(

. . ,",11llqM) au'f\l..-.. . . .-o£ rn- ........ '''"0

l """ _ . . . . of <*ll ~ .. ,.......,. of _ be

] doIlnn...a ~ hri_ _ " kad...... 8DClltd ., _

• bticd 011 """~. 01' .... pcrKld", ~b""""

• "' ...... 0( . . . . . .-111. .......-. or a::lIpKll) flKl!Ic lhcl "1 ..........

7 lkl"'l\Ilb:f MI/LISIa. men """"" III _ lhalllm,pcmnl\ IItI III \he: Ch",r
• \ 1 _ IIIIlll Ilk ... ~ ....1 . ,... docIaI • _ Cluo-f 11.._ "'*"I
9 ~"""'''''bclldd'''''.,",l)ll,,,, .. m.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.~
"" ......... .M.. (,I r..... , 8.1,"",, _ _ ...rlio_•• UK..... lA"
IZ ~_Inlllun --...,21)1_ . . . - r.... alai
II n,,,,,,b.. , or Parl........, "Ill" Ibc lII"G'II"'C'" of rhc 1lI). !he alOer "hnl\l(l'
14 ~ ad.~ Ibc Mid/IUd......" 1M I'aItoamau _ aU for • .,.. pwl.mmwy


" ............ _ ..... ...,."" tlkllltollXoI_Ocflot_

Tho !fall IIMII ...II rOf elect"," Qf. """ llanpatnoru I""h• ...,". nn I l1al<' II<ll
II .... dID """ - n d ~ {IMI oM)'S &uDl ... dalo: ofd........_

10 I. ~ of d.......- . Ihc -.beN llu.,r M..15la .-I Ihc C nil
11 l;OO'"'''' III "llrId"", the .n;,... uf Ihol HI"'"'''''''' (o(I.crrunml ul • _
l.l I'W _ _ 1I_."eIOCIl-.l ICb:i"\I_ It *cII:d_... ....".oaI


PID" _0

"" •'- "'

.... __ . .. . -.

• , ;,
. . W'

I 0
" I'W'
II. . " - . I . < 1 _ q(
, .... b) _(.'.-alIll:Lcadct5
" ..
• 1. QIo.IiIk.......r '"'' • n.. II<J, _ . . . . - . . "AIM. .
7 lU cIooUtKoth.. _

• • Ahlo 10 rad -..l ..nil: III 1.qJ1SIl_ Arallc:

I) r ,__ ......... poll> uf... cn-a ........_mb.c ofIraoc ... a.) . - t

14 or' _~lllod_

IS """.... J. C......iIoIU"da., ..... • rw 11 11 ..1. _,

14 ' - " _ -.lo .. <>pal" .. h d - . _ _ NIh of otllDeI1
If daooo/. . . . . ,..I--.eIll. . fotdo:l_ "'" _ I ,..0 .... 1 .
II .. J'I"I" oded for '" Atll<k \' II ~ .... .lb of lIoe.... . . . ~ 10 h1",

\. ,"'""""'...
lQ ~l"'" ol. 'I~ ... of om.. cor "..n. -1'llo r...... lI,flj JIIlIU be 'fIIIll"'lC~ b)i II'C
21 IIlnl'&JnDl'o ["".""1.... Abthllril) ttunuah. re>l>IUh.... 1'011«11/1; h.,u. on
a lhc .....,,, of the lIull .."" 111m lIulll hold olT""", r.. 1"- (11)CIlt'\ £ac:h
lJ ~ IIa1'''''II'''''"".~_ ......

I ................. : ; ; : : ' It..... sIIaII •• .-;l .... ~ . . . 1M
1 '. . If,J,.,,, ,....... doftlcc.

J ....... !. , ....._ eI,"~ Ma· Tloc finI .... .-a ROOeI'~"""'''''''''

4 wdI_._"~b>l!lc"'_ 'lOOoT................ TlIe

5 1110.._ c>f 1M 1+411 IU~Il) ......,., ""'II k lkknnmed b) 1M
6 l)U&>oa"""" I'ullamml

, ~""" .110...._ ,ball be! r""" l!lc ruaol. of BluopIlmo.-.. ( ....-a1\lDOlll

• ... sMIllie """' ..... * '" 001 - ' "","'''.'_ ..

, \Mid. I"

"Il <:«,.. 7. Raw Ail." I. ,.... 1Ia_.,...... IlIlddu. . 10 !lit hti.. "....,
U -!lady Cl\IO)~ b) 1M rlllJal. ,.,.od,n, ,n ,"" Ilanpamo<1l. 1M IlAnpamnn,
If 00>"'1ImCfl1 wll ........ tce: the f"lklYIm.....flll_blc nsh15

",. • 11."'- III "fc~ In 111' ......101) 01".-.,..- 000 d.....

II II It...... ' -' "'jW = ol.a.p. ... btldl.
"II It.... 10 pn''II<),

"n d 11.''''(10) lico:tloIll of 'f'I«<'h

U • It,., 10 nIftY polu::al ........_ MMl r--= dmIil<;nlo;..Jly poI.ol

1i aoprlII~

" f 1loIIlt",...,,;:t._·· ' .... .., p<Krl".Je,Jl--

1 .. KIllin of .._ 10 ",c""llllfbJ polttg! pano;'~hun IlI>d prola:um r"""
J .lIli><mool v~_

...'........... "'>""_

It.... IQ~~_·.,..,..,,'"

• R>ahlli>cquaI 0"1"'.11"'11) .... """"'lIUlIl'IIIIl_" __1_ ~II:


• IIt1n1l).-I dlc .... o: ocn'la, ~otdiola,cnoood1b>Mool"'_ .......

I' .............
II Ito&lll hi "",,,hhsll tllhu .... and ...hlious a....,wlOftS.

1. t ..... 10. h- .... rd..... ..-.: ........_ ...

•• I 1toIM ... 1t!lftoi .....,... ...-of.......
"IB • kwhlli> lift pub,", NIIQI'IOII IIlIbc clmlclllat). lIIld b.p sdloolllM'"

n .... ::.:::.~ ::':;:~......... _ _ ••_ _,..... po _
. .. I •• ..r
II tIIe_c ......., ' ......
1J ",.,iOll 2. \ nON ""'") It!pb.- \'eucd prurm) np.. .,11 be -.,lCd
14 _ mpo:lrd I'!o>odcd. doll lepI_ ••• • of dlc II • =0-*
li . . . . "... . . . .,... ..... I L ' ... 01-.. ..., _...... "''''• • • , . . . .
16 ~ Mel - . or Ihc:It -,..htabOIl oIIall bc 1Ial) """-IodFd onlI
n .".... d... COlIne "'o..led fllrtMr ,hal .. 1Imc_ milonlllfln .. nQ Ion.,
11 _ilK. Ibc lmu:al Go-" M MId l' 00 (..,... _ ,JW1 \all.:
19 d ....cll>Y ••_ _
u .. t

_ _ r Q.c... bmd''''. . . . . ,'. ...._.''....,p.._IOK.........
1 D) ...... (ic•• =__•
) SK... J. r............ J •• ,W. - ~ AIalI "'" _ _ • aM • I J"'lICIf
• """"'osm 10 Ild<.Itl:M . . Inul_ " " " _ l)( dlt fb, ''''0 p<l>plf
~ IIIClud,n'lhc wtl~ ~ ....,h .. hl'iloWlCI.I "'J~"IQf:lo, Itwnan ""'~
6 '·'....lIonL rrwwn.hll1,(ln throop ""Jill! d"r"""""""" "r their len""",,1 and
, projIJ"""" "&hI> and c~ a.d IDly,""
• Tloc IqIOft 01 .... T~.~ JOOIlIa: -.l 11_11_ l _ _ ITJRll

• oWl"" ..... _ ... ' "'_."~ol"'" _

I' ..... _~. India....... ; 7 • 1Uc~b.. 1_ H •

II ~UllSdlt"",<Jl"""" poopb .... ~odopI" "'''''doc

Il p ....nhOll ell ~"'" of dln 11Jh1l. 1M ""', ... theM IW"" lIlb UIII...
lJ ~ "'Ittf/, 'ndJpI>IOI cu_1nd nadltlUM. 11l<1>c:c ":M<1ni and md,~moul

I~ polnocal .InIeT , tho "Illu It> III cqu,lable.lwn! m "',.."._ r...... thc lll'!Jnlkln
15 01'._, _ IIIak, m. '..... 10 he _ pro .. f<JOm<lCl...-nl,
,I> " . 1 0 poIl....,.1 fIIIT" "' . . 800r. 11010 (Iou,.,. . _hldlB.
IT ...-nul _ _ IIot _""""' ~ • _ f! e ..
,II ","' _ ....... .......,,... ,-.1 ......... 6 "F or ..
•, II".. dc.uI) .. l1li . . l __ ~ of" R.IS.
10 llOd,..- ~.,.j .... I • • " ' - ' - 0..:.......... 11_ It. . . and
JI ...lIlI>ual ll"'" "" lIId,f"'WIll' IIO'lJIIoi ""he: fl.anpunom

11 M<'rio.!. ( •• 11......, Mil_I> .... 1 1110... lhc c~m. III:h_ro..nd

JJ nol,r_ of dlt people ....... 1laJ>&>at .., IrIadJo, .........1lDl Pft*'C'od Ind

I """'* ... Ihc 0Ihr;t oool t .I!." 8.. ''''0
1 M IX"'III ,n ,he lkln~ .ludll>c .uh}«:lcd 1o In)' form of d'....l1m1lulllOll 'III
J _ol'a..l.rd.,.. ~"'......... ",nor_
t SK_" II It." ... _ l1oc: ........_ . "".'a • '"
~ """P"'t' b hoonwI .....

, AIIIa" ...... pollClC$. _lud,"I cU'1OmIU)' 11".. ""'11 con'''"'' .0 '011:""" .....1
, ..... npts IlllI -....-...tonI> l1lt,.... ...... l._ooaal
• lo...r .....,-.I ... C..... R Ik'l'i(,:Ih . . .....-.-.
• t ..._ .. l.:.. d ........lloca1lll.ll('(l'lll -...-~ _ _

I~ oPts IlIill\llTllOnlll 5IaoI1 be .......l«d loy Ihc emml (",...,,,,,,,..., IIfld "'"
11 lb....,.moro Go............",

I' S«"~."_ 'I. . . . ~bC ~ .. ~cn:aMIl

IJ .. GlIb caIcd P • _0 11_ JlaIIa l _ _ "'hodo . . . he

14 ft' ,""odc:n, ond 1ftIIlIIt-1 orr""" h'" .... 8an., , ohaIl hi." the .._
IS ,","m III\Il fWll;1IQft1 .. dIf Il:lmnll><l_llII flu Kullu. and .. l1\li,
" be ..... Mloo;l rar '" a .. 0 P u I _
lIor 9 Wl","""" . . ~ . . .

11 ~_.".*"' ........... ot"",p 5 eo ' t

" 1'1Iooft.w hr n~ IS,,, 'f. of lIorl.:_-.. ...1lId... _ CU•. .. hu

19 .""11.11 be: IIrJlO,ntcd b) 1M PtnKktlI up"" Ihc rtt<:IIIImmdll"'" of ,'''' c~",r

10 M"'..... I1Ic COfIlCIll'i""'" oflhll Co...." .."","11 ~I'kcllho '" Il$nblll ..

11 ol"~""01'''9,. _0 l'kC'Ma'sIIollhc er-.i or
U _iWlI......"..,'. .-a. ..,...... hc. t".IIII'_PIld..-c
n a- ClI t_,",--La.. Ib:: _ 0( oll'k:e ... lJlhao q....llfbJ_ - '
24 d"'lwlhflClr..,... of OM membcn of .... C""om,u..., shill he 1"".1lletl b) ,he
l~ ~Parl_

I. 110< r__• __ tMl - ' - . tq'IOf1 . . III KIro • ..,..-l ......._

jCi _ ....

1 C>V}
9. _
.., ::''::::'~'''':':.:M'' Olloo:r _ ;. . , , _ • -.I
__ l

~ tMl~_

l f.. = ........... __ ' '...... ~.", __ .."

· .....
• rdoI-'!IfI ......... _ - ' to •__ .. 11_ 11: ....... -"""1' eM II>

7 __'"'" L ;lorU"I) of ..ok Mr>ittt. _ 1"" IIapamI:wo (iooR:11Im<tIII . .11

• I"'l"'"
• ~~.....
T "., . . _ . . doln~ ol.
......, . . . , ._ _. . , . _
III........ -.I
lCIb. "''diIooad
p".., , _ II !JoaIl _.....
0 .....,. IN....
",,,,,,,,,.11< ~ __

_Ill lOr

Il Imm<dllk ..... dr.ell .., ICloer ............ l<l .oct.... or ..-lInl MIl man-made:
" o;aIam,,,,,, II </WI .1... CtUU•• 1M .dlllh.hw"", "r calmlll)-a«oc,cd •• taI ,nod
1~ 'ocllmO ur c:aIom".
,. SK"- t. t1.nia= ud II .!>rlllrwnlG. n.:!l Z l> ,,,,,,,,_ _

" iW IDcn:8: r ~ IO-wr-.

,. -.. 01 ....... _ ' ~. 't 'lOr ............"s_

" n .0 . . _ __ """"*'" ~ .....,
~o ,~of "aft .-I lIltOPlo s.dl IpKY nil) clln,at. lObe" n ~ ...

~1 _,,~. donaI_ 1id>,1Ild...,1I f""" do::Jllcwll ror lIS Iloos..... _1Dncnb.

U and l".hhood 1""Irwn> and ""'.Iopmo:nl

~] ...... 1lanpamIIro G""""""""t "llh dlc pn..... _0. WIl ~llh"

In oooperaI"",

H M _ .......... ODd . . . . """1<maIl ..... _&4

U _1iM1a.Kclob IAINor•• noce. oGooa iWa .n

16 f ' , ~ ... odf.... ' M Cl6cll~"', ._
I • -_ ".'11 tat lll:tnola.. _ ...... ..., ..... '" NriL: •
; _ ............... 10 IlIO ,...aI lor. P u l - . 1ft 11"5 ~ *' ... or
) "Mer<"Mthcf pIlhl",!) .. "" __:, In rnnn ...._ 1lf.OOI'._ 1If

• r<'\lcnlloo, Ihlolll'Ol4 be .bnd~

"'" _len.a.u fWlK~ 1ft pollC) ~_~

....... p ; afICcl. .

• .... ...,.. . . ~Iti. .. ~ III: ,..,.odrol ~ "' ... __ ~ 1M

1 I' LOPwl_

• ~ np, 0( .... \rn III -..nIl o( .....WI<, IwmuIe DDIIllIlIMO 0' .. on.., _ ..
~ 11'111' ......holillo .......".NIl

'0 r-.l nn-",k",. Of . . . . - _ , •• , of """"" • U) ............

11 ...... _ .... o.~_.,lk.........

II TIw PM, ......~ __ .-a .............. e:.:r-d I 0"" .... .-

11 """-a: !he n"" UlCd 110ft...

14 \KIlo" II. I'lrllti... lio. or" ....... 1. ,k. 1lo.~... 0f'(l (;oHr......1. Milk
IS rn.... IIlI: ....--l 0<Ill fOr _ • . . I'Jot\Jam<rIl I:III:n: \IIIorJI be • "-i _II,
16 ••••_ ...• •••• •• (aa-t. rwB ••

" • lIII"'*• ..:I N' I ck>dopo _ _ ,'...._ _• '"

.. _ .. 0lIlcr cIoxos_\"" ond PO!Il:\" dt\cnn"""1 110O... of Ibe
" U."pamom Uo'(fnmc:nl
" 1he " __ Parl_ Wll. I') .... . . . . dlc P • ...l> \lo . . . .
"u ' m okf_ Its """""" ' ,Illd , __

D ~"'I1.kl&kh"'I"'\"tlI._'"'"'" . . . .0('.." '.._.,..,.".....,. ...

l4 ',W"* lOr lIlc l"l"'h ld... _ <1>011 III"""*' ..,.l .....«1 Iht..
1.5 plwu:.J. rtWQ'. ~"'I L Inlfll~l l, .,11I -..,1 ,,'CII·bc,o,,- II oball IncubI'

pU1OII_ ..... IIII~_ _ , ......... pullI", -.:I C"Il: .fl"us,


.1Id ptOftlOIo: """'IIIJ IoIlLl ph),ocal fit_ "'

lloc IlopImoro <__

Al&..n_ . . Ikf. III ~ ,........ ...
I _II bo, .....
p """'"
~ .. t:_.

I SftIiMIJ.l'rolH,lcMIfII\\_L '""'" 1·'..O< I..p.oId

" ud proIet'l the f\QIdamenllll nah" 01 womon IlldlMl,na 1Iw "lhl III alp" ,n
, 1... fiJI .................... 10 lot ,,".... I<d fitlm Cllpblllr-. . . . ..
• d.... - - . . cmbodJal. iRC_.--.._ .. a, (1(" ~_of

• I>olo _ "P-'Il._lcro"VoI

10 n.. ~""'" ~I"'''''II ""'II ......1 ,.... ~) 10". ft>r II.,

II IltIplcmimLlt"'" 0( "'OS _1I01l

II S«1iH14.k fIIOildr-._ . . . . . . . . . . r_u :. . ~

Il ""*""_ o orcinldn:ll,~.ah ..,' . . . . . . - . Tlor\
14 "'1 be- plllll:ClCd r...m """..,_............ dl5Cnm""""'" The. cd..,..."",
U IIId ..,,,,,Iopo,,,,.U. bolh ph)'>Q1 and mmlllL """II be f~lI) 1IIklr-...l
I. P • _ _ puIo.; _1Iok _ _ ,. .·' _ _ ""'"
17,( cd' ~ of d1j" _aI _
I' ......... '1.. s. _Ihc...-_ ........ "rdlilolnol, )oWI -....:cal>

I. 1ho ll.anpamllf\l ljO\" and II) _ , local __.........,'" unIt< IIuIlI

II """' .... b -1 1 _ .-1 dfettr.~ t =b .. ... ..
II ol_~

12 ,«,kMo 15. llotIlIrr i._. . .i' Ibt Ilanpamooo (;0.(11.'.... o U l l _

H lha' KlIIc1'l "'"II Cf\IO)'!he "pll ntecd ,n III" Ilb'" 1,.0.. ~or LIIi, P"'fIO'"
l4 . . ~ " - " - .....1 . . - . 0tTI0r b '>drier C _ ....
n ...... • ....dfift, . . ..w.- _ .-I .. or,.... ..
a • 10...

J "oftu. 1'- I 50" of Q. .Il.) l:d duL 1llI:~..

4 (........ .aau "if."'-... _ : • ~ •• IDp pr...r.. • ,. k

~ • • t~"'-'OI) , ._• • .,.".. ' __ '6......\
• _ _ ..knM .-l """ _n", ... dw: """'lIs _ ~_ of 1Ilt

1 ll...,...,...-u I'""'l'k andlhe ""'I) of all 1'hp'....

I ''he!' I ' '''0 C-U.1LA1 ohaIl _ ....." " . - """-_ •

II fie rilOoh R p .• ....-on nIII. . . .., _ III

II ,he"le oflho Ijlp<l.:al o(d". llao", l.o.. 1lI>CI....,.. 0IIIef ti< _nulll....
Ii ,ha' m.. be eolabl",hed in tho: IlanblL/OOltl. \hall he d«mnl ,"~1UI1 ~ClI\'lponenIS

13 ofllle ahII::IliGMI .)>1..... ofdw; fIMpamoro Ga'e1''''.,...

14 ......... 11. \ ......ot, Toehkat, ........ _L . . . ..,..,... t:.......... -llw:

IS .--_ '"''P._ of""".o_t lDdlao;al _formal "'~.-J h •••

I. of 1Ilt 1Ul,& 'iiIiO aluanlllllal '~'ilem for .he poor. ,lh.ClliIe. 0IIl4f-idloul

U IVll'b. peNIn'; .. rth <pc<;1aI ".,..j•. d"'lh.... lqed. and ."r",,, CIl"",," shall be
II "'A'M.." ... "*'-''''dw: ...... ~ , I co oftlw::6oII; _0

II II....,........,

11 II WU m:wno dw: 1ItIeJrM- .. "" demm!oI} 0IMl h.'" Khool oduaolDl

II ~..,-*t........... _AnbK ....... bM...- .... _

~ :MC"1\oII It. -hlb.1 t .h'.r-.!l) S,ll~" - Tao P II _0 1'ar1_ Jhall

] tlUle. In"'" un"':~I') ')'1<"" ""h", I/o;: Panpamorll M.dd~!he h.p.
4 cduaLuooIoJ """". or the _ . MORI ind,......... people; 1111"" Harl.......,m

5 """ _ .-,..wae: ~ _
, '-::':':'':;~_'''n_Dbc_.
R. .
I • • ' . I~.'"
, /1....

........ 1 (_pRHtiio

.ollolll ....... P*'

la.<tnl'" !lull' 1>n>1n Dtthory. -
-Ill 'M hell... oc:n"", okb"Cl'\' b Ib _ , _ • slIaIl '" \P nabl....
; 7 """.

I] F*""l hosllUr ' ) _ 10 _lhc """'ItII tcqlUn:m.,,", of d$ P«'lIk. W """""'

14 ,lull doc lI'Idl\idIIlIl loti'" "&hI 10 lllio ....11 be "IIIIIIII~ lIuuIllh 110: pfllmpl
IS -'aol_ or nu:1Iml .....tronllblc .-dDI --.0Cti

o . . . oohollflloold ... ,..,.,-...... IO ..." _ .

., ....
l' TllrP.
Ior:aiIfI_~ __ tcnll:Q_""""""i._mn......... ..

,I """"... 11.... Il,....., rDr -j,' l>,......J 'fflI.. ~.ior (-u"'." ."d
" lIl..d. u'a.rd C ......... _ 1 Iknpamorn (",."m~1Jlu.1J c:JUIhl.... 11IfI«1I1
10 ,",,"*,.-I.1IfIPWI 8If:d'IoA Ib ~ "d11 ~.I .-Is. -.l Illhct
II ~ • t....-b Ind....... WIh-.,1a
t " _ ...

II .lIIarpo __ .... t«ICh-

II n.: n. $ """ C-UM._ ....n ............_ ail n ..... ",1;f~ ..J

14 /lOlI- 'tnIJl>rn1l1 IIJ<"l'IClI (Oramed ""h tlIc ...... bdiUll_ ..... milano" of

15 'heoc .
, Tk M • ,.we <-<0_ _ .... _ . . _llarr til _ 0=-.- ...
•, SKn.. ll. I'~~"I I ~IK"_ ..d dop_.,. ........,. I'....nm
ud B.. ~",om SJ1(IrtI t.'om",I."".. The l panKlm educa'KlNIIIi\'Slml

•, .""11
l.~ .. n
dc.t"'r ond ,...,plloUlWn lnI~lI'JlICd...w cool
11 lIblIl *,c'" bcabb> ~.pIuM:d.
hcno".., ph,"lCf,1 edUoQll....
--'0"'- """ llfQlb;:u,,,,

• ..a _ JDOIl ~ ' _ , . - . _00""':'"

• T1Ioc' 1'.
..,...... ~ ~ - - - . .
.. ....._ ....... - . ~

&It . . .
... _ _a
" Tk ~ !'JIr1...- .....11 pIM . . . . CrulOl, 11.0., ,.." ~""""

" ~ ... U. r..-...._ ellk r.Ib...lllni
Ift§<nc . . . . . . . . . - . , . - . . . .,
" ..... 1I.o.1P"....... ~ rll
rdcWnl.... lIl_

II On..........· ' ~ Bw)-.*:bollllt-oaof-'-,_1Il
" dill 1_1Dll1ht-.M lIIdJ..-~o(.... 0.......,..., ....... ~1Ial1
10 he cte:l.ed • 1lan.....1OfO (m,mou"", fOr IlIoo I'rncn'allm oftll~II,.J II""",..

11 <;«,"'" U. I'rl_O) K",pu.lbllj,y "r I~~ (_.iulo>. 11lc l'-'P"""'"'

;~ ClA••, I ... b Ill< """"'"""_ o(l·... IInJ llo:r"'~ _II ""..., Ibt ____
01"" • _., ~ ... 1O aalll"...
. ._._n. .....
II "" I "III) "lIelOf)


14 _lIorc. _ _ . . . . . . . . ....,..... • • 9 S u

I _lin: -.I - . , 11_01 - - . .,;I """-aI . _ II pca." IIic
l "s 0 .. 2 "", ••

) ~_ n. \1......... "11...", .1II.......' • ..t( "II."" "II.... 1lot

• L ...tnlItio\ClIU '.u __ rerIK-"""l"l'~'"

S cuhlll1ll .,Iet CUfmIIl) ...... "'" j .......hetlm rJt the, i'oll1""",J
e lI"wnClJ ComnUSSMAl, PI' . , .,.,"""" of lhc <:""1,,,1 (;oo,rrnlllnll III lht
('~... lOt 1M 1ft"C'\"'om of ....Itwlollwnlll llwoup Illc
7 Ill
• _,p ,oIal ..,.._ . . . ,......... 1lIol C _ ..... lilt
• PI_n._at<:"""'""'II~sIIolJCOCIII!_ .... Idtl_ • .... 01 ....
\0 C..-nl Gooa , • t '_ ~-'''''''-_of c:.bnlI

II ..,,1.- . . . . . . ' a' I'f"* h. _o<aI'" aoIIoftl .......

U '"irk'
n """C4;"'OROJl"nO'i,srnl
IS " ' " _ I. 1_lic" S)-'l'. ,. I•• R.~ _ IlM! j ...1Q .~,lCttI In Ihc

•• ~ shall ca.1SI 0( bodo ~ III", .........-, _

" ..,. _ M ~ ....a_I • ~ """'"' ' ) _ b 1M
I" 1JClIIIb PSG. "1I:Io;:al_..........,"' '*'""-
\t , . . 1US-_

II ~or M _ _ . . ]tiIU ' ) _ .. tho ~ .....1 II'• .........,
n mII......,""' ....9Itrr all MIl ~"""'""'l ",Ill. and Jndl1lDM or,1Ie ,.......,.,.,...
U pcorlc) ,n !he llanpamorp

l:S 1Im=.~1 """-''''10,,-10 llwP"Clodll:cof_'tlal_ _
U __ ...."b

I '>et_ l.Shrl·... J."...,I !l»._-..,.."'..... lhIrIl\ ....1 be.UIal ..
, ,he: l....pam<>roSAan aIIJIld"'lal)." ~"I,h,"" po..""oflbc-SUpmllt
4 ('llUf\. pan"",'-I) 1M IJaftlP"ftO'U .'>Jtar, DJlllip <'0IIfl. SItar, 'DJlIlIJInCI aIIod
5 CIroI. _ odlcr •• bonl_~ "'*"" "hdo <._ _ at doc 1'Ilil'J'P8"
• ~ c:r.- Iloo:. M ·01_ 9- • " Sloan lilt H. (-.-t
, ('~ Ib _~ ... C _ . . doc
M_ "' .... SlIJ"mlC
• 1 _•., C ..... 1M) 1iLno.., CIaIO SIl<Io-. "'" _
• _010 or m" JIl"'d"'mn of Ibc l1onpamlJn..... ",,'"'''''''1 '" .....
10 .. hc.n. ".."...!cmlo ftwnbn ofMushm. IOU< The !>u""",," ("ounJhoIlIlW"'"
I' lI1DO_

u __ ~s...r""_S1oon"'"UdI."""'''' ......
U .. I de..... Ii.- ",1.._ .. ~ cI ...,...,. . .
14 Qw '.., IIiIduJI, f.h8Il be d~ "WI'" .. doc ~ PI, or Ille
15 flllllparnom !WIn ... JIalICIIl ')'I1Cm!) ....a Mu>Jun. or pon<lO' .."',
16 .ol",w,l~ lUhmn 10 doc .<;Aw, uIl C<JUrI

17 .ll« J.riod...... efS •. . e....... · Tk ••_,. ._ •• I"wl_tMll

I' __ ., .. ....- ,."'.'__ ..... end IICI ~c"
19 _ ... .,........_ TkC.....,...oIdoc""'.~. . . . . IIIIl1~

zt ...... C1IIIr".., ~ .. l 0I11tt c,,11 .,,_ not prmodod l'or uncIof I' 0 lOll.
II .nd "nmlMI Junwl(l"", 011 minor olTc:nJC>" prm ldcd hfroundn

./.l \;...." Sft<,J .... lk r.. HMJtJ. ploonJ r... II<JJJ(aopollll a .... 1..h.....
D • ~ . - l . ! b \ \Cud .... QuID. .hdo.-.: ~ ._
24 jCi _ OR...,..,..... . . . . 0--

Z5 /.. ; •• d_ft~ I .... m__ ofkaMI. ohall be lier...,.. II)'

~6 ""',".1hc ""nalllQ rllt ..hlCh III oqUI ...1cn1 I" ",",'10 _ WIIf nne
, ......'i0oi 5. 'iwtI:a uf S...., -.. l'he: """,,,, '1IJ1ltC Iht ~ of ,1:0lIo7,......

s .. ~J.{Jw ... rtllr K_,

•7 II ,tI~'--'(T..d"_off'roPlOlM""-mmod'iA\\J,

• .......... , \<IIftCI

"U ~ It.d,m, IUId

I~ c A/.{hmJIAnalol«Yl

" !lon_"~" (....11 C.m. . TK 'OIw,.... l _ C.-. . _

" "......_00 .... Pal:... """. . . . . . . . . . . . 1M ' J.- ....... . . . . . . . . . .

\0 • All ~_ """I.",. "na- dcflflCJ and pu... hod u......

'" . . . . _.a.. .......__..'
..........'I:Jcaa:No 1000. • no......C. . ofM-m.

_dice a'.....
'J b An ," ,1""101.. ..,.j "'.......-nl"'.. ""' .."". ,..1"" "....hnll In Ih"
14 l!«l "".". IUId ,,110 In ~h.<l"", ... """" to<uI mun<d '"
U ... """'It IJ of .....odcMaIllo:crw ..... lOll
l' ..<lh , ~1Il

• ~:':':'~':'''''' :':::':':::'~':.'lloocftc, 101),

Ilea S '
, l>osIloIllG

~obIoI._ofll"QflCf1'\ _01""""".
S " ouppllfl. ..... """1IOiIlOO} J1fu,
• ." ROl>lllU""" or marllli "pl.
II cAll _ "',"" dospoolD ~.m~ IolCtW,w_oal "",,,,"",",
, II All_ ..."' r.. :ron..... dirlloocd ... , • t' .......,.,,'...
'0 .... ~ o. ·0",,"'-' b*"'~_
11« I_
II ~ All en" .a-. ...,. II.. ....aat lI\ .. BaG
u <_.., rmI 1""1""'" .. lIor "".. ....Q, ~ ....

l4 ..!iC"Cd .~"" "r.. prtlflCf1' ...... not ~ r_ It~·~

IS 1~(400.0000(h.nd

16 fAil e'.. llltl ..... m .. bdll!lc: pullCI.,., MUJl."", Of ,,1lom:.11 Illopnb

17 "".... ~Iv ~ 1lo:nIichon III J-....lJc:I_ 01 SIar1'.a/l
II l~(" '1dq 100.., "'SJIQ',lled _ 0 ' sMIJ
l+-hd n-
-.Iocft.... '..
dl_ .... .,. ft.-.l T-o

"l.l llKIloII 7. n-I'" ~ritl (..,.,.. _ llric .o;v, .... 0-.:. l,*" 10 Ih<
lJ ~ .... U ...'err.... n.;J...". "" .....) J"'IWl",CIOll mti I!Ic fl>l ...... 'OI
H ""'lim
1~ .. All ClI>eI 1IIWl'-"" tlOlolOd) d".mlnp .........), rucm"' and
:6 m.._ ..........., Pm oe:.- '" 1013,

1lI lo. AI _ _ ........... p: ••_ .. iIloolloa. _ _ ..r.. _ u l
It h ~M __ "~m;""O("'9, ".-.:ot .. d.....

• alleacn _ _ .. ~" .... of... _ ...
1 n:pnIIoM or IUn: . . thoo~ ,.llllil or"" propttT),

If. "'"-

b .- do:t.u- of '

l_ofPta...... lluruNo Ion

......... k
M..... R..........
_ . . . <If

• II AU..",... ........ fnJm c.1OnW) ..... ~'uIt 1lllltlfIl- _0 . . . . .
• ..""'" .., pon_.., "'-'- of lion "'C _ opccU...... 1ooclI Woo "I
10 paw ........._

"n p All "em""" for ............"', ptl)hlhI110Cl. IIIJUIIol::lI<lO\. c.vroortlr. IraIHtw

1J toIII'pU. ..... all Dlbcf .1lJ"~ ..__ JII' M ..... of ... .oppel....
14 ,......_

"16 1"'*,,_"" Mu.l.... h . . _"lIt....

or. flomot) ~ dllnFllr ......
17 c:arnm_
..... of.. IlUlIIlt ~ 10 an ..,Ium:

",i .. AI ..... ....-. oa.-_&Il ,....... _oIk

11 1Jw1 . . c.-_ c t.ra. . . ~ -al..., "'til_ 0CCJ'Il
11 Illow (Of fun:iblo """y MIll ",,"'10M ddU..', .. lIo:h ihallli.lIl1J11kr Ihc

n c""",",,,,, on.....,JllllIo<lla_ or.... MwolC,,* ClmIII (:00"

16 ....... 'fICCW en"
I£t_ ... _ ; ' 1 . . .. . . . , rdod .. _ _ . .
lS ,.ua _ M-.l_ ~ .... p a 0 or .... pmpnl\' .''''.011
U ""bill' ndIIs.. d) III M...l""" lUlIl III mll:d lI\.he Da<t "'"0,

l AU CtiClo p->""'Wr .o:r .'iIu"IfIIt ....
1IMll..... OIICMo defiIood .....
Z --' II) I". ...0 "'-1_ . . ran....,.... .., adIIA\~
J jonwbo:i_"' aIt('..,.. C...... .., aGa CIIIIIII, 1rilIuMI, Of bod,

~ An g. ,I ...-. ,Qv1 iM 10.. IIIIIKlCd II) . . . ' : ' : : : '
• f'w' $ .voh p"......) . . . p. ... ..~_",..,ecl


...b..O(lhc lIl\IIIC'I'I)

~ f_Il-'rtdThw: . . "-INOO,OOO OO~

tL Alle,.. i Kl_ .. "hI<h dIe~.., M-.I_.....h<ft ... ht 100,..,

II ., 7 !lIfo!.....,VftIOIhc,lOnidoa.-vl_SlrIr C_
Il C(M'\."~"~_ ....,.rat •• ,,01>._ .. Ildill.. sholl fD"m1
\) dIo!. I\'lot>om .. bttc Ih< dc1nud lW d..m c:xco:cdt T_1I11M!rcd 1"IIoIosould
.. "-1P200.ooo001

16 TM~,'IIh Imtntl '''''" . . . . r , Ii. . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . ., ....

17 ".iiidM:UOII """,.n _ dc'l'1llod "'"'" ~ docSJkrlalt("1mIlII C__ . "

I. B. .0 ...... Ib....,-.I,..,.,..~.pIIlTdod _ ... n.... 144 or


Pn.i""uallle<:n:o: No 100

~ &. Ba_.... s..t.... IlIC!' c..rt. - Then:: • ~ aaIal •

11 ~S/Dj"'lh"'C~ .... 11 • oS/ttlt,"" IhpCOIIIl IIoaII
n CMttlK e""luJI'1! 0fII"'"" Jl'"id1C_ "WIlla' .. _ • aod III rtf, Ii• •
14 ~_

~ ~ All ~ l<Jr _ ' • """ - . iAjuIoCI-. .... _ .. t ~

16 curr-.......11 otba ",">liar) _ P'~C • aid of IIi....,el'-

.. 10 A I l _ .. _ ..'•••••••
, ...._<JI SIun ... 0IArxI C-u

1 . . If " "0 Slttur, .... llop Coun .11 notaK ~ .-ppd'"
2 ~_",,,,,,_""_(J(_Qw1"'~(:"".""

M-. <II ....
)o=pII _ _ oIjW'
D. 0
t ....... ~.
II. CGM .... lie n-I .-I
...... -.w...-
, ......_ ._LfII• • ~."""·
• 'In*,"," ' ....1tiM.o1 SlUIrI'•• C""<b. - l~ .. " Wi ' • • 0( ....

• Ii • uu{;o\o C"'-"I~-.ldI..-lSo:rf"'C""",,,,""

10 u"w.oo mel ~ 1'" JlInldla'" orach or .. I:Iwr,'" CIraIC .....

II l:ltsln:! Coum.

"lJ "-!loti '•• of Sbtl '• • J..qn..

14 .. QarI ..... C,....t"-'- Nopom.lIoaUlIc ...._ .... JudFoflbo:
IJI:lw. lilt C...." Cu.1 ........ It. \1. ."", c:allal oldw .... ~~ 1Is...t
'6 ~ 1101 _caro ""., of 1""1'"'"" 4 .. ~ .-II) _
.1 pIM..aIh rll. ~ lor '- -.m-.-I __ •
'I '1Il""'i!:: "'l"'•• ~ .". J"nI;;=O' .....aI
1. IOpKI>Dt • .'i1tar,·... c-"
n t .. ~'''''C? _ ........ Iio<_bl: • • ' e(."--~

21 _ IoIlolIo<,...,.. , *_ "" ...... as ......

u pna""'orSlwwo_ Plulow-liJrll '}I~

Zl F.... rqmar ._.obe. 01"" Phil'I'P_ BAr. IIio _ IIovc 1IousloaI .....
24 ...... 121l'd"olSlo<rl'""OfIslliln"'J~....,_"""" .... fi ....
l5 III l!le pn<'l."'" of 10.. for II Ieullhlw UI)'I'U'$
2. h ShI6, all DtJlrlC/ Cnwf No peROII wll be arl""nlCd Judlo of !he
17 SJour, all Dulro.! toon WlIcsII he ... M",hm. el, orlM 1'll.,hPllIJIC'S 1'_,
28 lblll)·fivc OS, yan of 1ft, of pm"" I:Ompclm<t proiJ'l)I. menIIlUy .....
~ ""II'IJI} r... kfto,oo fur b -an" ond hop mara! -.dank -.I .... be •

...,iiba 0111oo ,..;1....-0. ••• 5pCI:. . , _. . . ..., ..... pr_ 0. ........
l III P'C""" • .'iJwn . . c_
J .......... C ' • •-, ..... a., oi ..,--
• .. SIt.l_ Of '" ~ "" . . . . = ..
S poa<tlCC or9lo>r,dl II" Iho I'hlhl'P...... b II (j'"Ul r->
6 "ur • "'Iular member or."" l'IIillJ'll""" lw, hi: mlltl hive fIIushed II k'uI
1 1'000 (2))'Cll1> 1/1 Slur. aIt or lilllm.oc. J~ """ mUll hI.'C ll«lI...,..ed
• "' . . Pf'CIIl'I' (If .... fuf. "-' n"" I') ~
• c /I. • ,......... "" He. C.... No per.- sMll he -n-1I:d
10 J_or.... e • oSlwT .. Il C-.-.lcwllc •• M..... -.J..
11 IIonI ~ oi" rwl' fon)' l<tOJ ~ oi . . elf p..-
Il < "'~ . . - I I ) _ p1mrN'} iii. ~.IGr""",,,,
IJ " . . -.I.....sanh..oad_bc ' ' or.. ",'"....-O'.... IfICC...
H member oflhc f'h.hl'll'l'l' 1'- al fId III poa<tK:C 11\ Shan"'" COIIIU.
15 ~or "*-'. aIt (·OI>hoelorJ..oJ-U. "" 0l1lA be • ~ .. ,< of. flllU-1'"t
II DDION .... U-,aIt or blam"'.I"n"" -.I _ hi"" hco:n atpscd III"

•••. ---
prxI""" of.I:Ia1 ........ llllho f'lU1~ Iilrll ......... 1l01 _ _ lab.

••• ,... "'''''''''':' O'.... _~'b' '.aM

It _lll~fI/l~""' .. I"'-"',.. _ _ IIn-o.a ' .....
11 JIIK'lICl: 0(10.. b ........ (lO, ~ boIOn:SIl<rt"C__
lJ S«lit>a ,.. Co.. rm!t ad St",". IIr H..IPJI_.... $ ••,,'•• 1l1J~ COin.
:4 ~"'" IJanpatrolro SJluro II"" Coun .hlll be <:OmJlI*d Ilf'"IM t91 J~looes.
u IEiu<l 1hc t~~J _ I. 1M) nm:".. •• p<IWeft, 1Imc1-. ,1Ill du ..
l' llwftlJldlc_~ ''''*'''''310 .... 11_)5 ....
17 ....,..,.,Ilr.. . l"'l'JIIIM'oic:w..... ."".... ' .....

n.: 9.
.0 $1Mrl_lllP C.-.I

~l "' . . 9. " IIold _ COl tr.K • • _

a : n.: __ f/f .......

J s«';-'I.C=., _ ~ 1IftD. ,...",. ..
4 I.'" Ill'O ~ <-.-til .-n III" ..., _ ..... praoplI .....
5 al"""-' baler.. Ie1IIft.. - ' pn.,1epI, as lIoe J...a1Ca fJ£lJoe{'CIIIIt
, of Al'Idls
1 JIIdtero or 1h< ,aIt ~ t""", .""11 hi the ......, .... ~
• pa..."'"- hcIII:r... _ . and pn ~

, GfRra-lT cwnJwip
II JWiIa oIlkSloln .. ( _ t,-,,,, """"' .._ po ".'-"
II ..-- -.' '.t. -._p"' oIl.kll.~_

U l"al( ' ....

14 SHtIoMo I1.S'IUI'•• J.dltlll ud Bar (:"o...,ll- I'hc SItwo .... JlId",oat ud a.,
IS Cound. II lind» crcalCd "h;:~ ",,"II t...lIlI<k< the JUIltf\-"_ onbc Ilanpamoru
" _~I-.M 'lip CI'lIOJI IT ""'IIIlClOI.... od Ill" .ho<l",..1ond Bar ('"","""t qllallfocd
'7 appl_1t "" lire pos_ 0( ~ _ """0 • _ .\:lu,,,, LourlI lbr
I' "I" '" . . PI 1'110: PI • • oMII _ . . ",'10 ......
t. 90~. . . . . . . ' •. . I1) • .,...".. ... s.c.....

u ........ IJ. C_.. ',... eI dlr sun'.. J ... iriIJ oM Blr CN.nL Tk
U S/D1 aIt Judlf;tll . . It.- C_d UaIl be _." 1 "r fj\'C' ~'I "..,Ibu••
U ocnKlf mcmhor ofllM: lllUlplmOlO.9Ia1 aIt I fop CCIWt. .. ~-offic",Chau. Ihe:
l4 II..., .,rlM SItlr,·... Acadcm) _and . - (')'"'He_r."... from .he 1I1f11M1'lOrO
15 PolI-. .. .. -<1/flcID Oiltonb.. 1'110: ~ mcmllen oflllc t_,1 oJIIlI Ix:
16 "'lll'.po_"~m-doI~OfP ... _orv..n .....}U'
Z7 ... ~t,-"",_."H • =0
111 '""'.... " o I. . t~ . . . . . II '~"OodM_....
It .....001'(,.... ' ' ' . - . , .......... IlM ..
1 ""'''- 1....• ~·.J ;tI.I.1Od ...rC........... S1o:rJait
............ a-C.-al M"' ' _

5 .""-....:1 J.." O'(·-.I._

" .. Ccwluol _ of , oLdIo:S1ttrn .. a. _of"..,
1 ud ....-ncl of die.,."., 'd1 Coo.rtl • Ihc ~ ODd ",11m. Ihc """I\)
• "r_b "''"'flLptlan 10 1M Supmne C""n fOf mc Ioller', KlI""

•10 SKriolI I!.. Siarl·" 1t,,1n o(C...n. 1"" ",lcsofa;lllft for .... So\lr6,'M_
_! _ ,
.. Ill<

0., olOiO WIt. pnlmIIlplcd II) . . 54 Wk COWl,
c ••• -' _01 ... 8 •
. . ..-... ..... of_ilrA.rt ...
D.s.n ... Il.,C.-t
-..jH 'S '","
14 _~ C <WI 10 . . . . . . . .

1. SoKtioooo IL o.p.riol an I:~.l•• """ r.r , - ' M flit R , _.."
17 SJbo"D11II.... <.:..-t. ....... dot _ JlIPI'f'II_ of dIc"",,- C.... iIaIl
II ......mISlel'SIfar. oII50pa:1l11lar LumlnallOftllll< _ _ of-wlocanlll '" lIM:
19 l'h'hpp .... Ill. IS IpCClal mtmbcn ,""""->f A ~lICCCO.rul e',,,m,ncc .. 1w:I hat.
:10 q",J,rocd for lpCClIl mcrnbo:nh,p In the P1UhPJI'nce l'-' wil be dUly conformllllc
II Idlc:"r~lot..._I...

"n s..... ".Pnc1lr'r wfenSllm·.. C_rIL.Tk . . . . . . . . . d .....

H III prxUI:Ir Iiodcft ',Il, e_
II • ASJwl'" lot........ ,
I' II ... . PtId..... e-:
Z7 cAM _ • ..-de. _1odIoIf._
11 d A __ \l""tn 0Ihm..... lie J...... ll:tIo. 0(1loc 5NIr, aIt Coon
1'I IIlId elM-.. III *" """"""' an h"lodw.lf

9 •
4 _,"'" ll. $""'" \•• ~y. ~ -r.", • /Iol:reby ,,.1IId • SIl<rI u/I A<:aIlmI),
~ 11Io INL_) r-a_ or .. toodl . . . -"'<t.--. S/l<Irl aIt-.l,..... ca"f
..... ........ Q '... . . n. • ..... pnalClC ""-.0-. "'"
1 ..... _It 4 ~.""". ~ $ ' ......

• odoooIi -.I .....=1lQ . . . . . . . . . ""Iop IllII' QOrTlr;1IIa. _Illota. .....

• leIn>U1' mllk"ak of od>ook Iftd WI'''''''.... III ~ tJl,npamoto Tho
11' n '...o 1'llI1_ lhall lief"", lU ~ aad NIlIlJOnlI rune1 ond
II -= ..........b .. SAlIn /Ill,. t ") laIy CIlIOnI ..
U "-"'-I C = .. M ' " ".. .... 1"CMFI .. t W )

l' ....... :u. ... II:pa_ _ J.' .. w.II.,..._I~ ... T1om:.~....-t

14 _"II"","o(J.. ~Dfblomo::lo... lkp..;: d" Tho Pat_iIIall

IS "'I1M ,he """en and lime, ur Ih~ oil'"..... III,lud"'l ,'''' ~ ... "OJu).
16 .... ,lqa.. IOICI bmofll> otitic ~ IIldlo:lIB, II> ... bDnl.... 1C pc. _ocl

17 T1I< IlI&:c fJ// . . ,J._ _ IIc • Tn ," ....,., _ ' of ...

II J. t . . liwISI'¥. . . . . UOUIIo: Ii ' ..... C'lwf\t_
I' """",........ ' __!he.... .... IllmoI_rllolIc'*-te
20 III ,he app""umcal

21 n"d 11 ,"",,' bel M...ltm. II lo::w fCll1} (oI4l)}can oh. . """' obQlII •
1.1 ~ ~ • ......, La...... J Of Ikoq•••u.:., "'.-It.
D t ,""*":';: 'B.al_
Z4 pW~, IoolllldJl-. •• ~rI~"'_

n ..........-..... _ n.- .. Anhoc' • .. He: _ be 0( \'IlO"Ul """""......

16 and prob'). mem.r.1I) IIIIl p/I)-.ocaIl) Ill, ...:I ~_n ror h.. """,l1Iyond Il'p
27 m<nl-...dlnl.
I Tk dqIIIIlCl _ ... 1>1 J' ~ vI-.1lGlden fIl. n.c:lldur".
l Det:r- • ......,1JI ~ -' vi"""";;
J .'iIlIn" &.« ... Ie. ' t

0. fltf ... I'IInhpl'''' I:.dl dqIoIl) _

lie of

4 ,....... ...., 4 1Ild""" ~l\'" pW.-.!\ fa.'" ~ b-'

~ -arlly ud hi" mIIIal-aonb

5 The ImIl or nIT.:.: ..r!he J~"""""Ull ..... h.. deputla ""'II ho fhe (II)......
1 "Ilbooot fl"'jlold" 10 ""'llI""Il~

:u...,. -""""'........._JftCIl'IbooI

I' _
:-1lH u.. J
cwr ol.... ....,.
_ I l l .......
t POllllJiWllc ..
zt '~

II K ~ III . . IIIJIIIIIlQ or.., e- vi App:aIt..
I! S<oftlo.,zs. J.,1ktf, fro. ,.. 80.,..._ It IlhaII be die p;ll0C) ..rIM Cenlnll
t),,,,,,,,,, In ,'''' ~upmnc CWIl

14 Go""mm",ulhllllleul.llf\C ( ..... 'WIlI2)JIISIKcl
15 In 1Iw toun or A~ II WI. be qlMl1lflllll of lIM:
16 D S .GO F"'Ih.,..,.. CIIlefM"' may .. iIII
17 _0 e .o~_dw.slllrf J.,oc: 8ul·..-al _
I' _vl....,-.apg.-lIl . . ' O'C-.l .. *_ __
19 Tk I' vI~, $~ . . Clooo:fM_ }I'llc>aI

,. pus._ _...... *"'c aft II> ........, _ ~ bI:

:1 ",,1IcnClDcl1D <lIlrIcr _l,foed oflho: """'= ,UO 10 IIIhcr pullI~ ..

n tho: JlldlClIlt)
H Snliolo U. Dr",,!)' C..r1' r.... ,Itt 11"0'-'" The OfT.... 0(

LS . . DopII) l·.... Adm......... for 0., 0 0 . aoadl\ cralCIIl l'k

~t ~c_a! __ . 0 . ·0 ....... 4; 5lrlllicC1ud
J1 J 5. c_ ..........m. '''''
A CIIod' l , l _ .... Ift'o- t _ ........ ~ or ..

B5 D
, C-'-...... hrI--. _ . . . . . . ..-ua 0(_
.~of __ """'''''''''$ to.. • ""
A:~,:::,:,:_::O.all II...
'... ."..
, '. 's. • .,,,,';; • ...,9 a .........

§ T, tH •• .,.TrlJWJ..tlnS'f:uir-
6 ~~llo. Z7. , .. ditkoll., or 'rrlblll J ••11N .;,',1..",.. The: lkni 'lOin
, r . r l _ lluIli COld II,,~ 1O .uJ1'I'OfI die lrIdO_'lIII trihalJ"'1JI;c.
8 , , _ . . .." '1Jj llJr ""'IF"'*' I ,'t. lkr..... ~ doan, ...
• ......-1,__ __ "= 10 ......._ -.Ie. -.I da:•

l k Office ..... lid' "1M ..... <II cd a ~ ..
.-..1 ,.........
c.IOft ....

lG '" ,' of pole... m-d .. ...

11 Ai,' 1.ri-.lJ_'~ . . l'wnIrIctdllll8dlS)_ _

1Ioetr .... . . - m..:1CI .......... daua: ....tII .....

R ,... c ", I" HI.. ""~_

~, .... P'Et""'" of ad.

U SKdooIlt.M".larC R _ Ooea .","o"U_ """,

u ~~ ........ JO*aI 1oKI-. dod ~ n. Has 0

l1 Go". oW ...u .....,on - . . • lilt

ZI 9 1

." . _ • • • I'l'"""ftol_<:o, ('_

,"", +. oa,.*, ~".~.:':__
t Sfte-JLAkn·.. a.'~OhpoI.. Il~" TkP a ouoGII-a. . . . . . . .
s a.". ...._ .... oI_~... rncd_.5nI. . d...-... ~

• Pwl_1. wll paw. Ihe ~ ~IOOII l') lIl5I,t~'" III< m.odwIl.>llI tlJf
1 ......u.... dl'lplW _ Tk SI/tr. uIo c.: __ ndM....I.1IIl1rilllJ
• fj' ) ...,. ..,1_ _ -teIlf IIIcu. . -.1.-.._ Die-.
. • .. 110: 0IId0I.

'"101• .\/
", I'l8lJC \CCOl""T"IlIUn

14 .'Oft... I. Dod. . fI/,.,.,.. TW ~ ....1 :::-:::~.: ..

n nqnI) '" . . pIOhl", ,"",'"," -.I ...... pmol"" md cl1i'clI\c" I I

16 p..n -.l-.uJII"'"
.1 ,...... .n-_ ,..w.c PloIll.. atficcn -.I .............. _ • oJl _ be
" " ~ - mlt ? ''). -''1}
21 10,1111). elf"'......,. KI ..,III pomoI_ ..dJ .,., .... bd IJIOdcst I""""

11 'in1looo 1. R. ."' polift. - Thm: • Ioadly =-d _ 0Ifit:c fJI 0qIuI)
J:. 0 I ' 9. .. ...... OfI'lccol'. . OI t f

"n .... t1lo. J. \PI'I' The 0epuIy OmtlIIolmlIn !of tile e.nwun-o
16 a/llI!I be appomled by IIle PIUldenI from I lis. of -' Ieul .... (61IlOlTU~
11 ~,., b)'1he~ 8IId kCOundl,...nidI sh"be lIIlld ...... 1h<M

P) mOil'''' ..... v-.:y oec:urJ ~ 01 wndI . . . . . . . puIIlitned
Z IIlI'."" psprol~CIfQ.QlIOl'l

• Mot.... ~. ~ T1lc 0qIuI) 0ml:I.bmu b Ihc e , '00 JhaU

· nap_


of . . ""I..
t, "
""," bocII,...t ,
bIy (-401
PW. . . .
~ oW 01
e. filr III ....
C'l<a,... .-.-1 01
• kul otrlQll "' !be 1 ,,11.11:1)' ptCII:W"" cllltllllll .. hethef IqUIar 01 'IpOC_l
• ....u..- $. /rut

T1lc Uq:uty 1')nbotd'1IIUI r<lf!be II •

rl _oIoKlIX
()qIwrsO' t

Il ~,""" " PrHIINIIM.••u ~ _ ~ Ilq>uI) C)mh"d;...... r"..
14 1M Ilanparnoro~1J IIOt.dW1ll' h.. lCflun: ~ .... 'O\lltfOme..Ol mfllo-lMIll
15 1100 ohall .... I!IonDI Rod - . . dlRCll. 01 -.l1lUt1) prKbDO ~ odIIer
1_ _ ..'" : . ..,..... 01. f_od'l .., a'
17 ..,..6 '=.~"","'''-''~''Lo> )
I' hbd"· ..,.e).. _ ..... l~ 1Iooteof. _Iud......." _.-..1 •
19 IlDnlrOIlcd wrponIU"1IJ "lhell loUb5odwlCl'

II T1lc~().' 1Rw_1' $ ' o. . hl.ew... ~ •• ood_n"'"
U of_." lof_oIr Hc"'_bc~llod._"_
1) 0«_ • • •Ica.- .,.,' .) 101 ·. . _.. &an otriOi I.. .-al
21 IOOl be .110>0."", 10 ~ IX ~"'" boor- !hi: 0mbu0Ih_ for lVoilI2: )COR
15 foIlo.. iIIJ Ibc. _SIIIMlll fl'llrll om.:.

17 "'" . . . - .. !'diu.... II) i ) .. offlUl) . . . . . . . . . a",. depcIo
1:1 " ' . o i I.. leo .... ' 1~. __ oI"o.p..
~ U"'bo+ lIII. .. lib.. _ 1Il )Of pm:a:I.... !lot "I'JIOWI_ ....) . . . . . .

. - l . . . . . . .., _pcM. . ~.,(Wfl«of... O
--..a... ~"Of -eIftCIl) ~Ilh

4 nilS d"'llllhtialioo IhaJllfllll~ dllfln.lhe .... = or ,hi: olr", c-.....d Ilu.

r...,"" .....


d. . . .b_lI""'*n..... Io ......... . ,

:-_1. ~ ., .. , t ..... - h

be: ..... diIII) ofllot tlepol)

, UIn~ lOr .... /WI. ,... otoll\lll.tlllMb llldlc bcIlo(~", bowolodF
10 andfu onformllKll\,. ""bloc: d'lICk,""" Or'M iIlenllua ol',lIId hI> rdalKJr!!;h,p
11 .......... ~ ",rmallO _ IIle pMal... _

lJ , . ~ .... bc:IiW ..'. . . . on-""'Df... Pi . . . . . 011I"....,.. .

15 dlKQwa nwkJlllrS_J<l1b1ll iealOl 5iIaI1 pul of..... ptobI"'ft>:<II1looad

16 lJIaIli be .... ,blble 10 lrIy pmclOI Of "'ell" ..,..., ""1_1

"II .... tIM .. s . - . I OIJ i l"": ...... _ '"' "'II) b ...

I' ~of" oI"Oft'ic:c...-.,' t, .. b ......... p:ol
It .. ~ oM f • u.n he .alaI . . . . (' .."'" ftIl llI'e
II 'wrcn- ..... -.rol or.. Aid off," Tllc OffICII: 01 !hi: 1kpIIl)' 0ntIuchmul
n fill dlI: I\opllllJlO ii/ulll 0>~f1C'C IIId odmllllJlCt 1M ~l_' of h. ofl1<e
La Tllc OIroc:c of It. 0.01 + '-' . . !he ......, 1 • • 0( ..... ~

zs 0 I ' b .. 9. II, _ 1M' IS I*Il 6ol,w lOr

U "'*--- ....... <Q\"""" • •lho· .b"dIiDanc~

11 of. " - " _ lloatt~" D $ I .. ~ ... IIadI: "'1 ~ IK ......

18 ~ uf"hnc """""" dl/'ClClOn"


Tloc 0 ~ ...- .u olTJ<Irn """*'t-. of 1M orne.: oI_
l Oqo.l) 0 $ doc" a II. IIIooM: ot ... on;,,;,.. '" ...
~ "roc_ '" •• for . . I' • _ 0 . __ ' ...... 1M ('.", 5crnoo
.. t.- nib oad . .111..-

, 5«,10. t. I' ~ .... ~ ... ,k>•• ud 0 ••10. 11M: orr... of dlc 0qM)
6 o.n~"laIl U hII>.. dlc 1'''''.''. func1_. and dUl~ • the ntbl!r
1 ~ Onl"' _ lIIldalht Offioc m\be cIoP""'kna

• \rtirIt'lI


II ~ I. Fht.l 'a'_f'

Tloc R 2 lO.. .oW tIllIOt fhcIl )

" .......... ,""" ot_..... lloe....-. ",""m~,~ .,df lr-:....,
U and pu".. <Ie,........,..,. "shaU to> mt~1od I(>.U fimd _.".,. "cnued
14 hm:.., .,.j ,hili II",. the power 10 <:mile III II>Ilfl:III"I of n:ven_ u prt/"llIal '"
15 Ibn... Ilbll ~ u biIdFI- ....u Il\IoCaIl: I\IIlds • ~ "MU
I' -.-l _ ... ...-.a "" .. II • ....0 ~ Tloc funn
17 _ o t ..,.. _ o ( . . ~ . . . w ..... t '''' ....
I. 0""
. c.aodllt_n a

z- s.rno.. 1. hdili.. - All pIItlk r-d:s 01"''' S' IIOW '"' ~ II

11 'llf I/lIIi ......-.. ,..... 'DO tommll>_" A",htlOCAI"1Iorl»
12 CI'ClIlN ..... lhe: IlCiIOUl Off_ of tbe Comm.."", WI Aoou lbr lIlc

1] IlanJ'Ul'lOrO I. shall """' dlc 1lO""', 6"'bon!), and dlll) ,.. c.'Illm....,...... ~. and
Z~ tcII'" aU _ _ ....-... .., dlc rn _ f'I:'CCIllG of. • ~'"' 01'
15 _oIliInito _1*.. . a.ld Ito. OI'~" Ill ... puiIllI<
l6 ............."'.8.
'I) . .......,j 01'

uTloc8llbnl_oIdoc~. 'b)-
17 P a oGo\.. iMl*d..-Of b • *-. . Of. ..
18 ~ ..... lie """Ja;l III . . t .,. ....... "'PM. of die I t . .0

Gt»a ..,jto- I b) . . BCA ............
Ihe (;........._ .....lId. for IIie ,It. ,GO
_It. ' om".. of

4 The OCI'II"""'" ~ ... dlll~ ~11 be .. w.a.r ~"'"' IC> 1Iic .......1
S -a.~of .. t _ .. A..t.IICOA1.,............. Arudl:IX-o
• *,-2(11""" 1'117('='_ _
• V.1lh duo: ",pnIlO !he RC.... ~"""l'l:>il., 10 _ .... Ihe Jud~ "'" 0( fU!Ilb
, ,,1lh1Ol Ihc I:\anpam<>to, de.burJcmml """"""" ollbl: u.S' -Ull (i(wcm.......
10 ..... bc .....IllOd.& '_I) to _ C _ .. AIodn Rea-IOl'flc:.. b
11 _e • GO

"13 M..,"", 1. '..Mal r.... n-._•• tl••• « The: IJarlpmooo c-""............. </WI
\4 o;n:JIk:. mcchlniJm tor ~lllIlIn[l. "llnll- IIId """,,,or 11K: Ii~ of
l' ... _ " "..IIIocal . .,U&I.... _ ~otJlllld ~m ,<1IId1oa!
I~ )

1.1 apKa) , ':~"':,:.:,"" II) _ •• (;0 .. •
n ....... c,....GcMo

"25 "".11<I.5. ':un...,. lu Olh. Ihlllo..o fhc ~ O<Iwmmm. mil}

oho_ . .
__ "'wtf, .:.t~
"_c"'dn::.:'::'~ hef .....

!Mooo""" ... ltn·.....

, I

J ......_ .. It~H.. ~............ 1k" • '''0 ('"oO.a ~ 11K

4 !'O"'a I l I _ . """ ~ 'Ill". j .... 10 b.., IIJ>.O. ron. ~
~ <UIIp;l III ..., fI"O'$<"" of tI... br4 ... _IliICJll ",m !be ",*,1J'1ct of
J .x."IUII<lII of fill''''''', "'lUoJ'tal_. "'lull) K1COWIIllII,I~I, ll'lm,n",'nU"f
7 .""pll':') Iwmonllalloa, and economIC dflComq and IlIl:aI onomy ~udl
• IHcll - . -..l ~barJCI""'" _ _ nd'ISI'd) ..... Fl" , G..............


11Ic _
"0.,••'.'a~_.? ....
"U "Ta>.a

l~ ~ '_"",,c/wt<s:

17 < ""'-lblod.,-cum. . '"\........."..

",. • ~."rn_*-"''''''*"_ok-c'; ....i1..._ol

~~ ...... i CU w d m - ~.... Of .._D<.'q:II ......

11 Rna _0""11) '....10.110_....-. . 1' • _0


H • Re......... &om llana-o..... 1">Tf"II1IWll'~""'" MiIInr -<:oIIh'tIllod

l4 <:oql(lfJI1""" lGOC.X;.l IlnaJlC.1 ,MIIlUI"""l and <llIICl' ~1OftS. ond
lS ,bMelO (...... the mcnooca of u .."...1 GOCt:. and 15 """'iii...... opmu""
l6 • "'" a • '....0. . . IllI) hc dcwmlllllCd by ItIc ~cnw I rlla1
l1 polq "'*'l
(_... • ~_b)-.cP. "
I Gorou 0IId _._ _ IO .. ludl .... C-.lGo>aw_ •• ~,
~ ~ \toIW,,,,,,,. an<l
, (;....It lIIId

•, It. t..-
0 . - Ikw....._
o_ _
- _ _ loO.... l ...."'a1 II) . .

• All PI""'"' ,,",0 ~ .. """","'_ *""'" ....Iod 10 lllc A A _ .
10 Rq"", '" MlIIl1II...., unde' tho R"""bl'" Ac1 No Illl~ -.d bIlM!r
1\ 1q..1aI.... ond neeu"'" lSl ......... on: _renal 10 1M Ilanparnuro

.loft. . 7• • 5' aM ZdM: .""""

I'llI. . . . Mrt_ ................_oI'

Ilq...... _no.
H • 0

16 ....,..tkHl II. h '"", .~ (·h....... Illc IHflpllmMl (;n'a'nlMfll .hllI

17 u=osc: the PO""C't Ie.., ~ ...... or cllootaD IbM .. en. aIfnd) swm 10 IIlc
'1 >\'* . . Itcplll • M__ M-ot-> "100>0:0.1 IlqIubU;: J\I;l
I' 1Io7:W -.I RcpooIlIo< I\Cl 'IMol . . . . . . lev'" .• ...,. _
10 ,.... ..........

21 1''''''l1li I'n'CflIIe-tlIOIII, rn<aMlHS, 1M ~ .....11 ~ W
lJ pr,nc,ples or .."formll} ond <:qllll) In laUllon. Re',cnllC!l .....lIlnllllO 1Ulc1' 10 u..
2. beKr. 0(.-1 be MlbIoocIIO tile lI"lIOIII"'" 11-..... Ik_ '''''~
U Tnn.-..~ . . lIIIII ... -.~~_.......... or
n ~lOpIOhI"'paI~ ne~ ..rp , ,...,,-.:... ..... dIIrFo-
:ta nIho:1 ........'"1_ IhoU IIOl ... !elM a ) ......... """"'"


T10c POOOCf .. -.polooC • lao -.kf . . a...: 1....- .... lie _ - . I "" . .
Z H : 0 .....- . ....... _ ~_ lrJoolal-. ..lIdo ...1_ he

J "1l1wloo1 ..) flOOO' ""1>1,,, 1laf1II. cmdllClfd f", the I"'IJ"lM' T1lc
4 n .,.........., Qu,nn....,.., o/IaIL .. 1lor .. pnl'Ilcablc. r"~,,, • Pf1>IlI'I'",VC S\'SIImI
S 01" _

J Mf"- ,. h.IKftlha To _ . . . •• .. .0

• """Iba'" 0 r _ Gc»co __ ....... ~ .. JIO"OCf 110 FIlII ...

• eumpl_....hotc$. ta., JM)ImYl' ond 'llhef 18l>:rI1I"" 1rll:1ud"',1booic pulk'd 10
10 die Rq.1llfII1 1l,.,,1 ot In tn",nl of lhe ARM~1 A.o '*" o( In«ntlvo III
II ...·-.1Ilt ..... •..0 )'''''' ,nwallO......., .llalmo: lump_,n ...
U -'1 . . . - - ' "'_

I~ y.".... It. h".. P_rn no. ioIIoIo. . _ III'" n , .o.-u _
15 bood b) tlIt llanpamom (;o•• "a""n'
"n • ('a""gJ Guuu T<n 10 m1P'JM'd ... Ik pin. pm.wmrd III h..r b«n
l' ralondb)llic -."' I ddclo>_lIfCilf!'llll
I' , . .• .-.. ore-l_l . . .

Z2 '...111 .1Id I"'ll<'l" .ukn<:ul, ,'''' 8IXqllUICl'. "'I""'Cf'I, .. 10 or
lJ r.. "rlnQhhpl"" "...'" or ~ ~klClll ~

co Pr-.T.
- ' " 0( """"'""
T..... OI'pII.....
.......,. ' - .. _ ~ _
In Iloc ~
17 or.., _ f a "oMll ~ "MIIIO:r die _r", " or ~ ..
I' "hclhcl lho .,11 IS d'l<ICI or lIId'tKI _ "bclhcf ,he I"~) III "",I or
lq IJC"OIlIJ, l.Ons'bk or ,""",,h~

Z d £-. r.... r... _I!w: nlhl U(lbe,j d J'O'lBIIO nnsfJl. h..1loIf
:1 ......1Il111 hiolha ""ful he,,, and """"tIc.,,,,,,., Ih< 11..... <lr d.:.uh ."d ''''
4 ....wn ...rCA, ..1udI .... ..Jc ........ ~ _'~l 10 -..can

·• -
J ~ 1 _ .... ,"wd_ -.u .......... .

• • t RC'JII"1'\11111 f_ 01 .~ "hdl an: "'I1llefCd 11)' Ihc.- 0\<l1ltR .. ttb ~

111 ad 0(....0 . _ . . . . . . . . .hInft aut_

• ' "" . . R......_ ••
" (;00••0_ _ ............" ....... _
" _oocd.
14 • Toll brxlF" .... . - Cl,IMtruI:ICd and !.I,ned tit Ihl: pn,lV"""",,,

U ell
"'" _. _ ......11..... ... ....... a or .... _ I! • ...."

" ~ T_, rea. Of clIafFI .......1turaI ... ..-0: pnlIlutII, ~ ......
I' ..,ld tr. mlVJInal r_"""" Of nshcf'r"l~
"11 l ,,- .nxte._..,_C_.Ci ' ......................
LZ Rn_COldt
H ,....,., ICC'>. Of ""-Fi 'III aMln~.1dc. baranpy " " ' _ on<!
25 alOpO""''CI I'lOl rqJS"""d \Indo, RqlUbI", At! Nl> 1:>I10.,he w tapo ('_
It torC_• .x1lld Iboup) 1'-__ • ........-.- .... 1lqloIlrIk/ld No
I' fI\lll... ""C"""""""'t.... of ........ 'b , - ~.....

I l <;odI . . . I&........ .-cn: .. ~ 10) llc ",...d b) _ UooUMkiII "r..,
I ,0,111.-. Ilq_ 10 MllSllm M"ldaMo(> und<1IlA 6734 RA 9OSol. and
1 odI<r """'Ill'.... andn«UlI\C ~

1 ..'kft.u ...... '" .., f' e o~ ..........
• Immi 11110 Idl"~ "" too wl'IK*'d II) \he a.- of """1811
7 1U:>'ClIlI< lRlR I of IlIo COlI 1C""'C!1\n-. llIc 11lt<f....·....monLI111JC'I1 1'u1H;)
I o-d wll pronuIl Ieo .. !he 1i<lcnnJnIl. . or l&.uIIIc ci<mmD • ...,Mnoa
• . . . ._(1) .. ,dl . .~ or,••• "-*c P ,·.or
10 -'...,........., . . ........, d • _ ...., IllItioIlk of Illc

II " , Ii""" "'"""" A~ dl$pllll! 1Icl.....,. Ihc U-p ' " (;O.'Cf'lI_....t
II lbc l:cnr...1(.to.cmmolll In"nl rion, Ihc illlJUollwWI of 11,.. undLT ,") '" (dl


8bo>"c hll be..tdnsMd Il> tht I-.....u.., _ l r-oKaIl'ol.c) 0-.1

....._Il.Sloa.... iwT..... '"" ... (,..tnlc.. __ 1. C.-..ltAo.,._ _

I. !Un ..... , ond dIuF> coIIe=d III II", ' Illhet Ihan \11,11" ....
11 C1l:'iNlnO) dUl ..... thoU be shan:d .. 101""':1
II I 1'.... I).ll>c pa.-t2!l....!III . . l:..-.J (;oo-u", ....
I. • 5c>ftl).rroc.....,.. t1~IIll* 8 . '0. _1IloI tt.ft or....
10 ~I F.a .. 'kill . . .
11 1loo: ltOmnaiuonal"" pen'aII (2~"'1 Marc of lllc ( .... tnlll. aIQi•••

11 lohalL /iI;. pa10d "r"", (10) )~. be l'ClII...... b)-Ihc " ...,,-..("'.· r
II TIoopo:nod ror....-. . . .l b e a - a l _ - ' Olkillor""'C.....

"16 Tho ~ m IIACf, r..... and • ....,. pm>okd under t~ .. iClOI,,-," wll hi: In
17 1IllDIII¥\~. and dlSlllk't from dlc ..aI bIoc;l III1I>Il IDIllllIllIIlCd ID Ihc
18 8 e ...o... 'io:tol17of... .,......

• ~_ IL 'une.·.' ".. C~'" -' 'r••n: a._ _ Mnnl"
] OfTIu, rlx 1tans Ull "-hunan \hall II) "'... eu.b11S/l 'Ix ...............
4 R",onuc OtnCl! "IIII,n !he Ilan.... moro (or ,t.: ""~ or _ _"'II IfId
5 eollocll"l u.n.. lOll> \Pes. • "'CII . . all . . . CIlll..:tiblr IL~"" .. !he
,• It '1lW0

• ,.. 9 G ~ OlrllQ:'" ooMca .dI ........ _ . . ~."

• 1M C.....l 00>"..' 0 lhtoqlIa ~ ~1II:ol dqIOlo-, t.L
,0 1",,,I.lIdlumc 1Iul' U JSOmon'I RC\mueotr","" NablMoal IhcDDlItcl_
11 iM11 be: <looK ~ Ihc lIu ~ of 1,,_1 R",,,nw /IlIRI , ~ 01' Ihc
u l' • """<..o-,,,,_,"saJlbutt...-dblo .... C..... O"'a _coIIocl. .

1.1 Slot.;.. IJ,. "") __' " T.... II) r..,...,._ ranacn.i,. ... ~""- .
12 COfJ"ftIIlIIIlI. ,.",,,:.,,1,,1"_ .. r....... d~l) ""PfCd In " " " _ In llJe
D IIanJSlmonl.lullllll IMIf <'OI'I'I::.pood,ns '-.~ r""" """ clluges ,n ltoo pro.. ~
l4 Ofe'l) .. hen: Ihc ~ ...,mcn/IOJ'_1lf rvon bIail_
U C~,.,..' $ .. r -.t ..., off.llOCl ...,
U .-..8 a o b:ll_ .... ' ,_.,
lJ J pi) ... _ IDes far _ cknvod &om __

211 ~ .. Ihc R- t IOiO 10 !he ~O' .. """,,,,,,,"Ill .. 11m: Ihcor Innch

Zt offkes Of M'III:>. Illl"IlIOllI or """"'IC> art IoQlcd l k UIR """ Ihc
1 P • • ~ C'Iftb . . . . . . . . . """''''_ '- . . fillllI o f _
1 lD _ _ ........ Ihc ~ f...-J1'oI1C) no.d
~ ~l"'. I~ . .\II.... ort.~ rOIU,Il.nll.«:o1 (; '~ , , .1" I. 16'<:0" IIkl.
5 .k. R"lM__ 1_ P • ...- Pwl IooolI..-;l .........,......
• ....-.sof
7 Lo-a
locaI a ,
0(. . " .
,.,..ICt_~ ...

• l ..... Gcr>u 1M PMS GO

ID b«llo. 15. II•• ~.",,,", r.... ud H...... CIId.. 1'h1: I~
II 1 " 1 _ WU.-.I. llupurao I ... Code, ..hoch.-ll wou doc M\...
Il """<nor... ,,. oUOOu.....
H 'OH""'" ~_ .... 0..... ... a.;: o.-n c>.cralC'" flO".'"
IS In') rca . . ct.Fs .. =-1 III'" 1'0""=1$'" 1Iwl_ . . . wll 0'"""""
16 • _onlaJM:c ... ,t11 til .. a.", ....w. ,,,,,Iud"'. \hi;: pcl\OCf'lo .Irad) snnlCd undcf
11 1l.<'l'UhIoc: Ao:I r-;" /lUI. RA 9Os.l111d UIlIct ",..,...,vc _ _ MId " ...,uonda


01'. ._._

....<,.. _.
11 110- 17. \ 1 alor~ G,.... ~,. (-mtnl ~ dial) PIO'KIt an
Zl llIJ block ' "hldl shill ~ chc.~ ofw H.lnpamoru mille .....0 1

-...J ....._
EIooIoe ~ ..= ~ •
or 11Io: Go.a.... l1Ic _ ..... be ...troaal
""""" ~
b ....

Z7 l ' J.krlftllous afIKR • wT_ _ AIdMnr)

I )H_II. ~ ~Gn., r........ , - I,
I 1Ul1ooo """ dI"ro:t. _ flf_ bkd. 1 be
l cqut kal 10 r..... per «oil (~'I .. rll~ llnlCmlll "'veil II<C1Hl11 or
4 Ihc UUmlU uf InlC1T\Jl Mc.mllO IcM tM "'1CmII1 """""" 1110.." nr local

S F'~ ""'"
, For,.; WI of - - . 1k ... _ _I.......... CGllcc_ of ....
1 s..a.of I~. 5 AIOdlDbo"_ofall--'~

. . . . col..... _d\lnq ...... _ _ .............. Ihc_~

., ' " 11.. ",funds. ~_ b ..r ",..wd. and Ia) fIO'I- of ..........
10 "'""'lie I.... ~ulln:llOOl' .. h",h on: ~'llly "" • ,.. """,.fIe, nrmarkd
11 'fl('Cal1I..~ (Dr pI' ......1101II1Rlpc.-
IJ "'""........... _ . . ._ . . . . . ~ _ ~ _. . . . . . . . 6oal
I. ._IftIt'lIII_... ~ fhl:al •...,

l~ 1'10' klod. fIInbn. lhlulhc abo", ronnu'" 1""'11 be III\JIIStcd ,f. Inti III< cfIio<:',,~)


• '9
0/'111.. ""- llocn ooom. • dIM. II !he IOCIIIand ""'" ohil<' ItL

...... odal. &.Il\ ~ ..... l-.l <-u

jl '''''II,
• -.. •
1O £ t? 1< _ ckf.o;... 1lIrl"i ' . of doc ""~ .... c:aJI far
ZI Rod"..... 0I11oo .... ~ ,.,W_ bod) .. hom: boIh Ihc Pm.odcnl
II and the Pr,,,,,, M,n'<ler ofll.. Ilanpamom .."II plnl<lflO.IC m onIcr II> """'., 1M
U 1'1*',,,.111>' nf .w.IjllSbDllhc enrt..J "lod of lbe Itt ...,. Pn>.oda!
U lioidkld"""- _ ..... *II"" • "'-'. be dlnI_ 01 . .

l~ £ " ,...."'_ddklI..
11 .....m.. 19, h_.IlK \P...-Prial- T10c _ I ....d ..-' .MIl ""
11 ..._,ally "I'I""'IlOl'\ClCl lO!he IhnJAIlIIJn) o.nnn__ and ..f\n:lod II lho
l" {.....,oo APJlfO>l'flauons ",,=, Ik nanpamom ""'liamc'IIIlhall!*• • IMIIII
I II .. _ ~........_ . Ibr Wed . . . '" _ _ • ocs-.i
1 PiOP ~ 10 doc ~ IBd r-a_ of Ilic I' I '1010
1 ( ...."cmmnII f!kd G.... , o.hooooIil be fltl"Wd) ""'"' 011 c.p'1al 010111) llw
-lIIFtI far ado _
1loal1 rna! 10 -.: p .
"'" .-pcnI_.
lIonlt§aml)flJ onn..llplV1lIlI"lIl_ 1.1I'" ...., lbel inl:1..... pctf<Jm\,l/lCC UlIndard.

0...-..1..., far.., 4>""'-

arrmu )"'1 W'd ......'

I 'oft1iM !e. Ilot.~~ M..k.w -r.c: blcf;L . . . " I br ~d•......a........ .-d
, of UI) firnba ""''''''. """"'I)' Md DOIIIfII'docn<,,~I. 10 lbt llaoop ,IOlO
10 Ck>\mcmm1 and .. h:h '111I11 nul he: ...Iljcc' 11I11I)' he.. '" hol<l,,",,~ lhal may br
II ""I"'""d ~ Ibr lccrrnl (;0. ......... ,.." ...1\II1O'Cf I""JIllIi"
Il ZI.Dord r tM L(.no.t;£ .... po_ "-.-,6OIa
14 1IIc -' _of ..,.. ~(icn.. ..rcalooo__ '1


he: Ilo:clucIal m..lhc bIodl .......

• R.......... rrom dlc -..J1lu.llllo-'C' !lro,c04 lho11e.1Iuch dc."..N IIIlho

II "R\1\1Q1Ilc';."h....'1l1)~bc¥<R ...

.1 ,~ of IIIc H . G • Ilw ... u _ dcm.:d m- IIIc
II a.pIunl.... """'.......,..,. . . . 11,111I1_ of -....1 _ . • """ OIled
II 1ft An"'. XII. ';eel"",,J.l oolloclCd Ih.... \J»QfJ brr"",


Ji'foIrIded. IN' tlw • ..-1
..... 'I Dc ..l p,..
lilt Ifdudcd In the _
i1_.. ."""ed "'" 1M _ _' - ' III tlw "',," h'WO
po • •dlnArbdelQll,s.- ....... ncc
'-ID!Iot! ~ from me IIIcdt ar-."o Ided.
17 1\ortIIet, en. tlw .bcoco, ,t>cned delt....- .,.. nul Itw ~ III
ZII 'Ill'Sl' .......1 IctII acvem l un"• • rId 01 IridIC''''''' communillcl In

1 1O.... _ . _ ........ IromItle ..pkIRt_. . . . _".,il,_...._
I of nlllllr;ol ~frft, .... Arl>cM 101. 5ectIoM 15.nd 36, ,,"D«t1ve4V

• n.lh G IF n..*--b.,Bk.d
~ Gr-. .. IJI'f"IIIo>d.lllllo>c. fnlnl'Ql ~ . , ""F.a= SA, 'wa1
• Pollt') Ho<.d "'" CIOl ~ al'It:f ItS di:a"1l) T1Ic ~'"' INl "-II be
1 """"""1... shall tlJIIIldef........ QlJ>m;, I~ rllQll>C'Clh ofdlC' flan.............""
• .... ",1uloI rc>_ I .. 0IIllt ~ Ikn:aJ'lo:r I!lc: m,,", WI? be

• ? d .. na\ 1m: .~I I,*,.. a! ,""'"

I' Poll<'""*d 'illoUl_ <:-..1 ("-0 1_ ""..,..... .,~

I' .. IIlO' ...... 1IoIonl, !he ""_ ollo" be II) lilt InttfIO'Q • .",,,.laI
II RdllMOIli Bod), f.... "_!menl ""0 Ill"

"14 SH_ 1J. 0.. .......,,....,,.._ ,Old ,...,........ '--al~ Ifta . .

1~ ...rlC8l_ot... l'-<lJoo _ b - - . . l i.... t51~-.aftcr .CanI
It VI>\'mlman shill I"""odc lbr 1CId'1_1 r-h llIII_ld Mlb>Nllle .~pmdll\l'"
17 f",. <k:",1opp>fIl1 pro,..,11 ...., lnfllll\lU<:luI't' in IIIc IIanp'MIO, lrIClood....
"' pn:n80,.j - ' _ . ., _ . . . . . . . Jo::= ............ , ..r P'-
R •
t 1

M .. P
liO.... w_

"'laIfl'cmmcnlll ",!allOM b<Id)

GO Gooa.
. Tk ('can! Goo..
!he _,
... Illc
Illrcl.P 1ht
dl as Ihe _ . oflClaoM of Aod ""'OIIlll
II '" !he l*,pan>Ol'Il ~

H .....

16 "eflkMl u. , ....It:. . .II OolltUlk 1..0...; 8il.... '01"1 nil
21 Obtll.llo... ,.)l.oiMu ('1'WI.u. """ (JI1m F.". . o(t /Hojocu The
28 .......... 01 cn:da,_odIaron.f11 " ! ,...,.,

n.. a:tiWi,. _ 4'" $ o? ... ~ . _

I or r-hI'" ....". . l O r . - - fIICll~_". . pn:IJ<ClS, .., . . . . ._ c>f
1 real ....,.,), and 1M unpkmcnr.nOll Ill" OllG eo.p... I,n''''!/'IlCII1 (lItIj<'CU• • ",.11

l ... ro. lilt Ile",,~ -.I -.elr.... orlllc """"* of. . .,..,.............

\ SuII,ocl" ,HtChllt~ MdI" '.,
• .... llwlPl 1coMl.... "'I.~I_ n"",,, ("""I" ""","",,,, ItalIJ "'lwlMi
7 "",-.:m... ,ltUIltUt. ,,1Icthrr opl..;,. or U1\fl11C1I ho:" ",,,,,kl I<qw"", tbol
• ~-aI..r ... C_I Good : T1Ic (-.I Go.a............ lloIh
, ~fIIC...-..., l'"d\l_._ao:::IMdI. '"
•• or ~ " - 1loc ' " - ..- ) IaLt d'Ii:o;l . . . . . . . . .-.1 ~ •
11 ohll dlC' memhcn ordlC' R.npamoro ,·,vIl.......,

1'1lt C.-.J
...... , i G<..u .........., _::
· b • .,.,..., .. :":::.:O.:.:Go:':.~.~:~
of _ _ ac+. 1 r_ ,
local .. r ~ _ odIa' _'0 ... "'''' ........... I"QlCCI> 11\

II 1CCUdana: .. lIh ,he EJanswnoru 1"",,,kJpncm''Ian

III .... 1IIl. JO .)~ ....... ,t __ <II"'" 5 _0 Gooa .. ,• • of ..
'" oppl..,... .. _~ I *" O. II (""0 $ . . . . . . . .

10 .. formed b\ tbclcaaal (;0 "'"1"" ... _ ..... 0II ... """'1f;IIl_ "'"
l. IPJlllClllon .hall Ix ~I.od WIth d.. JWIch.

H eo. a • alto ............ _ no.

. . - - bIJh.. lJoodo. "":;"::":',
!~ ...,....... coI..1Cl'ab., - . o""p-. .... odlc!rddll ~"'~ ...
II ...clllU I'ldccn. or mil<: 1M Ja/lle, _/I, Ill c...clCd ~ llIe Ilanpamon,
17 ...1 _ Satd.lIIanI) . .) "'" nen:1ICd 10 r _ Klf-I"I',·'.....

I _~. . line., n .. h.clihoocl """"""" purJUM 1I>",...n...
J CSlIbI,>haI m.m .fQn:mtftloonN ...,,"""""", rLon
~ ,,,! r _ 01 t - -'! , Iote..... TIle p. 11'0 Goo", • Molll
5 ';OF_ • • _~-.iI

• . . . . . . .'.'....... -...J

• Stt"-'o:"~ 1),.,,_.. 0.. .......... UoIo.... III IU efforts to IdIll"c

• c 1"0"_ -' I'O"'nT\ " " " " ' - ........ . . ~:::':':::_~,... ......,
'0 k' • ...,.,... ... P a " 0...0 .., ~d IIaRal) flI
11 0._ ~~.F I w . - IOOA) .. oth ~..I 0( 1M N.l_l
Il ~ .. llif>cloPl,,,,,n Aulhonl) !lie FlInP*"'OfO ,... llImmt '""~ orIlII:t


lI:pW_ FW'I''' OOA

( 00 _

"11 ..... ,10). 16. G.... b •• ~ Ito.FlIt"" (inn~ and lkwuI,Hlll. rmm fore,,,, Ind
II domo:sl"'...,.....,rw:d.., .... p .... ",OIn (io w l' for 110< ......". . . . .
I' ... ~fmo(. . pcopk._P 5 o ,.."fDrdlc.-l"*

"Zl IlrmaI""" ..... pan,' 1Iw"", Ida! 0><;.... ",,1) 10 r.......,., I""!/"CG for

:. '"-
loa ~d1_ ~

_ _
- dIm:....._ _ l ..... • ..a. lidl

"U Sot... !~.•: -'vn-Fn T10c ,' _ _ _' ... _
" _~_ _" c~ _.- 'Cd . . t l i _ .

J .,.,..... 11. c..lla...1 t.vuap. Eo I It ... r .....1n! C........, .
4 (_ ,,_NT """~O("C~l,jo\.. ....H ,UO
, (I\WCfTImcftl mil ~hlWI hnu,,,,, r.. cuhu.. 1 n.;1w1,.. ea-.moc and
" .......""" COOPC'''''''' .Ilb _Ira "llh d'~1l<: ldII_ .nlh Ik
""'l~ .....: : _ : : : of "'-d....... ' '".. .. ........

~ IlIIoa WI • ....... t:..... Cooo.. """""".. oKlo

Q IIIlllomlIl,np

'W<.... 2t ~ntll' c 'ur;... ........ e ooW be aainl ..

II Inocfiu~ cm'_ 10 "tldlhc C-.& C.oH' $"."')
Il \ul;h hmofrb IIhalI t>c cqulUlblc: .116 lball OOMMkt lht ....,1AItk: hUm&II -.I
14 dlmll' _ l U l d ~1'" Ill'....... 0I"""'!"wp 'uo. • ..dl ... III


• •••

co-l_ -.l ....

, 0.. udlor( ,roIl.d (1WJIII ,iu.) I(.orr ) ud

II fl I.II.nh.1iH1

III ...... t * JI,. GOC"C. ad t. . . . .ll..,... ~ n." a ,uo . .11le"
II "" p""'" 10 cnootll ooec. and f.-.cll' "',trtu,,,,,," lh,,,,,p the ~


. . . . , _ ThcIo:

rqJ5IOml ........
modaimci ond ID IICCICIr\Iimcc .. ,III I ...... GOCCs III be

G (;0...
h h •

I*SCd by Ih<
Ul(!.:_ ..... lit .....
... $lhlOOW ......
IS lc:,llilll1,." chann bt lilt lJllnpamoltI .... lllrnI:IIl..nd .hall he...oopw:d"'"Gl
U. _ _ IhIO Ibnp'nIOO 1I","mlICt dm."ft! f""" IlIetr <lp<RI_ shall perla" III
IT ..,8. G

. . t_ JI...... bll.~ (;l.MT. (}ponll'_' no lb ""I>'I",nl"O
l'he ",. . _au._.-u I " Ihc: ~ aIIItnIl 0-.,. exlS'''''
3 liUCC._...,.. _ _ , ""..... ~ B. 0 .....
• dL... _ '"' the '."a .lfiIQI pola "'-d Ill.. - . ,... ~

s ......rc. WI, be tflmed lIlruwah !he /ICCOSlt) chin. . IlII Ihc (i(X.C....
• I'IVfltI."'1 hcludl
• .....m.. JL ".111""'... 0.- ........., ,.'HriI) ..... \1-'_•••
~ ,.....i< 1.'· '_., Huk. Vvtk,n '" 16) _m ftml lhe nu~I ..1mlm1 IIf
10 die Dr.... Ibc: 1a......,."'......1IaI f~ l'olq &ud 1MI1 ~ dot
II ~_"'''9 a _ ..... _ a (II'!-
u ..............."'110. o..Mol f'lo,IlW-_1bo:~ t .1'tI,~ ••,,,..
U lk>,,1oprnm1 Audl<>m) .. pro,KIN .. P D tp9(J.lIII>l:nIlod hr I' [) 1701.11d
\4 . . mode nf_ru ol....-slup .. 1hc a.'S .. (;o.ClIll'_

16 ,-,. . II l:.o.htll, GUrc. ill ,Itt Ill.,....... no. u.., .. iI
17 {'"""",me," wll he ~ '" tho board of d'm;:."'!. III lhe poIq ·1IIII~ln..
'i boIba of(jtX:Ci dllI'I>JICnlk' MIb5_.J port_ of Ihc. .... I!fto:!h •
,• .....-. __ t t .. a $ ...001 ..-." . . 9 . o_

le . . . . .-: - . a t n.: ~ feaol f'ollC'\!l(jrPO\ wn

II "",<mu"" ,"" nlClll of ",,"""r-'lQIl In nu ~ 1hal"M 11Inll$l-u,.." hi.'. k>oI
n _.- _ .. Ihc: pn'Cm'" boanI of~ _ .....

"H 1. . . . . oi.II.·. o",o~u""'''-''''''''u1~01

IS OOC('~ and ..m.od_ orcm"'. In Ihc: Ilupamoro .....11 bc blt!lOIl (JII • ,,,,",,,la
lCl lly llw III'.......... III h.",,1 I'oItcy 80Md ....... \ « l _ \4 '"

" ... aa.;,; .....


I .....ri... I. I.~ [0,,1.,,"_, Ik>......-.' .... 111.....'_ of .... '...'
4 ~1lrMI j.I. ShrlOt_ l,p'","IoL n.. ......... ud IliII:IJI .... of'_••'"
I RnHrft'Io Uo_ ,e, • '''-_."_dcoc.;
•, = ...... 9 . o._bn>eo( _ _
7 m,ncnlls. shall fICTU"' fuJI) ",Il1o U"". ,ua ~rtW:ft1 In tho ~Qrfllll'"
• rucls lpclnllcum. U1vnl .... ....t .,.,.Il _ .....own Iho .... dIaIl be _
.. _ • '_dotln~""""""'hbc:l _ _ ('-..1_" S =0

U >haml,
..1dI Kheme: .hlil be opploblo 10 .11 nolUral n:>(IOIfC<:) fwnd m IlM!
It lJar>parnlJro """'....... both lb< WId Ihc "111m - ' " ' . . tanl"""!
'4 ....'Ioe__

I. '>n1lrMl J.~ stIl ... ofrlo,l...m ..., 1.....1(;00'",-.01 I .l~ The..." '"
11 Iho liaIlplllllOlO (;".=n"'," on IIIe In'e1l1le> ",rcrml 1<, ,n 1M ,rnmcd ....,lj
,I pn:o:edu\& scglm ~1_1uck dloM (Or.., _ , _ IuI::aI "''CnnCOIllUllb

10 r.
e• o~""'_."""""''''doc-'''of''locaI

12 """,Iolo J6. 'i..... llrl.d"......> IJKl'F"flll$ poop'" .... 11 ......
~, .......1IlIl* Ilwr rmm 1M rn...-s. olal (""" IIor «pkn._
It ct : MIl 1IbI 01 - . l .......... _ "-d ..... IK
lS , ~b). __ r.- 11lc:1liIoft .... ""P'O'odaIb
16 II.. II> be ,.• ..-1 II) Ibe Ha,gwol•• " Put...".",.

l1to! 9 • "0 1'Irl_ ...., ..-:l ..... dill ..-. "'.... .to: .. doa.. . . .
2 .huon, .~ 1nC1udmi Lhr pc:n:~nll" orll~ w..n::, of.he 'OO'lJCfK"" """,,1c:I

J lIIld _ " •. ...., Ibe mc<:llu_lloonfof

• 7 r1kNl J7. l.t '.1 ~ II'04irJ Il<>o _ l~ ill hoordI)' crClnod
• _ b\ll:....,.~ FoKaIl'oIo:) Ibtd llG' PDT dill WU 1IIolm.t....-oI<C
• ............ n.-..... , • eel r~ --. _ ,c. n". .
•• c:IpICll) 01. B . D

"II y,,11o. J8. Fu.'lu.. n.. IGF111 wllllJldcnllc 1M ~lIm"nl fUIICl10Rl

U '01" oW ~ flKaI 1'Oi~ -J" II} .
,~ ... oudoc ~"'"' _ .. po'Mf'O. ..., ... . - 01 It $ "
'" ~...,.1dI~ am 1.\, _ _ of 1naI _....., .. lIlc
1, ll<",,1q>Inc:n1 IlIL'C'IIJ "r ,lot 1l1lll1!SlU11Of"11.

"" I'" ~ _ __ <:-.1 (10,""'__:;'':''':;'':::'::"

.zlI (joo~Ci_ • ..,.. . . die: oollL'a_ ot ~ . . . '""...... ) -.._
II'.IU _ _ II., .. 1lIe8&e '00.

lJ (-J 1>nc.m....... a_llf~IC _o( .... Ra.... "CMI.a In

H ... "-'d oI"'_~ 01' ,.,..,.,. _ IIod.oot. of (J()CO .

Zl ..b_.pon_oI _clftCll)or*-P .... w ...
z, 8aI..... ,.. o Of ,,""'" Ilk Uanpamoro has ouhiwIll1l "u",,*,


Ootu,_ "1I'Ifll'~_ol"
..._ _ ;If pi..
-...1 ....'"$ • ' ._
.... ..


lIIIbIod....." """"111& .. "!l '00 • Tk Bo.1l ...... NIo *"'""_ •
1 fbrmull for the I"",,, of 1M Ilanpamclro (;0'<1 ,,,.,,,,1 frum til< _II, of "...1
3 01"'''"''-'

S [~l n _ .. pIfUC. . . . . {II" I' a ... 1M _-*", . "
• a .d11 ol' ,tU.~ I•......, _ _ o.L 0I'1tIc ""l~..dllle

1 lioul,,",m ''1"hl'Jl'''C1I)O'''~ Aulllon)- (SI'OA11Il1hc l~paIlkl'O

III II I I doc.-.ell&" b) "'!l a _0

Iilcal JIO"cn" .... 10_ . . .......,.. " ' - otr"","l·

Go:':'::•.. . J"
t' . . .

"11 (Il lkf",., II... IIlOdIIlud r{lf Ihc flilns "f lIIClln" In n:wrM for <llfpOnIllOn Of
II r...,... .."""" _1noI. Of otro:s IW Iooal<d oullook lllr ""1' _0
I. 1I0oI .... " , _ ,_ ~., _ _ QhMt
15 &"'--"opo:nl_ _ . . 't • _" _' ' . _ ......
I. ....,........hj«I III Ihc tIw1",.m.m. hc,.._ the (..,...1 G<wcmmclll .....
17 lhe: IMIIl!.'llmlJf1l G<wemmtnl

", . ~,".C_,.'lee Tk~"bc ,(II . . . . . . . . . . . .

;to..... nft of up_ "'_ _ air...... "'" p • iiOi"

11 G<womunea. Ilk t md 00""0'.... ""'II h~"",..c b< It,Wcw:lItd m Ihc IJoInl

U b>' lb< \01:-, offiaallc>e .......... 0I!I0r l.'1f..:..b t i fI'IlI, be _ M¥)

n. $NIII w h&ditd bJrwoevCl.", _
Gooe"'''''l "tIleOllhlt.IheCftot.... Gooeo'.,... 'I.
~ tt..... '0000

11 0D0:0r filii flOQll .~~ ' - bwI .!bt~ by ... a-pamuro. " ~ IIIl

1I ....... 1lc ,1D ••" •• ep ....,&....iKCaDalGooa W

l'I =1Iw8cwd

1 ....lm.lO. \I~U.V"" ' 1 R.ptWf IK Ibrd ihall 1rk'CI1l _
'c""_ .
J • •"'.111

• An .......1 rqllln >halllx ...l:m1llCll '" lbe lIo-nllO l!l<" <:cntnJ ~ ....... and
, .. ""~. . ._ ••o(;e".<a bt~ •• '" .............

10 iooo "I, hW lJoloc""'.n PaolI<} Tllc ovr '''''0 lio> l ~
II polqoll'ldPd • .of r_ _ _poobl'"
It one. _doaII ~b olloaJ ItI . . . .

U IIIlplcmeftWlOll 0,.. 1 fIllllC). "h",h WlaJllIIClude. """"1 Dlho:n Lhc pPSI"'1 of

1< Ibt '>"""'lU} of 1 _ ..u bpcnol,hOrn 1k _ pol.:.. """II IppIJo 10 ..
II _, 1oaJ ..." ? ...... ~bc_Ood...... lDbce-:lillll~

II .. " U e

18 ~'Iiooo iL \ ....111...1 Fha? r.,rn 11M: I(;H'O ....) 'UG,.,... od ,he
" no:n:... Ir, .... 9 e .. <:Jtllllol..-l lilaI pll'OOa'<o . . . . . . R*6I . .
to I1lal _ 0 > ......,. , M>IllII_ ..... k I'"'fII*d .. <:....,.,. .. do<-
Zl 1f'lWpOIli' IIp:nC) of Ibc Ccnl",) (klV(ramtlll lAIoi .... ,he: IlO"t:I' '" eflect ..lCh
II ,...... ,.11'_

" '"kit 'Ill

,:CO\O\ll \I'if) P'" rRI'lO"
11 ....." - I. __I J .. IIr< 1001 .." S , _ - Tlw
,. 'I 5 ,.,... (;00,,, ...... '• . . . - , . , pollan .... propuaI .-n lot -.nil c.
l' die I"'lIIClfllc of _III )"""'" 1'lnllAm ~, 'hIS J'nl",plr..... IlInpamoro

1 Parl_ 'llooll .............. ~ pala.III", III ... 800....""" ...-n) and
1 palnrll(>n) thallOC ,.,.pon~..'C 10 IIlc rICClIb or,~ P<O!'k'

• ....._ L I'q",. . . ...:1 "-Maiublr I~.I V"L - II onla ... ,...., Md
7 ImlWO'T the q""lttj llfhrcoflht 'n..... 'lAII rille! 1Janparnoro.1k\'Clopmmlltt
• tho: II,.p ,..... ohall be <:an:fuIl) pIaMed. _ cllOl>Jdcnl_ IIlc _ I
• _ .. _ _ _ blk_"' .....-

"II I . " I NlIolio\ _ iJIIIll piC,"". ell"""....... _ ...... _ "I


oalIIIIml< reo<W.l..... aIlll " In 1111., _ ' "

r.c,'..... p-\lI ud IiaIl cnoplo)-. ....... ~k...,..o... 1Od --JI'5I-

<k.<klpr,t." lila! s,",11

"IS ""I a .. (iooa ....... lW"". I '......_ _ ..,.IOr . .

I' d..c1op..... of ..-I."'" ko;;ol I'l'tlllllll!lll ....Ib MIl Wll li~'hc:n
11 100"CmaIICe I)........ 10 en un: I""OI'le', 1*11""1'1'1100

,. Sn1iM J. c_,...toe:tii> ••·...-..ri .... ~ ........ lJofo.....-n _ T1lc
JI 9, oC:-a dup. " ...c~onb
21 - " 1 0 d.:>.kij........ 'h '" tbc I""f'C' ~,-. '''''Inl_ and
11 dc'''\oplnbI1 .,f I\llIlItI.l I'1'1<III""" ~"'" ~un. wll aulllc 'be IWlplIIIlOlrO
21 Go.a..................... _pob:................... ....,' ......
.'::-:_:;"'~.: . . . . . _ _<. _~__•
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.... .,IIolk" L$ b . . . . . ._ of ,") '" _ "
n ITWJ!lftIhlCd pnupllOd'M\I1c dwIpand ' IIl)

II ........ 4 Ilo Son..;.... l....-~.' s..... _ ,.... A a _0
~ " - ' - .... _ . 9 , _,,_ $IIDCW~$ to-dlBS08L

, _ : Ill"'" 'W ",,1 of
bod) _.,__ ""'0 "'''''' n.:. 1M
, (;0",1'1I......., ..... the CellinI Go...... mcnl n.. Il<»rd 11 .... ,,~
, the W .......""I_ ..r """..-tal ..... Iln<:IujOJ I"l well •
4 .............. w_ "", •• ,,-...
• 1__• '''''''''" 1m . . Ikard llIalI "" _ ...... Illc - . I ..... of ....
1 l\anpamaro GO"""",,"nl II"......." If t~ ~ rn _ cullcclC.'d (rom .he
• ....pIo:nI ....... 1lI:w:~ _ \IUlLllll_ 01 .11 . , 1 _en ..
• e : _.............. f '" IIOdI rn_ IIIIlliI "" n • I ' - ....
II ~_ e('" ~ t i . . . . . . JIlOO........... til k ,....01 '" ...
II Ela....... o l ' l r l _

Il ~1loolI S. Ib _ .. l.... ~~.l ...... TK II. . . ,.... (;c.... , .......

u 1'$ ' -...-_ ' 0._ _ 0 u

II ,.,..".,-.~ ....-_ ..... _1*''''..........
I' ..... 1. P. wll olm IF M!cr thc 1':\"- fC'l'ttllllUIl dIms nt<d<d fur IhC'
u poosI.coonicl ",bI~,hllllOCI ..........1I11CT"'" and dco.tlQpncn. l)r II' If:ffIIOr,

'" no.,...-n
.. dw,..-_ <Ii 1"""11I.-1 . . . . . , _ ~
:. ........ ; , ~_ .._ • ...."10.... "'",,,,,,,,Iral m..
u ~ ofnqlca, hlUlnall "'JII>l"",- pl"~ aIId """l1llO11l)

" F..- duo~, I!Ic _0 ...t _ a.u aalO .. _ _,",.;'

lJ B. , ..
Ut SrniM '- G..6fl- nd ..... riopNt.t. _ l1x IbnpIrnon'l Cimcmmnll
11 =t>pIIICII thc Me or"""",,, '" fO'~.I\ll!llaJJ tM"'" thc l\InIllmcftlil
~ cqal~ ber"", thc .... of -.... _...... II a _. 1Io11 ... '*"':l
l"I ~ _ o f.._ . . . .a 10. ...-_iW.

lWtheI.~" _ ...... ~ .. _ lftlJI......... - <t(........ lup......

prowa......"" ~

41 11Ql_ 01 t.a.:":B:~'~:':""~.::':'.::_~ ..
s 1Ilot pomi", ...,.", "." t
1 _-..
f ............... ..
• fj,,, 1~1 DfllM: _llloldfrt """'P''''_ olmdl -llU}. Clfl'"~-.4
1 wMlU , loaIJ 1O''mlnlt'n1 011I1 or lhe ~ ,hili Ix llCl IliIJo (PO'
• JEdda"CSf'lJftl"..., """'._ III ~ ............ _ *,'C'upnall
, ,GA1)j _ • __ - . (ft" pm:aI ''''1''1' 10 ~ ~

II .lO'lol.,(lIlotflll'r_' $ ..,........ _ " a 0 ...... be ..

11 . . . 10 wmp/oml:lu (;AI> bud,el tlkat_

II nc o.....,.. ,,(~ ....t oaaahIodI. ~_ .. 1Ill
14 __ -.I IDcaI 0lX0 lit . . . . . _ .., _ . . """'""

I~ OIlil_ _ ofMld'" lI .... odmuf) _ _ c' ' ..,.,eaI .... do.....

11 ....-_l."•• b .._
" SK_ 1. hran,.._ M .... B.o.,..._ ioo '"1""'1 De-.......,
" ........... ~"""'~-'- ...... ' $ c..d.-.klID_dlIl
p11",,!be 8al,' '
ChICr ~11n1Sl<1
0 lIne _ ,..,.., ..' "
wll pin",,,*,,, III IWI(IftII
shIIll be • l\al1/lNJrd ITItn1bef of the of lhe Nlllu...:
Iol_. plann"" The


LI Ii "'" ..." . . . r-t">. . . . . . .-otr_


I !>ft_'" '.t.... 1 R.-....... , kovnft ud ....... tc'tftl \na. l1Ic
~ IJanaNI""'"' 00'''"''''.... sball ~ Ihc ltII1honl). """,n, Il>d n&b11u c~pkJrc.
l dc>.. klp lInIl lIW"", lIIl' 1\llI.....1 -=, ondud.., ........,., _ ~

4 . . - . . . . . . ..-.n, ... ,_. It ... _,"""...... .""

S 9 & 0

7 1hc: Pffll«'''''' <:<JMa\'a,lOfI, ",hab,IUh"". """ lkvI:lopmcfIl Dnn,""", 00I01a1,
R IDIl _ ~ dot eelopl_ of P'0Il_ _ ll"IJI'llIlQ .....,
, ..

-n... II , ..0
of -*""",
oIooIl pr.lfII)

1 .100 11II,.., doe 1'0"'''' It) dec. . ......,

U ~..,. """ llq"U" rwu, r~lJ" ,mhtd ~,,<JI\lI ..... alba pmloctod
,...... I<\cqIl uu ~


.. IIic II F

"I'wlwi ~ ~ .............. - . ..........

II> fWIl<'Od- r(lf 1_ da:w. ,..... 1hc man, ' ' '" o(l!I<N thai...,"" Ilo:doml

. ..-
17 aad lbc role of lilt: ~ (;f),ommenl IIIId OIher wclloldcn III lhe

lO :.tniooI •• l·.....r... elUhlI-e ,., • ..., M~,., ..d ~ ' ........ -Ilc
11 .... nqcme'u MOl pnlIeCt..... of IWIn ~ Il>d lOll"'" ~, f _ ..
II .... lD")hcd 11'lCf>1II 1"0IItC1td aras III die 1M..., ,uo lCmlon lhlll
U loo.e"""*J\ totcn n..I.,. __........ 11) of... ('-.llJOw••••_ .
H OWbc-':nal e a 0(;0,,,,

l6 .... ,ch.. Ibm: """"M from the dtlblr<hmtnI "r tIM: llan.,........... In,"'I,""
H A.thorn.!he U""~' 'DO (l<n'Cnllnml and 0eputmmI of EJlm.......... _
l:ll "'-I-.--,oo.lI.l ...dl IIllIIloa ock._ "'0 illIIl ."OOf
l . - t .., pru<aI fJIf ~ 0Kl00d..... nwhd fJIf ...-q. of

• 11 .... IIId .... p!oMlll' anlllnaiOlKWl r.. _II *'" c'"Cf) proIe<led
1 aM s..:11 ~ obadl be oortIplc1al ......... """nod _ e.l."ftdlll, "'0 ,an;.

• ~ II. .:..........-.Ik<o.hp••• t. .... , cillI..riMI ~ 1'''' h .... IU
no. 1\o"IAJIUV OIl.(, ,a...oM ...., lilt CetI11l11 c,tl\""",,,,,,, .10111
P*ll"'" ...
S I ....I.... •
6 ./"\IUl} aa<:M .... ...-. III 1'fl,,1qIs'" DOIIC""t_ ll>'a ....

J aplanl-.ckw' 5 "_"~!_<11 6Idt1p«1 """,

• _a.lI .... _ _ . . . Dn I GO

10 , . C........ Go'cmmmI.. 110 00. ._ . """.-0 1001 L ....
II H. o(;o.a ,lib"''''. , .. ~ ..
Il .... I>f,.-, 1'11 . - . . . _ .1llo:nplral-. d.. e....
U lIIId '1II1,,,UIOll ..r 1llt~,IIi.lot. IIId UIlI""....'

I~ TkOOF..t_f1. Cio>u ~ tclo>;t~."
It _ _ III be. lIIlfcnd r.. "' _ .,;I __ A ....,Ilal

17 I th~lDO CIlI.«ft "'" .......... fJllo ~Mlml or the D."pa,,,,..., .. ,II 1t'CC", I
III _ , II Ollla IIftlPIIIC'lI1o """'" Ihe • .-.1... _.......- I........
\. of_ocnla ' ....lbc.-k~ ..... 1llo:1lOt. ...... e' u
~ (iChU...ClI

"n M ..... ' I. I'""tr.dallt orllooo••, . 1.... b1b... or.1tt a._ ...
~l -o-bf.... _ _ .-. t tof_a c o .
H 1"'''-11' n "'!he -. ....- ond .. ~IDl_ of laIunoJ
IS _ ,ncludJll, r"o'i11 n.." IlK"lmltum. 1po...1Id WIll) lIIId IlfIIn,un,
U 0-, .-0.......... E~ . . n .... npIan_
17 ""'.d _. _ ......_ fII-..J _cu .wi beoe.......-.t ..
n ""ponuo.of"~""ioaIel_~ fiwdl...... or _ _ .......
1'1 IcpJI) rcrm'lIlI'od

J .-..m.", 11. Rlt~!J ... ''''''0001. p~ Our ".'_ra1 R"*,,,,Q.. - lllc
J Ilan!"'moI'O l'.,hlmcnl <1uI11 CNCl I II.. """'11'11.1"1 the "g'n. I>f md'..........
• p<'OIIles .. 1ho BII I.. ··0.","_10 MlUn! _ ",th.. Ille km_
I W\<n'd ~ -c ulk. ..W . . lkw MIlle • ~ .-.t ...
• a.-la p'.ra..laI a.: ...pkwM_ .och: ......
1 ol-.:tl ,.... ces ..· .a

• The "pi uf 1JId,..,...,. poopleJ 10 free _ ""'" IIIfoo"n'td contmI .. n:W"", III
'" _ _nco. W IMP""""i

"I.. ~ 1J. 'lilon .... " ......1 M.......... _,... ........_".""',••_ _

n •••,·_ _ '.h.'"" _•• <_

•.••__0.. "'1'\ h.

II T"'=..- '" .. lOOdI ... e : ,uO (....... ..... ..

u ........'.'... odar..... _hill be .. ~ .. ,Ill lilt mmm, pollC) I!lIl .bllI be
U -.IopIed by lhc Ilanpamom P.tlwmnL

"P ~ I!. k~lIl_ ef ~ I r \I .. ,"t. _, r,."Ie Ilol

~ ,.' '10) _e • 00(,000 ' . . . . . aoI --. ......
l'I' .. {~ ..... 1Ieahll, ...... <Hb.lf«Jal ClIIOInIOUI !he w

I -.I,,................ IIId IIoc IocIl p.. $ _It;. <'I' .... pIoI;e .. hen: ouclI
l opInl..... ...., <l(lnIllM;lcd aK \luI) I'fIIlcaed ond ..r......<led
4 """""" 16. 1....t ...... ,1It Idtflto, C_ \lom.o ..d
C_ _ , ..'nwt, '''"'ltd II) \'ioI'" 01"'" \<,."tln Ihl
• II."""," , II._~ - "fho, It • Oil " - " _ ......... II... fBI
1 Ih< ~fn oond .. elli", or m. inhIbllll"'" lIlJIm:d, IwnICd Of Id..,f'id} .n",tQl
• bylhc"-"as....rnuural ... monml~.. lMl... ' 00) ~ ...
• or,..
<no)..:iIdc " " __ 10'" rdocM_ 0(" ...
'0 a.bd_ 01" __ "asd, aI'kctaI boo . , . . ,.lIt - . . -
II ........J ._«"....... 0IlIlCIII .ho-."
"u ... n· I ...... , , * 1 _ . - , -, ,.,....., Ille ~ ....... or
.... _
1<:5; ++-
_ tdoo;aI_ _
...... ~ 10 b<:IIt"
• '-....c ..1IoI) Of
16 p.,lIeU)


11. Il.ootp.,o_ 'liai.. PtlIlcy.,
=+= '"'"
1lllIbC t
Ill: ..... "" II) . .
nc "...
Pol"'...... m.... ond .....,
0 r.l_ •
'>Ie t:ko.dl,"_ Pl..• ...,... .,
21 ....·..·.n n>I:Id""....Cntl _ ......-lcrmll......moro Or:>,,~, .....
"lJ 1>«.... ,I. I.. .d 'r...... "H C. .lIltti. . nol _ 1O.wre.
" a.fl1t1_-.olc--..P; .......... Iap _ u.w. .
lS 11I"'_ 10 k ..,.. , ' ' ' ...... • lit .., _,col _ Iot> fll_
'6 1I""P""""" "'-""" .....11 Ill: 1dl<lc1U~C211O r.:d,w.: 1M I'knhfkau,lCl of"""
17 "",... nII" ond lhc JftICfIIl_ oflanollUIcs TM p1M ....) IIIChiJo< _lOM I!IlM
lB -W P"l'l* dlc =y till. . e.' .. \cpI_ ...
i' ~ . . . pr~: ' .... lOr "'" ~ of '-do ~ I*'fI"'l"' . .

' . . ._ _,. ...._ IN)' CUCl • 10" - ' aak" ,.w_ _n. oIf'n
J ~tllolo 1•. 7......,. or JolI' Cooptt'IIllo& - " .... or In.... C""'Jlln,..... ItIc
, ~ ..... _Ik M"... GWt_ ........ aaICIIl_ II • •ltd..u lie:
s ddlooco:I 10) _ lid ....., ,.... ..., t or Ie; ' ..
• 00: 111 of 111••. - ~ M .... lot 'Rl'" . . !'<aI 1
J 1>1 'HI ..... Raono'm: Infurmat Au'honllINAMIIlAj.oo .........1"umbo,
• or't,.,eKiilWU''CI m.m I9liNp'- ..,.:""oI'lh<lloanpam<lm(;o'CiH"xm

10 T'oi<.'-fkJIh'" bc_...-l ...., 1)Oldo),"'''lIIbr_or
I' II". HM", La.. _ wI caElD ofIa " " ~ 1kooonl_ of
n Il>c !MO&QmOfO lo:mlllQ. IMlullln,lho ElonJ:lo8mOnl Walen and the 7.onn III
I) ,....(.oopem_ llooonn "suljOlllllbodlWllbc_'c.d ..lIll.. llI~
" lJ01...,' .... _~of.~*"' ........ _r1 ........,......
IS p""' ..... _1Ile 0.£ ~.

"., MclloollD. JolI' 1lOO) lor lit. 7...... of JolI' CDOp<~tlo•• _ thmo i1u1l he
......... ~ l'od} M . . 7 _ or ..... (:oopem_ O:OI~ of •
I' H a oM_.o'u.• '-M-.,'II..... "",of.~_ _•
~. 1acaI."a I · __ or.. " 5 ..... ld~ .. _~Sa..Il _ _

11 ill ,",lacaW",'C 0(. COItPlIllCIlI kal ... cmmctll 11M of Ihc: fMnaumom
n Ill..-m k' the Mool G"I( lhe Sc=mu) "(£II..""''''''''' ..... NIllnl R""",~

~:_::,~oI Apa...., - ' . . ~ of To ,•••, ...
("0 • • l·-.I Gcro.. .. __ ~ ..", ...
IS _ ..... "' '1_ oIrocwO ..............._ fl• • '00 afToccs-.1",
u "P"'C"'" l~ ,hall be .. \clo'! _Il) oqntmw,,~ from OWl odjOln,naloQl
17 _~""'IIhlll .. IIOt...,otlhc~,1OId1d1ltt..llOth: .
I. ... oil . . . l * rII".. • ~ .. odjOM. . r.o..:.l _ ....
l'J • _ ~ mlk P a v. od._ '" _ 11.1""" ( Tk ~ Bad,
I . . ., il*!of ....... lip of pol",... _ . ' .... ~

1 Sect 11 II IhoiIc ~ ",1aIM;d llMftto

• l1w..-
l •
; • •_ ..
_.Q '_ - -
"'GW,..--'- ""'" ...........

7 "'" C 8lInpr1Qro (0II"01l_ .... "Ott kIp:dwr'O rq:IIWc
I .. _ nllllP'lIIC' IhI' I...... of- . t"Ol>llftIII_ WI"" _ .... _1hI'
, Mooo GoaIf 1'llI",....... K""" on- .. b ............ pwplIIoCIl
II • ~_Or .. ..-....-.r.,..II" t ..


o_f~ 4
1I . . ~ of.k>lnt t"ogpenbIlft ~ JooDl R<Ml))lloJI"...........,.Jco ....

11 rqtIW_ II ID 11M! n....,ioc urthac 1ftrc.-1Il1 "..... lk roduallllli

~. . _ ~Io

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o.dir&aI ........

"n 1110: lkllpamqn> C ; " , _ aod """ CcMaI lill.e _wrc ....
111 <MIIIIo:&...".,. of~ ....... _ """_ofJo...
~, C·........
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! 1and~.rId matl<l\al1'lilw:rs

• SKIiIooo U. Tndc' ..01 h,d_..., I. 1M 1 -llot n e I '0
1 Go,,","_ """IllUO 1M "'".. '" ""'lIl' .. , ........ <1' nr ....... C<M11",""", ."ll
• iII<ho:>lr) I I " " cncwnl" and """""" dIIO budol.., "I' 0{ cna,,,,. w .. l
" .......1C) . . . e $ .u ........ ;. ,.. ...- proIIIa

I' ~_...... "''''1IIIa1I PO'" 1I 8dop;_

II I'" ... c:aopcn'''' ....1Dpa..... pol",,,",, one! I""W'II Ihnoup 11oo
11 ._lmml or.l~ol'oopmlln"COIk:

IS llot R • DO Go............ prili'''' ......, .....
16 Mr.' i"O~ """,od""'\'CftOIQllwnup .. hoclladlCl' . - , _lea", about
17 lIS un"l"" ,ndlt'lJOCI. (cOM,,,O: opponun" ... 1IIId CU'1U... Ih"*,,, pan"apa'''' ,"
II ....., "'.._ ...... liUtt ....." pranl>I_1 El"','~ II ~ ..... orpn.....
I' .... 11I.._110...... It ... .., • .., ......_ ...
II me.__ ...a . . . . . . ._

.... ~

Ibc IlIInpamon> Lm-anmcnt ""'II abo promolC llomcsI", IrIdl: lft(crmtlI: thr

4 bll.-. n.: H cOooa

0 _ .......

zs aho~"Ooo. ,...o ........ WKf> ....... .-·h N ...

Z~ !he rnarI.... of lit Indml penne.., IlIIlpol'tlCulu IllCnlkJII ihould 100 k a.
11 Io.he rnarW 0( 1lI1B1i",. patlJlnI 10M 10.." ...1In: ond ctIlb1nll... 10 IIw
~ e • ..
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11n ,(·ld- I
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! f idt~,i l., i
Hi' hi
I • I
I..... ,,., _ '1 $ .. a "-" _jilW_-' r........ _
~ eouhllSIoold .. 1llI.. .., R.p III ...dIanty af Ihc ,"'Illpp_ '--'fIO'I 7l1111:
1 Alltho...l) .hllI be pbo:cd u""" III< Jun<dlClIOOI of III< IlalIpan""", "',,,.mm..
4 I .... AIIIloonl, MIl sMoD -.1_ ... "".10" 1M beIoor. o:r-ud 10 • II- ..
• ... : '"..-,
' ....' · - /.... " t ••.

1 "'" ."a_""101 "'_..." ..........""" .., n 5 .00

B r mm....u """ lbe C...,..I (iovanmall wi: COOIlClilC "" CII<IOO\,.

~ unm .... l-. """ ~"""""_ ....""" ."d""... IIloc at IIIII:mal.......:

" Iocr-. III ,: $ ..... IMI.c i\dI, -' sa __ .Il:
II _ iii - . . _ live jilWb III ~ ........
11 csubl. . . . . O ............ _~ IIIo.. toe'1 5 .00

11 -.em"' ~ 1IIIl_1&I - . and Iivc 1'OfI>"" II< CftI,lled ... 1.bc rna!
u ,,,,,m"'fl """ Ollie. lI<... fiU ..... 1Ilcd II)- lJIc Call"': G<n..""IUI! III "P"C.:
_ ..."
11' no. ~
odlcf ...... III . ._ .
Go>a _ _ ..u
."",,:'' ::11•• rOM:al
' ii1_

11 ..... he IlOl1lO R a" jilWU . . . . be 'IIIl..... 10. -.pan«

'I 1"Plft T10c on:a ar"""...... IlI. he porI-rhe .......... II ""'~ he· ,
I' (If ""'I (llIfT"'" or ibc C<lII5lIl.....1 II..,.) 1",'cmmc.1l unlv. (If III< 11."11'1111010.
~. fd~ 10 lHIdI cmcnI II Iloc U 5' '00 , ' . 1 _ m.) pnMlIc III ........ ""'I
~l ....... ' ...... he flCI"S.toe " - - 0 ' _ . . . . " ..... M _ _ -=
II ~ lIW$fcnaj ..... n j 0 Looo..._ _•

Z N'<'1ioM 29. JI.u.J r _ 1. ~ (00 11 ho", Ihc
J l"""'" II> .a:n:dll ~n'r)1II1 hodtc'l ,n the 1Jan1l""""'"' II wll pmmoIC

, iW,.·1I

• :"":,"::.::"0:'-"-...._...."',..",.
1 pi . . . . . _ lulIioI *-........_.
a 1 ... I"I'q _

II IIa.1MI t. .Mial IWWhr;... - TK ee......_ ••""......_
" __ cs......' _0(

11 • t:.lU. .... r......_1 _u...._ ond lhtu 1nnI:hD. Ilnd

I. b lOlf"'$h!w NIII.'n. \IIl~ or fUlT'P INIII" ",lIl1n ,'''' llonpamoro. lII\d
I~ "'''''..... of. . ltlalmo: bM~1D1 ~
u Ihc _ _ ''' ,.--".. c# ......
17 _

20 Mcliolo Jlt 1.'••1< 1lI.1o.l... nd n...... I1Ic ""1''' ,uo(io'Ci,u.k'''1hc
I I ~ ....... W-r-.. I*) .....k:d rn.
J l8ltl>CIuc. . I> ~ prodtol:b It JIWJ limba I"""'*' ",.__wmcn
} and 1CCqlIlIna: nnleJ ,n ""lid. ~ CII'01<lmef .rwI .."", t..e

s Jl. I .11 i. 'lor s.r-.I , . • ""
• I Om' . . lOll .wi be- "-"'. ~

7 .. hldI _ . be- ...... _ .wred II, 'r"'" Hooll ""flC'U-

I ,........ 'it'idod b) 1M n.itr Min ...... or,1it Honpamom (;o.-er'''' t The ~

~ "r 1M Islam.. BuL.... lnll """I be 'holom f\Qn ......... IIIc .1Im: I JI
" ,,~ ~ 1loo0000.\t_

Tkl1udM_.-n _ .__kk. '"- ...... tJ .....,1led per...- '"-..,

U Mrrioll.ll hKIl..... "r'k.l:A'.-$'", s....... '-' IIoanl \ad Qa.a»I\r:o ....
I. ali.. \ _ .... _ _ ~ .. _cnft. . aI ... 0 _ ........'"
11 t I.,_~" .....Ul'. ... " I =.. 1'Ir1 dw" _. ._
IW . . r-ct_ .......lor.,.._oflbc~... S"""'..., n-d
1. " ~''''''' _ _ no, Shurtalt Suprn""') l"""rd Jhlil be ""'1'OO>.hloo fO'
II ......"""... d•• compl......, of SIrur, -... rub .. ~ fiIMnuc
JI I i · .... • .. ,..,......,. r-. c. • •
a .... ...cof _ _ ""-'- $ ' " _

II J-.. n:JII"daI ..... fIlodats .... I'ftI'1-'<'a ewophI)-..l II) ~ ....

Jt adler 1IlS"h1I ......

l~ " ()ooJ4'i<- _...,..... hf_ _ Ibal ... ~ _ )
l~ _ 1 .or_ea..t ",... ,,-,,,,*_
ill .,...... ,..,.......,. ... aM.m.-l 1Janlale- n-..
......... tilitln , ... 11rn.rr.nI"
I 'oHtioIl,U. h~ .... r_ ... Cdtonl.... Tho:: l' L 0 <.;o.ULI.I
J "'-II ho~ ... 1",,",> III "'P_ """'.. ama-l ....- InlMmMlllll ad d..ulhulw..
4 OJ'IU1lll"' nd~~ .. ~h m lhe p"'""'" 1brooIoJ,. MI"""," orl~ "h",h 11
$ lhall CIb" II "'"l ~ ~ ......0 """C ,,"I.... 1II1hc 11-; _0.
, -=Irodao',.............._ .,lla.
I II " ' ' ' ' _ . ' - - ' *","="oc . . .....-_1, • 1hc plN"U _

, on<l .,. 1ft the ~

n 1'0>0.. pIor\b IlJId 1JuIribul_ ................ Ibnpunom Iholl hc obi< 10
II 1 . . !Idl I'O"""f _ lllr ~-' " _ (;nd ... docile
II • "lol""'ClL ._. = ........ ~ ...
U ..., I l l " _-.I II = Lnd." ( a n i <Joo.a .-l_
IS (ioo 1 lo/IolU ~ ... _ . . UIIII'III. .", ........... 1hc
11> I"iCI',rn;~mmenl.1 ",III", """''''''''om

II H L '0 ("",,,,._ .... 111111 ckanc: 0IIIIpUUI_'" -... ....
t _...... I...-w.- A,," ->hc <11_._..
ZI IIIdd1D, roMIld_ _ dI"><IUII;\ . . . O.U 1 ....
II aid. . I t ~ ............1t<fomI POOP.I" 0IIlcf _ _ ...., hc bnlaaftI
u III the Im"'lo......'"..".IIl~lal""'" M<:chanilm DIIll)
H 'oHM. J$. 1l0lMh. .......... 'ad IrrlpdDot.. Tk H', 'D. Go••••_ _
U oW bo ....1 He b .. ~ • ..., 0 L 0 lloao,..... . .
~. ('~ Go>u . . . CGlI.... I I " ' ' ' .._ _ 7 II(

!1 11*1--.1 .... -.I lnllO" _ I _ S)_ • 1lIr .... , ,.....

II (-",ural (iIl.'d1l"...., wll "",look 10 lhc .1 1 ROlIll N<TlO"'~ lnlbmul"'"
10 ~)""m all ..1..-1 ............ IwIllMa 10 1M 11&11 IOIIIIIma ll:or ~I
I . - . ........ ..l ......._ ~_ ...... _ ....ll} .. ""Ida! ....t
I "'I"la/I) ",Ieu<d II) 1M ccnn! .....'mme."
,.,__,. ._ • • "..,r_ _ d

! ......... .K. M......·td. C_annL hcl l...",,,~ l1Ir {'Cftlnl
• Govemmmi and 11>0 "",apamoro {,Q.nnm".,. ""'II "",,,~. COIll:Urmll.

7 MIl COI,I..,,,,, ",",,"n. '-rd pnD<""'" of """'1Jwtl) ICdoIlIClJ-'

• r~ .. , -. ~_ .. ,III . . . . - - l .-Ianto,
, _ _ ... ~ ""","""..:I 0 • ' __ -.I, • •_ 01. .

\0 ..,.._.dol- fW. .010_ funIIcr prno_ • _ "'" fIIKlGlI,

II 0JICf1I1 ......: . ' ," apKlI) """'kIf" The 1n1Cflll"'"''''''''1I.I rne<;lwIiam .... 11


,_ btt _
rqulll_ _ ~ Indraol..,
... (e.n! (;g,a -.I . . 9.

IS '-:tioIlJ7. H_ ... td ""....... -l'hcl:...,"'llja,""''''''''. ohaIl 0 :..... rncf'a1

,. powns (I"'" lhl: .lISok opmll_ of III DdI"" aaparu "ilhlll 1Jlonpmoro

17 s.t_JL<....,.IYI1I l1IrC-..ICoou :-.18. _ •

•1 (...... ....,..." _..,..en. ......... I'alIrooo ...

'9 "The: BanlP"'"""' Uo>mlmrotlllld lhe trnlf1J UIn..,.nlrnt shill "...",1...

10 ...... " PG"'<n.~ V· ....- ... ,· _ _ .. _~ol

1I ..C ...

11 b ........_ ur ~*S penn.... IW\"'Ij""",1 .... Ihonuc. fOt Inter •

H rq~ ' ..clon of lind. III Il>d ""'Ie. Ir'aQ>pooI.lJIIII. • ...,,11 as.
n 1I01u& _ llell."", I'<w - . 1 ' 5 n"IV'" ' ohIn pcfWII
I' tGIlwC-.!C-.,.a _ _ ..Iook_ .,( 9. 0
I !'Q" OWbo ........)01''''' u' I ,... o(;o.u .......'-
J < lJlabliSllrnmllllld l'tJ'IlollOll af ItIlCf·f"<IIOI1IIll'OIIle'. ....." Of ...,. . nf
1 thai ~ lIoroIch. ,.dodo: Of tho: ....,"">
,n..>I.o of tho:
4 u._ __ __ af._
S _ bTl o ,_)_.~ ...,_afp-
• coopcrabDn. ••Ioall bo 'eel . . . . . . ~ ,....
1 d 0.:......1.... ond ...w.1,slImau IIf,nla"",lOnalluways; on<!
• • '-olplOO- uf MIlo _ rqlllI_ ......,.... _lot)- lad I«WI) Wi Iho
• ...... ; _ ...f;I"ool .. _ • ...," a u
\0 ~. . J9. I:u.~. r_fn. _ T1M' ~ G<na.,_ .ull /w, . . . .
II lUlkn. ,na """....".., I'<'W':'1
n I 1",1'<:'''' Qr ,he I""""" .....Ial IlIIda RA 67).1 IIIIl RA 'iOSoi ...
u •
14 ~ ,I, ""', 01 ......, _ _ • I _ . . .eIl •.
I' ",h '0' • _ _0 1 _ . , , " , o. ..oudeel• •'_<:-.l
I" (Oovt'mmm' ,hall <:(III''"'''' hi lUnd tho: <:(III'InII:l"", IIfld lIUI,nl<'lWll;C llr
U 0""'" _ .. "-"".

" • 'e 'oI,-..<:~()fPwllliCt·_ tCPl'\L ....."

I' ,..... Pl _~ .I"If)IPA' ....." ... _ _
:0 0' "'....... w"..._ .....I IClI lluIlll n'(WO.
II d RCJIWIIIIOll of lind Ill, omd \Oller lnIIJporuuon of oil krndi IIId
II • (.\Cn; , $,..... ~O'a
fJI ...., ......._
14 • 1"__ '" Idu::u... .0. w' , ..., e • 'a".
IS MX1lrIluut ..Ilh Ihol nib of prnudu<e NahliWd by IIiC II........",",
U 1'lu1......1Il

•• l~·""_'" .....- "",'"0k&. "'"

,..,~ , .. -> ---.... ~ ....
's 'ff
.. ~.::.:.~":'~':':~"':::.:'.4
IlicD. e
_C,..... '..._•••_...._..
\l1k.. XIV NUl ,HIU1' HID'" "-"II J)i,\ U.OI"ll'" r

• .s.-rlilo-. I. lU"'bili..liooo ..d Ik>ch, .L _ Tk 0...._ _•• (000..........

20 n. _ ..,..... IOC. . ,...... IJ..... ,..,.. II'IOOO, -......t
1I ... Ill.. """"""' III he wilftlllb\ .., " - " " eo. b """"''' 1201
22 )BR fmm!he lallrlml_ of Ill ... ~IC La.. , .. the rlm)UI f(>llo",nl tn..
II 1lll'lk:aiIoollll' Ihl< ll.ulC ..... llot • ....,...u of Ten 1:I,Ihoo "'""" (I'1Olh Jhalllx:
14 II"'. 10 1M 11..... ... (;o\,,,••.,. f rom doc ....... III Ik fillll)Ql" !be
l~ __ dIoI'. F" B ~IPl8,-=ll>--,'" ') B Pc-,""I:h
2. . . .... )ar 1K1aIIIlI >- lit.." ' "" _1CIIIIl_
Z7 ..., _ Hall k T_ BdJ_!'aM ;'lR ,). MdI _ I slIaJl lit
28 ,dCll>OJ .. "'" lq.Ianms ..r Clldl f_1 )_ 10 Ihe. Banpomoln> Go'"mlmml

Tk ......11•
.,( - . ,.... IWI

An,<I.. 'lilil. ~"'" S.,(Ih ..

~_H ....
w, ~':'::::::~':"::"~ ,
_ ••
1dcd ..

•7 \norlf" rU'IUSCln"

• .......,IH I. J:".I>Iio~_.' "'h B.oII"_'" .11 T1Ic s.bIDbmml ordloo

10 Illnssamoro and ,hi: dm",,,,,.,, or"", Hallp"muro letn"",> .hlil w... df«t
II ~ tJIl,rnl"'" III II". H.K I II) ....JOfIl¥oftllo: ..-._1 .. IIIc 1>110......
Il _ ... ~ _•• plcWc. """dlcl"'"..-
tJ ..- • . . . .ocaI_oi .......• R. . . . . M. . . M'.'. . .
,_ rAA\l\h

"I ~ ~(tlooo 1.,O<i.1 Jln.,II..IlO'I.· 1"" pldllSC'te> for pIl~ IIf det.nnlllm.
17 dlc -.;tlIfJ lI:mlonaJ J""""",..... ofdlc IlMpamom ohIli be wnd...ll:d•• l'u ..
II pno:_....... _ "'-lIcol ~ ,1201"" fr.- IKctfca .. ", oi_
l' '*'-: ___

II , ..... ,.rpl* IIIcC'OMf;LFC ...I-.Io:rIW: . . . . --->.,.. • .-bIc
u tIIo: hllId,o, of'-' plr::blKl'" .. ,lbln tho. \aid pcnod

l4 ....._ J. Itaa'''' M' ,_ .... _i.... I . . . . IftMal 'IC ami 01 . .

lS ARM\I " .......... 01'_ •• 011_. __ ",. _ _
.1 at.. Rn. ...0 .....'" U .. IHBll . . l'af'CIClnc .,.,. ... abn
11 k _1udcG .... 0.. ao

, .':_:'::~........... p""' ~.'. c>f".l • ....., _ ...
t 9 g _0_" .._ _oalarpolllloc:alOllhdl,_""p t . . _dIe
4 RHIIoof . . oflbe'*'-'_-":.. """"... ~"'lhc"""""'III""'"
S Ih< ~ I'llfl_ loO - . , ""'\I'ti...:-l <1IslnI:1S

•,. ~llo. So 1'<U. Q....1<>o. Tho: ,,_i0oi1(1 bo: IIrthol ,""'.. '" Ihf
• flld-:* .... II be M A111i1vo.

• .... .. .... ... R.- .. "..... ".•'''.- Do,- """""'~ or_

I' 9 a
I AJoik '""" hl..-. ' _ .... III: .......
' __
I~ "'....F" ..t.......,.. _ d1 ...' hc"",uo:d "" lhc.......,.
IJ Srttlo- 1. " hdl. \loMll",,;ol- - Tho: COMI'u:C ....U ...... r-mlik r... !he
U 100" "11111 or pk:b,,,lt. """,,"n. once""ll.. lhe Iftletrl111lO111l-d<lmcslo:
IS lIlJnIIg hnch "........ b) 1M GPtl _ lilt MIL F ,.., ,""",,,", ..
I' _! ",.,.,,,Il1o cKahlOlkd - - - . l ,: 'do _ - . . . . TIle
~' t ._II<
. . 1IoI>h .. 011 1roI". _

. . boch.-n

-x......... III
_ ~ 10 .... --.a of Ilk
a.:dlo TIIe""""",vr . .
,.....b ..........._

~l ....tioHllL Qoo.liflt<l\ ....... _AJI~.<*n.... pnr>_a"c:I_
n I!INP'IplllOIl ...... mmUOMd In Sect"", 1 ,""II hc q""hOed III r-tj,;,..", '0 11K'
n pl<b_1C' OIl !he ~I""man of 1M lloo".sanv.n i'IotIo,lboWIdlllf 6151"'1
14 II"......... ... rcp"_ .. 0 - _ IOd Io::IJ 0/' '0I<n, ....

~s ~llI.H: . .1 _ . . ....,-10:1 __ b lIIr ~ ..Ilo.., k..-.l

l6 _ . . . . 80: =u ef ' ...... _11''''' ..
l' """"1W"> .., "q.......a _ _ _
'F'f1Od ~_ . .hf.... 10 be • i cd - . . of . . - . .
l comp/) 1Ch raodmq ....omnmti unda IIw.•hall be J""CII dlc <lppOII1wII1l
J 1IIIn,..k< ,MI. ~"l.."m ltt1>IIlonll), on ',me: fur 1"" CCll'do<:l (If I"" rkh''''''l\:

s ~ •. <,poriol IltdoJ..... . . ('O'04WH(~"':'~::': ' • .".0;-
• ~1Iof<ft"''''o(''i'' _ . . . e. , __ n.....-.
I ~1>IHl ,I. Pm.'lli:.tI... DC It..... ror •• ~ <. d ••' or I'ltbkoril•• The
• <:O'>1rl I (. nil J"OI"l'lple rv..leo -1lSIlI) r IIt ~lII:l "f pkbosi.'IO.


~ l)(n.\~
IIoaR lOr Iho auibltlllll_
. _ . . ~ . . . . . . . rtI_.~
of~'" 'I'

In.Il''.llar::l''1l) • • • sa..: t........ Iloc......, ot,<ane


" l>foplUlUl;lllllheOllP"'l"'~' f.. ~ .,tllcplri>a.;.llr:or...l,rltd"*"

I. .. me,....., "JlCC,flOd f(ll lbe C.... llQft or Illc IWlparn1ll'O

"I ' __ II. :........11.. c............ _ , . (:_...... f",",,- tllall

17 -" ~.~_ .. _~ • •___
" trnnl c.ap.... lOr -.II. . . . _ _ 11._ _ ,..... m.-,
" '""'(""10IIII" IIIId JIIIbl.. .oJ 1"""'" _ ~ '" CVCI) mImlC..,aJ'I)
~o ",I). ""'" pn:>VI1llX ",""," "'" pid>llo<:u: IJ ~

II PllWIC - ...._ _." _""."Q. Of a I • .. .... ~. dlo)
10:"'" . . : t t

LJ -wOWbcloeldlO.r........ ,..' 1hcfto(~. . ,...r1CUltlO_

H _ ... oI"tlw pkblfC'lC..J1O Ioclp ...... IOCUllhc .. 00In IIIRlhpdy frw.

l5 fUJI. IUId rom""",,. dlkU"_ lUld a.hangco nf"oe'o'~'" lhe;s....,. wll be

" .........

J lI\l~ ........ 1O.a .. '1"'6-"'" .............. """""'"

• 5 'Modo anlf*P .,• ..., .. ,IhoulIft.J1ld." Ill . . . . ..f_ _ d ..

, ..........
"""I1:~"'''_'''_''''''u '.. -.... '1IOIIfI'

• tor . f_ _ am~.-..I~ puIIllC.n'llClC\ _n,au1IeI"nlllftd,rcn<-
10 ....... ""'""Ift. wi \coItkn .Mll been..~ It) kad dlKusslOnl,n ~l' ''''II''''''''~
I' .....,.._11_
"u !"lotIloc..t"oo.:oq._ ..., , onol ......
H \t(wQ, . ., ~ ~ aM., _ ..
15 C..,· _.u.u"'" _~ 10'" ,...IIf.." nlMolfo """""""
16 arwJ e~ lholt AI;l"e pmtOC:'!*l1Oll

18 '«tlM 11. '1"' .....-. -A..m.;... - .. 1wtdI) appo<IlIfoM:d " ' . -

l' ......... ..r .. ' '011110"'" . ' , c .... ...

H _m.-- ca. P -.I . . iCpllI"_ 0 1 . - Pft>\ ..
11 t _... cool ........ WUd.... ' oIaualll .....
II dcpllllnlllOll of..,• ...,"'1<"1 ..,..:1tS r~ ..... Il""JlOI"'-

H \ "1
H ~""" I. In hrilool. - T1le _ _ « - . . pcood for . .
)8 aIabll>hmo:lll 1If ~.n .......'''''.... IIflO'I nl'r_ .... <Ifill .. u....",
29 I.....
1 n... .... WII to<. .d lIll1foal ..... ~_ !Ill" (.- 0-

J Eke",. . '" ., Ilul) ...1.........., off..,.... m. I .........."> nf lilt .(110'" ...

• pkbllC;le in IlIc cnnslllucnl ""'l>' ~ 1ft 1'1,'(11 UrlM ~"","on "r'he u.ana.amom
§ l\c fiId ofnt,lQl_ dIall be Ihe LI'II "'" MIlJ' lq<IWol....

• I_ponod_ _rrllhcf' • 'iOioT.-_

• AIrlhot",.

ptOIolllcd '" IIut a..c , ..

rc:nod O(IfMl;Il"", here.- de,med .....u he " , _ prqwI"", IIlIhc ...., _

11 • _ _ 01..... a _ _ ""Ial"ft'Il .... __


. . . - - . . . . . - n-..1In-.l _ _ vi'" 8T'"

"noiell 1. 8 _ _. . . . T....!OI_ h'-")_ 'fkft- .. hm::4l) ~ •

" l\lul.......,m 1.-""", A~lhclnl) un AI "h",h .hlil /Ie ,he m'..,nl."'emMm1
17 Of Ihe ~m. bod... ",!he I~o d_J obe 1l1In~"1Da pcnIIl Ille Moro
II ,,"'-tIc 1.lhonl_ ~ro-IIMIUI.hc ~ ... pm\' 10 .... (:~"c
I...... ... P a Ihc RrA. • • I t _ . . .

"n ['he IHA \/10111 he cumJlOl'Cd of lift) (:10) "",mbm. oil of "hom dIall Ix:
2J "I'l'OiIllcd Iw", !'Millen!, I'ro>-'*<llhll. .......Mom ond~ Ct.. un~nI1OC1

H " ' _ tdlIcr _l1li.-.1 odo« >«IllI1 oloIIl .'c "lH_ _ "<$ ..

.15 DTA ~ _ ... Ilr iIIlIm....... 1M IIIIb 0( . . 1'\ .... iIr ...
U .....

"II lk Counc,l of l..csdcn M pro>'llIod .. ~_ ~ !u,.;lc VI >hall 1l$Q be

n Ofplll.trd dllnll.,he ,..""I"", pen<ld

1; ...... ~ J. ,,_on •• d \.rlouriliro<. u,.sw"" -.I notUU~ \'lO'OalI ... Iht
l UM!-..nlllro dunnl'tllnllt"'" <hall he _lIrd III Il>c: In A [loun", 1M tranlU ......
4 pc:nod c_....." ... ,btlnt\ ....11 be: arn:.....-d '"' 11M: ClI.d M'ft ""
, ..........: '11)_" .~ >c_ lIaUIb<:
• aaaIOIIl ~ . . in A
1 AII~_--'-IIII"e.. "01.>0'0 · ........ oclecl ....... Io..
• III \ICSICd .. Iht liTA ch/nftllht tnIWl_ palOCl.

II ........... R...~_•• Gooa OIl far .....

"II 'WtriM". F. .<lko•• ud l'riorillu.

14 """""p1itJ11l1C:f\1 (If the f<>llo>olnj IJIlllnt .... dunnllM ltll""ho. pcl1lld

;>. h.c
fIll""W'I}lcpdu_ ..... 1llc9 i
.. ~C"_h"'u

II QIlOllo_ '01111 """"" Hd po".........'" WOSIIld .. lile Ilrnp '.....
19 G<r."",ment II) !hI) lla,., L... 1'ru.1\kd 'bll. unllll"" .",
.0 10.." anCMdod r.... Iht llanpuooro. M...I,," M""*->\cl No
II 23 '" lllr AAM'. 1...ocIl<;o.a_ _ look," " 'O, .. clcd_
12 _ ........... ~ .... 1IIPPi) ..
14 The Il r A ...) ..00 CIIKl • I............., ( ,,,I ~ ow ('ode, '" """ oclair.
~5 !hot u.a.... La... In Iht.*"a .. r!he Ion........IIUIIIII m,l sen," II.... ond

~ The If....... ~ N _ III ....a ;>. . . . to ........... lIf'M«1.
•• ",_n. _ I'flIY"'II'" me r\Iht$ 01 m. ~1ft"OI'f ptOllIft .. m.

l lndrcenoon peO!>lK In the ~ ~ .".,11 M _fll<)nal

•, n- "llhts sn.I be 1I'. . . .at. lItOlK• . _ .. ~ .. ud boot If'oe ~lrOSU'I d

s ~ ... : ."-'"'·IAIIwt..'" .. Oldld ....... ~lM.S«Iala.

7 b ~,m"", of 1M bu"",,,,,rx, of Ihe Illoft_ Go,"""""""" dlltl".
a .cluol., ttoc """",,-.I oad Ii d' u_ 01, _ _ _
• "' _ _ 0111- ~b"'oI , ' ...
It TIm lINll . . .:lude Ih: _ ........ off,.,....:1 _ 0 .'\
II tlII the _1Il1lClll 111..:1_"" of' 1O"C~1 IIIld dd,>'en 0( ...,.. 1 --.'1O<t ill
II Ibc 1\1:_. lIJ ..~Id h tbolM ~ fOl 11M: smoodI op.:n'l(IIH "rtho: rtl'Sl cleclL'd
11 9 a '..oGo.a...... :!Oll.
" "F.. I~oIl"""C'1_~_. . . ARM\l·..... "(;eo,.. ''''
IS _II e 'GoGo.alA oadlllctllSJlO6fl_of,..,_las ....'daI •
•6 Ihll a.." I....

I' • (_lOll hm . . ARM\! R..-J (;0••• =__ '" .... .8..._ _.0.
\1 (icJo".a=_~$ .. ,.•• ' '..... 1-.:1.-> ....
10 ~ 0Iher mMlCnNlIna) he_1M) r.... lbcpnll<lClMWI Md pnmol_of,.,.,ml
II ....11lIrc oflhc aw.IlI.....'u,h"" ISanJl'alTlOnl

u .......... 0(_~_"9 • •oT_ _ ('_ _ IBlll

H III oodejC.ida. bt!d. aaIl'd I') F 0 oa. _ball ""*'_ 10 "'IiI. to ..ulll "fI .I'd
n W1:llI~. l!>o .wn"US1flIhOll or 1M miQn 1Illl,1 lhe' 11alIlP"""'l' -r....,'OMlll
II ...........'" 18TAt • . . -.......
:.c:"- .. 1 .. _ " . . . finl W\l)' 'iIO.l61)~ _ •••_ _•
J pmod.. \be ...... Clod I>l_ .-u 10 . . BTA • ..-11... ,... dlIII
1 WI) COIIlllOIlh< P"'l"lOIld orplI~ pIu • -.dl .. !he ....tM!dwlt then:r;.
4 Il1e liTA shill "llPfUV~ .... O\ll(no'"",, .,;l OIl til< ptOpOl<JIl "","'tlOll p1aft ."LII,"
~ ... lllll II",.. IIJIOII IUbln_ .... Iho ....... Chid" M..... lI . .n ""
• a,,' , .1Ill.1i"'1l~1"s e- .. .,..,..-.1

.......... 7. I.~ Oft\nn,.. """ ...... Ch:( M _ '\llodl . . . ...., Ilor

• ....... Cab.... .-l .'IIf'llO'll'''' II*tI'" Depur. Chod MIllIOIeI. ",hD"'U

10 .1100 loco II II'lmlbcr "f ll>c: II rA lhe "'!arm UllcfM,n""'" 011.11 o.lto _"I'0illl web
II ",..-n • ~ be .. : W) 10 pcrf_ tbe fiooo:I_ of ............
u .-. lI)of...... olIroIII ....... - . . UTA

1< ............. tIc UTA "Il1o _ ¥t-.l1O ~ ..... _ ..... onw ....

n I>/l'ioo!lo """.'''1) """ Ill<d ,. . . " ....ober or 1tlc 8TA ma) be appc>m1Cd.
Ie clo:ctcd Dr olhf,..."", MId mon: ,han t\Otltll po<n"",_ ., ,he: ....... lime:

I' ~""" 3. I.". . r~IIl"L'Tk l..... l'~ ~l ... ',.'. *~ offilka
l' 11~1p-' _.-ws .... .-..oI'I"ItG,.~

.0 • 1-.<,_~..tM" ••- .
U b Soc-.l ')m.~.
n c rrado-.ln_Im<n1>.• nd ' ..... ljm
U d Labor .-llmplrromml
u eTi __ C __ 1_........1 _
is c: H_l t ' L III,.-nl
u r r _ c " _ .. r......... ,UlEDI, . . Teet.ocal
17 f Sl,llo Ikff~ "'"thool) (Tl 50A,.
29 I- lndj _I~· "'bID.
I .. I .....

1 l PIohl'" \lo lIf\..l,

1 J I.«al (""'''111'''111,
" ~ b"lfonrn<"lN.tu"IK~""'flCJ'
S lll_~_~,

7 .......? c FIIlIocnos. ... ~ Rrina,'"

• ",""*,,o; Oolkr ... !MIfcr.,

9 rll"'" offl<C< OIl )'<JW'h. "'00ICfI 5<111er ''''''''''''''11'", ~1\Ili1Cr ,,,~ rcdllClogn and
ID ..............- -..I plannlll.lIllll 'I<nloprn/llll ....... Olhns, III'" M nat<d to..
II doc P • " T . - _ AlIdIont)

u n.. A-.,. (~'. Offi<c. ......... on-... 0#" nod M_ ....

1l I~"",,,",""""'" Ilw 81A

l~ ~ 9. 0 11..,," IIr 8 y. _ r"" ."Ihlwu) of lho ISTA ~,

I' ..rr....,. . " " ' 1 4 " 1M k\ 11_'.... II .., lftl'ldoa:

11 " .... 8 ' .. Gooa .mJrpII two ,...
II _ _ • .., ~1IIIocrao/lo!I . _ ~ " ( , , •• doc
'f 8lA . ., _ _ 1c:IIII p1MibIo d""'f'l_ IOIlw r..a_.. uf ...a .._
~D IlId lbc dcl..,ny of loCnlCCi 11\ u.., "'."'"

"U All oll"1CC!I ... a-.l "'" Ill........ II) dlc AIl\t\.l ~l

lJ lepdobwA. '. . . . lIc ""'ol.. AR.\l\lljo.a ' ......

li 1Ic ............ . . - _ .u ..... F' tb)"OTA
~, "'<11M ,.. T'-'lUfor ol r ....n .... r"'flll'nlft ..41 1Il.,...tl1M .., ....--.<l
17 "II ""weft, fIlnclions. otiOCtI, CI,,'I1~ 1lU1........... "'lu'roncm and r"",hlM:j (If
I _AAlo4\l~(j ... a • _ _ o f _ ~ o f•• B..ocu...
l ...... ~IO_P a .uoGoo<u_ _

• "'" KTA ...11 >dlo:duk "'" ancfual pbti. . 0IIII 0( orr..... ortbe AItMM .. hod!
5 an: deemed .hollohal upon the flllfkllhall of "'" H&IIpamutt. Ilqoc Lo .. In
• _odcnl_ of puhloc _ _ -.I .. dd".., of Kn'1I<lC'l.. aIToc.1I baldms
, ....-,1'Cpoo_.-u ....... III paba..... jIw ••_ .. - . . , ' .. 0

, . . y ...."'...

II 1lol:(_Gooa........ $MlI"""'..... ') ".............. lllJ-'
II ","1m>cN:< of Ini:acll CftII*»«lo III "'" A U _ RqN. III M...I...
Il MIIIIIamw.'

"I. .... ••...-af) .. ,U k -"octal ~. _~ ~ ~ ... Offiol:fII ...



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I'" lh" flIIIJI'N "'" tllTlCe<lflhc 11........1C",.ml<JI'

_ _ 1'l'PlI" .. 1IIc .... of* Rea-!lJo>co

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atlllc . . of'dlt
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lmpll>ycco tcpIf-.I from

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l' .""lalllOlIorftt)) ·.aIor) prf)CIIOfloCn_ lI ........ IIlca .. bo
~ ..., ..-Idled 10 "'"l'" r_ OCIr IoIoIllIIc _IW 10'" bndilI """"......

l O-W-.. .....,uo.., ~ ...a,ea r..... . rl . . .., be

J ~.., ..... a ... , _... ,. t .., ('\(. ..... -.1,,'
, ~ "1A .....11 ImInul< .....d",cnduot. Mnl:lly rn<nl~ PIll C'miibk
5 ~ IIId honn! pnoc_ for IIU olr....,. "F""ICI. anJ ,n'lI!ulIOti "' I!Ie
6 Rallpallllln> IWld sholl _llIn ",...scr IIId ",lulIl: t.1aai%

• Mniooo II. lSIrHv eI ..e.-........ \_I>.r CUI,..l c..'..... - . l

..Of 0ft\rnI
of e.-"O__ "_...a (jOl1.:~
- lle L-.l (;,0".'0_ _' .... ...,..
II fi .. ~ -rcrnd ID ... _ ,~ .. iIIc D. l 0" Goo..........
II 'Tl... 0( Ch.. l~..... I'ropc:noa IIId _ oNll he bn:d 10 dot
lJ lMn. .moro (Ml>..... rno:n, .. llh...... 16' ..«b lro,.. til< "'P"<I"t 01110< "1'' '
H '"'" lnMl.. of(>l'OllmIQ ond _ I S " ,,"""', prtJudlCC III the I""'ef om", IH/I
I~ ........1IC 1M ~ dlll'''' c...11_

11 .s...-.iH 11. OMolII'''''' ell.... IT \. t-d_I) .......... ,flr::M_ or..,
I ~(""\I_"'''IlnoP £ 0"". ..9 $ 0
I' T_ _ >\IlllIonr. ....,. ... ~ ct->h'<lll

II Tho 01"wl1 """",. "" r...1 ~ .......... '....odAI.....' "'Iloo ~

lZ Parhlll1lmL •• ""II IS IU lhl: 11_ of Il.........,..~m'" IIId .he 'ienl1C. 011 .he
l3 .... us "r..,.._lIIu1rIIlbc l/aIb'bOfI pmod .. nh .. $Ulyl6()I"'~"j fiml 11M:
U _ ...... _lllr-:clJ(oll .. b 'oI'dw1lnl .... ~

~ .. l>ft""J.N~UlrUft"'" n..1iRl ........ dcctoc-.ilr . . e • •
17 ~u ...... III. 0..: La.. • • 1Ir lldoI _ . . rIN ~ of ",,"'
I lOl:! II oMIl be '" . . II L ,...... [b:l_' <:Olk Tk ~

1 0& ' • a....- look 11lllPh 14;:1 ",I\- .. Ilaoner 4'9"","--- lk

1;..... _ .. t__ lCO'>U.l1;(:~ B .. '''0 EIccMnI
• OIfic:e . . _ w·,=,b . .
\ ol ..... ~ _bDo ' _ _ c . _ ....
• B-.: u.. . . ., 8. _ 0ca0nJ c:..... _, t $ t ",,* rdn_
1 ~ . . .~

•• IM 11. I"i"" ~ ..d1...... 1 ....11..... -To ~ .... 1hc ",q'UmaaDoI

1D "" . .l....mllhc fll'JIII""!~KlMt.., or 1he: liT'" """'........ "ftlle:
11 bu,"","rK)'. hl""l of pmllMd. and the: C"<Cl"CM offlmc1_ ond _e"" orlbe
n inA, .. P"l'1<kd In ,hi, Haue I.... , .he: IIn_nl or ('!nI: Killion f'ewlo;
0,000,000,00000110 ",,",by II'Jlf'lIl'WI'd

iIpp.... *'-' rOf .. AAIoi\'

(Of lhe:
00:ncnJ of lbc Cea",,1 Ul,n-momo:N In -.!d'ilOlI_ Ihol
.-u aho be ....rmal .....
InA. charJed ....nil .he

" '""""

no. he . . . . .

' ... (..,-

~ ID ~
- ' _.,~.! lNdfd __ .., lot

" '"Kit" It
" \\11 '''\11'' IS " .. NI:' 'SID"

J~ 'i«tkHI I. \ .... 11_.'. nil Mr. kln... - All P'tJIIllIllb. III .......-J lIf /'t1I~ ,he:
2' P"O'_ of !hIS 815.: ..... sIIalf 10< rIAl d_.,ed lllld ~ ~ Iht
PluhPII'1II: C""II'_U.""",,, Patlw"",l1 FU\I... 10 ("or'lJRSS f<w "'""
Z haln".. and d~ """",I",,,," """' ...

1 S""h ~n' ". ~"'"'" U mKlCd '" ('on~_ <~o.n bcc<ome elf<C1".
• Upon '1'l""... 1 bv. ""'JO'lIV voce "f"... IoCoed 'ol~ to tIMllUnllSMlOro _I 10.
5 pldJ'''',I" CIlIJc:d fllt til< I"'rpost

1 ~ pIeb...,,,••holt be held noo ..'1 .... 1luuI Jl") (60, do)" Qf Ial(f Iho" nlnel)
" dop .ft", tho II'JIRMII of ouch ..........Jmcn' Of roV15_

10 \";"1'"',\'111
11 fl'HI I'MO\'ISIO"S

"13 M,IIo. I. S..... ~bilily ...-....... T1Ic """hllJnl aflll;. UIIII< I..... ale drmIal
14 "'f*I1Ilc If Ibr ",v R:OI'On...., _\IIllI or "","i51011 <lflh" nlllie: U," II do:clan:d
15 ulX_uluuooaL • • i«IlOOS '" "",,,,,t"'" ,"'h.o;.b "'" "'" .tT«k'd ~ t..:h
16 do:c .... lw'" ~h.oll ,,""U"... 10 be in full tbru IlHl eIl,,"L

1B l'J<e,io. 1. o .. ~. All iii...... lice........ lJnI<". rux" and rcpllll""t.
19 and . r 1S!i_ or pans Ihtrt:o( ,,-hoch Ire: 'nl:Unswen, "'lh IhlS Ela..: La",
2(1 an: hm:hy tqlCllkd ()T mOlllflCd _Ofd,n&!_

"22 Ste.l,," J. :'!tuloilorl"~ Mozio..1 ,,.II...... All ..",..unl "WI """"""" b) the
13 RqlQ'lll L""lSbll"" N~bly oh'" AulOO<'lmQoJ' 11'11'00 MuOio", M,ndarwo b}
24 v,n..: of ""Ihonuu I'fO'>"I<kd ......... Rqmllh" A", ,,"0 67).1. '" ~ b}
25 Republic A<;\ 1'" 9llSol. ,blJl he: d«m<d m "lf~,. IIIlIc:si '_"'1c:Il1 ..,lII ,he
l6 1!.l>I< LI.. '" I'L'JICI'Icd by ..... r--" hJllhc: Uanr;wnoro

l8 MOllo. ~. urw;, 11) e ....... _ lb;" U..", La 11 Wio dr...1fifl=l ( 1$1 do)..
~9 bllo... ,nl I1!i c"",pk:~ ""blocohon ,n .1 k:w I " \2) ...... ""'0.1 .......... p<fl "r

......1 Clml..... MIl . - t II Io.:al -...-JIC'I of .....1 < • lllc

I oUI_ rqlO<l

t ~ 50 \' IIrIw '" ,.... \R.'I't. . L'_" "'''<0'_ "'III.. 1_ 8IH:
• '" ,'. ...._.0 ..... k . . . . ~ .......... Ik AJO,l'A .... k.-....t
• 1IhoI..w.

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